Page 21 of 22


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:55 pm
by Ameena
Without looking around, without listening to the horrible flaming creature behind her, Ameena practically skids to a halt at the foot of the plinth as the metal-clad Aurek places the final, largest piece of the Soulstone onto the floor in front of her. Though she knows it might be the last thing she ever does, she reaches into her pouches, grabbing the Soulstone fragments she already carries, and shoves them at the largest piece, hoping she's doing it in the right way and that the pieces will merge properly. She pays no attention to whatever might be going on around her, though half expects a searing burst of white fire to hit her from behind at any moment.

OOC - If there's anything I can roll to make the Soulstone-putting-together go more quickly...maybe straight Dex, or maybe I can even stretch it to Acrobatics, as it's a Dex-based thing involving manipulating stuff with the hands (well, paws) quickly? Even Sleight-of-Hand? I'll just roll a d20 and you can let me know if there's anything I can add to it ;). So a d20 to fix the Soulstone ASAP = 16. If I can make that a straight Dex roll, the total is 19. If Acrobatics, 31, if Sleight of Hand, 25, and what the hey, if Thievery then it's 28 :D. Ameena is trying to do this as fast as possible whilst hopefully not messing up and dropping pieces. If she can't remove both pieces simultaneously from her pouches (if they're too big for her to hold one in each paw without dropping either) then she'll do the bigger one first (the original two combined pieces) and then the one from the altar. And then she'll probably get fried or something but hey, she did it in the name of un-messing-up the world :D.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:15 pm
by oh_brother
The blows, one after the other, sent Westian backwards and forwards, reeling like a rag doll. His previous rage momentarily forgotten reason took hold again and told him that standing in front of this creature would not end well.

Keeping his eyes focused on the beast he stepped backwards. But even though his body was bruised and ached he still found strength from somewhere to resist.

"Savages like you should know when you are defeated" he snarled. Pulling out his holy symbol he shouted quickly "Larethian will return all abominations to their graves, your days will come to an end!"

I don't know if Gholst is technically undead, but going to try it anyway. Need to escape from him and make my way to wherever Lloth is trying to appear, and maybe it distracts him from Ameena at least. the attempt was 7 + 15 = 22


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:40 pm
by Ameena
OOC - I think Lolth is in control of the grak-graks, who were fighting some Blackskulls in one of the corridors off the main central area (the one leading to the Path of Reason, I think). They're probably now making their way in through the door of this main room that we're all now in.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:51 pm
by beowuuf
Indeed, they would be coming from tge right hand side most likely...unless your GM was feeling really nasty...really, really nasty... and had them splitting off and coming from the south and east entrances. Wow...that would be nasty.

Anyway, waiting for Ian and maybe LB too, and then you all get to see :D


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:01 pm
by ian_scho
If there was one thing about Westian, he was persistent. Even after receiving a good beating with no buddies standing shoulder to shoulder with him except for a shattered half-orc he stands tall and starts waving his shiney's around. The holy symbol has no effect on Haynuus, it's magicks lost on him, but maybe a shoulder to the deceased groin will help it's effects to wax over Gholst. He once more bullrushes (1d20+8=19) the monster into the alter, this time with someone praying in the background.

Whether it was the contact of his head bouncing off the tattooed chest, the effects of the magic fire around him or just his imagination but he could just about make out Ameena swearing in frustration in the background. It was actually an unusual occurrence... Grak-graks? Oh nooooo!


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:06 am
by beowuuf
Actually, I'll update now and let LB double post if he can tomorrow/later tonight for us!

Deephold reacted to Petal's words, as he focused on where she was moving toweards, and then seemed to sense something from the south. "Evil...great evil," whispered the dwarf to himself. "Greater than this monster! Westian!" The dwarf clearly felt as Petal felt, having been directed to it.

Deephold had seen that Westian was still standing, but the dwarf was clearly torn as to whether to rush to the southern door, or help his fellow cleric. The great white fire consumed the last of Westian's aura, the resistance of Larethian apparently demolished by the raw power of Gholst's evil. Westian, too, had seemed to have been brought down...

And then Westian stood tall and matched Gholst's arrogance and contempt with his own. Gholst took a small step back in shock, as if slapped. It was but a single moment though, and despite the undead nature of both Dargat's body and Gholst's trapped soul, it appeared together they were too strong for even Larethian to push back.

Of coruse, Haynuus was not going to give up in a plan. Ifit did not work once, that only meant one did it HARDER. The half-orc slammed his elbow in to the distracted orcish frame beside him. Gholst was taken by surprise, not expecting the sheer pig headedness from his foe. This time, Gholst's awkward control of Dargat's body saw the warlord fall against the altar and be thrown over it. Gholst rolled to the edge of it and yelled, a club striking Haynuus a glancing blow. However, it was clear that had struck the real blow, Gholst's prideful face pressign through Dargat's fully. Clerly showing the wound to Gholst's pride that would not be quickly forgotten, nor ever forgiven.

Lol, wow, I think I've rolled so many nat 1's in the last week or so. Certainly a third at least! Gholst is knocked prone on the altar! Yippee! His swing in retaliation hit, but I decided a nat 1 earlier meant it was just going to be basic attack. And I rolled another 1 for sdamage, so that's only 6hp from the club in total. Though you also take a full 10 non-lethal damage for being in Gholsts fire directly, which I think means you'll need to roll damn high on a will save to react before Gholst next turn. This turn I let Westian's turning make Gholst automatically slow.

It was the moment Westian and Deephold had been looking for. Westian immediately rushed towards the doorway, perhaps trusting to Haynuus's might to keep Ghlst occupied, and Deephold to keep Haynuus safe. In return, Deephold realised Westian's intent. He yelled at the two Trolins to aid the cleric, Uumack doing so with only a small hesitation at Haynuus's form. Still, Haynuus had made it clear - or Westian had hinted to it - that the half-orc 'served' Westian. Uumack once more trusted to the half-elf that had turned certain death away and swayed kings.

Guree was less sure, but certainly followed Uumack, and was also happy to leave the strange white fire that had affected her so, perhaps not realising what they were charging towards.

Westian could feel for certain that something was coming, the evil of it swelled in his chest as fast as the dispair of Gholst's own aura left him. Worse, Westian's strange senses from the path of truth would not leave the cleric alone, and he could almost see the creatures moving in both direction, feel them under his skin. There was a scream in his ears now, a 'natural' scream coming from a physical source. Thogu hthere was nothing natural, really, about the sound. It was the same tortured shriek - echoed many times - that had been emitted from the usually silent grak-grak when Lolth had taken possession. The demon queen's efforts had been hampered, but at the very least she was now trying to pull all her shattered pieces of consciousness in this plane together. And kill all who dared oppose her in the process. Westian could see those multi-facetted eyes and split limbs as if the door was transparent.

Westian wondered if he could direct the grace of Larethian through the door. Would it be enough? Did he have the means of blessign that portal and sealing it shut with his faith? The other alternative was physical - he could see a set of wooden bars that could go across the door to reinforce the door and shut it. Perhaps he could simply trust to those and his Trolin companions to hold the door closed long enough to buy Ameena the time she needed?

Over by the plinth, with her goal in sight, Ameena managed to work surprisingly swiftly. The stones she possessed all glowed so brightly, but were eerily light in her hands, she barely had to do more than balance them instead of actually lift them. And the parts appeared to want to snap together, it was an effort for her not to be unbalanced or have then fall from her hands towards each other.

Her natural dexterity and the aid of the magic in the parts meant she knew she could construct the stones in only a few moments. However, there was somethign else burning in her pouch. It seemed that Petal had given Ameena back the small globe, the one that had pointed to the stone in Soorec's room before.

It fell from her pouch as she tried to take out one of the soulstone pieces, thoguh it did not shatter. Inside, the green butterfly appeared now, flapping as if trying to escape. The small globe actually started rolling, it seemed in the direction now of Theron.

Deephold rushed across to see the progress of the stone, but more importantly wished to get Aurek's attention. "Paladin! Westian will need the help of one of us at the door. Lolth's avatars come!" Clearly Deephold was trying to gauge Aurek's fitness to the dwarf's own. One needed to stay and help Ameena, while the other would be needed to help Westian's efforts.

Passin and Helm had already left to aid Petal over by the other door. Her continued warnigns showed that something, too, wished to enter from that side. Petal seemed to be using her magic to pull the door closed, while Helm and Passin both used their more mundane powers to aid her.

