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Post by beowuuf »

Ameena felt nothing unusual from any of the items she found, and quickly pushed them all in to various pockets. Rushing back to the scene, it was clear that her friends were slowly blugeoning and hacking the mummy to pieces, but it was a powerful foe. Haynuus's first swing missed as he received the brunt of the mummy's wrath. However, Haynuus managed to connect with a powerful return. The world went blue for a moment, as if rewarding the hal;f-orc. Of course, it was the reassuring presence of Westian behind them all, casting his shielding influence upon the three fighters, while still trying to ensure Petal and Falkor might benefit from it. deephold instinctively took a step backwards in to it too, however it appeared this broke his concentration from trying to push aside the creature the four trolins were currently fighting. A powerful fist raised and fell on one of those creatures, laying it out in one blow. Whether the Trolin would get up or not was not certain.

Sorry Ian, depsite Westian's many gifts to you - making the mummy shaken for -2 to rolls, and also giving you +3AC, the mummy still made a powerful attack. You take 15hp damage. And yeah, using the OH blade means you can only attack one handed, so you only get strength bonus (+4) not strength x 1 1/2 (+6)

Petal meanwhile with quickwits and reflexes managed to catch one of the spilling bottles before it fell, and stabalised the rest. The smell of the spilt bottle was strong, very strong. It was alcohol - not anything harmful onor magical, nor really medicinal. Of course, Haynuus was right. A fireball could set it off. And throwing one or more at the mummy first might ensure he fireballs had a more powerful effect, and crack the ice of these foes!

Petal's saved two and a half bottles, so had three missiles here!

Deephold then gave a shout, apparently seeing something. "Trolins! The Trolins are leaving!" he yelled. The four that Haynuus thoguht guarded the door had in fact maganed to break it open, and were running out as fast as they could.
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Post by raixel »

Petal grins at the stuff spilt all over her hands. "This you catch!" she shouts as she chucks a bottle at the nearest mummy. "Fire it you should! Ice melter it is!" she shouts at everyone, hoping someone nearby has flame, as she is a little pre-occupied to cast a fireball right now.

Ranged attack with a bottle full of alcohol. (1d20+8=26) Dont know if you want any improvised weapon mods on that or if it counts as a grenade-like, so i'll let you alter that as you see fit
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Post by money »

Falkor stepped up to the mark, shouting the words EEFulIR and releasing in the direction of the soaked mummy.

OOC: sorry all - been manic with work and rl at the moment. I will do all i can to help with magic (but not willing to go for any hand to hand at this time.)
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Did Ameena's knife attack hit? If you can tell me the damage of her new knife (so I know what to roll), I'll make some more attack rolls for you since basically she'll be ankle-hacking at any mummies she can reach, unless they get set on fire by fireballs and alcohol, in which case she'll do her best to stay away from them. I know knife damage is usually 1d3 but I won't assume that's always the case ;). Not sure whether I should make those attack rolls with a +2 bonus to assume flanking and therefore roll a pile of Sneak Attacks as well...though I suppose with everyone hacking at them and stuff and with half the trolls buggering off (because they are oh-so-trustworthy :P) and probably bringing down half the population of the region on our heads, things are likely to shift scene pretty quickly once we get Helm rezzed...
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus had missed very much Falkor's fireworks and it was with much joy that he realised what was going on. Petal had struck 'gold', so to speak, and Haynuus was standing in front of a brand new mage fest. He was a happy chappie until he received a frozen punch in the face.

Then the trolin left.

"Wait! What's going on?! To where are you fleeing?" he shouted. It didn't matter too much what he said, as any thought of blocking the doorway to stop the rest from leaving would then leave his friends open to assault. Haynuus continued swinging his sword with a dark cloud over his mind and a dislocated jaw. (1d20+13=15, 2d6+4=10, 1d20+8=12, 2d6+4=16) He was not happy.
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Post by beowuuf »

Ameena had tried to strike the mummy in its legs, though it was moving too fast and had thick paddign hardened by impregnated ice. It was almost impossibly for her to do damage. Westian tried to maintain his presence to back up the fighters. Luckily he moved just at the right time for Petal to heft and throw the alcohol bottle. It was a tricky shot but she managed to splash the creature in between the fighters around. There was a moment where the three fighteres moved backwards and that gave Falkor the opportunity to heft a fireball at theit foe. The fireball's initial explosion again met with the ice, however there was a secondary 'boom' as the alchohol was super heated and flamed. The ice around it seemed to thaw, leaving large chunks of its rags fully exposed underneath. The creature made a mad swing at its foes, and Sir Farel, Haynuus's and Aurek's blows all went wide due to the pyrotechnics and its sudden movement. However, the creature was also clearly coming apart, one good aimed shot could see it fall.

