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Dungeon Idea Dump

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:18 pm
by Ian_Alexander
I have mentioned that once I replay the original dungeons I may try a custom dungeon.

I figured some of you probably had ideas that you didnt have time or patience to do, just wondering what kind of dungeons you thought about making or would like to see.

I was thinking that a Pirate, Mythological, or Historical theme could be really cool. Also anything with lots of zombies!

With Pirates there could be a massive ghost ship as well as a castle where they are looking for a treasure.

Greek and Japanese mythology could work well too, or any other well fleshed out mythology, maybe Norse.

For historical all you need is a time period with castles or dungeons, just using troops and accurate weapons, you could infiltrate or escape the castle.

So far I think the pirate one is most appealing to me... pirates with pirate zombies...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:23 pm
by Sophia
After seeing the sandy wallset that came with RTC, Egyptian mythology appealed to me. Something with lots of scorpions and mummies, and, of course, various custom monsters. Running around in ancient pyramids and tombs, finding treasure, solving the curse of the Pharoah... it could be fun!

It could be set in an ancient era, or, merged with some more "modern" components and have 1920s Indiana Jones type explorers. (Revolvers etc. as weapons)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:34 pm
by Ian_Alexander
Sophia wrote:After seeing the sandy wallset that came with RTC, Egyptian mythology appealed to me. Something with lots of scorpions and mummies, and, of course, various custom monsters. Running around in ancient pyramids and tombs, finding treasure, solving the curse of the Pharoah... it could be fun!

It could be set in an ancient era, or, merged with some more "modern" components and have 1920s Indiana Jones type explorers. (Revolvers etc. as weapons)
Haha - cool! I was sorta like ehhh but then when you mentioned explorers rather than ancient egyptians I was like oooOOOooh I get it. Actually its a pretty awesome idea!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:51 pm
by Joramun
I thought about doing a pyramidal dungeon, too :)

Some of the ideas i had (i still keep a few for myself ;) ) :

:arrow: An horizontal dungeon mostly outside (DM2 wallset) with Celtic / early Middle-age ambience. Several Forests, Stonehenge, Towns, Troglodyte (underground) Villages, Caves etc. I wanted to modify the runes to Celtic runes, and change the magic. But I never got beyond planning the places and spells on paper.
Besides, DM has a major limitation : the three tile depth of vision. It would require a lot of work on the background.
Surely Forest of Doom will accomplish something of the sort :)

:arrow: A dungeon deeply sunk in necromantic/vampire/etc. ambience, with a lot of new possibilities requiring major hacks of the game mechanics (turning the party into undead, night vision etc.)
:arrow: A dungeon where YOU are the evil one. ( dungeon keeper style, hunting down nice knights and also lesser demons in the process )

And one that is in early stages of development...

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:56 pm
by Sophia
Joramund wrote::arrow: A dungeon deeply sunk in necromantic/vampire/etc. ambience, with a lot of new possibilities requiring major hacks of the game mechanics (turning the party into undead, night vision etc.)
Hehe, "major hacks of the game mechanics"... rumor has it there's a new clone designed for exactly that! :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:58 pm
by Des
Some promising stuff. Alas my last idea is still this one... ... hp?t=26120 :oops:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:06 pm
by Joramun
Yeah, the last two i still consider doing :) But since I'm concentrating on a fourth idea right now...

:idea: Another idea that came to my mind : a survival dungeon, on a desert island (eg) . You gotta build whatever tools and weapons you need from scratch, and feed yourself. Dunno what should be the endgame condition. Maybe reaching a certain comfort level ( TV and fridge :P ? )

:idea: Star Trek dungeon. Champions with pink pijamas, Mophus with pointy ears : "Beam me up, Mophus". Hunt down the borgs, klingons etc. in the Enterprise corridors.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:37 pm
by Ian_Alexander
I was looking into japanese mythology, they have a ton of cool monsters and ghosts! Here are a few good ones I found online:

Akaname "Filth Licker," is a creature from Japanese folklore. It appears in unclean bathrooms at night when no one is around and licks up waste and grime. Having an akaname in one's home is considered unpleasant, so the creature serves as a warning to always keep the bathroom clean.

