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Post by Ameena »

Hehe well, I have no idea what these Ekeel things are like, if that's what you yoinked from that story...but then, you don't know what tricks Ameena has in order to avoid things that might want to do unpleasant things to her ;).

(And anything she does/sudden abilities she reveals have already been approved by Soph - they're just not up in her profile yet 'cause I don't want to spoil the surprise for whenever she chooses to reveal them to Almulsis ;))
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Post by beowuuf »

Smilarly to Almulsis, although he's a bit mor pedestrian. I have an idea I might carry on..if so you will mayybe understand one weird thing he does everyso often!

Hehe, well, I was gunna go one way with the search... nah, I still will *hehe*, Go to the RPG and see what happens.

Edit: Hope you don't mind I didn't stop at the end beat with the cat pinting - but since I was more aiming to make a nice story moment, then I carried on since obviously your charatcer knew more than any reader at that point and would probabyl react accordingly

Anythign else and I won't make your charatcer react to anything :)
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Post by beowuuf »

Hehe, interesting post you are kinds reading my mind!
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Post by Ameena »

Hmm? Should I be worried, hehe...
And in case you been wondering/getting bored with it, yeah I have realised Ameena's not doing much atm apart from hiding in high places and staring at stuff, but she don't have any clue what's going on atm, and she doesn't trust/know/like Almulsis enough yet to think about possibly going to look for him or whatever. If he turns up again, fine. If not, she'll just bog off and do her own thing. Well, if she heard nothing from him and she had no way of knowing whether or not he was dead, she'd just sit around till it either got too dangerous (for whatever reason), or till she decided he probably wasn't going to contact her again. Which would take a long time, so don't worry about her only sitting there a couple of days and then bogging off ;).
So umm...yeah, she not gonna be doing much now unless she sees something happen in the village, or Almulsis contacts her again.
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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, don't worry, this is hopefully your chance to do soemthign now :D

At the very least stop that damn thing from doing what it's doing, or gettig away from it, and maybe get an insight into Almulsis!
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Post by Ameena »

Hehe, well, she has acted. Since I don't know what the stone will do (presumably it's still glowing), I leave its reaction (if any) to you ;).
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Post by beowuuf »

It has a reaction, hopefulyl one that will explain a few things. What you do with that knowledge passed that will be interesting!

Anywya, too late - try to do soemthing tomorrow
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Post by Ameena »

Well, if it requires Ameena to do something which probably won't put her in too much danger, she may do it. It depends how "attached" she's become to Almulsis thus far as to whether she'll think it worth it doing something for him.
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Post by Ameena »

I've updated the summary post (on Page 2 of this thread) to include Page 5 of the RPG. I was thinking, though, perhaps I should start a new thread specifically for the summary, and post each page as a new message? I presume that as a Mod I can Sticky posts, so I could do that so it'd be up with this thread and the RPG itself.
Anyone got a problem with my doing that?
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Post by beowuuf »

Sounds fine, you can use the 'mod forum' option to go into messages and split the current topics off the disussion thread into a new thread, then edit it to make it sticky if the option isn't on the split topic screen.
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Post by Ameena »

Err, I was just gonna copy and paste the summary post (since it just one post atm - I've been editing it to add the new bits) into a new topic, and paste each section as a new post, and try to remember to find the "Make Sticky" button when doing the first one, hehe.
Well I'll have a go at it now, I think...

Edit - Done it ;).
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Post by beowuuf »

It is done indeed and makes for a good story :D

Sorry, i've been distratced or else I would have posted another little section
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Post by beowuuf »

Hopefully you get that it's just the Ekeel character trying to push you to take the weapon, rather than me as the storyteller! Just wanted to clarify that :D

More importantly, you've asked the question I hoped you would ask, since it made sense and be good for your charatcer...but as a player myself I have no answer. Hopefully Sophia can take over a little and steer this bit :)
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Post by Ameena »

I hadn't thought about it, lol. Ameena's acting completely within the bounds of her normal personality - she doesn't carry items, she doesn't use weapons, she doesn't harm others, she doesn't (generally) get involved in the business of others...
Anyway, she has agreed to take it, if only to shove it somewhere far, far away where no idiot will ever find it ;).
And err...most of her confusion and kind of "Wtf is going on?" isn't just her, since I'm not really sure either...still, I suppose it means I can have her ask for a better explanation of stuff. Actually, if she ever understands something more than I do, I think I should probably be slightly worried... ;)
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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, feel free to ask about clarification here instead, sicne player knowledge ain't character knowledge! Hard to play is stuff is too confusing, right?
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Post by Ameena »

Well, I've managed so far ;). Anyway, it's better I suppose if my knowledge is the same as Ameena's - it means I can't accidentally post something in that she wouldn't have a clue about or normally do. Same reason her profile (on one of the first couple of pages of this thread) is still incomplete - there's a whole bunch of stuff's not come up yet. When she trusts someone enough, she'll start to reveal her abilities, but not till then in case the individual then turns out to be hostile and somehow finds a way to use that knowledge against her.
I'm thinking we've reached an almost LotR-esque situation here, lol - item of great power containing terrible, world-destroying creature, must be disposed of/put somewhere a long, long way away so no-one else can get their hands on it and bring about the end of the world (or whatever), and the only creature who can do it is one who's lived her own life with little real care for the rest of the world, while most of the rest of the world don't even know she exists. Woooo...:eek:
Ugh, I suppose I better go to a minute...after I've refreshed this and the QI forums again...a couple of times...:twisted:
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Post by Ameena »