I'll ignore Aurek's attack this round in returtn for him having immunity to damage this round, he was actually the logical one to be swiped next. Ameena, you missed the last attack, sorry for not explicitly mentioning it. You should have still rolled an attack roll for this round. Since I need you to react, then metagame wise if you roll above a 20 with flanking bonus, then you will hit, but you will also be struck for 11 damage. If you miss, Haynuus will be the one struck. Low rolls for Haynuus, Ian! I was surprised!

Oh, and the new knife is a seems like a ceremonial thing. So -2 to attack rolls to use it, 1d3 damage as normal. Whether it has some hidden properties if you yuse it....who knows.... Also, of course Ameena is more than welcome to step away from the fight given the explosion of fire. Though you can assume a simul;taneous attack first if you like. Oh, and undead = no sneak attack damage, I'm afraid. If you want to try any other type of combat manoeuvers, I might let the amount of damage correspond to some form of bonus.

The Trolin King at the door seemed to take advantage of the chaos, and the two mages being focused on the closest mummy andmoved forweards, to order his guards to block the exit. Clearly he was concerned by Haynuus's comment. "You not trick my peopel to be killed! We fight for you in two places, not die for it because you tell lies to spirits of water!"

Deephold gave a glare, about to face off at the King. However, he but decides actions spoke louder than words. "We fight together to rid this place of necromancers and acolytes of Chaos, no matter what you think!" So saying, Deephold leapt in to the fight wit hthe second mummy, moving to defend the fallen Trolin. He swung with the power he could muster at the creature, but clearly it detected his presence and instantly hated it. The creature smashed him to the ground eith a blow similar in power to the one that felled the Trolin.

Still, it seemed to embolden the Trolisn around, and then struck mightly blows against the ice-engrasted foe. Kara himself strod forwards, yelling for one of his men to pull the fallen back while he started to carry on the attack himself. Uumack rushed passed his King to also make for the second mummy, while Guree fired a shot that missed at the closer creature to the door.

Ok, OB, if you are around Westian is free to do something like a perception roll on Deephold or create a potion. So currently we have possibly scared/hit murafu one one side, then a fairly battered mummy, then the three fighters, with Westian and his still just about up shield behind them. Petal and Falkor are close behind, and then you have the Trolin King at the door with Guree behind him firing at Hyanuus's mummy. The four Trolins who were at the other door are gone, and the King's four guards now block that door, apparently guarding anyone interfering.

Uumack is on the way to the second mummy, while the other mummy has a downed Deephold and a downed Trolin (both might be temporary) at his feet. Still, Karda and three of his Trolins are still attacking, and the creature is starting to look a little put upon!

And yeah, poor Trolins wanting to stop the bulk of their populations from being murdered by an angry water elemental for the crime of agreeing to fight at Westian's side!
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Post by oh_brother »

Westian was secretly pleased to see the Trolins move forward. They were not going to be bound by the constraints of the water elementals, and Westian had not had any part in it. They would fight, and his conscience was clear. He had lost control of them, but given what had happened being responsible for their actions was a heavy responsibility to bear.

Seeing Deephold fall Westian moved forwards and dropped a flask into his lap. He the refocused on the Trolin in front of him.

He drops an ON VI potion for Deephold (one of the ones Westian made before they started in this section). Question: would Westian know about healing potions hurting undead? As a player I was just reminded of it when reading the Haynuus/Ameena/Petal fight with the grak-graks. If Westian would know he throws an EEVI potion at the mummy, which I assume would be 5d6 damage. Otherwise he just attacks, assuming he can poke over Deephold's broken body with his staff. And the roll in either case was 20. Yeah! That will be +9 for a throw, or +7 for melee. I won't roll damage because I do not know which, if either, is going to happen.
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Oh bugger, I'm getting my versions muddled again on the Sneak Attack damage, lol. Damn, hardly worth even attacking, is it, if I can't do more than 3 damage ;). Oh well, maybe it's an Uber Knife of Anti-Undead stuff or something ;). Though as it's Dolo's I doubt it... And I suppose for now as this new knife has a -2 to attacks, this is cancelled by my flanking bonus so I just get the normal +9 to attacks. Actually, I'd better roll that other attack now so I know whether I take damage and therefore how to react in this post...attack roll = 14 (5+9). So no then ;).
Umm, OB - I think the healing-pots-doing-damage was only vs grak-graks, where because they'd taken someone's form, if that person took damage they took damage, but if they imbibed a healing potion it harmed them rather than healed. I don't know whether that carries to all undead though - usually they're just vulnerable to Radiant damage...

