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Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:49 pm
by Ful Ir

I'm currently trying to port CSBwin to the Linux-based handheld console Pandora (for details see

I have the game basically working, but sound is partially broken, at least when I try to run Conflux with it. Because the ESD sound server is not installed on the Pandora, I hacked together support for SDL_mixer.
From the source code I got the impression that Conflux uses/requires the DirectSound support in CSBwin, so I would try to improve the SDL_mixer functions to provide similar functionality (probably by writing a SDL_mixer version of Win32_SoundMixer.cpp).

But there are apparently two DirectSound implementations in the code, which one is used? Does Conflux use the code contained in the _MIDI defines? DM/CSB does not have any MIDI music as far as I know.

I used the source contained in to start from.

I hope you can help me out a bit, thank you.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:06 pm
by Paul Stevens
Glad to help. But I probably cannot.

I did the Windows port. Not the Linux port.

As far as I know, there is no support whatsoever
for MIDI in the windows version. But....I could
be wrong. It has been a long time since I looked
into this program.

Where do you see the MIDI defines?

The only thing I see in the windows version is a
bit of code for testing the possibility of using MIDI
if there is a "test.mid" file in the default directory.
I don't think it is used.

Again, I don't know what is in the Linux version.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:25 pm
by beowuuf
I thought all added sounds were .wav format compressed into the CSBgraphics.dat file?

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:39 am
by Zyx
I vaguely remember Paul testing the idea of playing a midi file at the entrance screen. I never used this feature and I have no idea if it's working.
Conflux requires the directsound on windows so that all sounds can be played simultaneously, otherwise they were queued.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:10 am
by Sphenx
Zyx wrote:Conflux requires the directsound on windows so that all sounds can be played simultaneously, otherwise they were queued.
I don't understand. Can't the standard CSBWin game play simultaneously sounds ?? On what Conflux should be different for playing sounds?

Ah, found UI_PlaySound in CSBUI.cpp. Comments say it waits for the previous sound to finish.

@Ful Ir: Are you familiar with SDL? I'm not sure if you can play directly a wav from SDL (FMOD does it for sure). You may have to write a callback function and a mix function called from the UI_PlaySound. Beware when handling several sounds at the same time.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:42 am
by Ful Ir
Wow, more replies than I hoped for :) Thank you.
Sphenx wrote:@Ful Ir: Are you familiar with SDL? I'm not sure if you can play directly a wav from SDL (FMOD does it for sure). You may have to write a callback function and a mix function called from the UI_PlaySound. Beware when handling several sounds at the same time.
The additional SDL_mixer library does have this functionality, so I don't have to worry about accessing the sound device etc. It does seem to have problems with 8-bit playback though, because at the moment I have to use 16bit playback otherwise I get regular popping noises, at least on my desktop PC.
Zyx wrote:I vaguely remember Paul testing the idea of playing a midi file at the entrance screen. I never used this feature and I have no idea if it's working.
That's a relief, I don't really want to mess around with MIDI softsynths if I can avoid it.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:48 am
by Ful Ir
Sphenx wrote:I don't understand. Can't the standard CSBWin game play simultaneously sounds ?? On what Conflux should be different for playing sounds?
My question resulted from the behaviour of the program that I was seeing: The sounds in normal DM were working (at least those I tested at the start of the dungeon, i.e. switch click, party pain, door opening etc). But in Conflux all sounds after the opening of the dungeon door failed with a SDL error ("Could not read from datastream" or similar).
I have now fixed this issue. The problem was a combination of SOUNDDATA::Decode filling in the wrong size for the 'RIFF' and 'fmt' chunks of the WAV header and SDL's loader not liking this.
Also Sound.cpp and LinCSBUI.cpp had different ideas of the size of struct SNDHEAD because it was declared differently in several places. I at first thought this to the culprit, but because LinCSBUI doesn't use the structure's members, it wasn't.
For consistency I nonetheless moved the definition of SNDHEAD to CSB.h and replaced several hardcoded sizes of it ("58") with a sizeof macro.

I still don't know why DM's sounds were working while Conflux's weren't, but it is not important I guess.

