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New project from Dadoo, DM space

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:27 pm
by Dadoomars
Hello Friends ! I was the coder of dungeon master legacy, long time ago. But cloning a game isn't so much fun so i let it down. Until modern browsers could bring up a original ftl project that they do not achieve : a space version of dungeon master with quests, ships, guns, mazes and all new characters.

I use javascript and AI graphics to make an online game with beautiful graphics and original story. I past the state where the game was or wasnt possible. Il works and I'm coding the interactions.

Did anyone would be interested ? Support is allways the fuel to encourage a coder.

Re: New project from Dadoo, DM space

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:13 pm
by Paul Stevens
Interesting. May I beg you for a screenshot?

Re: New project from Dadoo, DM space

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:47 pm
by Dadoomars
Of course.


This is some of the characters disponible (an exobiologist with special scientist tools), searching his way in the ship corridors to find what is happening to the ship. There will be many characters with special abilities. You are playing the damaged AI that can incarnate a single character at a time to use its stuff.

There will be a large story for the game, with exploration of the ship, of other ships, planets...


I will keep the basic game system with case by case moves, items, cartography, doors, skins, alien, machines...

Most of all, playable online with pc, apple, smartphone, tablets, with localized versions fr/en...

Hope you like the pictures.

Re: New project from Dadoo, DM space

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:47 pm
by Paul Stevens
Indeed. Thank you.