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Post by beowuuf »

Fex is the mage that originally asked you to come in to the dungeon with him. As I hinted, you were friendly enough to him to speak to him, but something always struck you as off with him. You realised before that Helm was probably who Fex took in to the dungeon with them in place of you. Basically, yopu can assume Deephold's just being suspicious because you were probably name dropped by Fex. Just as Helm knew you by name because of that, and was a little antagonistic because he was obviosuly the replacement and because of Fex's betrayal. It looked odd you were in the dungeon when Fex said you couldn't come, if I recall.
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Ah, I misunderstood Haynuus's posting regards to Helm and the key then, as I missed any indication that Haynuus was talking bollocks ;).

BIC - Ameena looks up at the troll-creatures.
"We'd better be careful." she says. "There could be all sorts of unpleasant people walking around in this area. I'll see what I can hear and smell, but we'd better not just go charging in, because then they'll know we're here and they might come and attack us. And remember to think of other things...I mean, not who lives down here. And don't even talk about that either - just think of...nice things. Because otherwise your head might get messed up even though you think there's nothing wrong with you."
She moves out a little way, sniffing the air cautiously and trying to detect anything that might be within range of her senses.

OOC - Not sure whether the trolls moved past me or whether I'm still in front. Either way, Ameena is heading slowly in the direction of the room where she and Haynuus fought Garax (assuming that's the altar she's been pointed towards by the elementals, anyway). Perception = 27 (16+11), Stealth = 23 (8+15).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by oh_brother »

Westian listens as Ameena repeats her instructions about thinking good thoughts. At first he assumed this was part of her non-violent nature, and recommending happy thoughts was the default solution to any problem. But now that she had repeated and stressed it he took more notice. Maybe she was right - she and Haynuus had ventured here before after all.

If that was so his fears were not going to help. He suppressed them as well as he could, and thought of happier times. His times in the order. He had always enjoyed travelling, he remembered his experiences meeting new cultures. His time in the land of the pixies, where he had met Petal. And in the lands of the Lizard men, where he had met other people that he would now call friends.

The Trolin's were still a worry though. Did they have happy experiences to fall back on? Experiences that did not involve violence or betrayal, that is.

"Ameena is right" he said, his words aimed mainly at their Trolin companions. "We know the person we are looking for can enter our minds. Do not think of him. Think of pleasant times. The loyalty shown by a friend for example, and the loyalty you showed in return."
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Post by raixel »

Yeah, I just noticed that. Also noticed neither of the two posts I made yesteday (one here and one in my game actually sjowed up. Oh well. Reposting.
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Post by raixel »

The roll was a 13 btw

Petal isnt paying much attention to the events raound her, instead watching the trolins carefully and being wary for any sign of the evil elf's influence. She still didnt trust them, regardless of what her fri4ends aid. And who WERE al these other people. Westian she knew, and trusted. He was a good friend of her mentor and one of the most powerful pixie sorcerers, Master Alorthin. And she of course was comfortable around Deephold, Haynuus and Ameena. But the humans and the...little human. Well, he wasn't really human, but he sure looked it and she doesnt know what race he is. She can sense that he can manimpulate the flows of mana like her, but not in the matter of the pixie Singers. More like the elven wizards she has met. Perhaps she shuld talk to him.

She flies down next to Falkor and shyly approaches him.

"Petal, I am." She wants to say more, but doesnt know if he can understand her thick accent. She tries to speak slowly and clearly, although the backwardsness of Common constantly impedes her.

"A Singer I am. A magic.." she stumbles over the words. In the pixie dialect of Sylvan, the word would equate to 'controller' or 'enslaver' as a description of how wizards use mana. But she doesnt want to say that, as she doesnt know how the small man would take it. "...maker you are? With the trolins, you work? Think you they are safe?"
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Post by ian_scho »

"Haynuus overhears Petal quietly asking Falkor if the trolins are safe. He can't help himself from interjecting as he himself has nearly died twice now from fighting with these creatures.

