DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by oh_brother »

Westian snarls at the trollins. Looking back into the empty room on his left he gestures quickly, as if calling someone out. In simple common he shouts "come men, only three trollins!"
He then turns back to the trollins with his hands held up as if preparing a spell, and starts muttering some random syllables under his breath.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

On seeing her companions starting to take action, Ameena makes a decision, quick thinking being one something that has helped keep her alive in the past (at least when trouble can't be avoided). She barely knows these people - she doesn't yet count them as "friends", yet since they don't seem like enemies, she decides she might as well help them if she can, since they're clearly all stuck in this situation together.
She notices two things - one, that the trolls don't seem to have seen her yet, and two, that she's half in shadow due to standing at the back and therefore standing in the shadows of the others - even more so now that Haynuus is waving the torch in front of himself.
She quickly and quietly scuttles round to the side, standing to the right of the door frame. There she hunches down, hood now thrown back to give her ears more of a chance of hearing the slightest noise. Since the trolls don't seem to have noticed her yet, she hopes that if this comes down to a fight, they'll be so busy paying attention to the others that they won't notice her if they come through the door. At least that way she'll be able to leap up and bite one of them before he can react - such an action might cause the trolls to pull back if they think there are more enemies waiting to pounce on them.

OOC - I'll put details in the OOC thread of her actions to avoid clogging up this one...
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

The first Trolin bears his teeth in an unpleasant manner at Haynuus, but then his eyes glaze over. He shakes his head clear his thinking, apparently, and by the time he has he can hear an odd noise from the third Trolin.

The distraction does not seem to allow Ameena to go undetected except by Westian, and the first and second Trolin's eyes dart at the movement. However, the quick movement seen out of the corner of their eyes simply adds to the strangeness and agitation of the Trolins. The first and second Trolin pause to look at the third, seeing what has spooked the creature originally.

"They're everywhere. I can hear them in my head," says the third Trolin, matter-of-factly.

"Better the scraps than more snark-grag[*] and black-skulls!"[/i] snarls the second Trolin. With that the frightened creature moves sidesteps down the hall, bursting into a audible run.

The first Trolin is suitably unnerved, looking back to the group. He takes a step back to where the third Trolin was, waving his club infront of him while looking to his departed comrade. "We don't want gold, we only want our king!" says the Trolin angrily. When he realises that Westian, too, is shouting and gesturing, the first Trolin looks more unnerved. "We just want king! Leave us alone!" he says in passable common.

The third Trolin has stood by with a glazed look in his eyes. A moment after Ameena moved, his head looked left and right as if in reaction. Now, as Westian begins chanting, the second Trolin moves forward with a quizzical look.

"You say men?" he asks in broken common, oddly hopeful if you can read the inflection correctly. "You have king?" The trolin looks around. "Where men? Where king? Help against snark-grag?"

[*] Haynuus recognises this as very bad Trolin word meaning 'man-orc'.[/size]

There we have it! You've got one Trolin on the run, and another Trolin looks ready to break. Sadly, the dumb as a stone middle Trolin might scupper your plans. Think fast people!

Ameena, I'll explain and hint why your Stealth check didn't work on the Trolins in the OCC, though I rolled passively for Westian and he rolled poorly (unmodified 2) so you at least can scare the crap out of him :)

And woops, I realised I had rotated the second and third Trolins in my mind until I went back to the map. Sorry to anyone who caught the original post.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

Round 1 resolved.

Trolin 1:
Standard action: Delay. After Troilin 3 & 2, come back with Initiative 6
Standard action: Total defense (+4AC).
Move: Go back to G1
Free action: Speak.

Trolin 2:
Standard action: Delay. After Trolin 3, come back with Initiative 6
Free action: Speak.
Standard action: Step to F1.
Move action: Run off screen!

Trolin 3:
Free action: Speak.
Move action: None.
Standard action: Ready 'move' if anyone speaks (to destination/source). Trigger on Westian, initiative 3
Free action: Speak.

