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[Custom dungeon] Surgical Strike [RTC] [Sophia]

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:32 am
by Sophia
Version: V2.2 for RTC V0.37
Platform: RTC
Author: Sophia
Date published: 2005, September 28
Date last updated: 2005, September 28

The Great Wizard Kelzor was hunched over his experiments, deftly manipulating metals, acids, and bases; with a flash of blue light, he backed away triumphantly from his alchemy, a swirling blue mist having formed upon his workbench.

"Eureka! It is done! Summon the king immediately!"

"But Master," protested his assistant. "It is late, and he is undoubtedly asleep..."

"Then wake him up," snapped Kelzor.


"All shall be forgiven when he sees this. I am sure."


The King arrived in the dank workshop with a scowl upon his face, he was not used to being dragged out of bed. "Kelzor... this had better be worth my while..." he mumbled gruffly.

"Oh, your majesty, it is. What I have created here is nothing short of a teleportation mist that can cover miles rather than mere feet... no longer is one confined to one building, one dungeon, one enclosure. This mist can send a man anywhere in the world..."

"Anywhere?" asked the King, raising his eyebrow.

Kelzor nodded.

"Even into the center of the Black Fortress?"

Kelzor nodded again. Now it was clear why the discovery was so valuable.

"The Fortress..." the King mused. "Thousands of my warriors, hundreds of my mages... all have lost their lives on the borderlands, and for what? Only to keep the forces of evil at bay."

Kelzor nodded again. "With this, we can finally strike at their black heart, and rip it from them."

The King smiled. "I will mobilize my finest men! What magnitude of army can we send through this device?"

"Four..." Kelzor started.

The King looked slightly concered. "Four divisions? A bit short, perhaps, but I will use only veterans, and put my finest knights in command..."

"No, begging the King's pardon, I mean, four. Four individuals."

The King's eyes widened. "FOUR? You expect that we can stop this entire evil horde with only FOUR?"

"It is a strike directly into their nerve center, m'lord."

The King shook his head. "To send four of my greatest champions to die on this mission..." he sighed. "Ah, but they may just as well die on the front lines, as we continue to lose this war. Very well, Kelzor. Choose up to four of my finest champions, and equip them with whatever you need from the armory."

Kelzor did not want to have to say what came next, but he knew that the King should know. "It can only send living matter. They can take no provisions."

"Take... no..." The King sighed, shaking his head. "Then they had best be wise in the ways of magic, as well. I am only authorizing this suicide mission because there is no alternative, Kelzor." With that, he stormed off.


This game plays like CSB, wherein you choose your champions first, and then enter the dungeon right in the middle of the action. Unlike CSB, however, the game requires no restart: You choose your champions, and then step through the long-range teleporter to send yourself to the enemy's domain. Be warned, however, once you have stepped through, there is no returning, so choose your champions wisely!

Here's a new dungeon for RTC called "Surgical Strike," so named because it's a strike deep into the heart of enemy territory. This means CSB-style right-in-the-thick-of-it gameplay, so if you're going to import champions, make sure they're up to the task. :) There is, of course, a hall of champions to choose from, too.
There are a few new monsters (with new graphics) later on in the dungeon, and a couple of new wallitems. Nothing that's a vast departure from the standard DM/CSB look-and-feel, though.

The .RTC can go wherever you want it, but /Modules is probably a good place. I don't include the graphics and sounds any more, since you don't need them separately, but if you want them, let me know.

Under 0.36, 2.0 and 2.1 could be solved. However, if you are playing on RTC 0.37, SS v2.2 is required. It has some new features anyway, so why not :D
Newly Updated for RTC 0.37

Unzip into \Modules\ of your RTC directory.

Release 2.2
- Now works with RTC 0.37
- Monster generators have been toned down a bit
- Champion abilities are better balanced
- New twists, turns, and subquests
- Some of the less-good puzzles have been made more logical or replaced
- Secret areas are now tallied using secrets system of RTC 0.35+
- New monsters have been added and old f(r)iends get new attack methods
- Lots of new items and spells to find!

Hints and comments:
Monters poems
Sword and shield it brings to fight,
Unseeing eyes as black as night.

Three different hues but their deadly game,
Is played by all exactly the same.

Worms everywhere...

Just rags and dust, without a soul,
Killing you its only goal.

Though it may bring you easy food,
Beware the keepers of this brood.

Weak of body but strong of jaw,
Beware this one's gaping maw.

Shrieking serpent from beyond the void,
Poison fang you had best avoid.

A terrible beast that knows no fear,
If it's there it will soon be here.

Armored horror strikes without fail,
Death delivered by a yellow tail.

Crafted from a toxic brew,
Their foul stench sickens you.

They appear where heroes roam,
Defenders of Chaos' newest home.

The best of the best of the worst,
In sheer vileness they rank first.

The strongest venom of them all,
Your legs give out and then you fall.

Your precious Mana it will drain,
Replacing it with none but pain.

Like the others it steals what it will,
Yet this one can also kill.

