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[Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:17 pm
by PaulH
The 'pink worm' bug is present with the worms on one of the levels, but only on a couple of them. The reason behind this is that lord Chaos has carried out a genetic engineering experiment on some of them, which has created an odd space-time distortion as the worms align with the planets magnetic field resulting in partial transportation to another dimension...

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 12:14 am
by beowuuf
so its not a bug, its a feature? : )

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:39 pm
by PaulH
it is now ;-)

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:31 pm
by PaulH

Eternal gratitude for your in depth review of the dungeon: it has been so long since I played it I had forgotten parts of it!
I will convert to CSBWin and replay, and study the points you have mentioned. One of the problems I had in design was the limitations of DMute, I ran out of doors, transporters, scrolls,texts etc leaving very little to polish up the final version and add a few more clues or quick routes back. Maybe it is time to leave my beloved Dmute behind!
Food: Yes I always judge this badly, and will redesign.

I am really chuffed that you liked it and played it the way it was meant to be played, and I will definately get back to you about some of the quirks.

Again many thanks


Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:53 am
by PaulH

Had a look through with Dmute and here's what I found...


-Concept: Yes I agree, it can look a little vague in places, and is something I'll have to work on to improve integration.

-Hisssa: An odd quirk at 1st glance.

-Gothmog: Because everyone says he is their favourite!!! But I will change it.

-Prison: I think this works correctly, you cannot get in without doing somehing wrong, but you can get out once in.

-Door at 1(21,18): Is this a difference in CSB and DM fireballed doors? In DM PC it dies with a Lo power fireball aka even a novice. Odd. Yes more food is needed prior to the forest.

-Reading room: remember the teleporter level prior the corbum/zokathra puzzle? Well thst is your map through!

-08(17,35): I'll check this, but probably a glitch.

-07(51,32): Meant to be an invisible wall

-Start of towers: This was to add a bit of variety to the game ie you could do some bits before others if you wanted, or had to turn back to explore a bit you already hadn't. Probably my attempt to reduce the 'linearity' of game play, but it seemed to confuse a little. Doing one tower 1st made it easier but that was for you to find out. I think forcing the path up a tower reduces the gameplay somewhat but comments are welcome on this!

-Blue teleporter room: Oh dear, I made a pigs ear of that! I must have accidently altered the destination of a teleporter but it shall be changed!

-3(19,12): There IS a way through...

-Corbum/Zokathra: Slaps myself on head... I designed this level before the one above, but put in the destination areas first. Then I designed the next level and altered the area where the zokathra took you so yes you hit a dead end. Sorry!

-3(19,09): The teleporter at 23,4,4 takes you back to the beginning of the puzzle you can't get trapped. It is obscure and as you suggest a text would be nice, but it were'nt meant to be easy at this stage!

-The holy scroll 2: It will decipher, and was indeed a tip of the hat to the original. It is a little cryptic with its answer: all I can say is use your wisdom (hint, remember this further down?) and all will become clear. Move the letters on a few spaces...

-Teleporter shortcuts: I entirely agree

-Inquisitor: On the whole I didn't like this level and will change it I think. The Inquisitor is a good weapon, not meant to get it 1st time!

-Firey corridor: I will change this, it is hard

-Zo Ful Ra: obscure, the Ra was part of Oh Kath Ra to kill the knight that you can't see but I think I can implement it better.

-Master key: Correct, a way back to food... what food? I shall see to this and put more in!

-Ending: Yes the norm, but try the Black Flame for a different ending.

I have yet to play it in CSBWin mode will will do shortly. I am working on a new dungeon at the moment and it is shaping up very nicely!

If you have any more suggestions or comments about a V2 please get back to me and I will attempt to clean it up



A John Daly...

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:06 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
Hi Paul,

my pleasure, I think this is a fair trade for the efforts on your part. I have to say, playing Amber's and your dungeons raised my spirits a lot... looking forward to the next ones, don't even know what it will be. Anyone in desperate need of a review out there? ;)

Prison: That means you intended the prison only to be visited by means of the two teleporters on levels 3 and 13, correct ?

Door at 1(21,18): A good question. Probably Paul Stevens will know the exact answer, for he wrote the code. But I remember that I ran there after gaining levels so I'm sure it was an On fireball (strength 3) that was necessary.

Reading room: indeed. Again, a positive surprise from your dungeon ;o)

Start of towers: I agree forcing one path is not an elegant solution but I would recommend providing a vorpal blade somewhere before so that the green tower does not get reduced for magic users only.

3(19,12): "There IS a way through..." Ouch. I was getting so paranoid I forgot my head and the simple solutions. Learned some humbleness again. Thank you.

3(19,09): "The teleporter at 23,4,4 takes you back to the beginning of the puzzle" I am afraid it does not. It teleports objects only.

[...] "It is obscure and [...] it were'nt meant to be easy at this stage!" Well, I have to accept that I guess. but throwing stuff down pits to deactivate a wall you cannot see in front of a stair you cannot see somehow strikes me as a pure luck solution or maybe devastation from the player.

Garbled scroll: I will try again.

"Try the black flame" I will, but I'm a little afraid after my first try and the Oitu at the start this will be a very hard fighting dungeon, which is not quite my style. I'll have a look at it.

No more suggestions. I think this was the first time I actually made notes while playing and you got it all - should be enough anyway. I'm a friend of training areas, so that's about the only suggestion except for the stuff you read already. If you place it centrally (tower entrances ?) you could also solve the food problems for the lower levels in one go.

Regards, PitD

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:01 pm
I have to say fighting invincible mummies and getting blown up by choas is top class entertainment.

A question:
With DMute is there anyway you can clear a level of dungeon and start from scratch or do you have to use the original DM dungeon as a template.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tower of Chaos] Feedback

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:27 pm
by beowuuf
You have to use the original DM dungeon, but you can then clear everything off that level and every other one
You will always be stuck with the original object count

DMBuild lets you have much larger count

CSBuild lets you have unlimited count, as long as you play through CSBwin