"No Petal, not safe." But perhaps that was plainly unfair. "These trolins do seem to be slightly different from the ones I've met before though."
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Post by money »

The language was strange, he understood the message and Haynuus clearly understood as he jumped in with a response before Falkor could get a word out, still Haynuus was right. Trolins on the whole were not to be trusted however this was not the time or place to be having such discussions. He gave a nod towards Petal, acknowledging what Haynuus had said to be true. "I am a mage, I am still learning and trying to harness my powers for good. Of course one creatures good is sometimes seen as anothers evil, but I share many of the same values the others in your party do."

He had a number of questions popping into his mind, what was this creature, where did she come from, assuming it is a she?!?! But again, priorities were on progressing and the noise and distant sound of fighting had to be his number 1 priority for the time being.
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Post by beowuuf »

Karda flexed his small, sinewy muscles at the mention Haynuus made to animated arours. "Slow lumbering brutes not do good against them. Big blade and big muscles not help you." HOwever, there was laugher in the air, and little mocking airy voices. Haynuus, of course, knew of the blade he carried - the OH blade - and clearly the young elementals recalled its existence or heard its call. Their laugher unnerved Karda, and he pretended to look ahead.

Falkor was concerned over the noise of the armours, and it seemed to be cvomign form the left as Sir Farel had indicated. Still, it appeared that Haynuus knew something of them, and was warning against that direction. In a way it was a shame, the tales of armours walking by themselves had been one of the taller tales Falkor had heard of the mountain.

It would also be interesting to know fi the animated armours were actually magical, or were controlled by spirits. His understanding was magic. Still, for the moment he had to look after Helm, and of course look out for signs of the spirits around. And hope that the priest - if he could move in their thoughts - would not be able to do something to the spirits that he relied upon as allies.

All realised that Ameena's warning was for a reason. AS Westian took it more seriously, Deephold leant over to the half-elf. "The priest operates upon fear and anger, the onl;y things he seems to know anymore. I do not believe he can understand nor work better enotions - loyalty, happiness. Your friend seems to have found a perfect defense. And she has the strength of will to use it."

Deephold's expression went darker, and he motioned for Westian to bend down a little to listen in, while not drawing the attention of the Trolins. "Ameena and Haynuus were captured. I beleive Ameena fell in battle, and the dark priest tried to attach a darkstone to her soul. I think he was looking to create a defense in case he died, able to exist in the ether while still tethered to the world." Deephold gave a sad look to Ameena. "She managed to hold on beat his power, enough that we shattered the stone. I would listen to what she says." However, Deephold did not seem to be finished, something on his mind. "I fear he has a second darkstone. Two would have allowed him to be anchored, allow him the safety of retreating to one body of the darkstone of the other was attacked. Luckily, we stopped that plan. However, it is still a powerful artifact, and I believe the reason he has such amplified powers." Deephold tapped his finger to his lips, an odd scholarly habit when the dwarf used to work out a problem. "Perhaps if we could find it...destroy it...we would render him considerably less powerful."

Westian, feel free to roll a knowledge check of some kind, if you want to know more about this without the risk of speaking of it out in the open.

Meanwhile, the Trolins seemed to be a little put out by the comments of Ameena. Not the 'thinking happy thoughts', there was something in the general acceptance, and even the King's dark looks at the talk of the power of the priest, that kept their jeers to a minimum. Westian's framing of it as loyalty seemed to generate a different flavour of baffled look. Still, at least it could be argued that such a rare occasion was certainly a happy event. Guree and Uumack seemed to be able to take to it much easier, reserving looks for Haynuus as they obviously respected him, and seemed to have trusted Westian originally in part because of his connection to the half-orc. Still, Ameena could see that this was not what was making the Trolins around tense. Instead, it seemed to focus around the concept of not charging in. Were they really that violent and reckless, or was there something else going on?

