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Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:33 am
by Chaos-Shaman
thank you very much WZ, life is moving fast for me, i added something special to my life yesterday, a baby, grand daughter! I'm so excited!!!

i really could use some help, thanks WZ. Banville was just proof of concept for those who might want to pursue its possibilities outside Mt Anaias as needed by Claude who happens to be busy with life at the moment. the wheels of progression have slowed and once again life emerges.

thanks, i'll need all the help i can get Wizard Zedd. right now i am going through another learning phase, god i just looked at facebook for the first time, i was in the dark ages :) oh when does the learning stop. learning phpbb, wordpress and so on, i don't know how long it might be before i can get through it all. I've a lot of material to go through, i feel a bit overwhelmed with the available information that your help is welcomed.

testing the programming is what i need, if you're interested in spending a moment to look at it that would be grand. I'm afraid there are few dungeon masters left around it's hard to find hard core DMs, i think we've all gotten old, lol. i'll pm you with the details..., I'm not sure what you expect, if you're new to DM you might find it a challenge to test, look forward to your help, thanks :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:51 am
by Jan
Chaos-Shaman wrote:i added something special to my life yesterday, a baby, grand daughter! I'm so excited!!!
Oh, wow, it's nice to hear, congratulations on the little cute Screamer! :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:19 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
thanks Jan, yup, got the call last night, I'm thrilled!!!!, it's awesome!, my 5th grandchild, I have yet to see her. that's 5 girls now, oh I am in for it. thanks so much, I hope she's not s screamer , lol, thanks :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:58 pm
by Seriously Unserious
Chaos-Shaman wrote:I hope she's not s screamer , lol, thanks :)
Maybe she's a Giggler and she'll steal your hart! :P

Anyways, congrats on the newest addition to the cult of C-S! :D

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:22 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
thanks you very much SU, I just saw her, she is beautiful!!! I think her name is Lilliana, but not yet sure. life is wonderful :D

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:57 pm
by Wizard Zedd
Congrats Chaos-Shaman...that is very exciting! 5 girls are are certainly in for a lot of fun - especially as they hit their teens :P

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:27 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
thank you WZ, I can only imagine the troubles they'll give, but maybe I can keep them out of trouble if I can get them interested in DM :) that is yet to come. they could be the next DM builders, maybe they'll take over the AI part into a new language, most likely one of them will be a programmer. so i'll keep plugging away at it, prep it, build a site and go from there.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:04 pm
by Wizard Zedd
It's nice when children and/or grandchildren follow in their family's footsteps...good luck with getting the family involved!

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:32 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
correction, the little screamers name is Juliana :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:50 pm
by Wizard Zedd
Pretty name...hope all is well with the little one :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:08 am
by Bit
Chaos-Shaman wrote:...i think we've all gotten old, lol...
so true - soon we need a thread about artifical body parts 8)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:55 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Bit wrote:
Chaos-Shaman wrote:...i think we've all gotten old, lol...
so true - soon we need a thread about artifical body parts 8)
the first body part I could use is a new shoulder, then a new sternum, a back and would love new eyes, lol.

that's not funny, feel that will be the case. everyday is pain filled, the pain is beginning to etch into my face. must artificially program to rid the pain. working on it has helped me forget about it, all the work done was while I was in serious pain.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:04 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Wizard Zedd wrote:Pretty name...hope all is well with the little one :)
thank you

i have the Artificial Intelligence file update to test, if you're up to it. working on breaking RTC to pieces and reassembling it to see what can be done. some interesting things have come about. combined the AI with Pathfinding and this has really been the biggest improvement in the last few months, fixed the monster attractor problem of them getting stuck on it which i think was everyones problem using it.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:13 pm
by Chaos-Shaman

Hello fellow Dungeon Masters, need help with the AI engine, is there anyone who has some time to check it out and help develop it? all help is greatly appreciated.


Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:02 pm
by Wizard Zedd
As I have said before, I am in no way a professional DM player, in fact still pretty lame to be honest :) I am interested in seeing what you have done, so let me know and I will try and play it and give you feedback.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:13 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
great, I sent you a private message and will send the test file tonight. it's not Banville though, Banville was a test to show others they can build a town using RTC's GUI that can be controlled by arrows and which could be used in an app, when I suggested it at first I was informed that it was tried and didn't work, but persistence paid off and it does work, it'll be a while before I go back to graphics, want to improve the AI pathfinding and create an engine that can be reused by others sorta like the Banville's town test. once the AI is done I can copy Banville over to it, or use the method and start new.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:16 pm
by Wizard Zedd
I downloaded the file you sent me, but I forget how to load it :oops:

Can you remind me please :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:50 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Put the file into the RTC\MODULES directory, then load up the RTC.exe and then you should see it in the menu, scroll down if you don't. Remember to click on the right side of monsters\npc's, also put items on the mouse and click too, this can give out all kinds of different responses. I look forward to your comments. If you have not played DM2 you may not understand the differences, but give it a go.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:47 pm
by Wizard Zedd
Thank you...I will try and get some time in the next day or two to check it out.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:57 pm
by Wizard Zedd
Chaos Shaman. Finally got a little time to check it out. VERY different from the first DM (the only one I have completed). I realize that this is for testing only - but wanted to point out a couple of things. First I bought a map to help me find food - but it is that because you haven't done that yet, or is it an error? I also have a scroll that gives me my party size and then 4 or 5 abbreviations where the numbers keep changing - what is this? I did complete a couple of things yet they are not in the that by design or will it be added later? Lastly, as I wander through the dungeon I keep hearing explosions - am I doing something to cause that? They keep scaring me :lol:

Oh and with the Merchant...struggling a bit with the buy and sell...I hit buy or sell and can't seem to figure out exactly how to do it - can you explain please.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone else playing/testing - so you want me to send you a PM or talk about it here using the spoiler feature?

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:31 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Thanks WZ, feel free to discuss it freely, as you said it is only the bare bones, no pun intended.

The GG map, that is to show honour, respect and thanks to GG for spending 8 years designing a GUI that anyone can use, and the scroll if equipped in the hand can resurrect a character now, it's for testing puroses and not to be used for dungeon play. The purpose of the scroll was to use both hands as payment and to thank GG, a mysterious being whom lurks in dark spaces, nobody knows what he looks like anymore, shrouded in mystery.

The other scroll is for testing purposes, it indicates party size to make sure when adding or removing it is correct because adding a dead character from bones the counter is needed. The moving numbers are counters that are attached to the skeletons moods, their attacks are hooked to counters. Without the scrolls it would be very difficult to test the program. Used sound to debug the entire engine, sound and colour was used to program everything, the two senses were crossed to give depth in mind, learn best that way.

The log is just an example, it was done some time ago and has not been updated. Having the log gives purpose, the party can see what it still needs to be done. The log shows how important the info screens uses are. It is just thrown together to show what the screens can do. They are also what was used in Banville which was another demo on what they can do.

The explosions, yes they are annoying. They are there to tell me when the skeletons change their moods, are hooked up in different ways, the one you're hearing is using a foot attack, if the party moves they have a chance at changing their moods. If the party stands still the skeletons will most often go back to peace mode. What's new about that is how their moods interact with the monster attractors, this made quite a difference, so the npcs are not starring at walls like they use to, they are intelligent. They will come after the party sometimes, you'll have to play with that. It will take a day to feel the engine out.

The merchant Mr Finklestein is quite different. To Buy and Sell you need to click on either one, then give money to him or if selling give him an object. You can't buy or sell objects that do not exist in the shop, do not attack him, if he turns angry you'll have to give him a gor coin to bring him back to peace so don't throw objects at him!
When charaters use money make sure you put it in the left hand, I changed it from right to left to prevent the menu from closing. The character that clicks on the npc is the leader, if you change it he won't see it until you click on him again. Click once on a npc to change him to a standing mood, then you can try giving objects, so click twice on npcs at the minimum.

There will be instructions on how to play, how it functions, sorry have not done that yet, but all the commands will be explained in detail and just like any game there is a learning process that the player must do.

Thanks for helping me out Wizard Zedd, there is a lot more involved, so keep testing it. I know you have not played DM2 so it is difficult to see the changes. Not too many have tested it and put forth comments about it so it has been a struggle to do everything. Winter time is best for me and most others, we've finally had a month of summer, FINALLY!