Ok Ameena, good first roll. Basically one more round's worth of efforts will see the soul stone completed. If Aurek helps you this round, and rolls decently, that will mean at the end of this round. That will mean that Deephold will go help Westian hold the door.

Of course, Aurek, you can instead choose to rush to Westian's aid, and leave Deephold to help Ameena (though he's used up his actions really so it will be next round anyway).

Ameena, you can choose to let Aurek/Deephold finish the soul stone off and rush off after the globe towards Theron. Ameena should knwo the globe does the Pirate os the Carribean compass trick of trying to show you what you most want to find. So there might be something beside Theron, or about Theron himself, that you need. Or not. Who knows :D


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:30 am
by Ameena
Ameena looks, puzzled, at the strange ball as it rolls away from her, now no longer containing a fish, as the first time she saw it, but the green petal-dancer. How did the little creature get in there? Or is it just a magical image, and not really the strange little creature of magic?
As the ball starts to roll away, she wonders whether she can halt its journey for a moment, just till she can get the Soulstone put together. She wonders, though, why the strange ball seems to be suggesting that she should head toward Theron. But just a few more moments...hopefully Theron is alright. Hopefully Karnadee is. Just a few more moments...
She makes a vague attempt to swish her tail across the floor and around the ball in order to halt its movement till she can pick it up. Meanwhile, though, she continues making sure she can get the Soulstone together properly.
"I think you're needed!" she says to Aurek as she becomes aware of Deephold's calls and mention of the Lolth creature again. Then she calls out, in the direction Theron stood the last time she saw him.
"Theron! It's not long now - not long! It's nearly there!"

OOC - Since I'm not sure what stats/skills apply, a d20 for the tail movement, if needed, to basically block the rolling globe's path and wrap around it to stop it going any further unless it wants to jump over her tail...hmm, 8 - I think she missed ;). And a d20 for "Fuck fuck fuck put the Stone together, quick quick quick, arrrgh!" = 12, plus any stat/skill bonuses that might apply of course ;).


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:38 am
by Lord_BoNes
Aurek had been too caught up in reassembling the soul-stone to notice what had been going on around the room. But, Deephold's approach brought him back to his senses. "Westian! I'm coming, my friend." he yelled over to the cleric, before moving over to Westian's side, and attempting to reinforce the door with him.

I was debating whether to try and slice Gholst's new body into little pieces... or whether to assist OB. Also, not sure if I need a roll... so here's one anyways, 1d20=15.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:28 pm
by oh_brother
Sensing the great evil present, Westian was glad to see Aurek racing to his side and they moved together to the door.

“Come on, brother. Lord Larethian has chosen us for this task, and he does not ask more of his followers than they can give.” With that Westian calmly placed his staff on the ground in front of him, and knelt down near it. While the paladin stood by his side they both attempted to calm their mental process, drowning out the din of battle, and focusing on the evil beyond the door.

With his head bowed he prayed out loud “Lord Larethian, your servants need your help to perform your will. Though evil surrounds us we know you are near. Protect us from what waits to destroy us and our allies. Block their passage, let them find this plane a land of tears and frustrations.”

Not sure what sort of what sort of roll is needed, so I just gave a d20 which was a 6.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:21 pm
by ian_scho
Haynuus is officially on his own suddenly with an enormous flaming monster standing in front of him. Moments like this the survival instinct kicks in and it's the orcish half of his brain that takes over.

He spits on the floor.

Takes a step back.

And fewkin' runs away! (-1HP I know I know)

OOC - Have a d20 (1d20=4)


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:26 pm
by beowuuf
LMFAO! Of all the tactics and sorts of posts I expected to read, that was not one of them! :D

Any particular direction? :D


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:35 pm
by beowuuf
Westian had come to this place - or would have, if history had been allowed to flow unaltered - in order to find Deephold. He had succeeded, and even now the dwarf was alive and fighting at their side. And after that, Westian had decided to fight the blackskulls, and bring the forces of the Trolins and Larethian's grace down upon the Cult of Death. And the Trolins had fought, theKing even sacrificing his life for the cause, and even now loyal Trolins following behind Westian. And when the dark elf Dolo Smitre, with his hideious affiliation for Lolth, had tried to send the group's darkest fears against them time and again, Westian had been finally able to strike such a blow for Larethian's cause that Dolo had turned inward with his fears, and by Westiasn's own hands the dark cleric had been destroyed.

With the might paladin at his side, and his friends working ceaselessly to resist and defeat all the evils here, it was impossible not to beleive they would win. And yet each victory had come at a terrible cost. Deephold's escape had seen Ameena on the brink of being a tool for darkness, Umgold had died and the elementas under the mountain had been weakened - perhaps permenantly. The Trolins had joined the cause of right, yet how many now lay dead? And it was impossible not to recall Tosca's death at Westian's hands and feel the echo of Farel's death - the knight having turned away due to Westian's own actions in the hall, and later from Westian's own words that the kngiht should leave, words that were suppose to salve a conscious.

even Dolo's defeat had to have been an ugly, deliberate choice. And the ramifications were now at the door. Westian could have full faith even now, even seeing in his mind the ugly swarm of them. But it was hard not to wonder what sacrifice would be required for this latest miracle. What final action would be requested of Westian, or worse one of those whom Westian attracted in his crusade. It made his prayers faltering, as if he were awaiting that knowledgeof he price before he could fully invoke his Lord's full might.

Aurek came to Weastian's side. The paladin had very swiftly, upon waking up in his cell, allowed this reality to be his reality. His mind was blakc and white, and the affliction of contradictory memory had been banished as Aurek allowed certainty to govern his actions. Even so, there was an echo in Aurek's mind from the path of truth where he knew that, in another time, those around him had never fought with him. Aurek had, in another time, been one step behidn the group. He had been given a second chance, it seemed, where he had quickly found and fought side by side with those he knew he hadbeen destined to fight with. His certainty had seen apparently invnsible foes fall, and had seen those on a path of darkness like Passin turn to the light. Even Aurek's knowledge had served the group - this time, it was Aurek's love of knowledge that had seen the elementals protect the group, given them shelter that had saved them many times.

Throguh all this, Aurek had fulfilled his duty to the church - he had, this time, managed to stand by Westian's side as a paladin should, guarding his charging and seeing great things done. It seemed right for the paladin to be able to do so one last time. And yet, there had been another reason to come here. A brother lost in this place. There had been hints of that brother, and yet nothing certain. Aurek realised that is Ameena could indeed summon the Grey Lord, the master of this place, that Aurek would receive the greatest opportunity. Aurek would have an audience with the Grey Lord, one the paladin could never have obbtained any other way. And after all his efforts to protect the Grey Lord's domain, and even protect the world, the Grey Lord could not help but grant Aurek the answers to the questions deep in his heart.

Westian might have felt his own words falter, but Aurek's pure faith strengthened the attempt. Westian's pure gesture - for now - made the creatures at the front of the charge falter. They - and the mistress angrilly buzzing throughout their shared consciousness - felt the pious call. However, there was such large numbers that even thogu hthe front stopped, the push of the rear creatures started to split the door and strain the handles.

The Trolins rushed forwards to help. Uumack had no choice but to simply push at the central door, unable to reach the bar. Guree joined him, still holding her long knife in her off hand. The door started to bulge. elongated fingernails and talons began appearing in the cracks of the centra of the door, with Guree trying to stab at them even as she put her back in to the effort to hold the door shut.

LB, I think it's safer to have you support OB's efforts with Westian! Also, I think it's safer to have Aurek be the 'main' turner here, with Westian aiding/ At least, for this round. I';m happy to do it that way around, so evne a low roll has a chance of aiding a good roll, instead of foricign you to choose. And tow good rolls will be two good turnings.

Anyway, mechanically, strength is a way to keep the door far more secure, but of course is a roll with less chance of being high. Turning will work to halt the front ranks, but will still allow the back ranks to surge forwards nd create pressure. Your guys I beleive have higher turning than strength bonuses, so it's really a caseof which way you want to gamble,. Use turning for a more likely but middling effect, or risk just putting your backs in to it, where you might be able to hold the door firmly, but you also might find yourselves flying backwards with a swarm of grak-graks ready to rip you apart!