Ameena led the group forwards, and those who had not come this way before were treated to the sight of the dingy walls. This was clearly a very low level, small residue of slimes and dirt defining every joint of every brick. There had apparently been no moisture here, the air of the cavern far above apparently making no impact. It was stale. Like an expansive tomb.

The mud coloured Trolins slid the walls beside Ameena, although her words and also the occasional laughing air elemental ensured the stayed back a few steps. Similarly, though Karda tried to move forwards with her, there was something about having Haynuus close, and the laughing elementals, that kept the smaller trolin distracted. Thankfully, that allowed Ameena's nose t work well, undistracted herself by Trolin scent on all four sides.

It was then she recalled the death of Fex was very close, and they had not moved the body. The scent was not too strong, but the faint odour of blood still clung to the air. Did that mean that someone had moved the body? If so...did that mean that they might meet the twisted mage? Deephold's attitude seemed to indicate that would be a good thing, not if he had betrayed Deeephold once.

Worse, Ameena could smell the faint scents of undead. The dusty, clothy scent of the mummies the dark priest had used seemed to be close. Worse though, a new yet familiar scent that had not been around before. Grak-grak. Those hideous creatures had moved around this area, apparently recently.

I don't want to push you much further this update, but I do want you guys to move forwards. Ameena knows the route left and right (looks at the map) and of course Petal can advise what is right, if she has a mind to! The scent of grak-grak will seem to come faintly from the right hand side. The scent of mummies will seem to come more strongly from the left, the direction of travel.

Petal thinks she has been speaking in such a way as to disguise what she has been saying to both Ameena and now the small humanoid. Perhaps her halting common speech will actually help, as the Trolins are apparently also a little uncomfortable with it as thier second language.

Still, Haynuus and Falkor don't have that issue, and the Trolins at the back - the ones more generally attired, and who seem to be taking up a rear guard position, apparently hear what is said. Whether being spoken of as 'not safe' and yet 'different from the others' is taken as an insult or a compliment is not instantly spotted. The Trolins seem far too focused on keeping watch. Whatever effect the words have, they are like stones dropped in to deep pools, where no ripples are then seen. Who knows what could be disturbed though, to come back later.

Luckily for Falkor, Ardur - Sir Farel's younger squire - seemed to have a similar set of questions for Petal. "What...what are you?" he asked shyly, when Farel was disratced looking to the left. Farel turned around sharply, but then allowed the boy to speak. "Did you, were you...do you live here? Or were you trapped here like we were?" The squire seemed taller than Falkor, and wore chainmail and carried a sword. However, his face and demeanour did not seem to mark him as much of a warrior, and he certainly seemed uncertain and afraid to be in the company he was travelling with.

Meanwhile, Aurek had a different distraction. While the air elementals were throwing out small comments ot the Trolins in common, they were speaking to each other in the language of the air. He could recognise some words though. The most common was 'boredom'. It seemed that the cautious group were not being as entertaining as the young elementals might hope. Would their boredom result in something bad happening, or would it result in them leaving? Either way, it appeared an issue that should be resolved, somehow.

Ok, I had intended to do a second post away fro mthe narrative just describing Ameena leading you all the the t-junction, but decided to keep it where it was. React and keep speaking, but also feel free to IC or OOC decide if you are definitely heading to the library room, and what precautions you want to take. I'm sure Ameena will be forthcomign about the existance of the mummies close. And ovbiosuly, you need to work out what you want to allow your Trolin allies to do here.