BIC - Ameena lashes out again at the mummy, then instinctively performs a four-footed leap backwards in sudden fright as the undead creature suddenly shudders with an impact and bursts into flames! She rather abruptly decides to go for the other, non-flaming mummy now instead.

OOC - Ameena Shifts back out of range of the now-on-fire mummy. If I can take a second Move action (by swapping out my Standard or whatever...sorry I've forgotten what the action types are called in this version, lol), she'll then move over to try and flank the other mummy instead. Here is an attack roll for, presumably, the following turn, when she'll actually be able to use it...21 (12+9), damage = 3, woohoo :D.
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Post by oh_brother »

Ah, okay. So in that case Westian would not throw a healing potion, he will attack instead. So I will roll damage...it was a 6 + 2 = 8. Hey, another max roll! :D Plus any critical damage, I forget how that works.
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Erm, I thought that rolling a crit in the first place (the nat-20 to attack) just means you automaticaly do max damage, and only do extra damage if your weapon has some kind of crit property...again, I might be getting my versions muddled up here...
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Post by beowuuf »

Yeah, healing hurting was the grak-graks alone, because of the sympathtic magic/them being undead. Normal undead won't get hurt by it, otherwise why coulnd't you do it with normal DM? I'm not opposed to attempts to create holy water, of course, using high religeion rolls.

Yeah, I'm using crit = max damage, like 4th, though 3.5 actually uses rolling a second attack roll and if you would hit, then you get to make another damage roll.

And you can't shift in 3.5, the five foot step is the equivalent, but you can only do that if you make no other moves. There is a withdraw full round action, where you get the first square leaving for free, then can move up to double your move away. Which is equivalent in this case :) Hence why they changes it in 4th edition to how you do it now. You can't really flank the other mummy without actually scurrying around everyone's feet, so you'll be doing that next round instead.
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Okay, that's fine :). Umm, should I make an Arobatics roll to avoid getting my head kicked in as I try and get around that second mummy? Well, I'll make one anyway, just in case...22 (7+15). Glad my bonus is so high :D. Anyway, that's only if it's needed. If this mummy gets set on fire as well, I'll be standing back to avoid losing any whiskers or generally turning into a flaming fuzzle myself (okay so mechanically that can't happen but, you know...furry character and all that ;)).
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus does what Haynuus does best (get hit, then hit something in return (1d20+13=15, 2d6+4=10, 1d20+8=21, 2d6+4=8)).

OOC - I've taken the 11 hp off Haynuus.
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Post by raixel »

Wait what? Crit is just max damage AND you have to comfirm? Or just auto-max damage? Why dont people tell me this shit? ;) In any case, it wont be like that in my game, normal 3.5 rules apply.

When Deephold turns to the trolin, Petal watches closely, obviously prepared to back him up if need be. Seeing that for now, at least, the trolin isn't attacking her friends, she Sings the FUL mana at the mummy that she just doused in alcohol, hoping the alcohol weakened the ice enough to allow the fire to get through.

"ONFULIR" she calls while pointing her arm at the alcohol doused mummy.
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Post by beowuuf »

No, I was explaining to Ameena 3.5 needs the crit confirmed, while here I'm just gojng for max damage. Averages out at like 1 below the same damage for a normal x2 crit, and of course the chance of failure on the confirm should close that gap in most cases.

And thanks Ian, yeah, Ameena left you out to try, didn't she! :p

Ameena manages to dance out of the way of any harm, though her movements still attract the attention of the creature. Taking advantage of the distraction, Haynuus manages to shake off the blow that seems to be making him hack at the wrong one of the two mummies before him, finally chopping down in the right place. There was then an explosion of light and the creature fell to the ground, finally starting to burn as it should, the fire quickly making its way in to the cut Haynuus had opened up.

The red glowing eyes of the creature actually flarred up in fire, and then were extinguished as it burned up in to nothing.