Also, if you have any off the wall crazy ideas, now would be the tiem to think of them.

Westian, for example, you might feel that some 'do or die' attempt with your path of truth connection ability is in order, though in that case you may well be risking Westian's life - or at least his mind.

Good luck!

Ameena had not meant to be here. In another time, she had come to a place of interest due to friendly creatures, and only when it was too late and they were trapped had she been forced to defend them - a friend is for life, life is for friends. This time, she had been thrown together with strangers. It had not been easy, and she had sought to escape. And yet, still, she had come to knwo the people aroudn her as friends, as surely as in that other time. And more importantly, she had learned fro mthat other tiem the danger that everything faced - and that she, and her friends, were the only people who had the knowledge of how to fix it. Had a murafu ever been in such a situation, placed at the centre of history instead of lookiking in unknown from the edges? Not that her people knew of, but then again, was it really important?

What was most important was the task she was fixed upon. Restore the soulstone, and get the Grey man who apparently could fix everything to fix everything. It was almost a faith as strong as Westian's and Aurek's. Deephold rushed over to her side, knowing perhaps a little of what was needed from the path of truth. And Ameena, in turn, had the echo of knowledge and Deephold's own comments regardign the soul stone. There was probably no one better in the room to help restore and use the item. Deephold tried to take it from her once or twice, but Ameena kept the parts with herself, her determination meaning she did not notice. Deephold settled for stopping a a jerking part from leaving her hands, and he uttered prayers to Larethian, and other High Lords now, to keep the item whole, to allow it to remain untainted despite its destruction.

"Ameena," warned Deephold, "the Grey Lord is good, in his way, but he served Balance, not goodness. Theer are thigns he allows in the world, and allows to happen, that you may not like. He is falliable in a way that man can be, but High Lords should not be. if we summon him, I do not know what he may feel or do. It will be for good, but as he defines it." Deephold seemed uncomfortable about issuing such odd warnings, and said no more. The four parts of the stone closed, a perfect oval once more, glowing with a brilliat white light that nonethless Ameena could look directly at without pain of blindness. And the stone seemed unreal, it sat in her hand with no weight, and she had to concentrate to not drop it, for there was no indication of when it wanted to topple - two hands still seemed the best way to hold it securely.

And then.... and then....

The white light was all Ameena could see. The old memories, the memories of the other time, the other place, where... where...thigns had happened, were gone. Erased, as it were. How had the Grey Lord been sumoned? She had no way to know. Not anymore. Hadn;'t it just...worked...last time? Were there words> Thoughts>? Did someone else have to hold it, think about it? Speak to it?

The small globe with the green petaldancer once more leapt, and Ameena's tail was too slow to keep hold of it. It rolled, once more, in the direction of Karnadee, Theron, and Falkor. And of course, the second door where only Petal, Helm - full of fear but desperate determination - and Passin were holding back the flood of grak-graks. Just barely.

Awww, of course the soul stone was going to make a 'myyyp myyyyp myyyyp myyyp noise liek the millenium falcon in Empire. However, what the completely soul stone gives you, at the cost of the round's extra time it took to build...that's the question. Time for Theron, now?

Haynuus was looking in a mirror. Every second that passed showed that more and more clearly. Which was strange, given he had not looked in one before today. Well, before yesterday. Time seemed to odd down here, they had done so much it felt like years and not days. Still, Haynuus had always been a creature of two parts. The 'weaker' human side without the strength and brutality of the orcs, and the 'dum' orcish side, a side he had sought to augment with his attacks on his own intelligence, that was filled with too much aggression and strupidity to allow him to function in the more civilised areas he wished to.

And here were Gholst and Dargat, a powerful human and a powerful orc, two whole people now as one, showing Haynuus what he could have been. Gholst, to have held together a whole army of blackskulls, and to have kept their lloyalty even in death, must have been intelligent and cunning. And to have survived even in death, he must have been driven, very driven. The two traits of humanity most prized.

And Dargat, even in death the orc's strength had resisted many men - including Haynuus. The orc's brutality had seen it ascend to the top of the blackskull ranks, and it had even had the unswerving loyalty and devotion of the human Garax, a human that had almost beaten Haynuus twice. And Dargat had indeed mnaged to set himself apart and almost take full command of the blackskulls.

The two were the mirror of what Haynuus was. And there was another way in which these two mirrored Haynuus. They were both dead. Haynuus was alive. Both had died from their faults - Gholst his arrogance and most likely from fear of his intelligence. And Dargat had died from his independance and reliance on his brawn above allies and friend and planning. Both had seen all they had built up destroyed by their attempts at more power through allying to Lolth throguh the ambitious Dolo. Whereas Haynuus had freely given his aid to a simple man of Larethian, and in return had seen his option for his life grow, had found true friends. Where Dargat had fallen alone, Haynuus had stood becuase of his friends and his detemination not to let them down. Where Gholst's intellect had seen him twisted and at the mercy of them, Haynuus's simplicity had allowed him to act straightforwardly in ways that had saved the group.

The two had died from their desires at violence and conquest. Would Haynuus live, due to his desires for peace and farming?

Haynuus's feet had already decided by the time his brain weighed up all the pros and cons. The circlet was just starting to get into the full swing of it all, the nobility of the battle, and the sacrifice worthy of tales that it had witnessed throughout history. It was left whispering to itself, probably getting rusty as it teared up.

Dargat's body leapt up from the altar where it had been embarrassed. Gholst looked to the spittle slowly oozing down his legplate. All the spirits were huished and silent. In the background grak-graks assaulted doors, Falkor yelled out for help on Theron's behalf, the soulstone glowed brightly, a beacon for Gholst to look at.

Instead, the man moved swiftly off after the retreating half-orc.

LOL, well that is certainly lateral thinking. Spit and run. A less violent version of the hit and run :P Ok, let me know where Haynuus is running to (a 4 isn't brilliant for putting obstancles in Gholsts way and jumping over obstancles himself, but you can but still try. You have a long history of rolling low rolls and finding an enemy rolls lower at critical times! :p I can see this degenerating in to a carry on like farce. A worthy send off to Haynuus!


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:33 am
by Ameena
Ameena looks at the Soulstone in her paws. Is that it? Is that all she needs to do? Or is there some way to now...use the stone, perhaps, to call the Grey One? Here, her memory seems to fail her. She can't remember what happened previously at this point.
She looks around. Theron. She needs to get to Theron. But she hears running footsteps behind her, though doesn't know whose they are.
"I think you'd better help them!" she says quickly to...Deephold, it turns out, who is currently beside her.
Meanwhile, she takes hold of the strangely-light Soulstone and makes her way as quickly as possible around the room toward Theron, staying clear of the white flame she is still aware of off to the side.
"Theron!" she calls. "I made it! The Stone is fixed! but I don't knowo what to do with it!"

OOC - Presumably the completed Soulstone is too big to shove into a pouch so Ameena will have to keep hold of it in both forepaws and leg over as fast as she can on two legs, aiming for where she last saw Theron (if he's now invisible due to being in the spirit world and if his magic-sight spell thingy has worn off). And obviously staying clear of Gholst's aura. The running footsteps she heard will have been Haynuus's if that wasn't obvious - hopefully Deephold can go and help him.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:28 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Aurek planted his feet firmly onto the ground, and pushed against the buckling door with all his strength. "We need to hold them as long as possible..."

"Get back foul abominations!" he yelled through the weakening door. Then, he braced himself for the surge that he knew was coming.

I'm gonna gamble with strength.... as you put it "mechanically, strength is a way to keep the door far more secure". Here's my roll: 1d20=17... hope that's enough.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:30 pm
by oh_brother
Seeing Aurek and the Trolins move forward Westian stood up. His faith had been shaken – in many ways he wondered if he even deserved Larethian’s grace – and without the paladin beside him he was not sure if he could hold back the masses on his own.

He grabbed his staff and began to run forwards, his mind still in turmoil. The non-sensory information from all corners of the room – Ameena and Deephold’s s desperate attempts to unite the soulstone; Petal, Falkor and Helms attempts to hold back the grak-graks; Haynuus’s wounds and subsequent flight from Gholst - was adding to the feelings of dread and despair. Maybe it was his own weakness, or maybe it was the presence of Lloth, but for whatever reason Larethian seemed to be very distant.

Stopping short of the door he made another attempt to reach his High Lord. “Do not forsake me” he pleaded in a pained whisper. “Give us victory over the profane and undead creatures that surround us.”