Heh, before all this pacifist talk, of cours,e the Trolisn were a way to speed through combats. Now, it seems you need to work out how to stop them combatting, if they aren't already cowed. In which case, you might need to work out how to make them combat :)

Or you can decide they are untrustworthy, and do it all yourself!
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - As no-one's said anything directly to Ameena, assume for now that she continues to head in the direction of the library room (again, assuming that's the one with the altar - I can't actually remember, but even if it isn't she should hopefully be able to follow the scents of before to find it). If anyone addresses her, I'll update - she'd be happy to natter away to the Air Elementals if she wasn't so busy trying to show the way. But of course, since she doesn't speak their language she won't know they're getting bored.
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Post by beowuuf »

Don't worry, it is.
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus followed behind Ameena with a respectful distance. It was ironic that he was the one carrying the torch for those who could not see. The mention of Deephold's 'second darkstone' put a suddenly heavy weight in his stomach. How did he know of it's existence? Yet he may well be right! He made a mental note to physically check himself over whenever he was next on his own. Not likely with an army of trolins around you but checking for unnatural lumps in his trousers seemed like a good idea right now.
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Post by raixel »

Petal is obviously female. She has...um.. *mammaries* ;)

The pixie listens to Falkor and nods. Although wizards did not exist among her people, they did exist among other sylvan races and she was familiar with their style of using magic, although this being's ways might be different. "Good, it is. And pleased to meet you. But your name I did not get. Call you, what should I?", she asks him. She seems to want to ask him more about his style of using magic as the group moves on, but one of the humans turns to her and starts talking.

Petal turns to the young human, floating about his eye level. She blinks when he asks her what she is, but then thinks about it for a second longer. Before she had taken her Test and left her home, hse too would have been shocked at all the different creature sin the world. Although she is not good at telling the ages of humans, Ardur seemed young. Young enough that were he a pixie, he would still be studying for his Test

"A pixie, I am. From the forest He'lioth. Called in your language I know not what it is, but translated to Sun Forest, it is. Live here I do not. By Chaos my home was destroyed, so travelled I did. Faced him, I did, and captured I was.", Petal says politely. "Meeting all of you, I am happy to, and pleased. A warrior you are?"

Although she looks at the person she is speaking with, she also keeps a close eye on where the party is travelling and the odd brown trolins. It is plainly obvious to anyone watching that although she is trying to hide it, she expects the trolins to turn on the party at any time. The rest of the party's conversation flows around her, and she listens in, although not feeling the need to interject anything.
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Post by Lord_BoNes »

Although usually quiet, Aurek has to comment at Haynuus 'rearranging himself'... "Having fun over there, are we?" he says, looking straight at Haynuus, "Find anything useful?" he queries, chuckling to himself. It's not often down here, in this evil place, that the members of the group got to smile or laugh, so he took this opportunity.

Then he focused on watching the trolins intently, looking to their body-language, trying to read what was going on (sense motive, 1d20 = 9... hope that's enough) before overhearing the air elementals complaining of boredom.
"Don't worry, my friends. It may be a little boring right now, but the really interesting part is coming up... please try not to get too impatient..." he says to the elementals of air, in their native tongue.

OOC: Just a side-note... I should've been able to hear just about every word that the elementals are saying to one another (I've got 3 ranks in each of the 2 languages, air & water... did that when I leveled up).

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A somewhat flustered Haynuus replied "Oh I'm looking for a lost.... Rock". He didn't want them to think that he is a darkstone-carrier.
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Post by Lord_BoNes »

"A lost 'rock' huh?" responds Aurek, chuckling even more. "So you found something 'rock-like' down there did you?"
LOL! I had to say something after all the time that Haynuus has spent with his finger up his nose (or sticking in some strange crack in the wall) :P

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Post by ian_scho »

Misinterpreting somewhat the paladin's comments Haynuus bowes his head to the floor and states "Not yet thankfully. Maybe we should start checking each other for darkstones though?" Rubber gloves don't exist in this dungeon, chainmail gauntlets do.
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Post by Lord_BoNes »

The paladin takes a few steps away from the orc, stating "No, I don't think that's necessary".