Round 2

Further comments in the OOC!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

Crouched beside the wall as she is, and hidden from the line of sight of the approaching troll-creatures as they interact with the others, Ameena has more of a chance to take stock of the situation, and she suddenly notices something very odd. One of the troll-creatures is very close now, just around the corner, in fact. Yet his scent alone is fainter than when he and his two companions had been approaching. Then, it had been quite strong. Now, it seems to be...fading? But how is that possible? Unless Ameena's sense of smell is somehow failing her. But surely not! It is perhaps the most potent sense of a murafu, alongside whisker-touch. And the smells of the others don't seem to be dissipating - in fact, she can even detect a new scent among them. A familiar smell, one that she associates with magic-users. It fills the air, she remembers, when one casts a spell, and is the same regardless of the spell cast or the one casting it. The smell of Magic. Or do they have some other name for it? She can't remember. She hasn't met many murafu magic-users, and even fewer of the other races.
She remains in her semi-crouched position, ready to spring should one of the troll-creatures both attack and step around the corner to where she can reach them, and continues to ponder over the scent issue whilst still paying attention to what the others are doing.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus' heart rate lowered, slightly. He'd never held out for much conversation with these hulking monsters before, as they always had brief and bloody conclusion. He held out for a defensive posture but spoke in the Orcish tongue.

"We've seen no king of yours. No snark-grags, no nothing. We just want to get out. We want to be free like you!"

The half-orc then pointed a grubby finger at the closest Trolin. "We can find him for you! Your king..."
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by money »

Pleased that his trickery had worked, Falkor comtemplated trying another spell, perhaps to daze or confuse the Trolin now in front of Westian.. He seemed like the most likely to cause trouble - but confusing him would most likely make things worse - as it was clear he was already dazed by the commotion, and was probably being driven more by his own natural instint than any logic...

Still, things were looking good, one of the Trolins had run off and Haynuus was starting discussions.. but then it dawned on Falkor... had Haynuus understood the Trolin correctly, was he asking us for help? or was he asking the others... perhaps he noticed there was no king, and no-one else was coming to their aid - it seemed they both now realised this at least... Falkor felt unsure of what to do, time was running out...

With that Falkor tried once more to create a spell, this time he would try and indeed confuse the Trolin... at best, this could give enough time for the other Trolin to run, leaving the single Trolin to fight, improving their odds... at worst, it would fail, but the Trolins might have been none the wiser - concentraing more on Westian than the Halfling at the back...
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by oh_brother »

Westian stops his casting abruptly, and somewhat dramatically, and turns to Haynuus “You are willing to let them go?” He then looks intently at the trolins. Realising that the furthest trolin from him spoke the best common, and seemed the more intelligent, he directed most of his attention towards him “Well, maybe we can help each other. You want to get out. We want to get out. Together we have a much better chance. You do not want to be walking through these corridors, alone. You do not want to have to hide from pathetic snark-grags. You do not want to lose your king to a lower form of creature. Clearly one of you is not very brave, and not to be relied on” he says, gesturing in the direction of the now departed trolin. “But you two are different. I can see bravery and strength in your eyes. You are brave enough not to run when you see danger, and intelligent enough to recognise help when it is in front of you. Fighters such as you are an honour to your clan, and worthy companions. You deserve to make it out of this place alive, and I promise that you shall. Tell us about this king of yours. Together we can find him; and death will swiftly come to any snark-grags who dare to stand in our way!”
Hoping that he was using the term snark-grags correctly, Westian held his breath and analysed the trolins for any reaction.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

Falkor focused his will on the Trolin before him. Sadly, the Trolin was already so confused - as evidenced by its recollection of the voices Falkor had already emplanted - that the effort was given up quickly.

The less mentally able Trolin infront of Westian turned to the words of Haynuus. Although Haynuus's orc was occasionally baffling to the Trolin's ears, enough of the words seemed to penetrate the Trolin's mind. It stopped regarding the half-orc's finger with crossed eyes and regarded Haynuus with perhaps a hopeful look. There was a snort from the Trolin 'leader', but the creature seemed content to stay far away from the half-orc. Perhaps the leader had seen the odd glint in Haynuus's eyes earlier?

More memories came back to Ameena. Still no friendly faces came to mind, however voices and faces of background people, as if in a tavern or town, came to her. They were giving various opinions of the dangers and Denizens of Mount Anaias.

"Best not fall asleep without your doors locked, that's what they say!"
"With the Grey Lord caring for Viborg now? Ridiculous!"
"Bah, they say the Grey Lord has not destroyed any of the foul abominations and creatures Lord Chaos created!
"He wouldn't leave them, why would he? That would be crazy!"
"You're both idiots, I saw a creature only the other night, hideous it was, a hairy beast."
"That was your husband, you shoulda married better!"

The general conversations Ameena remembered seemed to indicate that Lord Chaos had created monsters from nothing, monsters that the Grey Lord had never destroyed and kept still deep in the mountain, allowed to run free.