Lol, turn attempt was 1 + 15 = 16. Westian’s loss of faith is mirrored in my own loss of faith in invisible castle! I was tempted to try the do-or-die, but I held off for one more round. Mostly because Westian does not want to die.

Anyway if the worst comes to the worst we kill Theron, call back the Grey Lord and get sent back in time to the beginning again. In 2013 we can be back in this room and have another go. No problems! :D


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:16 pm
by ian_scho
OOC - Great suggestion oh_b!

Benny Hill, was the only cryptic suggestion his circlet made straight into his mind. Haynuus assumed that it must have been referring to the famous human knight of yore who was dismembered in public for both disagreeing with his wife and attempting to sleep with nuns. Yes people, she did the chop-chop part at the end of the tale.

So here Haynuus was, scurrying around the blood sprayed arena with Gholst literally on his tail while bleeding to death. That was the thing that was most upsetting, actually. Most people he knew would have given up and lied down by now but he HAD to keep pushing himself didn't he? Just one more thwack and everything will be all right, he would think. Or maybe if I hit him one last time I can go home for baked potatoes and a flagon of real ale. No Haynuus. Not this time.

He stopped.

He decided to not bleed to death.

Maybe it's better if he was just struck down instead?

"Look..." Blood drizzled down his chin, but to the casual (and shocked) observer it wasn't the really deep red stuff that he'd been losing recently. "What is it you wanted anyway?" He realised that it was THEM who had been barging in here throwing fireballs and two handed swords around but maybe the guy was so evil as to have to relate his whole plan to this minutiae of a half-orc while hopefully his insidious scheme becomes undone by a clever little opposing pawn. Yes that means you, Ameena.

OOC - A d20 (1d20=7)... Maybe some kind of personality check whereby attempting to be truly interested in as to what is going on yet nearly dropping unconscious from all of the bruising fun!


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:45 pm
by beowuuf
Lol, you spoiled the ending!

Petal, Passin and Helm were doing better than Westian, he could feel it. Had they simply acted quicker? However, the cleric could sense it, despite the right hand door being closer, the creatures had decided to bias themselves to the south door. It mad no sense, unless the presence of Larethian's own - Aurek and Westian - were acting as a lure.

Aurek moved off, trusting to his magical strength even as it was fading, seeing the door begin to give. With the three at the door, for another moment the tide was stemed. Occasionally another push from the back jerked the door open for a moment. A foul talon would emerge, and be quickly beaten down by Guree and crushed in the door and depart. Aurek felt a hot agony along his back as a twisted claw managed to bit through the enchanted links of his chainmail. Still, it was a small price to pay for the paladin's body to act - for now - as a perfect blockade.

Westian faith however, was wavering as the reality of the forces aligned to him pressed in. And Lolth, too, her alien demon mind and unrelenting evil was perfectly captured in the manifestation of the twisted thigns that had once been graks-graks. Westian asked for a sign from without, but only had his own learned lessons. That and the sight of the three comrades who were standing in harms way, giving over their bodies to buy Westian time, as if he could do something.

For the moment, it did not feel inspirational, ir felt like a dead weight on his shoulders, a weight that blocked out the sense of calm Larethian was supposed to provide. And the yawning voice of his lack of faith stirred i nthe had teeth, so many needle sharp teeth. And eyes, so many eyes blinking black on blck in the darkness. And all around his mind, thin legs could be felt. A vision of Lolth was dimly forming in Westian's mind, as her own consciousness was growing with the cluster of creatures outside. Would she attempt to enter this place through his mind, through his new curse? Would she take his life as a conduit in repayment from the conduit Westian had stolen from her earlier?, not important. DCs for the door are rising or staying the same based on your actions and rolls, and for the moemnt even a nat 1 there - with a +15 bonus - isn't an utter fail. I wont' reflect that in the narrative though, since Westian sounds really defeated :) Still, the physical push is always increasing, and if you can't even keep the front line at bay could get very bad very quickly. Good luck!

@Aurek: You'll take 3 hp from a lucky blow throgu hthe door. You can try to attack any handsarms coming throguh the door - a successful attack roll jsut means you don't take any damage from blows that turn - but it will cost you a -4 on any skill checks to make such an attack roll.

Over by the plinth, Deephold seems surprised that Ameena suddenly dismisses the dwarf, while rushign as fast as she can towards the Theron. The stone is not heavy at all, just allowing to carry in two paws, and the bpedal motion is strange when everything is such a panic. Deephold took a move to follow Ameena, but then looked to the door. Seeing the press, he did not think twice, and rushed over Westain, pausing only when he realised Haynuus was now on the other side of the room, hard pressed by Gholst. The dwarf was torn.

Meanwhile, Ameena ran across the room towards where the mage was. Falkor seemed to have cast another gloe of sight to help see Theron, and was standing looking oddly at it. The halfling appeared to be mumbling to himself - of course, showing he was using his non-vocal ability to speak. Whether it worked across the barrier of the world, it was hard to tell.

Karnadee looked strange. She was smaller than before, younger. It was as if the sword - no longer in her shoulder, but still touching her as it lay across her arm, still engulfing her whole right side in white fire - were draining her life in years, perhaps her memories, and what had made her herself. She was simply sobbing now like a child, and Theron was clearly worked up, looking around himself and trying incantations and yelling words no one in the real world could quite hear.

The soulstone glowed, and it seemed that as Theron looked around, its light - at least - caught his attention. Yelling something to Karnadee, and almost shaking her as if to make her understand something, Theron quickly touched his cloak then solidified in the shimmering light of the magical globe.

Ameena recognised the look on Theron's face as he looked to the soulstone and Ameena with distraction. It was the same look she probably had a moment before. He appeared to have her temperament for only trying to solve one puzzle at a time. He looked frustrated at the soul stone, hearing her question but not able to take it on board. And it was noticeable that he could not look around at the rest of the room, could apparently not bear to look at those in desperate need of his aid.

"The orb!" he suddenly cried, ignoring the two diminuative figures staring at him imploringly, instead seeing the round glone that had rushed to Theron. He laughed a strange, light laugh as if having worked out a puzzle. "Wait, how did you get in there?" he asked, without much care shaking the globe a few times. The green butterfly dislodged itself, and flapped around Falkor and Ameena in greeting before going back to flap aroudn Theron. Theron did not seem to care much more about this, he was focused with joy at the globe, a tear in his eye as if in gratitude for the universe delibering such a thing. Inside the globe Ameena couldsee for a split second the fish was still inside the globe. And then that vision changed, and it was instead a green eyes woman Ameena did not recognise. Theron's tears continued, but they seemed to have a different flaour of gratitude. The green butterfly still moved around the mage's head, and with irritation he waved his hand as if to bat it away, sayign a magic word.

The butterfly was not struck, but instead darkened and grew larger. The complex and beautiful shapes oon its wings became diffuse, and then blackened, until the green sheen was almost a trick of the light. The petal dancer's body blew up like a balloon, and its delicate proboscis twisted in to themselves and grew yellow and solid. "I have it! I have it!" squaked the raven that had appeared, and flew around the heads of the Ameena and Falkor in greeting.

"Fulcrum!" said Falkor in huished tones. "the Grey Lord's familiar!"

Theron was too concentrated on the globe. All signs of women and fish and butterflies were gone from it, and instead inside was a dark and evil looking sword. Theron raised his other hand while concentrating on the globe, yelling a magical word and them looking back to Karnadee. "THE SWORD! I SUMMON THE REAL SWORD!" yelled the mage, and some strange nosie indicated something powerful had just happened. Karnadee's body was suddenly free of fire - the ghostly sword of Gholst disappeared.

Theron looked around in triumph, apparentyl seeing the room, those close to him, and the struggles beyond. Again, he did not quite appear to hear Ameena's comments, as his mind apparentyl locked on to one thing next. "Gholst," he said darkly, seeing the figure across the room.

"Theron!" came a ghostly, small voice - the child like voice of Karnadee, still looking so young, her voice as it had been when the group had first encountered her, and now her body matched the voice and cadence. Theron turned around. "I'm ok, you do worry so," she said, looking solid herself, and raising her head to stare up at her brother, thoguh for some reason only to his knees. "The fall wasn't too high, I told you! Besides...look what I can do, Theron." Karnadee smiled a large, wide, proud smile, and placed her hand gentle on her collarbone near the wound. "VI!" she said with a giggle.

