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CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 5:00 pm
by Wil
This is about the last (9.3?) version of CSB4Win, playing Dungeon Master.
Here are some complaints, I'm sure they are not new but that's the way the world goes: complain & complain until you're satisfied.

- timing
It seems to run too fast vs. the ST version, especially when you sleep.
Also the messages (level up, can't cast...) disappear too fast.
My PC: Duron 800. (but it shoudn't matter!)

- screen size
On my 15'' screen, I use W98's 800*600 resolution. I can only choose "Size * 2" and it is too small. Indeed, what should be a great improvement is "full size". Is it possible?

- picking up
Sometimes, an object can't be picked up, and you have to turn around or go away and come back to pick it up. Dangerous when monsters are not far.

- the rest looks cool

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 7:14 pm
by FLaZ
i noticed your "picking up"-problem and the "come back" -solution, but i think it´s
just a matter of the right aiming:
Use only the very top of the cursor to touch the object. The problem above occurs by pointing with the cursor in the middle of the object.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 3:16 pm
by Paul Stevens
Screen size. I am not planning any changes.

Picking up. This does seem touchy. But after a few hundred
hours you will get used to it.

Timing. Some say too slow. Others too fast. So I added the
speed control. Have you tried it? Set it on 'Glacial' and see
if that is slow enough. Let me know if it is not....I will add
a special option. What operating system? Can you set
the screen size to 1x and tell me how much the time advances
in one earthly minute? It should be about 6*60 = 360.
One definite problem is that the ST was too slow to keep up
with it own definition of time. It would often miss vertical
retraces while redrawing the screen. Our new machines do
not have this problem and so the game runs as designed.
But you may have problems above and beyond this. Let
me know. Another problem is that in Europe the ST ran at
50 Hertz and in the US at 60 Hertz. So people in Europe think
CSBwin is too fast.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 4:25 pm
by Wil

Time tests:
In one minute, I had those values
Test 1) 455 … 709 (254)
Test 2) 6957 … 7213 (256)
Perhaps the difference comes from the difficulty in watching both the watch and the screen.

My (european) ST doesn't work anymore. I remember it was quite slow. I tried with the Steem emulator and different TOS (US and UK). Frankly, I can't tell the difference between TOS. For some games (Arkanoid), it is very sensible.

With the option "slow" in CSBWin, it looks more like the ST, maybe a little slower.
I objectively tested the time messages such as "wrong spell" show in CSBWin, normal speed, and DM 1.1 in Steem. Actually, messages stay longer in CSBWin, so obviously I was wrong!
You know why I thought CSBWin runs too fast?
It's because the stats of the same characters are totally different! Maybe it's because CSBWin uses the DM 2.0 (?!) files instead of 1.1? Anyway, when you reincarnate a character with DM 1.1 in Steem, you have roughly the same stats as were displayed. With CSBWin, they are divided by 2! (eg. Hawk Mana 10 -> 5) It explains why they were tired so soon, bust so fast by monsters, and recovered so fast.
It certainly changes the gameplay! You don't see any advantage anymore in reincarnating.

Really, it's too bad, because it would add so much to the game.

Picking up
Well, I suppose you get used to it, but in CSB you sometimes must pick up very quickly.

Messages on walls
There is something I forgot: when you get near a wall with text on it, it seems the message is very long, no matter the actual length.

Those complaints change nothing to the fact that this is a wonderful endeavour.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 5:39 pm
by Paul Stevens
Great! Then you can play it in "SLOW" mode.

"Normal" is 15 vertical blanks per tick of the clock. That would
be 60/15 = 4 per second = 240 per minute. So that is working.
"Slow" is 22 vertical blanks per tick. The Atari tried for 11 vertical
blanks per tick but the 8 MHz 68000 was so slow that it failed
to accomplish this. "Fast" is what the Atari would have been
like if you could have run it in some sort of TURBO mode.
Everyone agreed that that was TOO fast although it worked
for me for six months of development. Lots of practice.

The "Reincarnate" is probably due to the fact that the program
was designed for CSB. It plays DM totally by accident. I was
very surprised when someone found that it worked. Happily

Put your screen in 640x480 and it looks nearly full-screen. Sorry
that is the best I can offer.

Message text.....that is the way it is. Make a message with a
single blank and it still looks like a big message from a distance.
I think I translated the Atari code faithfully so don't blame me.

Picking up quickly.....Sometimes I position the mouse before
I move. Then I move, using the keyboard, and all I need to do
is click. Especially when using my laptop with the little red
button moves very awkwardly. If you like, you
could even define a keyboard character to pick up an item.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 4:34 pm
by Wil
So it is an accident that CSBWin plays DM as well. But now that you know it works, don't you think very little is needed to make a DM+CSB package for Windows?
I mean, the 'reincarnate" trick could be fixed, there could be a sort of menu rather than bat files. (I see it the user side...)
That would be great, I think a lot of players would like to develop their characters in DM and then bash everything in CSB.
Now, it is possible with the Atari emulator, maybe with the Amiga ones too.
I tried to make a 'new adventure' with an ST gamesave, but CSBWin refused.
As for messages, no that I don't believe you, but I will verify!

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 4:18 pm
by Wil
I'm sorry but I don't get messages that long with the ST version.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 6:26 pm
by Paul Stevens
OK.....thanks for doing the test.
cmp d5.w,4 was translated as if it were cmp d5.w,0

Version 9.4 will have the correction. That is the second
error I have found in two days. The other one changed the
functionality of one of the actuators...a missile launcher???
or a torch holder??? but was very unlikely to cause a problem.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:00 am
by Paul Stevens
Wil wrote:Messages on walls
There is something I forgot: when you get near a wall with text on it, it seems the message is very long, no matter the actual length.
I think I fixed this. Sorry that I took so long. shu024007 in Japan documented
the exact version that introduced this bug, convincing me that it was indeed a bug. ... 0230225.7z

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:33 am
by Gambit37
Wow. I can't think of any mainstream software provider who supplies bug fixes 21 years after the fact. Respect to you sir.

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:54 am
by ChristopheF
Indeed, that is great software support!
Paul, would you be so kind as to post the updated source code along with the new executable ?

Re: CSB4Win complaints

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 5:03 am
by Paul Stevens
Shortly. My friend in Japan has submitted what he claims is
another bug. He was right once so I am taking it seriously.
I'll be back but not for another 21 years. I'd be 104 and no
doubt some of my parts will be failing by then.