On another topic, I'm curious how the DirectSound version can actually compile without errors (I haven't tried compiling it, just from looking at the .dsp file and the source):
From the .dsp I assume that for Win32 builds, _MSVC_INTEL is defined and WIN32_SOUNDMIXER is not, this makes CSBUI.cpp contain a function UI_StopSound that calls sndPlaySound() which is in Transition.cpp and contains calls to SndDoImmediate(), which according to Google belongs to Mac OS X's sound API. :shock:
Please do not spend any serious amount of time on an answer to this question, it is not really important except for curiosity's sake. :)

The next step is now making the sound attenuation sound identical on Linux and Windows, but I think this will be easy.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:38 pm
by Ful Ir
This is just a small progress report in the hope that it is interesting to someone :)

- Sound is now working correctly, Windows version still sounds a tad better I think (probably because of interpolation)
- changed the m_lineQueue of the recording function to use dynamic allocation to fix a segfault when repeatedly clicking on empty areas on the dungeon door (I will post details in the "bugs" thread)
- changed the video code to do the atari framebuffer->PC framebuffer and paletted->true color conversions in one step, saving about 30% of CPU in the video code
- ported the windows video code featuring the overlay and screen shake effects. This threw away the above optimization but I think its worth it; e.g. the water effects in Conflux are awesome :D (especially because I only had seen the pieces of code doing the rendering, but had not played the windows version before)
- made the video code honor the "place" configuration statements and provide reasonable defaults if none are in the configuration file
- fullscreen mode now works. On the PC this would get a little bit too large on my screen, but on the Pandora I think it's a must. Sadly the screen is a little to small to enlarge the dungeon view to x3.
- fixed the game becoming uncontrollable when resting in Conflux. On the Pandora, the CPU maxes out while the party is sleeping; this caused SDL's event queue to become filled with timer events and no input events would fit anymore
- added a "load game" button to the disk menu

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:57 pm
by skeezix
How ironic!

I was about to start porting this to the Pandora myself :) I'm glad you've already done all the heavy lifting so I can just enjoy it ;)

Do you have a pnd-file ready I can try by chance? Or binaries I can run from the terminal? (I'm one of th Pandora developers, so if you need help building a pnd-file from binaries, let me know.)

I was really thinking it would be awesome to build a pnd with a few games built in -- such as Conflux if possible, or some of the other custom levels (though artwork assets make it unclear ..); still, there are numerous options.

I'm really excited to see you've got so much progress already; any links? I can't wait to see it ;)

(hit me at 'skeezix' at gp32x forum, or the OP boards, or skeezix BAT


The zip-file of the source really needs some cleanup in the Linux dept I think; the ./ has some slightoddities, but emits a Makefile that is a little broken. Maybe you can pass some patches upstream to Paul?

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:41 am
by Ful Ir
skeezix wrote:How ironic!

I was about to start porting this to the Pandora myself :) I'm glad you've already done all the heavy lifting so I can just enjoy it ;)
Drat, there goes my surprise release :lol:
skeezix wrote:I was really thinking it would be awesome to build a pnd with a few games built in -- such as Conflux if possible, or some of the other custom levels (though artwork assets make it unclear ..); still, there are numerous options.
I have thought this myself, but of course only possible if the people on this forum are OK with it, especially regarding Conflux (vs. DM/CSB). I had planned on adding a small launcher program to select some options and the dungeon to play in; if we can pre-pack dungeons together with the game however some menu links should suffice (at least for a first release) I think.
skeezix wrote:I'm really excited to see you've got so much progress already; any links? I can't wait to see it ;)
Sorry, I want to clean up some things first, but should not be long. :)
skeezix wrote:The zip-file of the source really needs some cleanup in the Linux dept I think; the ./ has some slightoddities, but emits a Makefile that is a little broken. Maybe you can pass some patches upstream to Paul?
The version I started with does not have the autoconf stuff anymore and uses cmake instead. I'm going to upload my sources/git repo when I'm done with this, which will hopefully be (no guarantees!) sometime next week.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:56 am
by Zyx
Though I'm 100% ok with a conflux port, I don't own the rights of the original graphics. Some custom graphics were contributed by Gambit, Cows and Charlatan, so they should be consulted too. And I'm not sure that Paul owns the code.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:46 am
by skeezix
Don't worry, I won't spill the beans on your surpsie. But theres only a half dozen Atari ST nutbars with pandora's right now anyway :)

But I'm not the only one whose run Hatari + ARanyM at the same time on the poor machine :)


c'mon, send me a binary ;)

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:50 pm
by Ful Ir
Well then have a go at this (binary only, not in PND format):

Improvement suggestions are welcome, especially regarding the keyboard layout. Three things are currently left to do before I can do a "proper" release:
- add a "quit without saving" button (needed for fullscreen mode)
- maybe fix the timer overflow bug mentioned in the other thread
- package it up properly

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:28 am
by skeezix
Awesome, I'll take a look. Sorry for incoherence here, have a really ugly connection to the net right this moment.