"NO!" yelled Theron, for no reason, crying out in dispair and lunging as if to stop her.

Ok Ameena, you haver a distracted (but less distracted in a general way, but totally distracted in another way) mage beside you. However, maybe revealing Fulcrum was the more important thingie. Sicne I know you will be around, I might let you have an update or two to yourself to quickly play out figuring this out a little. Just know that Flakor has a nice talent he hasn't used for quite a while (in real time) that might be useful.

Meanwhile, Haynuus tried to outrun the screaming white of the flames of the souls. It seemed as if evrything bad and depressing was trying to chase after him at once. Haynuus could onyl see out of the corner of his eye that the others were moving to the door, trying to stop bad thigns from cming in. Not only were they not in a position to help him, but it seemed that his friends needed him more than ever.

Haynuus was moving towards several interesting but irritatingly placed tables and cabinets in this corner of the room. He tried to elegantly dive aroudn them, to provide some obstacles against Gholst/s passage. Unfortunately, Haynuus instead slipped on them rather than over them - too much blood on his otherwise stylish sandals - and he was flipped end over end to land hed first in the cabinet. The circlet - still whispering of victories in battle - flew off, to be kicked by Gholst's booted foot. Haynuus's backpack had apparently finally snapped - not too bad for such a poor thing that had been through all those trials, almost like it wasn'tthere half the time - and with deliberate malice Gholst's booted foot stepped on it, squishing his precisous screamer slices, even though the warlord could not possibly know he was stepping on Haynuus's dreams.

Umgold's sword, symbol of the order of larethian, had also fallen away too. Haynuus was alone. Gholst easy smashed aside all the wooden furniture in his way, stalking in powerful steps towards his foe. The flames leapt around the wooden furniture Haynuus untangled himself from, standing and no longer running. Although Haynuus's soul still felt in his boots as the spirits screamed and yelled their depressing siren call. Haynuus was slowly dying, and they were calling him to their arms. Haynuus was alone, against a powerful foe they had attempted to stand up to and thwart. It was then that Haynuus's mind, now free of clutter and the assumption of knowledge, decided to ask a simple, straightforward question.

Gholst stopped dead - more than before - and looked to the creature. "Want?" asked Gholst through Dargat's mouth. "You ask me what I want?" Clearly Gholst's rage was building, and yet just as clearly it had no real focus. It was such a strange question. "What does your kind want, when they come to me? What did Dargat want when he knelt at my feet and begged for acceptance? Want? I want what was mine by birth, by blood, by fire and arm. I had a life, and not even the High Lords nor death herself will take it from me. Unlike you," and Gholst looked contemptuously aroudn at the items that had fallen around Haynuus, at the friends unable or unwilling to help Haynuus, as if demonstrating how truly worthless they all were. Gholst looked to the blood slowly flowing down Haynuus's mouth, as if to highlight how even Haynuus's life, the only think he had, was leaving him just as Haynuus's strength was leaving him too.

Haynuus, it seemed, had been deserted by everything.

And then, with a strange ripping noise, Haynuus found a sword fell, pommel first, on his head with a 'bop', and bounced in to his hand. Gholst looked with wide, burning eyes at it, pushing through Dargat's face. Gholsts's fires burned brighter. The spirits on and under Dargat's skin all strained. It seemed to be Gholst's sword, yet not the ethereal, burnign sword that had struck Karnadee. This seemed to be an ancient blade, very real, not used for years. And suddenly, Haynuus's question somehow had a much simpler answer apparently.

"Give. Me. The. Sword."

And there we go! Sorry Ian, for a roll of 4 before adjustment to escaping Gholst, versus a nat 20 coming for you, I figured it was either kill you and let your spirit try something, or have you stripped of items and have you helpless. I love that you managed to post in the meantime with such a fun little angle. Let's see whre it can take us :D


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:48 pm
by Ameena
OOC - Ha! You know what? Just as the butterfly flew out of the globe thingy I had a flash of "What if that's Fulcrum?". Okay so I literally guessed it right at the last moment, but I did work it out, lol.

BIC - Ameena isn't really sure what's happening to Karnadee - surely the word "Vi" is for healng, isn't it? So isn't Karnadee trying to help herself? Not really sure about that, Ameena decides instead to focus on something that makes more immediate sense.
She looks to the dark bird that was so recently the green petal-dancer, holding up the Soulstone.
"Do you know how I can make this work?" she asks Fulcrum. "How can we get the Grey One to come here?"


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:00 am
by beowuuf
Lol, suuuuuuuuuuure you did, suuuure you did. Ok, maybe you did. Or maybe your brain saw Fulcrum out of the corner of your eye. Who knows!

Falkor had been amazed at the appearance of the raven, and had tried to explain - as Theron was doign his own thing before - that the bird was a familair - a creature linked to the mind of a mage, that could be used to see and speak by its owner. Falkor had been starting to explain that the halfling's own ability to speak to animals came from this custom, that they were taught the secrets ways of magic to commune with animals until such times as a mage could form a bond with one special.

And then, Theron's actions started Falkor to silence. They did not seem to startle the raven, who alights on to the soul stone Ameena is carrying. It cocked its head to one side, as if working out what the strange looking murafu was doing, and why she was making such noises. It then tapped the soul stone with its beak once or twice, making a tapping glass sound.

" probably doesn't know..." said the halfling, coming back to Ameena, not knowign what was going on. However, a thought seem to occur dispite the chaos in the room. "Wait, it doesn't need to,. If the soul stone is connected to the Grey Lord, and Fulcrum is connected... wait, maybe we just need to make the raven understand how important it is to have the Grey Lord here! We don't need to figure out the stone, it MUST amplify the connection Fulcrum has anyway! Quick, Ameena, you've seen qwith your own eyes what'as going to happen. You talk and I'll translate!"

Hehe, there you go, a soiitable final task for a nature loving, pacifist rattie. She had to convince a daft old raven that it's vitally important for it to want its master to come back right now :D And Falkor gets to help, with his 'speak to animals' ability too! So magic being used for good talky stuff, not hot feiry death stuff.


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:19 am
by Ameena
OOC - Lol yay ;).

BIC - Ameena doesn't fully understand every intricate detail of what Falkor is telling her, but she thinks she has a grasp of the basics - the bird, Fulcrum, has some magical connection to the Grey One, perhaps like that which has so recently been shared by the group since they walked the Path of Truth. So if Fulcrum hears enough important information, it might make him think that perhaps the Grey Lord should come and help, and so maybe he will.
Talk, Falkor has told her. Well, then. Something a murafu loves to do anyway, albeit usually alongside several other murafu all taking turns to speak a small part of the one big explanation. But murafu like her, who travel around and aren't always with other murafu, get a little practice at explaining things all by themselves, even if they also have to get used to not constantly pausing for questions - how can these creatures listen so long without wanting to ask something?
Ameena looks at the bird, sitting on the Soulstone but fortunately not weighing her down too much as the Soulstone itself is so light, so the bird's weight doesn't cause her any discomfort. Then she starts attempting to explain, remembering to try not to speak too fast, in case Falkor can't keep up - she gathers that Fulcrum doesn't understand her language but that Falkor can use his magic to speak Fulcrum's. Well, whatever works...
"The Grey One has to come back here before too much happens." she begins. "There is this...spirit-person called Gholst who's inside the body of an orc called Dargat, because he can do that - take over people and make them do things. He did it to Theron, but Theron let him because Gholst would hurt Karnadee otherwise. Um...Karnadee is a spirit-person too, but she's a friend. Theron likes her really a lot. And there's to attack us. She's called Lolth and she's making the grak-graks come to get us. That is, those are undead things that can turn into other people and if you hit them then the person they look like gets hurt too. Um...but we were here before, but it was...different. The Grey One was there and Gholst was in Theron but then he killed Theron and the Grey One got very...angry, and he turned else. And the world got destroyed. But this time Gholst isn't in Theron and the Grey One isn't here but maybe he can come and help. Because everyone seems to be saying that this Lolth person is very, not very nice. But Theron is alive, so maybe that means the Grey One won't turn into the Dark One this time so it will be alright. And Gholst is still here. We're all in trouble! My much fighting's all horrible and I want it to end and I don't want the world to be destroyed because then everyone will be dead! And then it would be as if there was no world, and I suppose there would just be the Dark One, all alone, even though he destroyed the world...but he'd have no-one to talk to, and I think the Grey One was still there, somehow, sort of...inside him. Maybe he knew about it. But didn't happen. Or it did, it hasn't. The Grey One made it so that we could...try again, I think. I don't understand it, really. Any of it. I just want everything to be alright, and for us to be out of this place. I don't really like it down here, and I want to see the Bright Eye again."
She finally chatters herself to a stop, and glances between Falkor and Fulcrum, wondering whether she's said enough, whether she's said it right...