Westian's protection dwindelled to nothing, however it still amounced his presence and seem to push on the Trolins around. He and Uumack scoerd the harshest blows, crushing the second creature's head to its eyes started to fade. Sensing the weakness, and still inspired, the other Trolins renewed their assualt, inflicting great cuttign wounds to ensure the creature could not even lift its hand in one last retaliatory strike. Karda pushed forwards, and when the mummy fell to its knee and the small Trolin hacked the creature's head off with a pwoer blow, returning it to dust as water.

Deephold, pulled free, already stood up to join Westian's side. "Dangerously powerful," he muttered, "we must be cautious if these things attack en masse, or we are caught alone with one." The other Trolin felled was slapped awake by his fellows, although he seems groggy and disoriented. A feeling Haynuus could empathise with.

The danger, for the moment, seemed passed. The Trolin King strode forwards. "Watch our backs!" To the guards. "Keep look out for balckskulls or Karda's men returning!" He thn looked to Westian. "So the priest is not here?" The King looked around. "Can we hurt the priest burning this room? What is the purpose of securing this place?"
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - You have to roll again to hit if you get a crit? Bleh, 3.5 likes to make you do more stuff with numbers, doesn't it? I like your way better, then ;).

BIC - As the last mummy collapse into dust, Ameena shoves the knife in her belt, resolving to check it out later (along with the other items she took from the chest). She darts over to Westian and stands upright, looking at him.
"Can you look at the altar now?" she asks hopefully and with barely-concealed excitement. Can you make it so its magic works properly and spirits can get put back into their bodies like they're supposed to? The Water seemed to think it might not be doing that right now, or maybe doing something different to what it's supposed to. But maybe because you can do Water magic, it will work? It's strange, isn't it, that a big rock does Water magic..."
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus shifts his weight for a moment, thinking on that last look he had received from the mummy. It left him a little cold but was that the effect of their magic? He still had Helm slung over his shoulder (another reason to use that one handed magical sword) and was moving over to the altar for 'the drop'. He recalled when Ameena got him to do the same to resurrect Brighteyes... The very final outcome was not what he had anticipated and he hoped Helm would fair better.

Haynuus hovered the corpse over the altar, clutching it by the belt of it's trousers causing arms and legs to hang together. "Ready when you are guys." Truth be told either the corpse or Haynuus was beginning to smell so this was probably a good idea whatever happens.

That still left the trolin's last question unanswered. Why did they venture in here? "What's behind that other door Mister Trolin King sir?"

OOC - If anyone has a 26HP healing potion lying around... Haynuus would sup on it graciously!
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Post by raixel »

Petal notices that Haynuus took a beating from the mummy and rummages around in her satchel for one of the empty potion bottles she found. She holds it at eye level and Sings a song of flowing water cleansing away pain. "ONVI" she says, as the bottle fills with a blue liquid.

"Haynus, drink this you should." she tells the half-orc, while holding out the bottle. "Unfortunately, stronger magics I have for now are used."

As she offers the potion, she hears the Trolin King complaining to Westian, and a look of anger crosses her face. She turns and watches Westian and the Trolin.

"Ali'tha, ne salith delin me nahin alur-i ka, lilliath nalutha. Westian, lith nalur'la alita ne kalorth-lothara ne ka hali."
I am getting really sick of the whining of this beast. He might turn on us, Westian. We should be careful.
she says to Westian in Sylvan.
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Post by ian_scho »

"Thanks!" Glug glug - ONVI (3d6=10)
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Post by beowuuf »

Obviously I'll steer Westian for the next few weeks, and Deephold is on hand too. However, I want to let Aurek or Falkor - as the Pcs of the group that can actually help - have a chance to post. Will update this evening either way!
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Post by money »

Once the dust had settled Falkor moved over to the alter, he was well aware that he needed to cross over to convince Helm to come back. He was concerned at what might be waiting for him on the other side though but accepted the challange. "So, why wont this work? What is wrong with the Alter? Can't we just put Helm's bones on the table?" He looked towards the Marafuu for answers...
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena looks up at Falkor (whose head, at least, isn't as far above her as everyone else's).
"I don't know." she says. "The Water seemed to think that...someone...might have done something to it. I think this...this might be where I was when...when I had the Darkstone put in me..."
She gives a slight, involuntary shudder and touches her left side with a paw briefly.
"I don't want something bad to happen, but...I've never had magic, so I can't...feel it, the way you do, or whatever it is that happens. I think Westian has to do something...or maybe Deephold...they can do magic with Water, after all - I don't suppose you can help because your magic is all fire, isn't it?"
Another thought overtakes her current ones and as only a murafu can, she abruptly changes the subject.
"What was it you were saying before? Did you say you spoke to Helm? Where is he? His spirit is close, is it? Can I talk to him? Will he hear me? Does he know he's going to get put back in his body soon?"
She pauses.
"Doesn't he need to agree to that? Or something?"
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Falkor was ready to answer the poor Rat, clearly he had far greater power (and use for his Manor) but before he could speak the creature continued with more questions about Helm.