Still unaware of the companion keeping guard by his side, Westian was in full flow. At each of his words - especially of bravery and courage and intelligence - the leader Trolin snorted more in what could be laughter, but the Trolin before Westian stood up straighter and taller. At the use of the snark-grag the Trolin gave Haynuus an odd look, but otherwise seemed pleased by the words of Haynuus and Westian. They had - perhaps - made a new friend.
beowuuf wrote:"Better the scraps than more snark-grag[*]
[*] Haynuus recognises this as very bad Trolin word meaning 'man-orc'.[/size]
Westian might have chosen a better word to keep repeating :)

The once-leader Trolin perhaps sensed this, and the fight seemed to go out of him. He carefully moved forward, almost using his comrade as a shield. He gave worried loosk to Haynuus, but seemed releived to be able to talk to Westian as some form of go-between, using crude common.

"If what true, you better than us...below. Black-skulls. Those not-gold-men chase you, but things clothed with ... scraps. Scraps kill them ... who not already dead. Only we...escape. But not free. Need find king. Free ... king."

All words in italics are Trolin words that only Haynuus and Falkor can translate. Haynuus and Falkor understand black-skull. Falkor knows the word king, but Haynuus understands the general concept. Haynuus understands 'not-gold' further, it could be a word meaning 'metal' if it is like the orc word. Haynuus will also recognise that the pauses in the aggressive Trolin's speech are not struggles to find the right word, they appear to be struggles to actually speak!

The slower Trolin before Westian nods in agreement, showing his teeth in what is hopefully a grin.

Falkor then thinks the aggressive Trolin is staring directly at the halfling. However, he realises the Trolin is actually looking passed the halfling. Also, the Trolin is turning his head in odd twitches, as if...listening?

"We..walk with you," says the aggressive Trolin to Westian, darting a look to Haynuus. "You call hiding, and we...go?"

"Free the king, Be free." says the slow Trolin using poor common, but with a happy tone of voice. He closes his eyes, and in the blink of an eye he is gone. Vanished in a large puff of smoke, smoke that dwindles to nothing quickly.

There is a ominous silence for a moment, broken only by the slow Trolin's fallen club.

"I KNEW! LIARS! MURDERERS!" yells the aggressive Trolin, raising his own club in challenge.

And there we have it, another succesful round. Except for the maddened final Trolin. That one might be a problem.

You are close to the end of the encounter, but you still have one last danger to diffuse or disarm or disband or dis.... something. Good luck!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

Round 2

Trolin 3:
Standard action: None
Move action: None.
Free action: Speak.

Trolin 1:
Standard action: Delay until party/Trolin 3 make a move (new initiative 3).
Move action: Move to H3
Standard action: Perception check (as spotted by Falkor)
Free action: Speak.

Round 3
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

Hiding around the corner as she is, Ameena only hears the exchange between the troll-creatures and the others - she doesn't dare peek around to get a closer look at the creatures. It sounds as though things are going well, until the sudden thud as of something wooden hitting the stone floor - though she can't see this, she deduces it must be the club of one of the troll-creatures, since she hasn't seen anything else wooden being held by anyone else, save the torch which still burns in Haynuus's hand.
This sudden turn of events coupled with the other sensory information she's been receiving continue to circulate in her mind alongside some faint memories that have started trickling through. Something she remembers hearing about...some kind of...mountain? With some lord inside it. Or were there two lords? And...creatures. Creatures created from nothing.
From nothing...
Resisting the urge to peek around the corner and confirm to herself what has apparently happened, Ameena continues to remain where she is, listening intently and trying to work out as much as she can about their situation. From the remaining troll-creature's sudden outburst, she has a feeling that combat may not be far off. And if the others try to talk their way out, letting herself be seen and possibly implying further treachery might not be a good idea. Not while the creature is so irate.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by money »

Falkor, having seen the Trolin dissapear in front of his eyes, realised they are not alone and that any escape from this place is likely to be some way off (if at all)! There is clearly something else going on here... is this a test? Is some higher order watching over us as if watching mice in a maze? Either way Falkor felt less comfortable and although only 1 Trolin to deal with seemed like much better odds - whats to say another 10 wouldn't appear right back in front of them.

If only he could remember his magic, or if Westian knew any of his, perhaps the odds would improve.. If only Haynuus was armed, we could have a change he thought to himself. But then, the Club, Can Haynuus grab the club? Turning to Haynuus he shouted in common "Pickup the Club"...