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Post by ian_scho »

Oh no! Maybe HE'S got a soulstone attached him or something! thought the half-orc. "Maybe Westian can give you a good looking over later then?" He knew that these religious orders were very tetchy about who looked under who'se robe unless they were one of their own.
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Post by oh_brother »

Westian listened as Deephold spoke of soulstones – sadly it was something he knew little about. He looked with pity at Ameena as Deephold mentioned her and Haynuus’s captivity. That was something that was certain to have traumatised the murafu. It would have been tough on Haynuus too, but presumably the half-orc had been in such situations before.

“So, this soulstone...is there any way to find it? Does it leave any trace or imprint on the environment? Would...he...have it on him personally?” Westian blessed himself at even an indirect mention of the priest. “If it increases his power it would help if we could find it before we faced him.”

Petal and Falkor’s conversation allowed Westian to think of more pleasant things. Not only as a distraction, but also as a way to not obsess about the dark elven priest. “Of course, you do not know each other. Falkor, Petal. Petal, Falkor.”

Looking up at Petal hovering around him he smiled. “Do not worry, he is a good man to have on our side. We travelled together for some time now, and he has proven himself a good person, not to mention skilled and resourceful.” Turning to Falkor he continued. “Likewise, Petal is an old friend, and can be trusted.”

“Last time I saw you, you were in training to become a sorcerer, I assume that worked out? Still singing your runes’ like Master Alorthin?” When Petal flew over by Ardur Westian did not follow. He still felt uncomfortable around Farel. No matter how much he told himself that he had done no wrong he still felt the knight’s eyes judging him, and finding him wanting.

Instead he pulled his cloak around him and refocused on their current movements. He moved closer to Ameena, though not so close as to overwhelm her sensitive olfactory system. “Anything ahead, Ameena?” he whispered.

The knowledge roll was a 4, so probably no info on soustones in Westian’s head!
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Post by money »

Falkor continued walking with the others, as Westian introduced the Pixie he knoded his head in a nice to meet you manor. He then continued down the path.

Sorry all, not a big update and now out in meetings for the next 2 days. Will pickup Wednesday night (time permitting) or Thursday morning. More than happy for the story to progress and assume Falkor is watching/looking for any oddities in the corridors etc.
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Post by beowuuf »

@LB: Just because you can understand what they say, doens't mean you gain superhuman hearing :D However if you are specifically listening in to the words of thr air elementals, you'll be able to catch what they say (no perception roll needed, they aren't hiding what they say, it's just how they speak to each other is fast and quiet as they pass right by each other)

@Ameena: OB did say Westian would go over to Ameena, but I'm going to move us on as so say first :)

The murafu and the Trolins all tried to outdo each other with in moving ahead, although the threat of the implicit thread of the air elementals seemed to allow Ameena to keep leading. Aurek tried to work the Trolins out from where he was, all he could tell was that the Trolin leader seemed to be gettign more and more nervous, yet more and more eager. If it was for a trap, having some of his best men eager to move ahead seemed mad. Still, something was clearly agitating the King, and by extention the rest of the trolins.

Haynuus meanwhile wondered on the source of Deephold's knowledge. Of course, it seemed that Deephold and Westian's god was very much opposed to the dark priest's god. The circlet whispered that if the two were mirriors of each other, then perhaps a weakness of the dark priest could be found in the strength of his companions, or vice versa.

Given you haven't rolled for it, please take this advice with as much of a pinch opf salt as you wish, Ian :D

Ardur actually seemed to be engaged by the pixie, something Sir Farel noted with a raised eyebrow. "We call you pixies too. I read about you in storybooks when I was much younger. I...I'm learning to be a warrior. Like Sir farel."

"Like your father," corrected Sir Farel, then bowing to the pixie himself.

Ardur's eyes were still wide to hear that Petal had fought Chaos personally and been imprisoned. "We were - Sir Farel was - trying to investigate why the Grey Lord seemed to be gone now. We were captured too. Well, he was first. I ... I was captured later. How did you get out?"