Any questions just ask away.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:08 pm
by Wizard Zedd
Thanks Chaos. I did figure out dealing with the merchant :) Lots of cool stuff there and I can see the potential for any number of things here.

I have managed to add Equus and Mr. Gold to my party. I have also managed to make many of the skeleton mad at me (lots of skeletons with red eyes now). I have tried to make peace but it is not working on them...perhaps I should replay from a previous version. I have freed Zed and found the staircase down, but need to find the key.

Overall I am enjoying the menus and different options you have given them. A few minor things that put a smile on my face is putting your hand over the info eye when at the merchant and the snoring when sleeping :)

The map scroll looks great - love the colors. I decided to attack the vexirk - wow he is nasty! The only one that survived was Equus who luckily had a gold coin which I gave to to vexirk and he stopped attacking me but as soon as I took one step it kicked me out of the game. I tried again and he managed to kill everyone in the party and I played again and Equus survived but the same thing happened where I got kicked out of the game.

I like the interaction with the characters very much. I still have much to learn I am sure as I haven't done all the options with all the various characters you have. Now I am going to go and try and deal with these angry skeletons and find myself a key :)

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:12 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
If Chaos dies the game is over, he has to live, so what happens is as soon as you take a step movement, it checks to see if Chaos is alive, and if not the party dies and game is over. Mad skeletons can be killed with machete, bolts or Equus's fireballs, or you can keep trying to use peace or scatter, if you click on them and try the spells they sometimes calm down. They move slowly so you should be able to deal with them. Can remove a skeleton if you find it hard.

Have an update with ambient sounds and a few fixes, very scary, it might scare you if you find the random fireball sounds scary :twisted:

Send it later today.

What would be nice for you to check is how the skeletons behave, they are the only ones that were worked on with the AI\pathfinding. They've got a mind of their own now. :twisted:

Thanks again, look forward to you testing the update, you should be getting use to the controls that will make it easier the next time around.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:39 pm
by Wizard Zedd
Thanks for the info. I got your latest update and will try and take a look in the next day or two.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:04 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Thanks, take your time.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:27 pm
by Wizard Zedd
I had a little bit of time the other day to check out the new file you sent. The sounds are much more intense - a little creepy actually. The screams in the background are unnerving - not sure where they are coming from yet. I like a lot of the things you have added to the walls etc. Well except for the manacle that trapped me. First time I had just started so I just replayed it - second time around I figured it out and managed to free myself :)

I have not had a lot of free time the past month as I have been very busy with work and unfortunately that has to come first - sucks being an adult sometimes :) Hopefully I will get a chance to continue playing in the next couple of days.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:44 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Since the last release there has been improvements, sound localized more NPCs rigged to monster attractors, larger rooms, a bunch of little things. Take your time with it, feel it out. Clodios has been working at the story for some time, and he has an update for it, but it has to be translated into english. The AI\pathfinding will go nicely with his characters he's done so far. You'll find it a lot better once the graphics get put in which is the final last step. There are 3 planned dungeons so far, that all connect. Once the story and graphics are in with sound (it takes up most of the space) the dungeons will be easier to put together with the story.

Thanks Zedd

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:24 pm
by Wizard Zedd
So are you saying that you have a newer version I should be playing? Send it along if that is the case.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:15 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Yes, did some work on it this week. I'm still poking at how RTC works. There are probably tons of ways to do things that personally have not tried. Winter time is best for me to work on stuff. Want to work on graphics but the AI has taken up the bulk of free time the last 2 years. I'll send the update before the weekend. Most important is to feel the engine. How well have you managed the controls? Didn't give you too much info on how to play, wanted to see how easy it is for people who first try it out without reading the destructions, lol.

Re: Artificial Intelligence

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:57 pm
by Seriously Unserious
Wow, CS, looks like your AI project's come a long way since I was last here. Still busy with work but looking forward to a time when I have more free time to get back to helping you out with this and getting back to that dungeon project that sparked this whole AI thing.

The stuff I read about that you've added recently look like exactly what I'll need for the sequel to my current project.