Edit - OOC - Just remembered as I was posting this, perhaps a roll would be helpful? I'll make a Diplomacy roll, and if it turns out to be needed then...well, then you have it :). Oh I hope I don't say all that stuff IC and then mess it up by rolling a botch, lol...okay so, Diplomacy = yaaay, 27 (18+9) :D.


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:49 pm
by ian_scho
OOC - @Ameena VI is a really good thing... Unless you're dead! Poor Karnadee has been free from life for quite some time now.
Also... What would happen if you broke the orb? It would stop the Grey Lord from coming back? If not then it would certainly get his attention!

He had seen his screamer slices now turned into screamer juices. He was sadder than a melancholic clown with no audience. He still didn't know how to farm those things properly, so the thought occurred to him that maybe Gholst knew? He would throw an Oitu question to him in happier times. It brightened him a little to think that someone somewhere knew what to do. And maybe one day... Just one day, someone in the world could start a business with a bit of screamer supply and demand going on... The screamers in his backpack was not about Haynuus of course, it was about releasing the true power of screamer potential. If it wasn't Haynuus then it would inevitably be someone else further down the line. Life was like that.

Haynuus was completely unsurprised when he saw a sword had suddenly been popped into his hand, and then looked at Gholst in front of him. No... What he really concentrated on was the spirits adhered to his chest. For the first time in his life he was going to try what one of his training masters called an 'aimed shot'. Usually just bashing the shit out of something quid quo pro meant that they would fall over. This Gholst guy probably needed these souls to be extracated from his very being and so be released from any power over them... Or through them.

"Over. My. Dead. Body."

OOC - Thwack! Thwack! (1d20+11=21, 1d20+6=10), and -1 HP noted.


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:37 pm
by oh_brother
Westian could feel Haynuus's strength fading as if it was his own. Still holding his staff forward he looked over his shoulder towards the duel taking place. He hesitated, sorely tempted to run to the half-orc's aid, but realising that would leave Aurek and the Trolins possibly overwhelmed by a force of grak-graks.

In an attempt to buy more time he focused on the front line of grak-graks and shouted out. "You will not enter!", doing his best to stop focusing on his internal struggles and instead opening himself up to the wider fight that was taking place.

"Deephold!" he called out again. "To Haynuus!"

Turn undead was 7 + 15 = 22. Not sure what to do, was tempted to use the do-or-die to call out to the Grey Lord, but it seems that is in hand? If not, or if anyone has an idea for anything vital that needs doing, let me know!


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:43 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Aurek looked over to Haynuus, "We NEED to help him" said the paladin, to those nearby. Wholeheartedly wanting to run over and lop Dargat/Ghost's head off his shoulders.

"But, I can't let go of this door" he commented sadly.

Strength roll for holding the door 1d20=18, w00t another high roll... but that won't last forever. I can sense that my luck is about to run out. If anyone has a way to save our asses... now would be the time.


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:05 pm
by ian_scho
"lol" says Haynuus.

OOC - Don't feel so bad, guys! It's just the GM shitting with you :)


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:21 pm
by beowuuf
Apologies for the big update. Still, we are getting near the end, so I wanted to make sure eeryone was getting a little moment, and also thigns were being wrapped up. You know how it is :D Hope it's ok!

Ameena held the light soul stone, its bright radiance that did not blind contrasting oddly to the black bird that was a little hard to see. The bird also did weigh something, and while Ameena was happy with the weight for now, she perhaps did not want to have to hold it up too long. If they actually had a decent amount of time, of course! The bird still looked at her with a cocked head, toying with and tapping the sul stone as if to punctuate each of her comments, as if he understood lots of her rushed speech. Still, a distracted Falkor - looking across to Theron's plight and barely holding up his part - magaed to speak with squaks and cheeps, perhaps getting the basics of what Ameena was speaking about.

The raven uncocks its head. And blinks once or twice. It caws a few times, and Falkor stops dead, attention turned from Theron's scrambling. "Umm," says Falkor. "It asked why you don't like it down here. Umm..and what it could get you to make it alright." Falkor looked embarrassed, apparently worried he had not translated enough of the infomation correctly, or had perhaps translated it too much, and it was a jumble. Still, the raven seemed to have chosen odd questions to ask. Especailly, if as Ameena suspected, it actually had understood more than it appeared, reacting to her words less than Falkor's.

I wonder what Ameena will say next? Hopefully somethign short and sweet :p

Meanwhile, Theron had been scrambling on the floor. Karnadee's appearance andwords and even tone seemed strange now. She was not the distracted young girl in a young woman's body they had first encountered, using songs like nursery rhymns to communicate. And not the young woman, fully aware, that she had been as she came close to Theron, could finally talk as equals to her brother. Now Kardnadee seemed a shadow of her former self, or liek a dream. As if she was repeating something often repeated. Most likely, by Theron's reaction, the moment of her death. A death that had played out in his dreams and head countless times over the years.

"Karnadee! NOOOO!" yelled Theron,m in tears and scrambling to the child's side. However, it was too late, the spell had apparently been invoked as it had been countless times before. The spells of mortals always channels raw magic through the runes of power, for it was a pact with the world to use the casters own might and let the world bind the runes. Castign raw magic was a talent only the most gifted, or the most learned - or the most powerful High Lords - dare try. A magic where you use the power of the world, and use your own mind's interpretation of the runes for element, form or alignment to create magics powerful or subtle.

Karnadee had apparently been gifted. Apparently, when she spoke, the world listened. She had wanted the healing waters to take away her pain. And they had appeared - inside her chest.

"NOOOOOO!" screamed Theron once more, as his sister began drowning on dry land, her broken bones from a fall from a tree long forgotten. It did not seem to matter that she was a spirit, somehow, she was dying once more. "NO!" said Theron once more, standing up. The tears dried, and his cry was less pleading, it had a firmness to it. "I AM an archmaster, of all arts. This will NOT happen again!" Theron began calling forth great magics, with arrogance and skill commanding elements and forms to his sister, commandng ether and the power of the negative elements and the void itself to come to his aid, invoking the power of OH and the embrace of BRO. Theron had been a boy with not half the gift of his sister, and he had run from it at her death. It was not until he was sixteen, when the Grey Lord had actively sought Theron out. The Grey Lord had forced the young man to sieze the destny herhad turned from, and the drive that had pushed him away from magic had become the drive that pushed him to find greater and greater power, to ensure nothing could happen as happened when he was a child. He would be the master of everything.

Finally, his sister stopped moving. Theron fell to his knees, tears coming back once more. "I...I cannot save you. Still..." he whispered in defeat...

Aww, how nasty of me...

By the east door, the wood creaked and broke with the weight of the forced behind it. Evn though the followers of Larethian - all clustered by the south door = were pulling focus, there was still a great build up of forces. Helm and Passin along did not have the raw strength to hold it long, and Petal's magical reserved had been depleted in the fight, her final mana now running out. The bar on the door split, though for the moment held. The door did begin to creak alarmingly, for not only was there a physical pressureof the foes, but there was a chill in the air, and the moisture of the door's wood was turned to ice, making it fragile. Small parts splintered and cracked, and a hand would suddenly shoot out to try and fine a victim. Passin had his sword, the sword he had stabbed Petal with not long ago. Now he used it to stab the grak-grak arms. Ameena, fimly, could feel Helm even as her own thoughts were distracted by the task at hand. His fear had reached a calm peak. He felt certain he was goign to die, but instead of running, he concentrated on defending Passin and Petal,stabbing at any appearing arm that seemed as if it would strike them. He received a blow for not paying attetnion, his arm ripping painfully, but he stabbed at that too, and then went back to defending the others. He could not spare the time to look and see what had become of Ameena, but even as he stabbed his foes, he spared a thoguth for her...

