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Doors closing automatically on me? (Dosbox)

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 5:11 pm
by johnthefisherman
The weirdest thing ever, I'm trying to run DM2 on Dosbox (it worked before...) and now every door that I go through instantly closes on me and to pass through any door I have to move forward twice, otherwise the door closes by itself and kills me. Anyone ever seen this happening?

Re: Doors closing automatically on me? (Dosbox)

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 10:57 am
by Ameena
That's very strange. I've also played DM2 in DOSBox (still got the original disk), though not for some years now, and I never had that kind of problem with it. Maybe some control is stuck, like the mouse button or something, and it thinks you're clicking on the button as you go through?