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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - In my case the error is caused either by being logged (timed) out, or wonky Spanish packets buzzing around the interweb. I have to use IE here but the Ctrl+C idea is a good'n.

"Come with us, Ameena. And we will see if you can defeat us all by obtaining a more peaceful solution to the problem." was all Haynuus could think of. "Noone will ask you to fight for us, but if you can find a way to stop Lord Chaos you will have all of our gratitude." and with that waved his arm across to the trolins. The thought amused him that the smallest creature here could stop their worst enemy compared to an army of lumbering trolins.
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Post by raixel »

Petal looks at the upset murafu and flies down next to her. "Ameena, hard i is, I know. But, this way you must look. The way of you it is not. The way of my people it is not, either. But, gone is the balance here. Restore it, we must."

She smiles a pained smile. "Think of it, this way I do. Take I this burden, of fighting, of pain. So others happy can live, and feel what I do, they do not. Against your beliefs it is. So perhaps help it would to think that because against your beliefs it is, do it you shall. So others have to do not. Shows you hvae a heart, shows you care it does. That even such evil you will fight, yet wonder you do if it is right. Because you wonder, fear you do not have to of becoming like them."

The pixie ruffles the murafu's ears in a comforting way and takes off again to patrol around the group.
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena listens to Petal, and greatly appreciates the physical contact, but is still rather downcast.
"But it's not what I believe." she says quietly. "It's what I am."
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Post by beowuuf »

In the ethereal world, Helm looked around, as if trying to work out who Falkor was. Falkor saw only the briefest glimmer of recognistion in the thief's face before the halfling had to go back. The spirit girl nodded to Falkor's words, but gestured for Falkor to leave quickly. "Go, go!" she said with urgency, obvious fear in her voice.

The familair unpleasant sensation of suddenly having weight again came back to Falkor, though of course this time it was the material plane that had the duller colours. Well, except for the crack, that still seemed as luminous. Of course, once Falkor came back to the material plane, and could hear Petal's words on the subject of the dark priest - combined with what Westian had told the others earlier - he realised the issue. And the fact she was right, it was very likely even now he was stalking them. Howe much he could perceive of their actions and plans was unknown, however.

Meanwhile Petal had looked deeper in to the globe. For some reason, it is something deep in the heart of the globe that glows, not anything outside. The funny little dog creature mutates, even as the surrounding blankness of the ball changes. The ball now looks like plains, and the small creature now looks like the bika Wuuf. There is somethign different about the bika, but before Petal can work out what it is, before Petal can register the glow around Wuuf, the ball changes again. Wuuf becomes Grwolgra.

Petal recognises the place Growlgra is, there is blackened ruins around of what was once her village, although at the edges of sight she thinks she can see green, thinks she can see movement and life. Growlgra himself glows softly white. He turns around, not noticing the glow, but apparently feeling something. Petal realises what was wrong with Wuuf even as she looks at Growlgra. Both were a little different from how she had last seen them. As if a little older.

And then, even as Growlgra almost looks directly in to Petal's eyeline, Petal realises there is movement behind the bika. Petal finds it difficult to see due to the tears in her eyes, however perfect vision is not required. She knows the profiles of what is behind Growlgra without hesitation nor fear of contradition. She wants to cry out, but the words are caught in her throat. Meanwhile, Grolwgra turns, and continues talking to her father and brother.

The scenes spins, and Growlgra is replaced by the capering furry creature, once more, as it continues its endless walk onwards.

I know the shift in timeline of your story from how I actually had the timelines originally makes this not make quite as much sense, but I'm sure can figure out the descrepency yourself. Remember, originally CSB happened in secret with no second attack of Lord Chaos, just him secretly changing inside the mountain, and no one knowing. Petal lost her family to the original DM disaster, her brother and father goign in to the mountain, with Petal then following. So basically, the idea was that while Buzz (your fellow pixie) was obviously killed, his sacrifice bought your family time to escape.

With the shift in timeline so that CSB was a second outing of Chaos, and one where Chaos revealed himself and destroyed your village, it makes a little less sense the two would not have returned. I reckon you can always have something such as them being captured by those in league with Chaos, and only gaining their freedom later, returning too late to aid the village.

If this is way off base, we can forget it, however, I liked it as a beat so it was sorta planned all along when you mentioned her brother and father never returned (and I assume the Grey Lord restored many to life at the end of DM).

Plus, of course, it would actually be what Petal most wanted. Just wanted to add a beat of also IC making sure I answered or gave you a drive for any OOC things you wanted to be able to find/do. So hopefully the double goodness of knowing Growlgra and Wuuf are safe is cool too.

As Haynuus was quietly contemplating what was to come, and what they needed to do, the circlet was quietly whisperng to him urgently. Warning that while he had two futures, the circlet was finding it harder and harder to access the second one. Still, finding Theron. That did not seem to be something they had done in the previous future. That seemed to be the exact opposite of what they had tried to do. He was, after all, possessed by Gholst, and it had become clear in the other future that it was unwise to face hims directly without the soulstone combined.

That had, somehow, been bad. Still, could finding Theron first be any better, if that meant directly facing Gholst?

Meanwhile, the Trolin King growls at the increasing sentiment of wishy-washy-ness (as far as he obviously considers it), until his anger explodes.

"WEAK! COWARDS!" he called, smashing his weapon hard on the ground with a ringing blow. Unlike previously, all the Trolins behind him - aside from perhaps Uumack and Guree, who look to Haynuus and Westian uncertainly - move forward with menace too.

"This weak pain rat your plan to get dark priest before? No wonder it fail! And you still listen to its cowardly squeaking? Those thigns nothing but food! Your best men in their armour and with their weapons say not to fight? What good are they!"

The King stands tall, and gives one of his flourishes as if wearing a cloak, while adjusting his crown to a rakish and imposing angle. "No wonder you need Trolin help! You not help yourself. You need us to do your work. We do OUR work. Yes, we stop Dark One from returning, by smashing everything in our path, killing all, until WE RULE!"

