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[Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 9:15 pm
by sucinum
i just tried it an some antman killed me. GRR ;)

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 11:10 am
by sucinum
im lucky your at irc, but im gonna beat this one :)

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 9:34 pm
by Sophia
I've gotten emailed about this so I figure it's worth making a post:

Reactor works with v0.21 of RTC only. I'm not going to release a version for v0.22 because there are bugs in v0.22 that make the dungeon pretty much unsolvable.

If you want to play this dungeon but don't have v0.21 any more, I've noticed the site you can download RTC from archives all the old versions, so you can still get it:

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 3:05 am
by Halk
Hey, just wanted to say that this game was great for a new comer to this site. I only discovered RTC a few weeks ago and had a blast replaying the game I had loved so much when I was eight years old. After I had beaten CSB back then, I really wished there was more to play and new dungeons to explore. I can't call myself an "archmaster" player after reading about the experiences of other people in some of the various forums, but I have to say that this dungeon was very well laid out and was a great new beginning for young players like me. I'd love to see more RTC dungeons as I am unfamiliar with the other downloadable platforms of DM and how to get them going on my computer (none of them would work for me). So again, thanks for all the entertainment, and I look forward to any future creations of yours

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 8:21 pm
by Halk
Hey Sophia,

Thank you very much for uploading your new version for v0.23 of RTC. It's provided some great study breaks for me in between classes at university. There are, however, two bugs to report in this version:

1. plain wooden doors cannot be choped or blown away with fireballs. I have tried this on several doors and became convinced of the problem when I reached the "Reflection direction selection" area where it is necassary to blow away the doors with a shooter that spews out massive fireballs. I informed the creator of RTC, G. Gilbert, and he replied that in v0.23 a new dungeon must explicitly state somewhere in the code that this feature activated. (I'm unfamiliar with the details about how you would go about programming this). He thinks that is the source of the problem.

2. The bio lab does not teleport any monsters into the room when a "speciman" is placed in the VI alcove ajacent to this room. Not really a big thing I think; I'm assuming that this part of the dungeon was added in for fun or as a source of food. I never actually finished the game in the v0.21 version, so I never found out if this part of dungeon was importent, ie: some valuble item droped when killing a monster that is created in the biolab.

So as it stands, I'm just saved at a point in the game where these two bugs might prevent me from playing anymore, and that means no more fun study breaks. :(
I'm really hoping you can fix this when you have time, and hopefully my saved game will be compatible with the fixed version.

And again, thank you so much for creating an RTC dungeon. I'm hoping you'll make another one someday. I just can't get enough of this game, and I'm in love with the ease at which I can use the RTC format.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 11:27 pm
by Gambit37
Just a quick note about saved games in RTC -- if a dungeon designer releases an update to a dungeon, you CAN'T use your save game with that new dungeon; you have to play the new version from the beginning.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 1:35 am
by Sophia
Both of these issues have been addressed.

The chopping of doors was something that I just simply forgot to do. Wooden doors should now be able to be taken down, and massive fireballs will take out stronger doors.

The situation in the bio lab is a bug in RTC v0.23, I think. This new version of Reactor has a workaround, but you might not want to shovel food too quickly into the altar, or strange things may happen. The bio lab IS essential, though. There are items that you need in there, and the creatures can help you get them, so this workaround should be helpful.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:36 am
by King in Crimson
Forgive me for asking, but what did you use to make this dungeon?

I just recently stumbled onto RTC (had seen other remakes some time ago, but this was new to me), and so far as I can tell, there aren't any editors around for it. That leads me to believe you gotta get down and dirty and hack it all by hand.

The point of my rambling is, I would like to try my hand at whipping something up, but I'd rather avoid doing it all by hand. I've looked at the data files, and editing them by hand isn't very appealing.

Thanks, and, very cool stuff, by the way. :)

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:24 am
by Gambit37
There are no fully-fledged working editors for RTC at present, but there are a couple in progress. I've lost the links to these, but I'm sure someone else can post them.

However, all is not lost. George Gilbert has just released DMute1.4 which allows you to build Dungeons for the original PC version, then convert them to RTC format.

Failing that, just use notepad to write them directly. Once you get into it, it really isn't that hard.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:30 am
by King in Crimson
I've done my share of hex editing in the past, and while this looks a little more manageable, I really don't want to go through that sort of work again.

I can remember when DMute was still in its early form. Haven't seen it in ages, so it'll be nice to see what's become of it. :) Thanks for the heads up on its update. I'll go check it out now.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:25 pm
by thom
can anybody tell me, where i can find the second gem? the first one (orange) is in the vi-alcove in level ten. and the other one? i have hardly searched every room and killed nearly every monster - where the darklord is it?


Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:39 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
Well, I'll try to give you a hint without spoiling it, Sophia please correct me if necessary: this dungeon has multiple ways - some of them are mandatory. Depending on the way you go you will be able to find different items - same with the two gems. So walk around a bit and explore levels mith multiple exist carefully - look for a wall saying "death from above".

Good luck!


Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:30 pm
by thom
Thanx for supporting - but... ;-)

I know the Puzzle about "Death from above" - it does not help me in finding the second gem. Can you be a little bit (just a little bit) more precise?


Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:32 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
Ok I'll try not to spoil it. If you found the first gem you went by a certain way to get there. In the room where the gem is located there are many doors - and actually two of them are entrances into that room from above. So find a second way in there and you'll find a second gem.

If I remember correctly one way goes via the spiders and the other one past a knight...

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 11:29 am
by thom
thanx for everything PicturesInTheDark - I could find the second gem and reanimate the reaktor.


Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:20 am
by PaulH
Interim Review,

I have been playing this for a couple of days using RTC0.24 with no problems. This is the first RTC dungeon I have played, and it is obvious how the concept can inject more life and personal touch into the gameplay.

It took me a while to get into it, a few more characters to choose from would have been nice, but my combo of Hissa and Alex seem to be doing fine. As you can guess I don't use much magic but who knows if this will backfire as I progress. I liked the bio lab but there hasn't been anything truly taxing as yet. The dungeon has just opened up into many paths, I have just met some couatls and it looks like it is stepping up a gear or two. Has anybody tried using the stone clubs yet? They are by far and away the best weapons I have found so far and I have bashed everything I have met to death with these!

So far a lot of fun and it looks like it is going to get better.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 6:08 am
by Christopher
I used the stone club for awhile while playing (actually played and used it yesterday!) Still, because of its weight, and because it never does as powerful of a hit as it occasionally would in DM, I replaced it with a Hardcleaver (when I found one). All in all, I dislike many of the RTC features and never really got into it. Even so, this dungeon is fantastic enough on its own that I don't mind (as much) many of the "peculiar" changes that RTC has.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 11:51 am
by Gambit37
Very bemused by your opinion on "peculiar" changes in RTC. There are some changes, sure, but I don't think any of them are peculiar, and you can always opt to play without them. What do you find so strange?

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:21 pm
by PaulH
George has obviously added a lot of subtle changes (and some not so subtle!) to the mechanics of the game. Some of them I believe take over where the original designers left off and fill in the gaps, (ie weapon damage variables) others bring it up to date (parabolic flight, monster AI etc). It takes a little getting used to as the whole things gels together differently from the original, but if an editor in the style of DMute could be used to exploit the full power of RTC then I would love to make a dungeon for it.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:43 pm
by Christopher
Well, I didn't think this was the place to explain it, however, I'll be glad to do so. I'm not sure what the "you can always opt to play without them" means, these features are not options that can be turned off, so I just don't play the game. Some of the problems in no peticular order...

First problem: A problem I imagine that can't be fixed is the extreme shakiness of the curser which probably has to do with the computer itself and not the game. Since DM, CSB, and DM2 all run smoothly, I prefer playing them instead. This is my biggest problem.

Second problem: Monsters AI is a little to advanced in that they seem to be psychic especially of when the champions move. In paticular, I find it very unbelievable that they know exactly when the champions will move and attack instantly. This, like many other problems I have with the game make the game a little more difficult which is ordinarily okay, however, with a very slow and shaky cursor, it gets to the point where the only tactics I really have is to avoid fighting for the most part, and that is what I enjoy the most with the Dungeon Master games.

Third problem: Can't see hand injury unless in the champion's inventory.

Forth problem: Limited number of movement that I'm able to do. In the other games I can click forward twice, left once and forward again and expect to go there. RTC lets me go one or two spaces at a time. This again may just be because of the computer itself, but it still makes exploring and running from some monsters more work.

Fifth problem: receiving very unusual injuries. Most unusual and completely unbelievable injury was from one bite from a giant worm. I can believe my feet or legs getting damaged, after all they sometimes would in the other games. Having both feet and legs damaged at the same time, well, I suppose it's possible. Having feet, legs, and head damaged at the same time, from one attack leaves me completely clueless. This is the best example because even though it is odd for other monster attacks to do something like this, or even when falling down a pit, having a worm damage your head in any way is unbelievable.

Sixth problem: Shield block option should do just that. It is understandable if this can't be programed in, however, it should NOT cause damage at all. That is what the hit option is for.