He then turned towards the Orc and shouted "Backoff, or I shall do to you as i have done to your friends"

Hopefully this bluff would work - at least giving Haynuus and Westian enough time to act.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by oh_brother »

Westian looked in shock at Falknor. Had he really made the Trolin vanish? No, impossible. He would have smelled the mana and heard the runes.
“Let us not fight. Falknor, do not hurt him”. Westian would have preferred to have denied all knowledge of the mysterious disappearance, but to do so would have been to contradict a companion in a discussion with outsiders – something he had been trained long ago to avoid. “We have enough common enemies without fighting each other. Let us all calm down. Any fighting will weaken us all, and only make our enemies jobs easier.” Looking directly into the eyes of the remaining Trolin he continued “Please, tell us of your king, it is not too late”.
Knowing that calming this angry beast down was a long shot at best Westian, without changing his posture, readied himself to duck in the event that a large club came swinging in his direction.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus was... Just plain old confused again.

He'd somehow managed to scare off a huge Trolin with his intimidating torch-arm-waving-around-while-trousers-falling-around-his-ankles-act, and then the wizard looked like he just completely disintegrated a perfectly friendly blue monster from in front of him leaving nothing but a puff of hazy Trolin flatulence.

He would just have to either try to placate the remaining Trolin, or at least get a swipe in before anyone else.

"Wait! Let us help you find your KING!"... And with that he rolled a 7 with a d20.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

The Trolin's eyes went wide as it obviously believed the small halfling's boast. Sadly, this meant it was deaf to the pleas of Westian and Haynuus as they tried to offer aid again in seeking the Trolin's lost king.

There was simply no time to reason with the creature, and it spat as it decided its own fate. "Graggas flows from your mouths! MURDERING LIARS!"

The Trolin threw its club desperately in the direction of Haynuus and Falkor. The thump of the club against the edge of the wall showed that Falkor's bluff had elevated him to the most dangerous opponent. The look of hatred shot to Haynuus showed the orc would be next.

Westian saw the huge lumbering shape of the Trolin swiftly move towards him. Glowing bloodshot eyes and foul slime seemed real enough, distracting details as pain loomed large.

However, the Trolin was not concerned with the lying cleric, whose 'men' the Trolin had failed to see and hear. The Trolin merely wished to recover the dropped club, and dived for it at the last moment, his sights already set on the half-orc...

It was then a brown furry shape moved at the side of Westian.

Luckily Falkor's bluff drew the Trolin's ire, lucky because Falkor also has partial cover due to the wall and avoided a split skull!

Ameena, if this movement of the Trolin (diving apparently towards Westian) is sufficient trigger, please give me a d20 roll for your attack on it.

I'll post a resolution tonight/tomorrow morning when I get the die roll, which hopefully means you will still get another update in tomorrow!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus, finally, gets to hit something. It was a standard Haynuus swing, albeit a pretty one with a blossoming of light and a spray of alit particles exploding on the head of the Trolin from the torch that was held in his hand.

Understand this though. While half-orc had been here before fighting Trolin for his life, he little had the stomach for bravado knowing what had happened to his friend before.

A standard Haynuus swing, torch in hand. (1d20=17)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

Combat! Battle! Violence!
Oh no, what to do?
Ameena saw the troll-creature throw its club and then dive in the direction of Haynuus and Westian. Though she couldn't yet count them as "friends", she was certain they weren't enemies. As such, they were company. Company she, as a murafu, needed. If the troll-creature attacked them, it might hurt them. If it hurt them enough, it might kill them. They might die. They might all die, leaving her alone.
Never. Not for a murafu. Not in this place. Even if the troll-creature came for her next, she'd still be dying alone. She didn't want that.
Fear, adrenaline, nerves, all combined to suddenly activate Ameena's hind legs, and she launched herself at the troll-creature, teeth bared.

OOC - Rolling to see if Bite hits...pfff, 3 lol. She was Hiding before though, right? Sneak Attack bonus or anything?
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

The Trolin didn't hesitate even as teeth chomped somewhere above it. It was focused entirely on the club it sought. It collapsed onto it greedily, and its eyes instantly looked up with hatred towards the half-orc next.

A flicker of fear crossed it's expression as it looked up from its prone position...

Bad luck Ameena! I'm afraid the 'sneak attack' is your damage bonus for making a sneaky attack, not a bonus to accomplish it. Seems Ameena's reluctance in combat gave the determined Trolin the edge. It didn't hurt that the corner of the wall did provide some advantage to the Trolin...