There is a movement of all the Trolins now, including Guree and Uumack as the Kings words echo.

"I SHOW YOU OUR POWER!" the King bellows, lifting his blade high.

There is an almighty sound of stone being destroyed. Only a fool would assume the king had anything to do with it, yet the King for a moment looked to the space before his eyes looked ot the right. And upwards. And upwards. The rest of the Trolins had fallen back many steps. And the companions had already realised what was coming forwrads, and made appropriate steps to not be so close.

Guree and Uumack had actually come forwards in defense of their king, Guree firing a bolt up in to the air, while Uumack stood with weapon drawn infront of the King. The bolt sailed up in to the air, higher and higher, until it met watery resistance, and stopped.

The giant hand that had smashed the edge of the shore by the Trolin King mnow took a hold of the insignificant bolt it its hands, one that gently floated despite being metal. And despite being metal, the closing of the hand crushed the bolt in to shattered scrap. Standing with its head almost touchign the top of the cavern wall was a humanoid figure, made entirely of water. The lake had reduced by several meters in height, and the hint of several creatures were visible before they slid down in to the depsths again. The figure looked down at the Trolin King with contempt. There seemed to be ripples and undulations all along its body, the occasional angry face was visible, showing this was the form of all the water elementals acting as one. The face seemed ot have the expression of the spokesman elemental that had spoken with the group before, he had obviously formed the head.


There were gusts of wind as the giant conjoined elemental form spoke, the air elementals seemed to gust aroudn the other Trolins, pushing them backwards aggressively and whsipering unkind words in to ttheir shocked ears. There were very obvious comments of 'dull' and 'earth headed' heard. The Trolin King at least had enough pride and courage to not look terrified. However, his wide eyes and shut mouth showed that he knew death was but one mis-spoken word away.

"THE GREY LORD RULES HERE. THERON IN HIS PLACE. NONE OTHER CAN CLAIM HERE." The cavern rumbled and shook at the watery voice.


The lowering the water still allowed some leeches, and the occasional stirring of other shapes in the water to be seen. The meaning was clear, and all the Trolins including the king looked to each other with fear, realising the meaning. The air elementa;s still danced around, whispering mockery. The air elementals then all pulled back, as if on a hidden signal. The air grew still - almost too still to breathe. There were waves on the water elemental now, as the air elementals whipped around. Temporarily, the green butterfly moved off to be a part of the throng, dancing on the movement of the air elementals. The movement of the elementals became faster and faster, they spun aroudn roughly on the shoulders and then down one arm of the towering water elemental. That arm lifted itself up, and pointed pointed a large finger of its large hand to the exit to the hidden cave.

"NOW, GO!" it bellowed, air elementals flying forwards smashing in to the Trolins around, and generally buffetting the air.

The green butterfly shot forwards, then skimmed majestically through the air, to land perfectly, once more, on Westian's staff as the wind died down.

The towering water elemental, very slowly, sank in to the lake, the water level rising to meet it until the lake became a too calm pool of dark water once more.

Ok, and with hopefully Ameena, Sir Farel and to an extent Petal's pacifist ways served, with the Trolin's cowed, but also with a little nod to the elementals showing their support for Westian - or at least the trusted 'little one' doing so, and hence probably the air elementals - I will leave it there. Even though there is more to come. Basically I'm allowing some reactions and comments, before you get some subtle communications from the air elementals and get moved onwards.

Wish we'd been able to have money and Ameena have a companion scene to the earlier scene the last time Ameena was opposed to the party, but then again the conversation won't really have changed any since the previous one, unless Falkor would have been on the 'no fighting at all' side. Still, Falkor has some cool thigns to say regarding Helm, And can retcon any other comments if he wants, so hopefulyl that's ok too.

So there you go. The water elemental has now ordered you guys not to kill. In a way the Trolins can't aruge with. Obviosuly, the elementals were always goign to weigh in, depending on what you guys were doing. We'll see what this direction the party has chosen costs them in the end! And hopefully that's enough for Ameena to move forwards wit hthe recover Helm, recover the soulstones.
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Wooo, angry elementals...nice :twisted:.

BIC - Despite the words of the Elements and the fact that they seem to be speaking in her favour, Ameena can't help but cower somewhat as the gargantuan shape rises up and addresses the suddenly-not-so-angry troll-creatures. After all, she's small enough compared to those around her, and they themselves are tiny compared to this massive figure. Still, she is rather relieved at the Elements' declaration - that those who kill will be punished. Alright, so it's not really the way a murafu would do things, but at least, she hopes, no-one will be going forward with their previous plan to run around ending life as they see fit. Besides, these are the Elements. While many other creatures serve invisible people who apparently live in the sky, or something, the Murafu, in their world, see the things around them, see that they are shaped by the Elements - from soil to storms, from fur to flowers...even Life itself is a combination of the Elements working together, perhaps the only time they ever do so. For the Murafu, the Elements shape all, and it is because of the Elements that anything can exist at all.
So she isn't about to ignore them, or turn from what they say.
Once the huge figure has descended to once again be part of the lake, she takes a few moments to recover herself a little, then edges forward, peering down at the Water but also addressing the Air.
"Um...thank you." she says, nervously. She supposes that she's thanking them mostly for telling the others not to kill anyone, but wanted to say something anyway just to acknowledge what they've done.
She backs away from the edge and turns to face the others, standing upright so she can look at them.
"So...maybe we'd better go, then?" she asks. "And, umm...try to find a way to bring Helm back. And then find the Soulstone. And then...um...well, put it together and...and see what happens..."