It seemed as if he was looking for something with the questioning, not just interested. Althoiugh he was clearly also facinated by the pixie. If he notices Petal's worried look to the Trolins, he seems to be distracting himself from it.

The air elementals start billowing around Aurek, spinning around his arms and legs. If Aurek were the one hiding a darkstone, it would have been found by now.

'What's happening? Do share? What's the secret? Is it with the blue men?'

The voices all lap and wave over each other as if they were water instead of air, and they seemed to be getting excited at being teased on soemthing about to happen.

There is nothing I can add to the Haynuus/Aurek comedy stylings :D

Luckily, Deephold had not heard Haynuus's comment on darkstones, for the dwarf seemed to be taking it very seriously. "Not soulstone, darkstone." Hisses Deephold, apparently offended at the slip up. "A soulstone is a conduit, benign. A darkstone is a mockery of it, it sucks at other's couls, or imposes their own. The soulstone - if it is whole - calls out to those who would listen. A darkstone is sercretcy, a black hole in the fabric of life." Deephold stopped being the irracible lecturer Westian was more used to, and became the calmer soldier of this place again. "You are right, we must find it. Without it, he is weakened, I am sure. I hope he only has one other. He will definitely have one on his person, he would need at least one to have a physical connection to the world."

Sadly, Westian had never been lectured on this subject by any of his elders, nor Deephold, and it seemed a little late now to learn. Still, perhaps they could realise the basics and beat the elf priest.

Still, after touching base with those who were following what he had set in motion - touching base with all those except Farel - Westian made it to the front of the group. The Trolin King shifted. "Make her hurry up!" he hissed as Westian walked passed.

Ameena had lead them aroudn a corner, and Haynuus's dim torchlight was like noon outside to Westian. he could see that there was a door ahead. And he could see that there was a spill of light under the door. Certainly, the Trolins slowly slipping left and right and giving each other concerned looks saw that too.

Ok, you guys are basically outside the library door. Money, so noted about your absense! I'll try not to kill Falkor off in the interrum :D All, decide on your apporach. Relaise if it takes ages, you might have Trolins doing Trolin stuff.
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Post by ian_scho »

beowuuf wrote:Of course, it seemed that Deephold and Westian's god was very much opposed to the dark priest's god. The circlet whispered that if the two were mirriors of each other, then perhaps a weakness of the dark priest could be found in the
OOC - I think someone stole the rest of our sentence!
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus was not really the (half) man you wanted to put his ear against the door. He'd probably leave his ear wax on it. So therefore he gesture's to Ameena that maybe she should patter a little closer and take a listen. She would probably be already on her way in fact. He stays in his place, ensuring that the low light that he casts does not betray them to the room's occupants.

OOC - Haynuus will stay back for now, but is ready to let others past to stick their nose in the door.
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Post by Ameena »

As they near the door, Ameena pauses, moving her paws to attempt a humanoid gesture to indicate that the group should momentarily wait where they are while she goes ahead to check.
Then she moves forward toward the door, having dropped back down to all-fours again. She listens intently and sniffs at the ground, hoping to catch any scents that might waft out from beneath.

OOC - Perception for listening/sniffing at anything that might come from under the door = 18 (7+11). And in case you need a refresh on the Stealth check, 24 (9+15) :).
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Post by raixel »

The sorceress smils at Falkor. '"To meet you t is good, Falkor, then. Talk we should later about different magic types?" she says to the halfling politely.

Petal wrinkles her nose at the concept of darkstones in places they shouldnt be, and the idea of having to look for said darkstones. Relieved that everyone appears to be keeping their pants on (for now anyway) she smiles at Westian. "Yes. My Test I did pass. Unfortunately, attacked the village Chaos did, a week after. Destroyed it was, and possibly corrupted by the broken mana. After this, go I will to the temples of Titantia and Larethian to seek aid. Notes I have taken about a similar tainted area found we did here." The pixie rummages around in her satchel and pulls out some notes, plant clippings, and soil samples.

