how to heat your brain

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how to heat your brain

Post by linflas »

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Post by Ameena »

Woo, I scored just under 110...although I did kinda guess a lot of 'em towards the end :P.
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Post by BloodFromStone »

I started to take it, but got tired of it about halfway through. I guess it says more about my attention spam then my intelligence.
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Post by Zyx »

130, but I lost 10mn with a phone call, I had to wildly guess at the last 5!
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Post by linflas »

gahhh... zyx !!! i was so proud of my 124 :)
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Post by beowuuf »

haven't finished it yet, i got distracted earlier on...i think i have BFS's disease!
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Post by ChristopheF »

But can you really measure intelligence with 39 questions like that?
I like this kind of test for the intellectual exercise, but I don't believe this to be any objective measure. This is just not possible.
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Post by PaulH »

I got confused trying to enter my age at the end... 115. Particularly evil towards the end, I have had my IQ previously calculated at 142, so maybe this forum has rotted the old cells a bit!
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Post by PaulH »

I also did it in Danish - entered 39 random answers in 20 seconds and scored 88! Did the Dutch one in 7 minutes and scored 104. The foreign ones (not English) have no age adjuster and are in black and white but are essentially the same test. I suggest everyone does the English one, then any oldies will get a boost ha!
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Post by Zyx »

Alfred Binet created the IQ test, and when asked what intelligence was, he replied: "Intelligence is what my test measures".
Those IQ tests only measure your relative performance amongst the results of a population of the same age with the same logical tests. It's just a score to a specific game.
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Post by Gambit37 »

I tried it but got bored half way through and went and did something more interesting. I guess that shows how intelligent I am. Or not. Whatever.

It's been discussed many times that these tests -- in and of themeselves -- do not prove intelligence. They merely prove one's ability to deal with logical and/or spatial questioning. It has also been proved that people with low IQ can be very good at these tests purely through training themselves.

I am not denigrating the high scores that were achieved here at all. I simply think these tests prove the kind of mind you have, not any true measure of innate intelligence.

Anyway, what is intelligence? That's the real question...
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Post by PaulH »

Intelligence is the ability to make other people believe you are intelligent.

I agree with your comments Gambit. You can train yourself in these tests. Doing a number of tests gives the same person a wide range of results, and some people definately fair better at certain tests than others.

Also , the test the nation IQ test that was aired on the BBC last year was quite flawed, but had to be I suppose to fit so many people in. There were 70 questions, IQ result age adjusted, so the most I could have got for my age was 136. I got 121. So are there no people of my age that have an IQ above 136? I have also done tests with results of of 90, and when I was younger 160. Much too large a range to be accurate.
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Post by purple1 »

I got 126, if that means anything.
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Post by PaulH »

You could always try this!!!! ... hp?t=22537

The DM quiz.
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Post by cowsmanaut »

IQ Intelligence quotient test is not really a test of how intelligent you are.. it's really a stupid name. What the test really measures is how quickly you learn. It's based on differential thinking. Thus it changes to word based questions, trick questions, math questions, reading comprehention, etc. It jumps around all over. So what it's measuring really is your ability to change gears and think in a different direction/way.

So, really a person with a high IQ can learn quickly if he/she *bothered* to do so.. however it doesn't mean they are smarter than someone with a low IQ. It only means it takes less time for them to grasp different ideas.

I don't like those online ones.. I did one once and they started spewing things how I should be devoting my mind to the persuit of science and technologyand how it was my duty etc just because I got a high score. Really creeped me out!! Like they were going to come kidnap me and put me in some test project.. :O

blah... moo
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Post by Tom Hatfield »

There are several different types of intelligence. Your typical IQ test only measures two or three of them to an extremely small degree, and what it does test is largely irrelevant. Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in particular cannot be tested on a sheet of paper, and these are unequivocably the most important skills we, as human beings, have.
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Post by sucinum »

got only 115. but the last 3 or 4 were rather confusing and it seems, im bad in guessing. i cant imagine that i did any mistake from 1 to 30.
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