OOC - Did Petal not already give the weird ball thingy back to Ameena? I thought she had but Wuffy's update seems to have implied that she's kept hold of it for the time being. Assume that Ameena just sticks it back in a pouch whenever Petal returns it, if she hasn't already.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by raixel »

Actually, that works absolutely perfectly based on what I had planned for my campaign. I cant tell you everything, but I already had it planned that Petal's father and brother would return to the village too late to help and find it in ruins. I know I switched the CSB timeline a bit from canon, but having marauding armies running about does make for a better story ;). If it causes too much trouble for what you had planned and the un-canonness bothers you, I can always have everyone get sucked into an alternate reality, or some dues ex DM trick or something. (But, I dont actually know how un-canon marauding armies are. I took the idea from the intro movie of the Amiga version. It seems to imply that when the Grey Lord changed, Chaos sent his armies out again. Obviously no-one knew that the Grey Lord was changed, as that happened secretly in the intro story. Also, damn, if Chaos is making the dungeon *one wall at a time*, the chmapions would be old and grey by the time he was done :P) But, dont worry. I'll make it work :)
Petal is busy patrolling in the air above the group when suddenly the trolin King starts yelling again. But this time it's at Ameena. Her sweet little murafu friend. The pixie dives down to stand in front of Ameena, imposing herself between the murafu and the angry monster. She starts Singing the Song of FUL, not asking the mana into any shape yet, just holding it. Due to her holding the mana charge, her eyes glow and tiny orange sparks race up and down her body. She doesnt say anything, just stands there, holding her hand outstreched, a small unformed ball of fiery-looking mana in her palm and a promise in her eyes of what would happen if the trolin continues to threaten her friend.

"I don't want to have to strike this monster, as repulsive as he is. I promised Westian I wouldn't." she thinks. "But if he continues to threaten Ameena, I will have no choice. I will not allow her to be harmed. She is beautiful in her way of looking at the world. I would not allow her spirit to be crushed. Not allow her to become...like me."

The trolin king raises his sword high, and Petal puts her hands into the runic ON shape, ready to fling fire in his face to save her friend. But before he can act to bring his sword crashing down on her head, there is a sudden rush of VI mana that nearly drives the pixie to her knees with its intensity. Realizing this combined elemental is more powerful than any individual she has ever encountered, she quickly extinguishes the FUL mana before the great being can take offense and bows formally to it.

Petal smirks to herself at the trolins scrabbling about like scared mice in the face of the power of the Elements. The sorceress revels in the powerful flows of mana as the combined forces of VI and OH personified chastise the trolins. To her, it feels mentally like standing outside in the middle of a summer rainstorm. Like a storm, they could crush you easily, but as long as you move with it instead of against it you would not be harmed. The pixie listens carefully to their words, for they are the true personification of Mana given form. After the elementals go back to their native forms leaving a very cowed and scared band of trolins in their wake, Petal turns to Ameena, who looks as frightened as the blue beings. She touches the murafu gently, smoothing down the puffed-up fur.

"Ok, it is. Hurt us, they will not. Forces of Balance, they are. And the disbalance sense they do as well, angry it makes them. Wise they are, for see beyond the material they do. However, colored by their Element their sight is, in the nature of that Element. So, not understand they do how scary they can be." she tells the murafu soothingly.

After speaking, the pixie takes off again, and sings a Song of thanks to the elements for diffusing a potentially bad situation.
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Post by money »


Upon returning to the material plane there was clearly friction in the air. The discussions seemed to focus on using force or not - having previously harmed his relationship with Ameena he knew which side she would be on - suprisingly, this journey had changed him. Falkor was now more inclined to defend rather than attack - no matter the consequences. He had prepared a 2nd line of defence in the event he passed on, or Gholst attempted to fight from the material plane, but again expected this to be in response to any threat.

Suddenly the Trolin king started asserting his authority - again. He was clearly confident, he hadn't got where he was today without a strong back bone - and this was obvious for all to see. He started to shout at the group, focusing his glare on the Murafu... just then events took another turn... the water elements collected as one into a fearful monster - one that no mortal could expect to argue with...

When they had finished their was an earie silence - some looked in ammazment, others not so suprised but fearfull. Falkor seemed less concerned with this - when the time came their warning was of little consequence and he was confident that the actions of the moment would be the right ones. He would either die through in-action, die through the elements repremand or Ameena and the others would have another trick up their sleeve - for now this was out of his hands he would be led.

At this time he noticed the butterfly... it's odd movement. As it landed ontop of the staff Westian held he noticed the water symbol. Was this the staff the Elf had spoke of? "Westian, the staff, I think this could be one the Elf spoke of? Where did this come from? Once the battles are over could I return this to the Elf's kin? he chuckled... "Assuming I get out of this alive!"

He then turned to the Murafu, "Helm is ok, he can be returned to this body. He is being looked after in the ehtreal plane - I am confident no harm will come to him. We should take his body to the alter of life." Falkor described what these looked like to all around - he hoped either one of the Trolins (or his own party) would have seen one close by. "I will guide him back to his former self - as long as he wills it, I am confident this will be no problem.
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Post by ian_scho »

The sheer force of the water elementals took Haynuus by surprise. Before he realised that had seen only a small number of their force. Now however he knew that they were fully in charge of their own domain. Be it fire, earth, air or water he now had the knowledge that they were to be obeyed when present in their own territory.

"The was one of these altars where we previously met Garax and the twisted elf priest, I believe." He now feared pronouncing the dark one's name, and visualised giving him a good punching for good measure after saying it. "I'm sure that Helm would be happy for us to take him there."

His thoughts returned to something the elemental said. THE GREY LORD RULES HERE. THERON IN HIS PLACE. NONE OTHER CAN CLAIM HERE. But with the Grey Dude gone, and Theron under control by another it was up to them to return the balance. Ameena was right to take the intelligent approach as this whole dungeon could be against them if Theron was being used to stop their efforts to join the stone. "Ameena, we must not communicate our efforts to join the soulstone. It would be dangerous. For some reason I recall one piece being held in some kind of broken platform, where people speak... Or even a raised altar. I don't think I've been there before though." OOC - Or maybe we did as we just came from Soorec's broken VI altar and Ameena picked up a piece there didn't she... The next was a memory of the stone hidden in plain sight, yet he was just confused by this - for now.