Round over, with Haynuus's new action carrying over to round 4. The rest of you need to decide how to back up your murderous comrade!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

Round 3 summary

Free action: Yelling
Standard action: Throw club at Falkor
Move action: Move to H4
Free action: Dive prone over club

Round 4
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by money »

Realising that the Trolin was more of a threat than ever and that clearly HE was next on its hit list Falkor suddenly felt very vulnerable. He still had confidence in Haynuus, but was concerned that Haynuus and Westian had wanted nothing more than to sit and have tea with this Trolin rather than bash it over the head - where they in this together, the thought had crossed his mind on more than one occasion...

But for now all he could do was put his trust, and fate, in the hands of his weary colleagues. He scurried behind Haynuus and tried once more to dazzle the creature with a flash of light... surely this would give Haynuus enough time to strike the retched creature???

"Haynuus, its not to be trusted, hit it... kill it.... do something..... now!"
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by oh_brother »

Things were moving incredibly quickly for Westian. He flinched when the Trolin flung his club. Then as soon as he registered the beast flinging itself towards the club the murafu sprung from the shadows to his right and snapped her jaws just a foot in front of his face.

He looked and saw the Trolin on the ground. While Westian had trained in combat he had never attacked an actual living target before, and had never seriously imagined that he ever would. Nevertheless he crouched slightly in the way he had been taught, took one large step towards the prone creature and with his trailing leg took a swing towards its head.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by ian_scho »

ian_scho wrote:Haynuus, finally, gets to hit something. It was a standard Haynuus swing, albeit a pretty one with a blossoming of light and a spray of alit particles exploding on the head of the Trolin from the torch that was held in his hand.

Understand this though. While half-orc had been here before fighting Trolin for his life, he little had the stomach for bravado knowing what had happened to his friend before.

A standard Haynuus swing, torch in hand. (1d20=17)
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

Ameena leaps forward, snapping her teeth at the troll-creature, but misses by a long shot and rebounds to her original position as soon as she hits the ground. There, she tries to regain a little more control over herself - fear isn't something to be bowed to and obeyed, but accepted and controlled. She keeps as much focus as she can on the combat whilst using the rest of her concentration on trying to calm herself down a little.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

As the Trolin scrambled for his club, the party moved with a determined purpose, it seemed. Falkor's burst of will succeeded, for a brief moment, to generate a light. It was soon gone, but the Trolin screamed as if poked in the eye.

Haynuus managed to avoid suffering the ill-effects, due to the position of the Trolin and Haynuus's own half-human ancestry. The torch descended with barely a flicker. Although it seemed flimsy, it remained intact despite the brutal strength of the half-orc as he applied it to the Trolin's skull. In lesser hands the weapon might have been a feeble one laughed at by the Trolin, but Haynuus ensured the last sight the Trolin ever beheld in its starbursting eyes was a glowing half-orc branshing flame.

Westian's well-delivered and solid kick might have surprsed the Trolin that had disregarded the unremarkable looking half-elf, but instead Westian's foot was already going through a disappearing mist. Westian was caught wrong-footed, but at least avoided falling over by avoiding stepping on the revealed club.

Ameena, unengaged in the battle as she was, saw these things easily. When the flaring brief light had been cast, the Trolin was blinded immediately, even before the full effect manifest. What she also saw, however, was that as the torch descended on the Trolin, the flame from the torch seemed to jump onto the blue-skinned creature eagerly, as if the flame were alive.

To Ameena, the smell of the Trolin disappeared very quickly on it's death, just like the faint smell of magic. The smell of Westian and Falkor still had the aroma of magic. However, there was a final faint odor in the background coming from Haynuus's direction.

And sadly, with that ends the life of the last Trolin (well, except for the one that escaped), and the combat (unless the cowardly Trolin comes back)! Well done all :)

If you are around to post this evening, feel free to make some immediate reactions and also post any immediate actions (like high five, take club, throw up, sing battle hym, etc). We're out of combat time, but any long-term actions like 'explore onwards' or 'check the room' should wait until I explain how I'll split up the next few segments of the adventure. Those actions will be used for the next few days' worth of updates.

