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Error Messages

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:18 am
by danielcg
Normally, when very serious error occurs, RTC usually reports "CRITICAL ERROR!". However, "FATAL ERROR!" is much better than "CRITICAL ERROR!" and reduce user confusion. I suggest George Gilbert to change from "CRITICAL ERROR!" to "FATAL ERROR!".

I got fatal error when I compile my own RTC with specified 640x400 image but I was accidentally saved 640x480 image (instead of 640x400) into my own RTC file. As soon as I enter my own secret area, I received fatal error. RTC display "CRITICAL ERROR" with correct detailed information but I know it was fatal error caused by my own programming error.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:51 am
by George Gilbert
I understand your point of view, however the term "FATAL" implies that it is about to die.

In practice, when RTC finds such a problem it tries to limp on for as long as possible. I think this is the right thing to do as it allows people to test even if there's an error (specifically to find lots of errors at once, it doesn't force them to fix one at a time).

Perhaps "MORTALLY WOUNDED" would be better :D

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:44 am
by danielcg
Thanks! Suit yourself to choose what error messages should be.

I remember that Windows 98 displayed "FATAL EXCEPTION ERROR" when very serious error occurs. Windows XP and Vista will display "STOP ERROR".

Anyway, I prefer "FATAL ERROR" to make myself fun and understand but it is entirely OPTIONAL!

Again, thanks, anyway!