Finally his memory of the Grey Dude not being able to defeat Theron or at least his controller. "If we join the stone together," he mused "we will need to help the Grey Dude not only return but actively aid his work in bringing about the balance once more." And an army of angry Trolins might just do it.
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena looks at Falkor in surprise.
"Elf?" she asks, a little nervously. "Um...is that...I mean, it's not...that elf, is it? You're talking about a different elf?"
At the halfling's mention of seeing Helm, she experiences an odd mix of both excitement and confusion.
"You've seen him?" she asks. "You mean, his spirit? How? Where? Can I see him too? Can I talk to him? Is he unhappy being dead? It he trapped down here? Are there Blackskull people trying to get his spirit? I want to talk to him again. I think he might think I left him behind on purpose, but I didn't. I really didn't. That was when..."
She gives a slight shudder and twitches her right foreleg a little.
In response to Haynuus, Ameena looks up at the half-orc.
"Ah...yes, maybe we'd better not talk about it too much." she says, realising perhaps a little belatedly why doing so might be a bad idea. "But I think I remember...sort of...where the last pieces are. Though I don't know how to get to wherever those places are from here."
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Post by oh_brother »

Westian suppressed a sigh as he hung his head and rubbed his eyes with a hand. How come all the pacifists were on his side? If Chaos had to deal with this there would be no way that any armies would have ever threatened the surface. His dreams of glory, of leading an army to destroy a great evil...well, it was not going like it went in the standard legends. The army was made up of Trolins, rather than knights, for a start. And now it seemed that nobody really wanted to fight after all. He briefly considered if he really had to go through with this. He had found Deephold, his original mission, after all. That would ensure his standing in the order on his return.

But no, the evil here would follow him even if he left now, the world he called home might even end if they did not stop it. He was not sure how to stop it, but the idea of venturing into the lair of the priest and warlords on their own without the muscle of the army was terrifying. Terrifying and, at this point, academic since the main thrust of the Trolin force was already on its way to attack. Better not to mention that within earshot of the water elementals though.

He was woken from his reverie first by the shouting of the Trolin King, and then even more so by the incredible sight of the wall of water that formed in front of them. But as he listened to the water elementals speak he realised their message was more nuanced than it had appeared at first , and there was perhaps tacit approval of their course of action. The butterfly landing on his staff buoyed his spirits some more.

“Either way we need to go." he said to the group in general. "The Lord of Darkness must be stopped”, he continued, deliberately echoing the water elemental’s words. “And those who call the dead back as slaves must not be allowed to continue” he said strongly, and deliberately ambiguously.

Falkor’s sudden interest in the staff caught him by surprise. “Yes, of course, if it belongs to another then we should return it. Maybe it will be some comfort to his family, assuming you can find them. But then, given your resourcefulness lately I would not be surprised if you had their names and home locations already” he grinned.

“No Ameena, it is not that elf. I assume it is the spirit you spoke of, Falkor? Ameena and I found this staff near Soorec’s chamber.”
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Post by Lord_BoNes »

Aurek almost reeled back at the tremendous sight of the massive water elemental. Then its word sunk in... we had to succeed here or all would be lost. Even the water elementals knew that Lord Chaos was bad news for them, and if it's bad news for creatures like water elementals, then what chance did the world of man stand?
"This needs to be stopped now. Even the elementals of water itself are telling us. If we don't stop this here and now, then the rest of the world... all that we hold dear, will be lambs to the slaughter. The dark lord must be put to rest." his zealous nature showing through alittle.

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Post by ian_scho »

"Hurrah! And let's go then!" Caught up in the emotion caused by Westian Haynuus then unsheathed his sword and hefted it up in the air. "For the defeat of Lord Chaos, and for Pacificism!"
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Post by raixel »

Petal joins Haynuus in his cheer, shouting "For Lord Chaos, to defeat! And for pack a schism!" Then she stops as if realizing what she just said.

"Um, and pack a schism is what?" she asks Haynuus.
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Post by ian_scho »

Completely confused by now multiple layers of inquietude and befuddlement Haynuus replied "We need to fill in the schism over there in the wall." He points to the illuminating fissure in the cavern side surrounded by water elementals. "And the only way to do that is by hitti... Persuading those guys to bow down to our demands and get the Grey Dude back."
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Post by beowuuf »

Sir Farel had moved to protect Ardur from first the Trolins, and then the water elemental. Seeing one cowed and the other disappear, the knight gave Ardur a reassuring look, gesturing for his squire to move over to Falkor, while the knight himself moved over to Ameena.

"What was that? What goes on in this place?" asks Sir Farel. He puases for moment. "Di you do that?" He seems to realise the ridiculousness of the questions the moment he asks it, and yet does not seem certain he can laugh it off.

Regarding Helm, Sir Farel nods. "Of course, if there is any way to bring Helm back, we must try." Sir Farel's expression darknens for a moment, but he shakes free the strange memories and looks on. After all, though he died himself, it is perhaps understandable him mind rebells at any confusing and tantalising memories of the experience. Sior Farle seems too much a man of the land for any such spiritual experience to be comforting.

Petal is perhaps best placed to note, after the water elemental has settled again, that the crack in the wall seems higher than it was, less threatening to the lake. At first that would seem to imply that the water level has dropped, not unsurprising. However, something tells Petal that the crack has actually reduced, a touch, in size. What this means is not something she understands. The crack, depsite all her conjecture, is a completely alien and unnatural thing. Even Chaos, for all his twisted power, is still a think of this universe. A twisting and flaunting of the laws. The crack is worse, a complete absense of balance, a void in the cohesion of the world. It almost makes her queasy to concentrate on it, in a way that makes the chaos blasted lands feel pleasant in comparison, the queasiness there comforting.

And awww, Petal is still broken, even knowing that some of her family mikght be alive? That's sad. Cool she's so protective of Ameena!

