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Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:54 pm
by purple1
For the past month, I have been recreating the entire Dungeon Master 2 map in Minecraft. Each tile in-game maps to a 2x2x2 area in Minecraft to create a realistic scale. The castle walls and floors are complete but nothing inside is detailed. The initial town area, however, is pretty much complete. Stores are equipped with chests full of related equipment (e.g. weapon shop has swords, bows, and arrows). Some of the shops have a functioning defense system for shooting arrows at would-be thieves.

The pictures in the album, in order, are an overview of the town area, a shot from inside the ancestral home, a first-person view of the town, inside the food shop, and a general picture to show the size and scale of the keep itself.

I can upload this map to my Minecraft server if there's any interest in helping me detail things or if you just want to walk around.

Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:05 pm
by Ameena
Hehe that's really cool :D. I've not played Minecraft but I've seen loads of cool stuff people have done with it - this is yet another one :).

Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:50 pm
by Sera
the only thing going through my mind right now is "pickpickpickpickpickpick"... but thats actually pretty cool :D

i would probably help, but ive gotten so much stuff to do in life its not even funny, so finding time would be difficult. D:

Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:19 pm
by drdus
Where can I look at the map?

Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:33 am
by Erik Bauer
ImageShack asks me to create a login in order to view your image.
And even then, it won't show me nothing until I upload something or I pay a subscription.

Is there another way to have a look at your picture? ;)

Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:02 am
by Ameena
Wow, this is an old thread - I read my post further up and thought "Huh? Why did I say I've never played Minecraft yet?" only to double-check the date and see it was from a few months before I first played it :D. I've had some idea myself of creating the DM dungeon in it but it's not something I've ever actually got around to doing. Maybe one day...

Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, Castle Skullkeep.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:05 pm
by Erik Bauer
Uh... didn't see the original post date...
I suppose the picture has been removed from the hosting site, then
Apologizes for the other post, then