So as not to fill the RPG with too many OOC entries...
Well, that seems a good place to stop for tonight then, so I can go to bed :D. I suppose we better confer with Soph about this. Well, me, mainly - need to decide on her origins and stuff, and then exactly how the Ekeel would know about her, then see how much is safe to tell you without spoiling too much about her nature ;).
Hey, you never know, maybe the kitties are mistaken and it's some other balck-furred, humanoid creature with green eyes and a weird cape thingy ;).
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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, I thought of it more as a potential stormbringer place myself :D

A creature of great destructive power who would kill the world to feed on the dark energies of the repear is instead bonded to help the world, but is still free to feed on the repears - fight fire with fire

The staff as a weapon is so terrible that only one who would not want to weild it could weild it (or else the creature or the magic of the staff itself might do horrid things) and should weild it (your charatcer is more likely to run and hide and perhaps only when in the greatest need of the world, like when the thing behind the reapers comes out, would she come out - rather than rush headlong to the Great Houses and go 'lookit, takit!' or rush at the reapers the firts chance you get then die instantly

Anyway, the item is what it is, the Ekeel feel they have done all they can for the world, and actuallly done it quite nicely, and the fact that you appeared at the weirdest timing being the perfect person who could weild it makes them go 'woohoo, there is a god' and your refusal is making them go 'umm, huh? but are must be fate!'

Lol, basically just because you got five lottery numbers in the draw, why wouldn't you then expect the sixth to come up (if you see what I mean) :D
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Post by Ameena »

Hmm I never thought of that - using the Gruurg'al to "eat" the Reapers. But Ameena doesn't like to fight...well I suppose that's the point. So she's happy to shove this staff thing somewhere no-one's gonna find it, and just kinda let the Reaper threat fizzle out on its own...she's probably seen plenty of nasty threats in the world that have done so, and while the Reaper threat is something a bit worse than anything she's seen thus far, she doesn't yet consider it bad enough. Perhaps if she were to be convinced that stopping the Reapers would be a good idea (like, seeing other creatuers have no way to stop them and they're just chewing their way through everything), then she might consider trying to stop them. But even so, she wouldn't want to destroy them, as such - she'd rather they just stopped destroying everything or bogged off somewhere they wouldn't (be able to) do any harm, or turned into a different, less harmful species, or something. Pfft, I dunno, lol.
Or she could shove the staff somewhere safe and then be convinced to use it. I dunno. But she ain't gonna wanna be lugging it around with her, either way ;).
But first thing's first - if the Ekeel are bogging off, assuming Almulsis isn't gonna die again (lol), he's gonna have to keep being nice to her so she'll trust him more, or whatever - atm she's just kinda on his side but would still bog off if he did something stupid or whatever.
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Post by Sophia »

For what it's worth, I like where it's going :D
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Post by beowuuf »

@sophia: That's cool :D

@ameena: See, the whole 'well, even if they are that evil, all life is sacred' is an interesting angle to argue IC, especially if two views could be 'they are alive' 'no, they are just directed void energy' etc

Pity you hate the staff, when I first had the cat produce it i thought it being sleek and black and retractanble (and of course light) was cool, and was probabyl what made me think of then trying to kep it aroudn as a weapon that possibly ameena or almulsis may want to weild.
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Post by Ameena »

Well, as we've gathered, Ameena doesn't use weapons - the sole purpose of a weapon is to inflict harm and we know Ameena doesn't like to do/see that. She also doesn't carry any items of any kind with her, so if she suddenly had to carry a staff around, it'd get in her way, even if it was small, 'cause she wouldn't be used to carrying something around. She'd have to find places to put it when she stopped in a small space or something.
If she can be convinced to wield it against the Reapers, then I suppose she will. But if that were to be the case, Almulsis would pretty much get in her way (no offense to him, of course ;)), since she'd wanna nip around and deal with the problem as quickly as she could using her own means, and Almulsis wouldn't be much help, would he? ;) But I'm sure we can come up with something...maybe he can locate them by finding their vapour trails in Farspace or something, lol.
But Ameena hasn't agreed to start zapping anything yet, so... Oh yeah and I had thought of the "They're not alive 'cause they're just energy" thing myself. But Ameena hasn't 'cause all she knows about the Reapers is they're big, black, scary things who go round obliterating all life and are therefore Bad Things Which Must Be Avoided.
What are we doing now, anyway? Gonna carry on? You're the one who wrote that the Ekeel seem to know something about Ameena, lol. She wants to know exactly what that is - For all she knows, they might have met some other of her species, lol. They haven't, of course - she is the only one. But hmm...what do those sneaky kitties know...
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Post by beowuuf »

As I said, I wanted to leave it in the hands of what you andSophia knew about her rather than make somehting up :)

And yes, there are alot of possiblities and nothing says anyone has to deal with the reapers...there are ways Almulsis with his talents can deal with them too, he just maybe hasn't consciously realised it yet

Perhaps the ,mystery of who ameena is means she'll wanna go offthat way instead...dunno

Anyway, Im off this weekend so it will ahve to wait from my point of view!
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Post by beowuuf »

Nice posting Sophia!
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Post by beowuuf »

Oh, and I don't think you've been thanked for doign the summaries Ameena, cheers!
Ameena wrote:though she understands this no more than she has understood anything else she has seen happen in the temple
Hmm, which Ameena did that come from OCC or IC :D
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Post by Ameena »

Lol both, pretty much ;).
Actually, it does make a bit more sense reading it through afterwards (ie when I'm writing up the summary) than it does when I'm in the middle of it and can never be arsed to read back further than the previous post.
Oh, and one thing I noticed writing the Page 7 summary tonight - I never actually had Ameena pick the staff up again - one moment it's still on the floor, then a few posts later it's in her hand. So I edited a suitable post in between those two to have her pick it up again, lol.
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Post by beowuuf »

Dammit, I meant to have Sera mentioned as an NPC and do somehting during the temple stuff, and when it all kicked off I then completely forgot :(
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