Fear not for they are friend to man,
Helping to unravel Chaos' foul plan. ... hp?t=24793 ... hp?t=24789 ... 31&t=27847

Download this dungeon from this Shared OneDrive (in the 'Custom Dungeons' folder)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:40 pm
by PadTheMad
Ooooh another new dungeon to play with? Is there any custom items / graphics / monsters in this game, or is it just the original DM / CSB ones?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:35 pm
by linflas
actually i met only skeletons, mummies, vexirks, a scorpion, magenta worms and a giggler.. and this is definitely CSB like, i'm completely lost ! :)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:09 pm
by PadTheMad
Getting very lost too - lots of doors and no keys..... :( Oh and lots of pits too! (I hate pits, all that screaming give me a scare)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:26 pm
by PaulH
Can't wait to play this! And the others I have started! We are getting very spoilt here now, I hope this is as good as Reactor.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:57 pm
by PadTheMad
Getting better now, I think it's quite similar to Reactor in the way that you have to keep backtracking to open doors, and keep returning to similar places. Now I have keys, just for the wrong doors...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:10 pm
by Sophia
PadTheMad wrote:Ooooh another new dungeon to play with? Is there any custom items / graphics / monsters in this game, or is it just the original DM / CSB ones?
There are a few new monsters (with new graphics) later on in the dungeon, and a couple of new wallitems. Nothing that's a vast departure from the standard DM/CSB look-and-feel, though. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:58 pm
by PadTheMad
Sophia wrote:There are a few new monsters (with new graphics) later on in the dungeon, and a couple of new wallitems. Nothing that's a vast departure from the standard DM/CSB look-and-feel, though. :D
I read about a specific monster in the dungeon and also read the Hint Oracle style monster poems, sounds very interesting :D It's a pretty good dungeon so far!


Now I really am stuck though, I just totally can't find out where to go now - I've opened the two iron key doors at the start, opened all the gold key doors I've found, killed the dragon past the area with the ghosts, found the winged key but I can't find the winged key door. I've found locks for emerald, ruby, skeleton and X-keys but I can't find these keys. Maybe I'm not supposed to go through these doors just yet, as with the 'Hail To The King' door. It's just a bit frustrating because I just can't find anywhere else to go :( I've also got a spare iron key...

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:11 am
by Sophia
To avoid spoilers on the main download thread I'll answer you on a separate one. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:01 am
by Sophia
If you had already started, and don't want to have to start completely over (though there are probably a few secret items you missed):

This contains only a .RTC, so you'll need to have the graphics and sounds from the old one. Go to the right immediately after starting and you'll find a room with a bunch of keys and items that you probably had before.

Note that these are duplicates, the originals are still right where they were in the dungeon, so don't cheat too much on "unique" items. :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:59 am
by linflas
i don't think you needed to provide graphics and sounds at your first release, they are already included in the RTC file.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:51 pm
by Sophia
Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:32 pm
by Gambit37
Yes, I just started this and was confused by the inclusion of an ss folder with images and sounds inside. You don't need to do that -- it's all compiled into the RTC file. I made sure I deleted the files before temptation to view them got the better of me...!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:02 pm
by Sophia
Just a bump because I uploaded a new version... :)

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:15 am
by beowuuf
Lol, good thing I have a backlog of stuff to play with and hadn't started this yet - even though I really want to! *bounce*

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:46 pm
by copperman
I just got this, wow, great work. By the time I found my first flask both my fighters where completely mangled (red boxed). One question: Am I meant to lose my water skin in the fountains ?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:59 pm
by Sophia
No, that's a bug in a very early release of RTC 0.36!

If you download it again the bug will be gone. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:23 pm
by copperman
oh groovey, tx Sophia for the swift reply.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:43 am
by Sophia
Updated. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:28 am
by TheMormegil
It seems you can use saves from SS 2.1 in 2.2 so no need to start again if you don't want to. Maybe bad stuff will happen though....

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:07 am
by beowuuf

As with original DM I assume the saved game contains the whole dungeon, so therefore you will be playing the same dungeon with the same bug and no new features!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:07 am
by copperman
erm, minor point but its still shows as 2.1 ingame :D

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:22 am
by TheMormegil
Oops, back to the start then.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:56 am
by Gambit37
Mixing and matching save games with diffreent versions of dungeons is not practical, as the save game contains the entire dungeon (as Beo notes). At least, I believe that to be the case.

This is an additional consideration: new assets/resources (sounds/graphics/monsters/objects) are all stored in the RTC file, so you need this to play a save game correctly. If things change in a later version of an RTC file and you're using an earlier save game, there's no telling what oddness you might experience that was never intended by the designer.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:25 pm
by Lunever
Is 2.2 the latest version? (I'm just asking because it seems to be made for V0.37, right now V0.40 is the latest)

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:27 pm
by beowuuf
Yes, it hasn't been upgraded for the latest engines...don't know if that's a problem as I played it through a few betas with no ill effects

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:23 pm
by Des
I've been playing it using 0.38 - no problems so far. Haven't tried it with 0.40 but as George has pretty much eliminated the backward compatibility problems that affected early versions of RTC, it should work fine.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:34 pm
by beowuuf
there was the warned magic map icons...would it affect a .rtc file....
Oh, damn, SS uses the magic map :( So maybe... :(

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:53 am
by Sophia
It uses the default wallset, though, so I'd think the magic map would just show up using the default, like it always did.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:45 am
by beowuuf