"Yes, Helm must want to come back, he must desire it in his heart - I don't see this as a problem as he was not ready to leave this world. Unfortunately he cannot hear you - the two planes are very blurred and unclear." He looked at Ameena and Westian... "Can you prepare the alter for his return - when your ready let me know and I will do all i can to will him back"

OOC: If this happens in the next few days assume I will go into the material plane and use all my skills to convince Helm to come back...
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Post by Ameena »

"So...if he can hear you," says Ameena, "can you tell him I want him to come back so I can talk to him? Because I didn't know what was going to happen before, and I want to tell him what happened because he might think I didn't want to get back to him, or something, and...I want to talk to him again anyway, because he's my friend and I don't want him to be dead down here because even more horrible things might happen to him. it must be good to have magic to talk to spirits who haven't disappeared yet, because then you can tell them things you didn't have a chance to when they were still alive...I mean, maybe then you can properly say goodbye if they died suddenly. But...of course, down here, it's different, and they can come back, but...well, it would be interesting anyway."
She looks around at the others.
"Um...so what do we need to do?" she asks, mainly directing her question at Westian and Deephold. "Is there anything I can do or is it only your magic that can help here?"
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Post by Lord_BoNes »

Once both the mummies had been burnt to a cinder, Aurek saw his opportunity to assess the altar. (Sense evil: 1d20 = 7, I doubt that would be enough) Once he had made his attempt, he moved over to Haynuus, and healed most of his more serious wounds. (Lay on hands: +14hp to Haynuus)

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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Thanks chap!
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A bead of sweat trickled down Haynuus's forehead. Holding Helm at arms length over the altar was quite physically taxing!
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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, ok, I'm about to use at least two people as NPCs I guess! :p Apologies in advance!

Westian seems just as uncomfortable as Haynuus and Petal regarding the Trolins. At least Haynuus's question allows Westian to utter some bravado about the Trolins being kept in check for now.

"Rest of place," says the Trolin King, dismissively of whre his four men have gone. "Priests place somewhere, mages place clsoer, entrance to this place closer to. And heart of place, where rest of leaders are. We strike there - not kill - just strike - and we win." The King obviosuly corrected himself with some irritation and fear, and then masked it again by pointign to Helm's corpse. "What you doing? This hurt priest? This human priest not like?"

Deephold did not seem inclined to answer the Trolin King's question, but did seem inclined to answer Falkor's. "The altars of Vi are powerful items that are conduits for the will of the High Lords alone. They do not necessarily possess magic themselves." Falkor, of course, had heard of the stories of champions ressurected in the tales of those who had visited the dungeons of Chaos, however Deephold went on to explain that unasked. "I believe Lord Chaos either used to imbue these with his own magics, or he merely watched those who came to his dungeons and activated these altars himself. The Grey Lord, in times since, has been required to activate such devices when those in his service clearing and exploring this place have been injured." There was a twinge of disgust at this, though whether it was the unnatural raising, or the fact the Grey Lord did not simply arrange and clear the place himself was not known.

Westian contiued from where Deephold left off, firstly explaining to the dwarf their own experiences with the altar in Soorec's other room high above. How it seemed that Soorec himself had managed to set a magical trigger on the altar he had taken over to ressurect him the moment his own body was placed there. However, Westian - with some small embarrassment or discomfort - went on to describe that he had - or thoguht he had - been aware and a spirit after his death. That it had been Falkor's own work, backed up by Aurek, that had been required to activate the Vi altar, and even then, Westian had still needed to force himself to go back to his body. Westian made sure Sir Farel was away, and went on to explain how he was sdure that Farel had been there too. Taht Sir Farel's spirit had been confused, focused on finding Ardur and not recalling his death nor exactly what had happened. That it had required Westian's focus to pull the spirit to a position to be near his body, and then further it had required Westian - together with Falkor and Aurek - so use both megic and the divine intervention of Larethian to pull Farel back to his body. And Farel had, after all, had a very good reason to come back to this place.

