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Playing Legend of Grimrock in real 3-D

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 5:53 am
by Tom Hatfield
Hello, my old friends. I haven't posted in years. Last year I invested in a VR headset, the Occulus Rift S to be specific, and not too long after I was curious to find out if I could watch 3-D movies (there basically aren't any except porn) or play 3-D games in actual 3-D. Turns out there are a small number of applications that allow you to do this, so I chose vorpX and was not disappointed. I won't geek out too hard on all the details, but basically I've started playing Legend of Grimrock in actual 3-D using my Rift.

It is a wild experience. The first time I turned a corner and a giant spider leapt at my face, I jumped in my chair and shouted, "SH*T." I mention this primarily because I was scouring the news and noticed someone had mentioned creating a VR DM experience, which Gambit (I believe) said was a heavy but perhaps worthwhile endeavor. I'm here to tell you, it pretty much already exists. The cost of admission is a VR headset, and vorpX. And Legend of Grimrock, though I chose that game specifically because it's relevant and I happen to I love it; there is a hilariously large number of alternative games you could play. (System Shock 2, for example.)

LoG 3-D is an actual thing, as is the sequel. It's not a proper VR experience — you don't get full head control, and it doesn't support motion controllers, but you can witness everything in proper stereoscopic 3-D. I strongly recommend it to anyone who has the hardware and isn't deathly afraid of giant spiders.

Re: Playing Legend of Grimrock in real 3-D

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 9:30 pm
by MasterWuuf
And I noticed my hand, sneaking toward my wallet, as I read this. :wink:
Thanks for the information.

Re: Playing Legend of Grimrock in real 3-D

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:04 am
by Erik Bauer
Cool to hear!

Is it hard to use Mouse+Keyboard with a VR headset on?