As to pnd packaging, its not hard to do, but it does take a 'click' in your head to 'get it'. If you're stuck, let me know and I can pnd-ify it for you and then you can repeat the procedure anytime you like. (Essentially though, you just make up a PXML.xml file, make or find an icon/image, and get your binary and data files together, and iso-if-up, append the PXML.xml to the iso, and good to go. There are some tools to make it easier, especially on linux; someone put together a basic Windows tool a couple weeks ago as well.) But its trivial to do, so if you like I can wrap it up for you, giv you the pnd, and then you can open it up and see how its done.

For my projects, I always just make a 'pnd' directory, and add a couple steps to the makefile; "make pnd" and it spits out a pnd-file. Inside the pnd dir, drop the PXML.xml, the icon, the binary, any data files/dirs you want, and then invoke on it, to churn out the pnd-file of the dir contents

As to exit.. you could just map SDLK_ESCAPE to exit(0); say, and 'good enough' for first cut (ie: a lot of apps do that. Or 'q'.) In minimenu desktop, hitting Pandora will just kill the active pnd (so that mmenu can come back up), while in xfce Pandora will bring up the xfce menu .. but if a fullscreen app is up with SDL, then holding down Pandora will force it to window mode and present the kill option, so theres a way out.. just not graceful. If you want to add a button into the UI itself, thats pretty decent of you :)

I'll have to find the other thread :P

I'll report back. Again kudos for the hard work .. I think it'll help cross the bridge for non-ST folks to enjoy some of the great ST classics, and it may play a lot better .. ST emus have a hard time mapping touchscreen to mouse due to the ST mouse system, so this could make DM infinitely more playable.


Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:56 am
by skeezix
Wow, runs _great_ :)

./runcsb --directory foo/ --fullscreen --> *joy*

A shame the legal status of the game files isn't "Well defined" -- it seems the FTL guys don't mind them floating around, but don't or can't make an official comment about it, so not a great idea to distribute them in the pnd itself.

So at first blush, strikes me the pnd should just run a run-script (like most do), which in turn make's directories (say) ./dm and ./csb (so they show up in user's appdata), and if nothing in them, pops up a zenity warning saying 'hey, put your DM files in your /pandora/appdata/WHATEVER/dm directory', so the user has some clue. or wget the files down for the user, if wifi is up :P

But I imagine using something like a zenity picker, or picklelauncher, would be the best (slightly more complex) way to package it -- have the pnd spit out (say) two subgames .. #1 to play one default included dungeon (assumign one with legal graphics/sound status is available) and #2 -- bring up the picker to select directory containing the files (so it can be anywhere on the system/SDs) and launches against _That_. ie: Similar to any of the usual emulators, how they pop up picklelauncher or zenity to find a ROM, and then in turn run the emu against it.

Sorry for my rambling, always too late at night when I check here :) But if you like, I can write up a sample PXML.xml and runscript to do this sort of magic if you need.


Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:49 pm
by Ful Ir
I finally got around to wrap this up and finish the launcher. You can download a PND file here:
This includes the DM and CSB dungeons. This is a release candidate version, so if no more bugs are found (or feature requests made...) I'll consider this finished for now.
Source code can be browsed and downloaded here (sorry no clone support ATM, if anyone needs this let me know):

Skeezix, please notify any Atari fans with Pandoras in case you know some :)

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:40 pm
by skeezix
Do you want me to make a thread on gp32x and boards.openpandora forums for you?

Do you want it added to the PandoraWiki ports pages?

To get max distribution, you should upload to and to the 'app store' and get a link on the wiki -- those are the three main sites people go for stuff. The forum posts are to get frontpage links and a place for people to ask questions, etc.

I can do it all for you if you like, but best to get your own glory :)


Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:24 pm
by beowuuf
I think the legal status is still 'FTL owns the copyright, except where the copyright was attributed elsewhere (I'm not sure about art, etc'. There's no reason to make an official statement, as any statement that gave any leeway could bite them later if someone then abused that. The only legal statement that would make sense would be cease and desist letters for everyone, which would od no one any good. So I think the spirit is 'don't do anything utside the spirit of sharing this game at a time it isn't making any money being sold, and we won't make any legal statements saying you can't do it'

As long as it's under the radar and being used and adapted in that spirit, no one has been told to stop, and we've all had the chance to enjoy the old game in increasingly cool ways.

