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computer and console gaming history

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:12 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
i had the pleasure of going to the Ontario Science Centre yesterday with the family. they had a new section that was computer and console games. they had every machine and console with history behind them, you could even play the old games and the new ones, of course they had pong and stuff and all the way to the more recent games. it was fantastic. while i was checking out the place i saw all the old consoles and their innards, some of them had practically nothing inside them, well, there it was, DM for the Atari, i flushed with excitement, ahppy to see how important the game was for computer advancements. spent a couple hours just playing and reading but it was not without some difficulty. went on a kids day, so the little buggers where all over the place, a lot of them were like between 4 and 6 years old, it was like a daycare nightmare. i wish i could have taken home some of those consoles and have given them a good playing, ah well, it was a trip down memory lane.

Re: computer and console gaming history

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:54 pm
by Seriously Unserious
Yeah, that would be quite a trip.

My first gaming experience was on a b/w computer made by Tandy, the TRS-80, or one of it's successors... One of my favorites on that computer was a text adventure named Pyramid, I must have spent hours on end trying to solve that one and never did figure it out. That still bugs me, the game that beat me. :lol: Anyhow, the next ones I got were ( and I don't remember what particular order they were in) the Atari 2600 and the IntelliVision game consoles. I had hours of fun on both of them, I even have a few of their games as roms on my modern computer with an emulator.

Then it was a new computer, colour this time, a Vic-20 made by Commodore, the computer powerhouse of the 80s for those who don't remember that era. Then came my personal favorite, the Amiga 500, and hours of Dungeon Master, SuperStar Ice Hockey, Railroad Tycoon, and Civilization awaited. Oh yeah, and Frontier Elite 2 and EOB. Next it was time for a new console, the Sega Genesis, had loads of fun on that too, and finally, the last old game system I got was a Gameboy Color. After that I hit the PC era for myself.

Re: computer and console gaming history

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:48 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
quite the list of stuff you had SU, you were into the consoles, for me, i never bought a console for myself, bought it for the kids. it was my neighbor, strange and very weird fella, i think he liked me in an odd way, called me over to play a game of chess and at the time i was playing a computer chess board at a friends house. that hooked me right there, it was an apple computer. as soon as he saw how much i loved it he asked me if i'd like one, it was 700 dollars for it, at the time that seemed like a lot of money but i was sooooooo hooked, i eagerly said yes, a couple days later he called me over and there it was, came with games like AZTEC and Hard Hat Mack, Bolo Binary, a whole bunch of simple fun games. that was something new and nobody else had one, nobody saw me for weeks as i checked out the computer. that guy across the street continued to upgrade my computer for some time, costing me more... it turns out the guy was stealing it and pawning it off, didn't know at the time. that's my memory of first getting a computer, it actually help me meet the greatest person in the world, my spouse. so I have a lot to be thankful for with the computer.