Oddly, there is no returning song back to Petal fromm the song of Vi, however the song of OH is sung to her. It is a little quickler, and higher pitched, than before. The air a little faster.

" - go, you must - " says the voice of the Air Elemental from before, drawing on its power to move the air so the words spread greater distance to everyone around. " - stay here, my kin and I must. We must combat the crack that threatens us all. Our little one has decied to go wth you, says you all are the key, you and your mission. And our young are energised. They will go with you. Move between you as messengers, if they keep their minds keen. Return here to tell tales of your progress. -" he last had a tone to it unmistakeable. The young air elementals could keep an eye on the group, and return with news if things were done that angered them.

Falkor, had, perhaps missed his chance to prove his changed perspective to Ameena. Still, it sounded as if there would be more chances on the mission ahead. Falkor recognised the benefits of the offer they had. Already, Falkor had supernatural aid ready to fend off anything that might come from the ethereal plane, and a surprising defense that could come to the rescue no matter where they appeared trapped.

Now they had a more tangible tool that could give messages if groups were split. Though Falkor knew a little of elementals, and realised that the elementals of air were reckoned to be flighty, not really concentrating on much for very long. The situation was clearly serious enough in the cavern for the adult elementals to concentrate on matters at hand. However, already the young were prepared to 'play' with the group. Falkor realised they might need to keep the elementals curious and happy to ensure they did not act on their own, or drift off bored at the moment they would be most needed.
What the butterfly was, Falkor had no real idea, although of course its movement then distracted him by revealing to him somethign that had been right under his nose all along. The watery undulations of the snake staff Westian held sudden'ty clear in different light, looking at it in the correct way. WEstian's comment on where they had discovered the staff- near Soorec's room - seemed to confirm it. This staff might well do some good once more, and then it could return to the elf druid's kin, a testiment to how that soul reached out from beyond the grave to aid in the saving of the world.

Even as Haynuus watched the miracle of nature, the circlet in his mind stirred, and postulated a possibility, one beyond all the threats of violence, of the dark lords and their dark servants. It wondered if, when this was all over, Hyanuus might be allowed to make his small farm somewhere close to the mountain. If the Grey Lord might allow him to speak to the elementals, and he might ask them to work their mojo on his farm. Create rain when needed, create warm close days when the screamers needed to mold, and even ask the earth elementals to make his job of planting the thigns assumign you planted them - much easier. Haynuus even realised that the paladin Aurek had apparently been able to speak to at least one of these typs of elementals. Maybe he would like a job as a negotiater? It might be an idea to have someone who knew how to speak respectfully, to these creatures that seemed like kings in their own domains.

Haynuus was confident that he was correct regarding the location of the Vi altar, in the room that Garax had been awaiting the priest in. Annoyingly, which would make it the priests room. Still, no creatures had been inside it, so perhaps it was a safe place to make towards. Perhaps. He was also confident that his calls for caution were warranted. Still, his mind wanted to work out where that last parts of the stone were. There was a faint rumbling of the ground under his feet, and the circlet warned himthat perhaps he needed to pick his moments to access his other memories. The idea of the raised area to speak, and the idea of the altar, seemed to be two separate things.

Meanwhile, Aurek had not realised Haynuus;s attention was being directed towards the paladin's talents, however those very talents were co-indicentally in the paladin's mind as the air elementas moved around. Aurek had studied the elementals, in a way different to Falkor, during his indocrtination in the order. After all, the outer planes where the High Lords moved beyond were something to be aware of. Aurek had learned the languages of those realms, and thus knew he could address the air elementals. He could issue orders or secret messages right under the nose of the Trolins, or other foes, to be delivered as required.

He also knew that air elementals were opposed to the element of earth. It went from distaste at 'earthy', solid thinking, to an actual hatred for the limiting of threir freedoms by anything solid. Earth, and the fruits of earth, were the only one of the four elements air elementals could not pass through, and such a hatred could be harnessed to ensure no door nor barrier of the blackskulls would stop the groups.

Ameena could not get further information for the moment, with the air elementals also ushering the gorup to leave. Clearly, the murafu would need to wait until they were away from here - perhaps beside the altar itself - to maybe be allowed to speak to Helm. Certainly though, best not to draw any attention - especially not the dark elfs, who could move around the realm of the spirits - towards Helm until the group were ready to ressurect her friend.

Amena, too, felt a tiny tremble in the ground when Haynuus was thinking on the parts of the soul stone, and that seemed to be a warning to pick her moments on when to recall where the other parts were. For some reason, she felt sure at least one would be obvious...almost inevitable. It was the last. The one hiding in plain sight, apparently, that would be tricky to find.

Westian's own frustrations, such as they were, were well hidden by the half-elf. Especially when Deephold came across to smile at the pained expression. Perhaps Deephold mistook the reason for the elf's frustrations. "Do not fear, Westian. Lord LArethian is our ultimate judge. He knows what was in our heart, and what we must do, and why. The elements of water may hate the senseless loss of life, but I am sure that fighting those in league with the demon queen of ice will not been seen with such eyes. And you should not be hesitant to do what must be done."

Deephold looked to the mace. "I know the order told you to find me, and I know the mission was mine. I know I have always been the one to try and teach you what I knew of LArethian and the world, from a perspective you would not usually hear." Deephold looked to Westian. "I would be honoured to fight by your side. And follow your lead. I think you have earned such a position, if you wish to take it."

Whether Deephold was genuinely handing over the reins thinking Westian was ready, or simply still being the teacher and letting his star student try, it still appeared to be the ultimate vote of confidence in Westian's abilities.

Westian's strong words were quickly taken up by the Trolin King. The king seemed to feel which way the wind vblew, figuratively and literally, and as always acted as if this were part of his plan. "Knew you had power! Knew you hid things. Needed to prove to those here that I was right about you! Destroy Dark Lord!"