Meanwhile, Petal could only doone thing now, she felt. With her magical reserves exhausted, she closed her eyes, calmed herself, and began beseeching with her mind to the once voice that had been in her head. Trying to summon it back one last time, for one last favour.

And we'll leave those struggling NPCS and sadly auto-piloted PC there...

Deephold was not sure whether he should run to Haynuus's aid or the door's even as Westian yelled to the dwarf, but seemed to finally decide upon the door. Perhaps seeing Haynuus was done for. Perhaps deciding to honour Haynuus's actions. Certainly, to loose another warrior who had taken up the blade and worn the banded mail was not an easy thing.

Westian felt Deephold's hand crasp his arm, the dwarf comign to Westian's side once more. "Haynuus is...he is doing his part. We must do ours," said Deephold. "I have faith in you, we all do," he said to Westian. Did Deephold see the doube in Westian's eyes and mind? Westian's own senses were now thrown so widely he found it difficult to instantly read Deephold's mind, and the dwarf had changed the subject quickly. "Perhaps if I had asked you to come with me, we would not be in this mess!" said the dwarf lightly depsite the obvious contrary emotion, an unusual and unaccustomed smile on the dwaf's face. He nodded to Westian one last time. "I am glad someone had more sense than I, and sent you to my side anyway."

And then Deephold moved forwards. Apparentyl, he chose to go to Aurek's side, adding his physical strength to the the doors, instead of bolstering Westian's own petitions and faith. Was this one final lesson Deephold was trying to give? Or did he really have faith in Westian? "Lord Larethian, give us the strength of body equal to our strength of mind and strength of spirit!" he intoned in prayer. Deephold put his back in to the door, a doorthat was also starting to creak and grown under the weight of ice forming, and press of foes.

Aurek's powerful efforts seemed to hold the centre, allowing the Trolins and Deephold to lock themselves in place as living posts, anchoring the door shut for another stolen moment. Deephold opened his eyes, looking to Aurek. "I am glad Westian has had you by his side, lad," said Deephold. "I know what it is like to have a solid and noble support, but my own was taken by this place. Poor Umgold. I know you have been the one to act with surity when things have been difficult. You honour the paladins of our order. No not worry for the half-orc. His is a kindred spirit to yours. Do not let his actions and sacrifice be meaningless by doubting or regretting the necessity of your own." Deephold then kept the pressure up on the door, struggling to buy Ameena one more moment, even as the rest were - with their lives as necessary.

Wow, that's a bit mean of Deephold, leaving Haynuus all on his own :( Kinda like he somehow knows something you guys don't...

Westian still held the staff, and again raised it, even as he could see the masses of Lolth's stolen vessels in his mind. His own lack of faith was still with him, despite Deephold's words. And Haynuus's own plight divided his attention, a plight Deephold seemed to have made his peace with.

Westian's force of will was not, perhaps, the strongest, but he could not help but still be able to give some power to it. Was he so used to twisting the truth, sometimes, that he could even lie to himself? Or did he truly have some core of faith? Whatever, he knew that the front row had once more faltered, takign the pressure off the door for a moment. At least, the base of the door.

Unfortunately, the rear ranks of grak-graks finally were pushing their front kin with enough force that the middle ranks started to scramble over the front ranks, planting rows of monstrous, spider-like keep on the multi-faceted eyed heads of the front rank that hesitated.The top of the double door started to creak, and buckle there, New arms came in from the top, where pressure could not be applied. One arm managed to catch Deephold a nasty wound, though he still stood firm, yelling for everyone to keep pushing. Guree threw her knife at the arm, making it whipe away in pain, and was forced to club further assults with her fist. Uumakc too was scratched, but stood firm too.

Westian however, found it hard to keep his mind focused on the real world. There was so much fear and suffering aroudn him, the scream of Gholst's spirits pierced the half-elf's soul and his own internal doubts were echoing around his head. Even the grak-grak's in his mind's eyes were becoming fuzzy, the mass of them now resembled a pulsating sack of spiders, ready to burst open. Westian had a mental image of the delicate threads of time as he had once seen them, reachign backwards his past and forwards to both the certain future of who he could have been, and the uncertain futre. Except now, his mind made those threads thicker, strands of a spider web. He was trapped, trapped in the web with the dead and living and the surely about to be dead. Everyone he had pulled with him not once but twice apparently, in two times. Everyone he had confronted. All trapped, with him at the centre of the web. And the Spider Queen, the Demoness Lolth, ready to come and get him. Feast on him with all the others watching, knowing they were all damned too.

Westian heard deep, rich laughter, the laugh of a woman. It sounded like his mother, but she had never laughed like this. It was the laughter of his father, but his father's laugh had never had the tone of cruelty to it. "You can feel them, can't you," the voice whispered seductively. "The strongest clambering over the weakest, as it should always be. Don't regret your own path to me. You've used so many to come to my arms. Deny it, pretend you did not wish it, but really, what else do you have?" There was the laughter once more, this time gentle and sweet. "Yours is the greatest riddle you deny yourself the solving of. What do you really beleive in? Your false god? Your friends? The goodness of others? Fate? Your superiors and their 'wisdom'? I do not think so, you cannot commit to any of them. You do not respect any of them. You know what you have done, what you have achieved. I am the answer to the riddle. Stop resisting. You have been given great gifts. Open your mind to me, and let the others go, for they have served their purpose. Open your mind to me, and be my powerful gateway. Dolo was a weak, broken puppet. You - you will be my strength in this place. My voice. Really, what else do you have?" The laughter rose in pitch, unheard by the others in the room, only echoing in Westian's mind.

Wow, she really has Westian's number there, OB. He's tried to be a good guy, but like you said he's sort of a Gaius Balthar/politician sort of person. Really, don't you want to escape the certain death and have him just Dolo out? Or has Westian actually discovered one thing he knows he truly believes in? Even though defiance will most likely lead to death and being the gateway anyway :p

Haynuus's mind sought to figure out a way to continue. His mind also tried to cling to the intelligence it had briefly gained, still wondering if Gholst had one last piece of knowledge to impart. It was sad, but it seemed that his swiftly fading body had the answer. It seemed that he was to be denied the chance, in this life, to find a peaceful life. Still, perhaps one last act of violence would buy him peace in the next life. Did screamer slices have ghosts that needed tending?

Haynuus gave one final, defiant cry as he perfectly aimed his strike at Dargat's body. He saw Gholst's face clearly, the warlord furious at the act, and then surprised at the blow, and then in pain. It was a good image to go out on, and Haynuus closed his eyes, notcing that the lifted club was moving in slow motion tiowards him...

There was no pain, it seemed. That was nice. And when Haynuus finally opened his eyes, all he saw were the familiar faces...

S8niff* and that would appear to be the end of Haynuus :( Gholst can't fail to do less than a 6 damage per blow in Dargat's body, and gets three attacks, so, yeah, that looks like that's it, really :(

Anyway, for those of you still alive, it's time t-


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:22 pm
by beowuuf
ian_scho wrote:"lol" says Haynuus.

OOC - Don't feel so bad, guys! It's just the GM shitting with you :)

Oh, wait, that's right, I knew I'd forgotten something....

Haynuus then realised something was wrong. If Gholst had already swung his club, why was it still slowly swinging? Why was it Gholst was swearing and yelling in normal motion - could they do those sort of dramatic magical effects now?

Haynuus began to realise that one of the familiar faces - the Trolin King - was actually standing close enough to hold on the Gholst's club. Which was why it was moving with such resistance. Or rather, as the King was keen to remind Gholst, "No one takes up the club of another Trolin against Trolin friend! You rip my head off, but next time <i>you better kill me properly! For my people! For my glory! King Grrlagalarr!" The macuahuitl Haynuus had briefly wwielded was in the king's hands once more, and clearly the king was involved in a delicate dance to try and land a blow.

Gholst's frustration seemed to turn to fear as he realised that his supernatural and bodily strength both were fading. Gholst looked down at the sword - his own, real sword - sticking from his own body. In life it had nosupernatural powers, but it appeared that in death a blow from his own weapon - delivered in defiance - had some magic all to itself. After all, Gholst's armour bound the spirits, and his etheral armour and will kept them in death. By that logic, could his own arms not also be conduits? The spirits straining at Dargat's body, and the spirits whipping around in agony around Gholst, suddenly seemed to channel through the blade and the pommel of the sword, flying out passed Haynuus and up passed...

