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Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:03 pm
by Heikki Hirvonen

I'm player from Finland and nowadays i can prefer this game to all people who has lived so far!!! I been played this game almost 8 years and different computer but it never ends my own story!! And I mean my own story this: this game ever leave you whitout dangerous feelings, you have to think how you can kill each monsters(of course means that you reincarnated the adventurer), Allways characters must eat, where I can find food etc.. I really hope that somedays someone make the same type of game bacause even today there is no such game even if we have 3D-cards.

Greetings: Best game ever!!!


Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 11:56 pm
by beowuuf

well said!
i always get nervous at level 5 and 10, even though i've played for years...a sign of a good game if you can still get that rush : )


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:41 pm
by Denise Moffitt
I have played this game on Atari ST when it first came out. My Atari died, and they stopped making Commodores and Ataris and I was devastated. I have tried all the modern games, fancy 3D cards and all the realistic interactive graphics but nothing compared to Dungeon Master or even Chaos Strikes Back. The Atari/Commodore game "Captive" comes close however, but this went the same way once Atari company 'died'. Recently my son in law visited and told me about "Steem" and he downloaded Dungeon Master - its like I have been re-born. Once again I am happily stomping the endless dungeons, being attacked in what seems more ferocious than ever purple worms and coutls and THANK YOU WORLD for STEEM engine which has enabled me to relive the happiest computer days of my life again.

I was never able to kill the dark lord in either Dungeon Master or Chaos - always got killed, but at least I got there.

Why the PC companies have never brought these games out on CD is beyond me - they are far superior to all the fancy grpahic games including AOE/AOK/Empire Earth/AOM.

I am 58 years old and hope to be playing these games (Dungeon Master etc) in the retirement home!!!!


Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:48 pm
and of course the game includes 24 hero's, at least 20 of which are actually good (Leif the Valiant is the most pathetic character ever created by mankind)


Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:03 am
by guest
Leif's got his revenge in Conflux II. I always take him with me. He's incredibly strong.