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[Custom Dungeon] [The Tomb of King Hissssa] Feedback

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:36 am
by Sphenx
Item disappearing: it's a problem of DMBuilder. Item placed in the dungeon should have a bit that says "never remove it", or else items are considered as "dropped items" and so considered as not important. The DM engine then discard items from this list when it has to create more. DMBuild does not set this bit.
So you're going to have a DMBuilder 0.85d that fixes this. It will load dungeons and set this bit for every item in it.

PS: the same problem exists in my Demo Dungeon which makes it impossible to complete.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tomb of King Hissssa] Feedback

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 9:07 am
by Florian
I think I never really used the Firestaff... I have tested my dungeon a bit, but in fact didn't used it at all... and didn't really knew it was so powerful I think... sorry, it was not a mistake, I really wanted to make a dungeon where we would really can use the inquisitor, the great axe (forgot the name) and the firestaff in front of more than one monster...

in fact, I don't like a game to be too long... having to wonder days after days to find the solution is not really my taste...
I like games that can be finished quickly (say two or three couple of hours) without too much wondering...

the only things that I was a little bit proud of was the shops (but it was long to code and test, and used A LOT of actuators), the third level (the tomb that you can't go out once entering), and especially the two lasts levels (with the ending, and the fourteenth level, with the holes on the ground when some teleporters change your position to put you just in front of the holes... I thought of that as a kind of slipping ground, but I'm not sure it was really fun...)

hehe it was my first dungeon, but i'm not sure I will have the time to make another one... I even don't have the time to test the others... but it was a real fun to code it... if you had just a little gameplay with discovering it, I'm very glad of that... I think it's more interesting than losing it on my computer...

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tomb of King Hissssa] Feedback

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:39 am
by PicturesInTheDark
I'm not that far, until now just got past the trolins and stones and had a lot of fun this morning with the king of vexirks room - until then I thought the characters had nice levels for only the third dungeon level, but with one fireball three were dead and the fourth only barely alive.

So - I basically agree with rain about the riddles, but I'm enjoying it so far, although I have not found the gem for the training area yet. But the "by the dragon" was really a nice little idea... ;)

Review when I' done, of course.



Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tomb of King Hissssa] Feedback

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:28 am
by Jardice
alright another dungeon to mess around soon as I finish the others sometime soon....

Of course I really want to make one mayself someday(currently working on a DMjava one at the moment).

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tomb of King Hissssa] Feedback

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:45 pm
by Wil
The training section is astounding, really. You hit once, you level up, one more time, you level up, you cast a little spell, you level up... Or you warcry several times and you wind up adept.
It's worth the 3 gems! It's the first time one of my char becomes archmaster wizard (with firestaff+ and the necklace).
A dungeon worth the visit just for this training area.

I wasn't buggered anytime by any grey lord.

I had to restart a party because all objects were disappearing in the first game (bug I suppose)!

1) only hire 2 chars in the beginning, you may find cool ones (a little) later. This, plus the firestaff so soon available make for a powergamer game. Hell, why not?
2) keep all gems, plus gold coins (in chests). Food is no issue.
3) the paralyzed golems and knights have no treasures.
4) but ra keys are found on monsters.

Against all those demons, the spell fireshield max power is really effective.

The end is different in this dungeon, no more fusing Chaos, but a text like in the ST version. Congratulation on this.

The Diamond Edge is in the tomb, you yourself move the walls, you don't need no worms (I think).

In the Firestaff zone, there are following square keys doors. A deception!

The design of the dungeon is great, I liked the maze where surrender the compass and you think you are teleported all the time. You didn't forget to create a shortcut though.

BEWARE! Save before you use a Ra key, because the slots will take all your Ra keys (it doesn't block after use).

Final hint: if you find dragon spits, keep them.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [The Tomb of King Hissssa] Feedback

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:14 pm
by Wil
One major reproach: In the beginning, there is a maze with moving walls, some monsters in the next room are moving them while walking.
It is a GREAT idea really! But the player can be stuck for hours, maybe the monsters are attracted?