The shout was raised uncertainly by the remaining trolin, and the shout then became even more confused as Haynuus and Petal took it up and twisted it in their own inimitable way. Aurek adding his own strong voice in to the mix, giving Westian's words some backbone, showing the faith of the order of Larethian. Meanwhile, Falkor and Ameena demonstrated their own personalities in their questions at this moment that should have been tense and fraught and imposing.

Yes, Westian would have imagined a much different army against the fearsome foes he faces, against the dark priest that stalked them all. Perhaps though, there could be no better champions than these irrepressable characters against the formces of fear and aggression that would try to take them down.

Ok, basically I wanna let you guys knwo the resources you have, and then you can assume you can move off in to the downwards hidden crack at the edge of the cave behind the turned off waterfall. And in return, I need to know your general party order, and what actions you will take as you go down towards the priest's domain!

Petal, Haynuus and Ameena (and Deephold) know their way aroudn the priest's initial domain well enough to find the altar for Helm. And Westian, Aurek (and to a lesser extent Falkor) will have seen the basic maps of here and will recognise the area a little once they enter it. Is that the way you want to go? Do you want to split up when you reach the bottom (there are a couple of diverting tunnels, etc)?

Hmm, expect an OOC post at some point to detail what you guys have. And I'll dig out the old map to show you the immediate area you will be in. Whcih will be odd, finally going back to consistent DM maps for the end of the game!
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Petal blinks and squints at the crack, just to make sure she isnt seeing things.

"Appear the crack does smaller to you?" she asks everyone. "Smaller it does to me, from when first in we came." then she smiles and raises her tiny dagger overhead.

"Pack a schism, we must!" she shouts while pointing her dagger at the crack.
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena realises that the time has come for the group to head back to the room she and Haynuus had entered earlier, where they'd met and been attacked by the human, Garax. Which means they might encounter...the elf...again. Ameena remembers how it was having the Darkstone in her side and gives a slight shudder, but also remembers the kind of things to think about which are said to throw off the mental attacks. At first, she thinks that fillnig her thoughts of Helm, and of getting him back, will do, but quickly realises that thinking "loudly" like this about the (presumably close-by) presence of a spirit might attract unwanted attention and cause Helm more harm even beyond his body's current death. So she falls back on her previous trick of concentrating on the Murafu instead. It makes her feel a little better to remember them, anyway, since she can't actually be with them right now. But maybe she'll see them again.
Meanwhile, Haynuus and Petal are going on about something called "passy-fizzum", or something, a word which is unfamiliar to Ameena but which seems to be changing in pronunciation as the two talk about it, becoming "pack a skizzum", whatever one of those is. Normally, she knows, she'd have already asked about it by now, but her head is full of so many other unfamiliar things that she's rather too busy thinking of them to concentrate on something else.
She decides, however, that she'd better give some kind of warning about the place they're going to, and looks up at those around her. She isn't sure who knows about that person and who doesn't, so she addresses everyone.
"It's best if you start thinking of happy things now." she says. "Good things, and things that you like and that make you feel happy, because...the person who lives in the place we're going to can get inside your head and make you think of bad things. But apparently he can't if you think of good thing instead, because...apparently he can't understand them. But don't think about the person because...he'll get inside your head and make things seem strange and bad, like that your own friends want to try to hurt you. So if you think of good things, like your home and your friends, that will hopefully keep him away. We managed to lock him in a room the last time we saw him, but he might have got out by now, even though we got rid of the key."
Being a murafu, she doesn't really have a concept of creatures not having things like friends and family or safe places to call home, so she doesn't wonder about what the troll-creatures, for example, are going to think about. Instead, she waits till everyone is ready and then starts to move along, looking around to address the Elements as she does so.
"Thank you for all the help!" she says. "And for those of you who are coming with us - more people feel safer together so we can keep back the predators more easily, and talk to each other."

OOC - Ameena's sort of assumed that everyone is going to get Helm back, because it's what a murafu would do (look after their friends before anything else) and what with all the general confusion and unfamiliar things going on, she's falling back more and more onto her own instincts and sticking to what she knows and what makes her feel better. She'll go to the front to do her usual sniffing-the-way thing, keeping her senses alert etc etc like usual...Perception = 12 (1+11)...d'oh, Perception botch, lol. Okay so she's too busy thinking of all this other weird stuff to properly pay attention to what's going on, lol.
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Post by oh_brother »

Westian was both encouraged and confused by the enthusiasm shown by Haynuus and Petal for the venture. In addition Aurek’s traditionalist line was good support to have, and perfectly aligned with his own views. He nodded in agreement with the general mood, adding a “Hear, hear” when appropriate.

Deephold’s words caught him off guard, and he looked wide-eyed at the dwarf when he mentioned leading. “I thank you for the trust you show in me” he added humbly, with a small bow. “Though I will listen eagerly for your advice and guidance as we venture forth.”

He nodded as he listened to the king’s desperate backtracking. “Indeed, we must all be strong to stop the rise of the Dark Lord.” Best to allow him to save face. A humiliated person could be dangerous, as friend or foe.

The pixie’s comment turned his attention back towards the crack. Maybe it was smaller. “I think you are right, Petal. Have you any idea what that crack is? It does not look right.”

So Westian will be near the front, but not at the front. Probably behind Ameena, Haynuus and Aurek. Also he fill any spare flasks with Vi potions, up to a maximum of 1 EE, 2 ON, 3 UM and 4 LO (obviously starting with the higher levels). These should be distributed between the group, who needs what? I imagine Haynuus has the highest hit points, so he should have the EE. I don’t know about splitting up – Westian will definitely want to go to the priest’s domain.
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"I wonder if the magicky crack gets smaller as our various futures converge?" was the only conjecture Haynuus could muster. If it was a tear in space and time then maybe things got better as time proceeded? He wondered why it was in the cavern though, for what reason? It had to be something to do with the Grey Dude, and maybe they should have searched around it better before going off to this pacifistic battle.... Talking of which "Deephold, knock off a few more pots will you? You never know if these guys won't see our point of view."