Namahage On New Year's Eve, villagers dress up as fierce monsters (or demons, bogeyman), called Namahage and enter the houses of the village asking if any misbehaving children live there. They warn children not to be lazy or cry. The small children are often frightened and run and hide. The parents will reassure the Namahage that no bad children live in their house, and offer the Namahage refreshments.

Amazake-babaa "amazake hag" is an old woman yōkai from the folklore of Nagano and Aomori prefectures. She comes to the doors of houses asking for amazake (sweet sake), but if anyone answers they fall ill with a plague.

Oni are creatures from Japanese folklore, similar to Western demons, ogres, and trolls. They are popular characters in Japanese art, literature, and theatre. Depictions of oni vary widely but usually portray them as hideous, gigantic creatures with sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns growing from their heads. They are humanoid for the most part, but occasionally, they are shown with unnatural features such as odd numbers of eyes or extra fingers and toes. Their skin may be any number of colors, but blue, black, purple, pink, brown, green, white, and especially red, are particularly common. Their fierce appearance is only enhanced by the tiger-skin loincloths they tend to wear and the iron clubs they favor, called kanabō (金棒, kanabō?). This image leads to the expression "oni with an iron club" (鬼に金棒, oni-ni-kanabō?), that is, to be invincible or undefeatable. It can also be used in the sense of "strong beyond strong", or having one's natural quality enhanced or supplemented by the use of some tool.

Kappa "river-child", alternately called Gatarō (川太郎, Gatarō? "river-boy") or Kawako (川子, Kawako? "river-girl") , are legendary creatures; a type of water imp found in Japanese folklore. However they are also considered to be a part of cryptozoology, due to apparent sightings. In Shintoism they are considered to be one of many suijin (literally "water-deity"). Most depictions show kappa as child-sized humanoids, though their bodies are often more like those of monkeys or frogs than human beings. Some descriptions say their faces are apelike, while others show them with beaked visages more like those of tortoises or with duck beaks. Pictures usually show kappa with thick shells and scaly skin that ranges in color from green to yellow or blue.

Kappa inhabit the ponds and rivers of Japan and have various features to aid them in this environment, such as webbed hands and feet. They are sometimes even said to smell like fish, and they can certainly swim like them. The expression kappa-no-kawa-nagare ("a kappa drowning in a river") conveys the idea that even experts make mistakes.

The most notable feature of the kappa, however, is the water-filled depressions atop their heads. These cavities are surrounded by scraggly hair, and this type of bobbed hair style is named okappa-atama for the creatures. The kappa derive their incredible strength from these liquid-filled holes, and anyone confronted with one may exploit this weakness by simply getting the kappa to spill the water from its head. The kappa possesses a deep sense of etiquette, so one trusted method is to appeal to this, for a kappa cannot help but return a deep bow, even if it means losing its head-water in the process. Once depleted, the kappa is seriously weakened and may even die. Other tales say that this water allows kappa to move about on land, and once emptied, the creatures are immobilized. Stubborn children are encouraged to follow the custom of bowing on the grounds that it is a defense against kappa.

Re: Dungeon Idea Dump

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:40 am
by beowuuf
Ian_Alexander wrote:So far I think the pirate one is most appealing to me... pirates with pirate zombies...
No, I saw a much cooler idea in Madrid - Vam-pirates! Dude!
Sophia wrote:Hehe, "major hacks of the game mechanics"... rumor has it there's a new clone designed for exactly that! :wink:
Indeed, and never underestimate the 'hackability/flexibility' of the existing engines, and never underestimate how changning the engine takes ages and still doens't net you square one of a dungeon! I have a sad ambitious dungeon idea languishing simply as I trid to do the mechanics first in DSAs in CSBwin - nothing to demo to show for it really!