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does anyone know how monsters respawn in DM Nexus?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:46 pm
by treos
i started playing this game a few days ago and so far i'm loving it. the controls are nice and easy once you fiddle a bit and figure them out, the first person movement is great for me as a long time king's field game (i'm always on the lookout for other games like that which it turns out is a REALLY niche thing to look for), and even the combat and other stuff is staying fun so far. of the first floor (first after the hall of champions floor).

so...i've been sitting around on this floor and grinding away on wizard and priest... my character is currently at Lo Master priest and Pal Master wizard (SO much resting and spamming...) and in all this grinding i've been wondering how monster respawning works in this game (partly so i can grind screamers for food and partly for fighter/ninja training. though, if i can do fighter by fighting the air, that'll work fine).

i know mobs have a patrol space like what From used in king's field where they'll follow you to the edge of a set area then start going in circles at the edge of that area but i have no idea how things respawn. i dunno if i have to wait X amount of time or be a certain distance from where they first spawn or if they only respawn a set number of times then just stop.

Re: does anyone know how monsters respawn in DM Nexus?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:04 am
by ChristopheF
Welcome here treos!

Honestly, I have completed the game once and I don't have any clue regarding respawn rules. I suppose there are many different cases.

Re: does anyone know how monsters respawn in DM Nexus?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:35 am
by ParuNexus
yeah nor do i but there is a controlled response for some things.. wont reveal but there is a place that generates a monster and you need the monster to stay on a speicif part to get past I never used a trap mosnter box but i tinhk you had a few by the time you needed it. and yes it was a screamer.

Re: does anyone know how monsters respawn in DM Nexus?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:58 am
by treos
"wont reveal but there is a place that generates a monster and you need the monster to stay on a speicif part to get past I never used a trap mosnter box but i tinhk you had a few by the time you needed it"

huh, never seen that before.

well, that's unfortunate to hear about the respawns but i shall press on with my training regardless and on that note, i do have a few things i've noticed i can share.

regarding stamina and resting and mana...that specific stat is REALLY annoying tbh. stamina determines your current load cap, it decreases both when recovering MP and when doing melee attacks, AND i found out earlier that if you lvl priest/wizard into the master lvls, the point at which your stamina fluctuates while resting can hit a critical low point and you will actually start losing hp WHILE resting to recover MP (i thought i was getting hit when it first happened but no, my guy was simply losing the will to live as he recovered MP)!

of course the HP does start recovering once your MP is full again and the stamina begins refilling but that's pretty annoying cause now i have to sometimes throw a healing spell mid-rest while recovering MP.

i have no idea why they designed it that way but it's quite annoying. also, i THINK, but cannot say for certain, your food/water bars drain quicker the higher your total lvls are.

i think fighter lvls can offset this as those add stamina but i'm not sure yet.

another thing, and this one is more obvious, is since stamina affects your load cap, low stamina can affect your movement speed if your weight is yellow or red.

and i learned something about spells too which was surprising. if you spam certain spells like the "ful" torch or "oh ir ra" light spell a lot (like...a LOT if spamming to grind wizard lvls) you will eventually cause a overflow on the value that controls the brightness those spells affect. so, eventually instead of full brightness, it will just suddenly plunge you into the minimum brightness value.

Archmaster is a tricky goal to achieve. largely due to that stamina stat specifically!

Re: does anyone know how monsters respawn in DM Nexus?

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:43 pm
by ParuNexus
still not understanding the respawn thing i'm in the 2nd lvl you can hear the monsters before they are seen. I think yesterday when i was doing my twitch test I believe sometimes food items part of the dungeon itself also respawn. near the 4 mummies was a white mushroom and i think cheese that i had collected and came back sometime later and it was still there. I think it also depends on being out of the area as well.