Point of view... Haynuus repeated to himself suddenly. The crack was so bright, that it was difficult to see, wasn't it? Hidden in plain sight, you might say.

Anyways, they were at a junction and he'd been here before. Only this time there would be about 40 trolins with him ready to knock out this dual wielding fighter wierdo with all sorts of bludgeoning implements. He felt quite bullish. He updated his team as to where they had visited and what they had seen (see the OOC thread) so there would be no nasty surprises.

OOC - Don't really want to split up again, tbh. But whatever. Haynuus is happy to carry a torch in one hand 10' behind Ameena, for example.
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Post by beowuuf »

The air elemental moved aroudn the champions while the Trolin King was pushing his men in to shape. - Crack gets smaller as you told to leave. Grew bigger before you airrived. Our little one says you are connected. You must go! We will tell you if things get worse, our young will let you know! -

Petal could see the logic of what Haynuus said, that if this was to do with time, there was a chance that their every action that either merged with or eliminated this other time the others spoke of, the less power the crack would have. Certainly the twisted region of Chaos was only beaten by removing the thigns that had focused the tiwsted power, such as the creature they had destroyed in that strange region. What could be the equivalent here? Woudl the tear heal itself, if it did not truly exist? The fact it had shrunk did seem to hint that.

Ameena gave her words of advice, words Sir Farel seemed to take to heart and convey to his squire. Deephold already nodded to Westian, apparently letting his pride in the cleric be that shield. It was obvious what the Trolins were going to take heard in. "No defeat! Priest scared of us!"

Ameena took the group down the start of the stairs, with Haynuus taking a half-brned torch to proovide some light. Sir Farel and Ardur seemed a little put out by the levels, and Falkor had to squint to see anything. Westian, Petal and Deephold all possessed better vision, still able to see well enough through the gloom.

Ameena realised that there was a strange muddy smell, and spotted that the earth-covered Trolins were sliding left and right at her side as she advanced forwards. They perhaps realsied what she was doing, scenting the way areah, and kept behind her. They also seemed to respect the movement of Haynuus, much to the apparent discomfort of the short Karda, their leader. Guree moved forwards too, also apparently wanting to watch Haynuuss back.

The cave at the back of where the waterfall had been led to a widened crack, and that lead to a deep wide cleft in the rock that had a stair-like quality, allowing them to walk down and down. The fresh awet air of the cavern gave way to musty air, and finally gave way to the drier, stale air of the normal dungeon.

Ahead there suddenly seemed to be a normal passageway. Haynuus quietly described what was up ahead, explaining the slight twist to the level ,and the fact that one of the priest's rooms was ahead if you kept trying ot go ahead and left. He also tried to explain that the odd stairwell was not visible fro mthe dungeon tunnel, that a wall that was not a wall blocked anyone from seeing them.

"What about from hearing us?" hissed Karda. The Trolin, staying near the front of the squeeze, hissed back in fast Trolin to the King. Falkor and Haynuus worked out what was said a fraction of a moment before the King announced it. "Karda's people will go ahead, scout way and find if priest in room, or still locked away as you say."

Ok, so you guys are on the stairwell of the map onthe OOC thread. Will you let the muddy trolins (nine of them) move ahead, or will you suggest something else. Will they go alone, or will a few of you go with them (it's not splitting the party if you are all going the same direction, is it? :D

Also, while the King's proclamations might make it moot, roll me some stealthy checks, would you?

Also, feel free to retcon any last minute comments of party order shifts for ther journey down. At the moment I'm assumign Karda's men, Ameena and Haynuus at the front, then the central cluster of the rest of ther party, then the Trlin King, with Pullak's people at the back. Ummack is with Pullack, Guree is beside Haynuus.
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Post by raixel »

Petal is, as usual, up near the ceiling over the main group. She will justgenerally follow the people she knows well (Westian, Amenna Haynuus, Deephold). Waiting for more posts before I write her actionr.
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Post by Ameena »

As Ameena moves along the tunnel, she can't help but feel something of an instinctive apprehension about the movements of the troll-creatures as they move near to and behind her and Haynuus. She eyes them briefly as she goes on, ears turning to catch any strange sounds. When they reach the bottom of the stairs at the not-wall, she looks around at King as he announces that his people should scout ahead.
"Um...maybe I should do that." she says. "I've been here before and I can use my whiskers and things to sense the way - I can't see but I shouldn't need light anyway."

OOC - Quick Sense Motive to see if the trolls seem up to anything dodgy, or whether they do just seem like they're trying to help...29 (18+11). Were their movements around Haynuus and me really just following in respectful ways, or were they getting in position to try something? And is the king suggesting his people scout because he does just want to check things out, or because he's either being influenced by Dolo or wants to stampede in there and get first go at the killing/loot? Or something else, maybe? Ameena might say more depending on the result of this check...
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Post by oh_brother »

Westian idly listened to Ameena and the Trolins discuss scouting. It was a dangerous move, and he felt that the Trolins were probably better suited to surviving any potential ambush than the murafu. He tried to think of some tactful way of saying it without making Ameena seem weak, but could not come up with anything and stayed oddly silent.

In truth his mind was only half concentrated on the current discussion. The priest might be near. Or other lieutenants. Even though he had pushed for this course of action his stomach was twisted in knots; the idea of facing such evil and powerful creatures terrified him, even if he did not show it. The only outward sign of his discomfort was the fact that he occasionally rubbed his hands together in a effort to dry off the sweat that built up on his palms.
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Petal noticed Ameena checking out the trolins and flies down near her, motioning fr her to get out of their earshot. "Like this, I do not either" she tells the murafu in a whisper. "On your guard you should be. All of us should. Feel I do that the evil priest knows that we come. Otherwise mess with my head he would not try to. And the trolins, easier affected they would be if try he does. Westian, I trust, a good one he is. However, if powerful enough the evil priest is to get through my defenses, easy it would be to get through theirs. And alos, for now goals alike we have. But what of after? Work for Chaos are not, power hungry they still are." she says while motioning to the trollins.