Oh, and more importantly, you lot each gain one level for your first successful (this time combat-y) encounter. I'll explain the relevant steps to upgrading your character in the OOC post.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

As Ameena returned to her state of trying-not-to-panic, she saw a bright light suddenly flare up, making her flinch. The whiff of Magic followed, as did the torch as it impacted the troll-creature's head, reducing it to a dissipating cloud of the same grey, smoke-like substance that the previous troll-creature had become. It seemed fire worked well against troll-creatures, even seemed attracted to them, perhaps?
Gone, then. The troll-creatures were gone. Ameena sat back on her haunches and bowed her head, letting her hood fall forward to obscure her face. So, this fight was over. But how many more would there be before they got out of this place? Assuming that there was a way, and that they found it. And that they were still a "they" by then.
There was some kind of scent whiffing about, some other kind of Magic smell, but she mostly ignored it for now, trying to get her head back together and wondering what the others would do next.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus didn't understand what was happening. He looked around, all of his new companions were present in a somewhat excited state as him, but they were still around him and not disappearing into a flowing mist as the other creatures had done.

He collapsed. This must be a dream. No. A Nightmare! Relieving those painful moments before as he had yet he was left with nothing but the torch in his hand. A painful reminder that his memory of that horrific previous encounter would take a long time to fade from his being, that defeating more Trolins would not remove the mental anguish from his mind.

Head in his hands, he was only 15 years old yet already affected by the weight of his actions, scarred by the experiences he endured as a fighter. He would rock gently forwards and backwards for a few seconds like that of a scared child, to recover his senses.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by oh_brother »

Westian caught his footing just in time to avoid falling over. He had never killed anything before - so he did not know what it should look like - but he did know that it should not look like that.

"Does anybody have a clue what happened there? Two creatures disappeared in front of our eyes. And in a" Still Westian felt a thrill of elation: he had stood tall against three Trolins, and neither he nor his companions had got so much as a scratch. Pride and a sense of achievement swelled in his stomach. He wanted to smile and laugh, but the mood of his companions seemed more subdued.

He looked around at his companions. Haynuus was balled up on the floor. I hope he is not losing his senses Westian thought. An unstable creature that size could indeed cause them serious problems. He patted him gently, and somewhat apprehensively, on the shoulder. "Well done. You got him."

"Falknor too, well done. Your magic seemed useful....that is something we must discuss in more detail", he said, looking quizically into Falknor's eyes.

Ameena was in the corner, looking rather frightened. Her eyes were wide and her breathing was rapid, her head was bowed. "And Ameena, how are you? We did it, they are gone for now at least" They needed everyone to be at their best if they were to go further into the darkness, and meet whatever it was that had scared the Trolins so much. He offered out a hand to her to help her to her hind feet, even though he did not know if this was a Murafu's natural pose. He still did not know how she got behind him, clearly this murafu was an excellent scout. Westian's brain started ticking over - that could be incredibly useful. Maybe they could spot trouble before it spotted them. Maybe they stood a chance in this dungeon. Haynuus was a powerful fighter. Ameena was some sort of scout. Westian himself was a priest. And Falknor seemed like a wizard. The sense of elation he felt increased, and the corners of his mouth turned upwards in a faint smile. They were not randomly placed in this dungeon. But who had chosen them?
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by Ameena »

OOC - I've just noticed that in the past several posts I've been switching between past and present tense (not switching mid-post, I mean that differentposts are set in different tenses). I didn't even realise I was doing it, lol.

BIC - Ameena's ears twitch beneath her hood as she hears the half-elf speak her name.
"Yes...gone, yes..." she mutters, somewhat shakily.
She looks up and notices with some surprise that Westian is standing over her, hand outstretched as though to help her stand. As she is, she is at roughly knee-height to him - standing, she will be at just about waist-height.
She pushes her hood back, then reaches up to accept his hand, having to stretch somewhat in order to actually reach. Her tiny paw is almost engulfed by his clawless one.
"Thank you." she says softly.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus opened his eyes to see the cold stone paved floor of the unforgiing dungeon. He looked up a little to where the Trolin bodies should have been. Had he heard a story where there was a place that stole the bodies of the fallen before they hit the floor? If so, even the denizens that appear to have been persuaded to side with our champions are taken away... Defeated.

He swept his hand across the floor. Not even the dust was real then.

He recovered his sense enough to stand up.
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Re: DM themed play-by-post D&D game : STORY THREAD

Post by beowuuf »

Westian's ministrations felt familiar, not only to Westian, but also to Haynuus and Ameena aswell. The feeling was like deja vu, except deja vu did not usually come with a queasy feeling.