"The area we did find, mana bled into each other. So to stand on the ground, feet of yours turned into rick. A dragon we fought, turned to plant it was." She falls silent then and seems embarrassed, although its hard to tell why. From the area we passed these samplea are. Hope I do to study them and find the cause of the mana-taint, help my village it might."

In response to Ardurs question about how she escaped Chaos, Petal falls silent and looks uncomfortable. "I...know not." she says quietly. She catches the intensly questioning looks and shifts her weight in the air currents, but remains silent.

Sense motive: Whats he after? Sense motive (1d20+1=18)

Westian moves to the front of the group, and Petal follows him, politely nodding to the humans and halfling as she leaves. On the way, she catches the hissed words of the trolin. Suppressing her desire to fling a fireball in the brutish creature's face, hse flies close to Westian and Ameena, giving the trolin a look as if daring him to come make Ameena go faster.

At the door, Petal holds up her hand for the group to stop (although she doesnt really care where the trolins go). "A spelll I have, to through the door look. Cast it, I can." she tells everyone.

Closing her eyes, she listens to the Song of the mana in the area, picking out the tones she wants to influence. She puts her index fingers and thumbs together to form the runic shape LO and points them at the door. "LOOHEWRA" she calls, willing the air on the opposite side of the door to meld with the air on this side of the door and mix with the RA energy to create a full picture.
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Yay! It's Petal who has the second darkstone embedded in her. SHE was at the very same area when we woke up with one attached to Ameena. How did she escape chaos and how could she have been wandering around unrestrained? Ahhh, lovely paranoia :)
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Post by oh_brother »

"Of course Brother Deephold, a darkstone" Westian clarified in a chastened tone, once again feeling like a fresh-faced novice. "I do not think they were part of my studies" he continued, hoping that this was true and he had not just slept through some classes. He nodded when the dwarf spoke trying to find it.

As they moved on Westian stared in shock as the pixie filled him in on the destruction of the village. "Petal, that is awful, I had no idea. The whole village, destroyed? Did anyone else...?" he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"If there is anything I can do to help of course I will. I will ask my order to investigate immediately when we return." If we return. "I do not think I could be much help myself in your studies, magic is not really my area of expertise. Falkor hear might know better though, I am sure he could lend some after we get out."

The sight of the door ahead quelled any further conversation. Westian gripped his staff tightly as peered at the wood as Petal began to cast her spell.
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Post by beowuuf »

Ameena can hear nothing through the door, although her paws feel slightly cold. However, there is no sound of people talking or moving o nthe other side. No movement of something pacing and creating shadow under the door. She swears she can scent that peculiar scent of undeath.

After showing Westian the evidence of her information gathering, Petal dwells more on Ardur's questions, realising something. She realises what Ardur is searching for, or at least thinks she does. Clearly, they are all trapped down here, in the dungeon. Even though Farel and Ardur have escaped their immediate captivity, they are still deep in the dfungeon, and escape is by no means a foregone conclusion. It appears that as Petal has spoken so casually of escaping from Lord Chaos's bonds herself, perhaps Ardur is looking for reassurance that he, too, will be able to escape this more mundane situation. Of course, it is not a reassurance she could truly deliver, given that they are all in the same boat. His expression seems to fall when she cannot explain how she escaped from Chaos before, and he looks around to distract himself. Of course, in reality Petal may not exactly be in the same boat herself, physically given the tall chimney in the cavern she could escape in to the air and away. Not that she would.
and certainly there is the matter of the black strand, something she had not looked to again with all the other distractions of this place.
Petal drifts across to the door, having indicated the spell she could use to see throguh it - one that Falkor, himself, possesses. However, he seems to allow her to use it, perhaps realising the pixie's wings allow her to move without footsteps or creating noticeable shadow on the floor.