Deephold seemed shocked that Westian had such an experience, then nodded to Ameena and Falkor's words. It seemed likely that Helm needed to want to come back. Deephold was almost as eager for it to be tried, though. Westian seemed very enthusiastic and surprised that Helm had been discovered, and encouraged the halfling to - when the time was right - cross over and speak to Helm on Ameena's behalf.

Falkor considered the size of the cloak he possessed - one he was sure was Theron's - and the size of himself and Ameena. It was a gamble, but it was possible that Ameena and he could actually travel to the ethereal plane together, providing both stayed within the cloak. Certainly it was worth suggesting, perhaps even worth trying.

As the group discussed the matter, Aurek moved forwards to the altar, to assess if it had truly been corrupted as Ameena suggested the water elements said. He could see the evil of the item as only skin deep - indeed it was like a blanket covering the top of the altar. Deephold was interested in whjat the paladin had seen. GGuided by Aurek's vision, and urging Westian to take the other side, both clerics prayed to LArethian. Aurek saw the aura part and curl, as if a furled scroll held at the ends had been cut in half, and the two parts had retreated in to itself. The evil was still there, but for the moment it appeared parted.

LB: Don't forget I'll let you add your sense motive bonus to the roll, so you rolled a little beter overall than the 7 suggested. Really, you would detect the evil anyway, I'm just goign to let the roll allow you to pinpoint it better :)

Finally, Haynuus was allowed to place the ody of Helm on the altar, and take a moment to relax. Despite all the healing his companions had given him, he was still stiff and sore. Still, it would be worth it, surely, if Helm could be ressurected!

Westian meanwhile realised something, and still half distracted by his prayers, called Petal to come over. If Falkor was going to in the other place, technically they had no one of a magical persuasion to help with the altar. While Deephold might argue that Larethian's grace was all that was needed, Westian perhaps suspected that a more down to earth componet was required. After all, that was what had been needed previously to bring Farel and Westian back. Westian asked Petal if she could also try to inferface with the altar in some way, despite her misgivings regarding the raising of the dead.

Meanwile, in the background, the trolins seem to grow bored and restless, starting to turn over the library for items while Uumack begs Pullack and his King to allow the group peace to do whatever obviously important thing they are about to do. Sir Farel has gone back to check on Ardur, casting look to the Trolins still near the initial door, and having those looks returned in kind.

Ok, so will leave it there. Basically, Ameena has the choice of just relaying messages, or actually going with Falkor to the ethereal plane to speak to Helm herself. Though the cloak's pwoers are not limitless, so don't expect to be able to talk for 10 minutes straight :p

Of course, I'll take it a little slower right now, as Petal of course has already shown an oppositon to such a raising, and yet might be required to help with the altar. So if that'#s the case, and Petal will raise some objections and desires to move onwards, then Ameena or Haynuus are free to spend some time arguing for Helm to be helped.

Obviously, while the main group are focused on the altar, you have a lot of bored air elementals and bored Trolins standing around. So if haynuus or Aurek can't find somethign to do to help the main effort, they can always turn their attentions on those behind them instead :)

And obbviously, if Petal does want to help, as well as her usual means of interfacing with magic, she could perhaps try to speak to her little friend and see if he can do something. Providing he's forgiven her, of course. Sometimes a fickle chaotic friend is a good thing though, he may well have :D
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus relaxed a little and patted Helm on his stone cold cheek. "One little flash and you'll be right back, buddy."

He sidles over towards the trolins now, not wishing to get in the way of all of the good smelling wizzardy-godly people doing their work. "So that's the plan? We all follow Westian the cleric to strike out at these evil mages..." Then he points a dirty finger at Helm's corpse on the altar. "...But we may need him. He's a good rogue and the best person we've got for getting himself killed. Believe me, those situations which require someone to disable traps, open locked doors and take suicidal levels of risk - then he's your man... Corpse."

OOC - A sort of persuasion/placate them type roll. (1d20-2=14)
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - If the suggestion is made, Ameena will jump at the chance to actually go and speak to Helm's spirit herself. But she thinks it's just Falkor doing his magical stuff - she doesn't know it's the cloak so she doesn't know there's any way she can actually visit the spirit world herself (short of dying, obviously).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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