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Best champions

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:06 pm
by Pdevans1
I am taking another team into skullkeep previously completed it after a gap of 20+ years with Bane Seri and Het. I am thinking of the following team this time Kol del Tac Jarod and Tresa. Anyone got any suggestions? I had Saros Seri and Bane in my original party but they were lost when my computer died

Re: Best champions

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:48 pm
by Ameena
Hmm, it's been so long since I played DM2 I can't remember who my usual party was, plus I always used to rename them so I can't necessarily remember what they were initially called. I think had one guy called Jaros Nightwielder? His portrait was a guy in a grey hood doing spellcasty stuff. And I've just now realised that I never tried playing DM2 with fewer than four characters...maybe I should do that some time. It was always a pity you couldn't pick all your characters but were stuck with Torham in the first slot :P.

Re: Best champions

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:15 pm
by Pdevans1
I think that was Saros with the cape. Jarod had a red eyes and something in the middle of his forehead.

Is there a way of removing Torham Zed from my party? I have just realised that Tresa has low vitality and Kol has low stamina, anyone use these, are they worth taking?

DM2 is my least favourite of the DM series. The minions swarming around you is a major pain when you are trying to do stuff. And I felt more like a plumber/ engineer than an adventurer in this one.

Re: Best champions

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:45 am
by Sphenx
Ameena wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:48 pm It was always a pity you couldn't pick all your characters but were stuck with Torham in the first slot :P.
I thought we had provided a Torham-free version long ago. Anyway, here is one where you start with no champion (Torham is still selectable) : ... torham.dat (DM2 PC-DOS version)
Rename it as "DUNGEON.DAT" in your DATA folder of DM2 installation.

I recently started a party with all low-mana champions (Cletus, Bane, Equus) to see how it ends up.

Re: Best champions

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:58 pm
by Ameena
Ooh that's pretty cool, maybe I'll try that one day :D.