Regenerating Mana

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Regenerating Mana

Post by Lunever »

I think, regenerating Mana is a quite linear function in RTC. I'd prefer the original rules, which someone has published in the Encyclopaedia:
Author: Claw (
Date: 05-27-02 11:32

I took a (long) look at the source code.
I don't know whether you already know it, but it is new to me:

How the mana regeneration during sleep functions:

The more wizard/priest levels and the more wisdom you have, the longer are those 'mana pushes'. That means, the lower your (levels+wisdom) are the longer are the breaks between those 'mana pushes'.
And during the 'mana pushes' you loose a certain amount of stamina, though this is handled kinda weird :P
There is a timer which is counted up (down?) and as long it is below your (levels+wisdom), you get (max_mana/40) mana and loose (timer) stamina.
Giving your poor Tiggy 200 Wisdom, she will die instantly during sleep :P.
(by loosing ~250 stamina per tick)

By the way, who again disassembled the code?

I'd like to have that implemented in RTC too.
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