Seventh problem: I have not looked into this problem that much so the following statement could be wrong. Oh Ven becomes a useless spell. Its purpose for me is to cause monsters to retreat by causing continual damage (just like shutting a gate on them), I have not gotten any monster to retreat from this spell, so there is very little point to it.

Even if these problems could be fixed, I don't expect them to be. Enough other people enjoy the game very much so that is good enough for me. BTW, "peculiar" is the nicest way I could think of to put it. Still, I am interested enough to continue playing until I see a Rust Monster do what it was meant to do.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 8:15 pm
by PaulH
Yes, I had noticed a lot of these peculiarities, but I don't have the wonky cursor syndrome so it probably is your computer. The monsters are indeed very fast which has given me a few problems: also they seem to clamber on top of each other, well at least some do. I got the feeling that poison cloud wasn't working because if you stand in the cloud you take no damage.

The party does seem to move a little slower than DMPC, but this is how it used to be on my ST many years back.

As for the armour? Well, I equiped the dragon poleyn thing, took a bite off a worm and the only bit injured was his legs!!!

Have you tried throwing an object over a pit when in the 'arc' mode? It drops down it if it only slightly looses any altitude.

To be honest, I am nit picking here, I think the best thing to do would be to contact George with this little lot, and who knows, V.25 on its way?!

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 2:32 pm
by Gambit37
Christopher, have you posted these comments to either of the RTC forums? I suspect you have not. George is very amenable and will implement changes if you can back them up with sound arguments. And there are one or two good points you made which sound more like bugs or severe gameplay issues: these definitely need to be reported. (hand icons not showing damage, the all over body damage, and Oh Ven not causing a retreat).

Movement and cursor problems are most likely due to the speed of the PC. I had these issues with my very old 233Mhz Pentium 1, but have no such problems on my new Athlon 1900XP.

Changes can't be made if you don't let George know about them!

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 6:24 pm
by Christopher
Well, I hadn't posted these problems mainly because I don't play the game. I suppose I could report them for other people's benifit, because even if all these problems are fixed, I still won't play if I have bad cursor.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:15 am
by Christopher
That ezboard thing won't let me become a user. I tried a couple times and I never received an email to validate my acount. If I try to log in it says I'm not registered, if I try to register again it says that information is already registered, or something like that. Anyway, I emailed George so he should at least be aware of these problems. I also made a couple suggestions for the game too. Since the suggestions are not in the forums, I don't know how likely it is that he will consider them. Oh well.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:32 pm
by PaulH
I am wondering aroung aimlessly; where does the 2nd ra key go? I have the blue gem, placed the corbum but can't find the other gem. I must have killed about 8million worms. And the stone clubs are still the best weapons yet (inc Hardcleave and DE)

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:46 pm
by Christopher
Somewhere in this topic is the mention of where the other gem is. Look for a post by Thom for the answer, if you want to find out that way. I don't remember about the Ra key. If you already have the corbum and one of the gems in place already, I don't think the key will matter (but I don't know for sure).

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:24 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
See above - Sophia posted a clue and myself another one. If you took a certain way, the second Ra key is obsolete. The second gem is obtained by arriving at the room where you found the first one by a different way. Try exploring all the places you did not so far...

Regards, PitD

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 11:19 pm
by PaulH
Nope, I still haven't got anywhere... I have the blue gem, it is the other one that I want. I have searched all over the place, there are a couple of places that look like they may need an iron key, but I have used up all the ones that I have. Could I have used them in the wrong place when backtracking? Do i have to search through the rubble of everything I have killed incase I have missed one? It seems like you only get bonuses from them anyway.

I have been through death from above, dropped into a place where there was a key, been through the spiders... can you specifically give directions to the place that starts the path to this Gem? I am going to give it a bit more time then give it up as a lost cause. I don't mind a good puzzle but repeatdly searching the same area is beginning to bore me even if it is my own fault!!!


Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 1:49 am
by Christopher
It is located in a big room with several ornate doors and a rapid transit path. It is located in a "powerful" alcove. As you face the rapid transit paths from the Bio Lab, take the first teleporter from the left; there should be three all together. As I mentioned before, look at Thom's post in this topic for the exact location.

Re: [Custom Dungeon] [Reactor] Feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:00 pm
by PicturesInTheDark


both gems are located at exactly the same place, but the second one only appears after you took another way in. As far as I remember (it's a while since I played it) the second way involves coming in from the spider side (Oitu's) - if you come that way you should enter the room where you found the first gem as well through a door closed so far - and now a second gem should lie there.

Let me know if that suffices,

regards, PitD