Petal casts the spell of sight, and the door melts in her vision as if it were not there. A dark room, with books on the right hand and far wall come to view. She thigns thre is a doorway in the right hand wall, and there seems to be a table and a few chairs close to the doorthey are beside.

Most importantly though, are the two tall and frost-covered mummies that seemed to stand on the edge of her vision on the left. Tehre is some dim light - perhaps candlelight - come from behind them. They are not moving, frozen in position. Standing still as if guards.

It appears Haynuus's decision to not advance forward had been a good instinct, as for now the mummies do not seem to be aware of the presence of a large group just outside the door. The mud coloured mummies have advanced forwards, though the Trlin King and Pullack's group stop where Haynuus has stopped, looking for signs of danger.

"What she doing? Why we stop? Again?" asks The Trolin King to Westian, with growing irritation and frustration for osme reason.

Teehee, I love Ian/Haynuus paranoia! Ok, I updated, but will can update again tomorrow morning if Raixel, Ameena, LB, or anyone else who tends to be up late has anything to add :D
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena listens and smells carefully at the door. She is aware of Petal fluttering about above her head but has no idea what the pixie is doing - some kind of magic, she gathers, but what kind, she has no idea. It doesn't seem to be anything that wil make a loud noise or try to knock through the door, though, so that's alright.
She retreats from the door some way and stands upright, beckoning for those nearby to bend down and listen (OOC - Obviously the next bit assumes at least one person does so). She speaks as softly as she can, yet as loudly as she dares so that those who have come closer can hear her but hopefully without disturbing whatever might be behind the door.
"I can smell undead." she says. "I can't hear anything moving, but I can definitely smell undead. But it's not grak-graks - they have a different kind of undead smell. There were some undead things around here before - the ones made from cloth all bound together. Mummies, I think they're called? We left one in the room with...that person, when we left him behind. But I'm sure there are more around here. There might be some in the room, but...maybe sitting or lying down? Or just standing in one place - do they do that? But they are very strong. And cold. But we need to get into that room to bring Helm back. I think fire will help, but they might run off and tell someone. Or if they try to attack us, it might make lots of noise and other people might come. Especially...if he's out of that room...you know...but don't think about that. About him. Think about other things...like that for now, I don't think anyone knows we're here."
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by raixel »

"Yes, destryoed it was." Petal tells Westian. "Know of the only pixie survivors were me and Master Alorthin. Killed everyone else was, including centaur tribe who visiting to sell wares they were, some elves as well.Thought I did until I saw you, that killed Master Alorthin and you were too. Met I did, that same day a dog-like person called a bika named Growlgra. I know not why he was there, but survive he did. Friends, we became, although now I know not where he is. Also, after the attack, met I did the lizar Sssil, the one who travels. Survived he did too, as near the village he was not when happened it did. Wonder I do, why did it happen?" Remember, Petal only had the tiniest suspicion about the resistance, due to the fact Master Alorthin kept her in the dark to protect her because she was just an apprentice.

She looks through the door with her magic sight, describing the lay-out ofthe room as Ameena described what her senses tell her. "Some books I see, and a doorway, a table and chairs." she mutters basically describing what Beo wrote Wait! I see mummies! Covered in frost, they look like they are. Not moving they be. Ameena, that must be what smelling you are!" She pulls back from the door and takes a piece of parchment and her quill pen out of her satchel and begins to draw a quick map for the benefit of everyone, appearing amazed that the murafu's senses coud be so accurate even through a door.

"So, shpaed like this the room is. Bookshelves they are here on the right they are, the doorway also, and table and chairs here," she says as she sketches them out. "Mummies are here. Look like they are guarding they do, with light behind them." She sketches in an X in the place of the mummies, and puts lines to show where the light appears to be coming from. After she is finished, she shows the map around, making sure that everyne gets a chance to see it. She will not under any circumstances approach the trolins to show it to them, so if they want to see it, someone else will have to bring it to them
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