If you need a roll so the trolins dont notice, heres a straight d20. ( dont know what it would be, bluff maybe?)
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus realised that Petal may well be right. Perhaps the trolins suffer far more from these mental traumas that the twisted elf sends their way when compared to other creatures. They were prone to violence and some very negative emotions, and Haynuus's only defense for this kind of thing was currently visualising punching Dolo over and over again over a bed of flowers... Ah hah. Maybe he should stay away from the guy as well.

"The magicks that the dark one uses are strong. No club or sword can defend against it. Stop those amongst you who might try rescue him by hitting them over the head. Bewaaaaare!" Whatever happens, if the dark priest is still trapped in there then they mustn't tell the trolins where the key is.... Hold on. "The only one who knows where the key is to get him out is.... This corpse over my shoulder. So if he's still there then his prison is assured." Maybe if some trolins rush him to try to resurrect the corpse then they'd know that they were in trouble, especially the reanimated Helm!
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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, not many takers for a stealth check, then :p And Raixel, your roll wasn;t there. I'd totally go wit ha bluff check, the Trolins wouldn't react to show they'd heard you anyway, so can retcon it in later.

There was a sound of battle, but it seemed far off ,the direction uncertain. Definitely the dull clank of metal. However, no other sounds like ringing swords, nor the shouts of men. It was oddly unsettling.

The group moved downwards cautiously, but the noise of the Trolins and the armoured members of the group probably made for this to be an unneccessary precaution. It was strange to realise that behind the wall at the bottom of these stair-like rocks, they were invisible. Still, they could not stand there indefinitely. Especially if Petals words were correct. For the moment, no one had noticed Westian's quietness, perhaps mistaking it for comuning with the High Lords. If Deephold spotted the nerves in Westian, he did not show it. The dwarf was keeping a watch ahead, apparently checking to ensure the Trolins were not up to mischief, and that Ameena and Petal were alright.

The Trolins already started to move forwards, forcing the rest to move ahead too. Ameena's comment did not seem to illicit any responses, and Petal's comments ensured that Ameena could not get ahead. Three trolins split left and took up position, three right, and three moved to the other side of the corriodor, already spotting the cirrodor going 'forwards' in the distance. Karda had coem forwards with his men, and kept a suspicious eye on Ameena and Petal as Ameena was oriented towards exploring that direction.

The Trolin King raised his eyebrow at Haynuus's pronouncement, then spoke to those behind him. "Not kill those you hit, even if they try to free priest" he said in Trolin. He then gave a look forwards to the mud-covered trolins that were trying to patrol ahead with Ameena, focused on them. If he cared about Helm, and what Helm meant, he did not show it.

"I cannot tell where the sound of battle is coming from. I think it is to our left." said Sir Farel, coming near Haynuus, Westian and Deephold.

Deephold looked with concern that direction. "I do not know what lies that way. The prison we were take to was to our right, at the end of the twisting corridors. We left rthe elf trapped there, and the ranked member of the Cult of Death in the dark with only an automaton of Lord Chaos for company. One could not hope that that remained the case." Deephold motioned to the t-junction, and the branch leading off this main corridor. "Haynuus and Ameena can tell you more of what lies this way. We encountered a dead mage that way. A man by the name of Fex, that led Umgold and myself down here, and then betrayed us to the cult." Deephold looks to Falkor with an oddly blank expression.

Ok, will leave it there. Again, you can try to force the Trolins to go do you dirty work exploring for you if they are so happy to, and let them find the dead ends and clanking armours (if they are still around) of this place. Petal has a decision to make too - obviously, the corridor beyond splits in two, and the region Petal came from lies in the opposite direction. Do you really want Trolins snooping aroudn there? :)
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - What was the result of my Sense Motive check, then? I'll guess from the time of posting that your brain was a bit zonked to notice the note at the end of my last post ;). Oh, and a note for Ian - Where did you get the idea that Helm had the key to the cell we left Dolo in? Helm's not been seen for aaaaages - the last person who saw him was Ameena, and before that the rest of the group only saw him when he and Ameena split from the party, then later Ameena rejoined them alone. She's the one who took the key to Dolo's cell, and chucked it down a little crack in the wall/floor a little while later (can't remember where, exactly), and the implication was that it fell through and disappeared and there's no way anyone would be able to get it back out again even if they knew where it was (and I'm not even sure if anyone saw the key go down there - certainly no-one on Dolo's side would know as no-one like that was around at the time). Anyway, umm...I'll wait a bit longer, to see what my Sense Motive check turns up in case it'll change what I want to do.
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Actually because I had the idea for what Ameena would see the second I saw the post this morning, so by tonight I assumed I posted it. Basically she will just see the Trolins around her are very eager to move ahead, which is strange considering they should be cautious since they don't know their way around.They aren't acting like they know their way around, just that they are very eager to move onwards.

Haynuus is saying Helm has the key to distract the Trolins from knowing where the key actually is. So now who's not paying attention :p
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - @Ameena Haynuus said the stuff about the key to protect YOU. It was his kunning ruse. The key is a crack in the wall near/next to the animated armour cluning around in the 2X3 room near the prison cell.... Lol, just read Beo's post above. I wasn't paying attention either!

"Perhaps we should head to where we met Garax, Ameena. I hope that there is something of interest in the library." He also hoped that they didn't ask him to read anything.

"Avoid going near the animated armour Mister Trolins!" he added. "I don't think there is anything of value there."
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Post by money »

Falkor for now was lurking in the background, looking for any signs or movement that the spirits may be summoning him. As Deephold talked his mind was elsewhere, but just as he finished he noticed the vacant look towards him. Falkor thought for a while, why? Why was he getting this look - he was not a traitor... at least, as far as his memory served him.

OOC: Not sure if i can use a check here to try and understand what the look is/was for. Perhaps this will trigger a memory - I have already been accused of some betrayal (by Helm I think?).
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