Hyanuus realised there were another familair set of ghosts behind Gholst, ones that impeded Dargat's body as he struggled with the club, almost making the warrior fall over. They were short, with large heads. And even over the screaming of spirits trying to free themselves, and in the fading fires of Gholsts spiritual defenses, Haynuus could easily make out the ghosts of the screamers, still hovering to their delicious and now squished corpses.

Gholst's back was against a metophoric wall, and the Trolin King was a powerful foe. "Back! BACK TO ME!" he yelled to the spirits, pulling upon all the evil he had deliberately inflicted for his power. However, two more figures had been standing near Haynuus. One picked up the greatsword Haynuus had dropped, nodding silently towards the half-orc. It was the spirit of Umgold, and he saluted the half-orc as one noble and brave warrior to another. And then Umgold stabbed its greatsword in to Dargat's body. Gholst screamed.

The last figure beside Haynuus was only familair because of the circlet around its head - the one Haynuus had worn - and by the ruined hilt of the OH blade it held - now back to looking like a gholstly Falchion once more. It was the Low Lord, Kakaluca. Haynuus had faced the man before when Kakaluca had been twisted and raised by Chaos's power. Apparently, finally, they had done what the Grey Lord would not, or could not do. By destroying his twisted body they had freed his form. And now, the Low Lord was back to defend Viborg one last time. "I AM KAKALUCA, RULER OF RULERS! I TOPPLED MOUNTAINS TO FORGE THIS REALM! I BANISHED DEMONS FOR MEN TO WALK THIS PLACE! I COMMANDED THE AIR AND THE WATER!" The gholsts Falchion was then recogniseable to Haynuus as being an OH blade once more, apparently the power of the air elementals once more summoned and bound. The Low King stabbed the sword in to Dargat's body, and blood flowed freely. The strength of Dargat's body finally faded, and the body sagged. Wiht one powerful blow, King Grrl split Dargat's skull, and the orc's body toppled to a heap in front of Haynuus.

However, Gholst, the spirit, remained. "You take my souls, I WILL TAKE YOURS, SLAVE RACE!" he bellowed, coming for Haynuus....

Time for your last, heronic...something...Ian! :D

Meanwhile, over by the distraught Theron, a small hand reached up and gently clasped his wrist...

@LB and before I forget, let's have a little something for you too!

Aurek was pushing against the freezing door, his breathe frosting. Abnd yet, his breath curled oddly in the air, and in those last, precious moments of life, where everything was become vibrant and every detail special, he could see the small eddies of wind moving oddly at his and Deephold's feet. The straining wood - every grain visible - held thick ice as Lolth's power manifest by condensing the water in the air to ice, killing life. However, the ice was then beginning to melt right away, trails of water running off, and moving oddly along the grains. Even back up the door.

Aurek had not faced the Low Lord with the others, but during his time in the waterfall he had felt the elementals loyalty to not only the Grey Lord, but also the memory of that man who had once founded Viborg beside Mount Anaias. In the shared hivemind they all had, Aurek knew the Low Lord was here, now, and more importantly had called upon those spirits once last time. And seeing the small, subtle signs, Aurek began to realise the spirits had heard the call.

There you go, thought I'd throw you another hook if you wanted it LB. Nothing like options when planning a last kick-ass action, right? :D

Anyway, so yeah, things might just be coming to a head. Ameena and OB already have their choices to make in the first update post, I think this second post gives Ian and LB a little more wiggle room to do one last, crazy thing each. Make it good! You've earned it!


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:52 pm
by Ameena
OOC - Wooo, epic update! :D

BIC - Ameena looks at Falkor as he translates for Fulcrum, then looks back at the bird and replies.
"There are lots of horrible things down here." she says. "The Blackskull people...Gholst...the creature Lolth, though I'm not sure who or what she is, exactly...and if things go wrong, then the Grey One will turn into the Dark One and will destroy the world. We need him to come and help, come and stop things before they get that far. Theron and Karnadee...I thought Theron was the Grey One's friend? That was why he got so angry when Theron died before...except he hasn't. All I want is...for this to be over. For the people who kill other people to stop doing so. For my friends to be safe. And free, wherever they want to go. And for the whole world to be safe, so we can all live in it, and enjoy it. I want all the creatures in this place to have their own choice...I just don't want anyone else to keep getting hurt this way. People killing other people and trapping their souls, or getting inside their heads and making them afraid. I know there are predators in the world. Everyone dies eventually. But there's...a balance. Some people just...go too far. That seems...wrong. I don't understand many of thr ways of these creatures, nor they my own kind. But...those who don't try to hurt me, and who talk to me and help me, are my friends. And a friend is for life, and life is for friends. And I want all my friends to be safe. And not dead. Unless they decide that's what they want..."
She looks at the bird. How much does he understand? Can the Grey One hear this, perhaps? Does he care? Will he come? What will happen if he doesn't? Suppose her friends manage to defeat all their enemies, beat back Gholst and the Lolth-creature so that they won't attack any more...then what? How will they get out of here? Can the Elements help them get out through that opening far above the waterfall cave? Ameena had thought that this place was...the Grey One's home? Something like that? So surely he should want to come back and see what was going on, maybe make sure nothing bad had happened while he was gone? And surely, if Theron is his friend, he'd want to come back and see him? That's what friendsa re for, isn't it? To see, to talk to, to enjoy life with. Or is this yet another aspect of other creatures she can just never have any hope of understanding?

OOC - Had no clue what this "secret codeword/phrase" is that I'm supposed to come up with so you just get another rambling spiel of cheesy-sounding goodwill blather :P. Probably should have said less stuff but I figure I'm not gonna get too much longer to say stuff and might as well squeeze in as much as I can in the hopes that something in there will be the right thing I'm supposed to say ;).


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:30 pm
by beowuuf
BAD FUZZLE! BAD! This was your chance to summarise and do a short, meaningful line. Like go ''sniff, friends and home'! or something. Lol, which you did, with lots of words around it, I guess:p Anyway, you can bring back the Grey Lord how you want to, rambling to the end :p


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:32 am
by Ameena
OOC - Well, if there had been other murafu there as well, then yes, Ameena would have said only a few words. And all the others would have as well, one after the other ;).


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:45 am
by ian_scho
They were saved!... Well maybe. There was still one last dying hurdle to overcome but the question is, will EVERYBODY die? Things could still go tits up[+].

Haynuus was shocked, horrified and fascinated at witnessing ethereal screamers bumping gholsts pseudo-corpse along the floor. Would it change his opinion of them at knowing they were more than just vegetable matter, more than just the process of senseless germination with subsequent growth. That they had desires, feelings and a sense of being wronged. That the now dawning realisation that these creatures will never be quite as tasty as pork chops cooked in butter? Only time would tell.

The trolin king's appearance standing over Gholst was majestic, even in death, even when angry beads of protoplasmic sweat broke on his brow, even when Haynuus realised that he'd been wielding the macuahuitl the wrong way up. It would appear that Gholst could not capture the king's soul as he could any other normal mortal. Something inside Haynuus prodded him into the knowledge that the trolin kind aren't so bad after all. Thanks Grrlagalarr.

With his sword still in the belly of Gholst (should he twist?) and a new ally appearing in the form of Lord Kakaluca (another one of those bellowing commander types, jeez) there was still hope for Haynuus but Gholst was getting closer and his consciousness was getting more difficult to sustain. In desperatation his 'spare' hand reaches out behind him to grasp for that implement to finish the final confrontation. James Bond found an electric lamp versus Jaws, in Lethal Weapon 2 our Australian buddy found a nail gun when he was being strangled from behind, but all Haynuus found was a thin band of metal... Wait a minute.

From being in a position of trying to retreat as far away as possible Haynuus pounced onto Gholst letting go of the sword to ensure the circlet sat firmly on his head with two hands, as if being coronated. Gholst... Prepare to be verbally bitch slapped by the wisdom of the ancients. Muah ha ha hah heeuugghh!

Haynuus then lost consciousness.

[+] While it's true that both the humans and orcs share some sayings, tits up for example, what is also resoundingly true is that the orcs put far more colourful flavour into them. For the orcs tits up refers to when in full battle and the heavies join the fray. A female ogre then slips up on some troll spool and things get really messy or even downright wrong immediately after that.