Anyway, this work all seems very cool if I understand it right! Hopefully someone from FTL gets a small smile from hearing about it, if they do.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:49 pm
by Ful Ir
A link on the Pandora Wiki ports page can't hurt I think, hosting it on one of the 'app store' pages depends if there are any legal restrictions about the software posted on those sites. On a quick look I can't find anything about it though.
Dunno if it would be better to keep the list of hosting sites limited to the DM Encyclopedia or so.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:59 pm
by beowuuf
If any money has to change hands, that would be a legal restroction. If it's free sharing, it should be fine. I'd certainly limit it to the encyclopaedia just because it's been seen as a 'trusted' site.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:45 am
by skeezix
I posted to the main pandora hangouts. I was careful to say someone else had done the work but a few peopel still thought it was me .. sigh; if only people woudl read more than one sentence :/

Seems very well received :) ... ntry945066 ... entry45918
--> you found this one :)

Someone posted it to the wiki:



Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:36 am
by Adamo
Do you know how can I play CSBwin games on Ubuntu? I`ve got a sound problems when using Wine. Conflux has a lot of custom sounds and it causes a problems I think; some sounds are often silent, some are partially played, sometimes I don`t hear a wall tapping, etc.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:31 pm
by Ful Ir
If you can compile it yourself, source code is downloadable here: ... 3d7;sf=tgz (uses cmake). On Ubuntu you'll need to install packages (I'm guessing the names, not sure if these are all that is needed) libsdl-dev, build-essentials and cmake beforehand.
To compile it, download the tgz, then do something like (not tested):

Code: Select all

tar xzf csbwin-b4bc4c0.tar.gz
cd csbwin-b4bc4c0
mkdir x86
cd x86
cmake ..
This should produce a 'CsbWin' binary in the current directory.
I will try to compile it myself under Ubuntu tomorrow and post it.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:21 pm
by Adamo
Ful Ir, I was trying to run this program:
(Conflux3.5_B6) using Wine. It works, but the sounds periodically doesn`t work (or working bad). What should I do?

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:02 am
by Sphenx
Ful Ir wrote:... build-essentials ...
It seems to be build-essential
Ful Ir wrote: This should produce a 'CsbWin' binary in the current directory.
I will try to compile it myself under Ubuntu tomorrow and post it.
I tried to compile it (under Ubuntu 9.10) but I got a bunch of errors about ui32, i32 and such not naming a type.
Maybe there is one include missing or so .. I don't have time right now to check what's wrong.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:18 am
by Ful Ir
OK, I got it to compile. I was a little too optimistic about the CMake file 'just working', as it is more a quick hack than production ready.
I had to change SDL_LIBRARIES to SDL_LIBRARY on line 146 of CMakeLists.txt and install libgtk2.0-dev.

Adamo please try downloading, unpacking it to your conflux-3.6/Files directory (the one containing dungeon.dat etc) and running it. This should give you linux-native CsbWin. If it complains about missing (or similar) try installing the libsdl1.2-all package.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:05 pm
by Adamo
Well, I tried it and I don`t hear absolutely anything (the 2x window I get doesn`t have usual bar with speed/volume/window size options). I installed libsdl1.2debian-all and it still didn`t help.

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:07 pm
by Sphenx
I tried it too and I got no sound at all (but I already did have no sound even with the 'standard' Csbwin for linux).
Ful Ir, I changed SDL_LIBRARY as you mentioned, but I still can't compile the whole thing (same error on i32, ui32 ...).
Are there other changes? Are there other libraries required?

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:51 pm
by Ful Ir
The Libraries required are glib, SDL, SDL_mixer and optionally GTK (for the menu bar, this requires changing the Cmakelists.txt to set USE_OLD_GTK however and I don't know if it works correctly).
CMake cannot detect glib on its own, but only GTK and its helper libraries (pango, glib, etc) together. I had to install libgtk2.0-dev to get cmake to detect GTK, this pulled in all the dependent dev packages automatically. However I cannot be sure on this because my system had some of them already installed.

Sphenx, what is the very first error message you're getting? I assume it to be some missing include file.
The "no sound at all" problem may also be due to the audio device already in use (possibly by pulseaudio). I don't know if Ubuntu's SDL version will automatically use pulseaudio (my main dev PC is running gentoo and I usually directly use the alsa device). I will try to reproduce this on my Ubuntu system (with/without pulseaudio).

Re: Porting/updating CSBwin for Linux and sound support

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:04 am
by Adamo
Sorry for a mess, Ful Ir. It was my fault. I had to simply change the Wine sound configuration - to Direct Sound emulation at 48000 and enable all the sound drivers. Now I`ve got no problems with sound when playing Conflux.. Once again sorry!