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Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 5:14 pm
by Clodius_one
I visited almost every section in the HIVE except 7 partial parts are still not solved yet.
1- North/East with blue beholders; I made them following me and imprisoned in blue haze but don't know how to get my key to open the gate to the left.
2- South top 6 little rooms with teleporter over the square spiral; I can't get access to the left bottom one. I am always teleported to the center right side.
3- South/West below the garden; There are 9 rooms, one opened with a floor pad. I can't make open the others doors.
4- North/East over the Chamber of Sorow; I can't get rid of the red flying monsters what ever you call them. I can see they are losing point when using swords but seems not enough.
5- North bottom 1 near center1; Part begin with a square entrance. I can't go through a tricky wall that close when I am facing it.
6- North bottom 2; I can't solve the left bottom part to get my coin. The yellow haze always disappeared before I reach it.

7- North/West over the forge; A blue haze prevent me to reach a floor pad far ahead. I am not strong enough to throw something to that pad. I think I need to meet the druid Getafix to make me some magic potion.
I am still trying hard but I need little push.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:50 am
by Saumun
Sorry for the late reply. I haven't been on for a while.

I'm not sure where you mean in some of the places you describe, but I'll try my best.

The door near where you lure the Nightmare Eyes (blue beholders) into the hazes requires a cross key. There are two cross keys in The Hive. Both are found in the south. They are just left and south if you enter from the south branch.
There is an area with poison traps and levers. The levers open doors west of this area. When you solve the two rooms beyond these doors, you will be able to progress beyond the poison shooters and eventually get both keys.
You need to get into the southwest room, but a teleport prevents you getting in.
When you enter the area, go into the first room (southest of the six rooms) and into the southwest corner of the room. This teleports you to the northwest room.. the STOP! Do not go to the southwest corner of this room or you will be teleported. Turn south and move forward one square. Now heading east into the dead end or west out of the room will turn on a silent teleport in the northwest corner of the room. Go ahead and go one of the ways, then go to the north west corner. This teleports you into the correct room. DO NOT step in front of the entrance or you will be teleported away.
Instead move east and into the dead end. There is a switch here that opens the central passage between the rooms.
Kill a demon. Find a switch, then a pad, and you'll get another piece of magmanite.
Some of these require speed. Once in the room at the very top of the corridor (northeast), hit the floor plate and head west x3, south x10, and west x2 to get through the door that opens. From there you should be able to find your way through. At one point you'll have to do something similar in the southwest room, and hit the floor plate then quickly go east x3, north x10, and east x2 before the door closes.
Eventually you'll be teleported into the northwest room where there is magmanite.
North and west above the Chamber of Sorrows, you have to get all of the red munchers into the pit in the northwest room of this area. There is a lever next to the pit that you cannot operate.
Get the muchers to follow you and scare them into the pit with war cry or the horn of fear. Once all ten are in the pit, the lever will work.
The lever kills the munchers in the pit below and opens the gate to the south where the text "Clear the infestation" is. The text will change to "Thank you" and the door will be open.
There are two Gorgons in here and shooters constantly spitting fireballs. One of the Gorgons drops a key, that lets you access a green button. The green button stops the fireballs and also stops the magmanite near the entrance from turning to ash.
There is also a chest in here.
I can find nothing like this in the central north part... Can you give a better description?

I can find nothing like this in the central north part... Can you give a better description?

Above (north of) the forge, I can see a haze in the middle of a pit room, but no pad except for the one you would be stood on in front of the haze. Is this where you mean? Do you mean the forge itself, or the forge entrance?

I don't mean to be obtuse, but the first four took me a long time to figure out because you seem to be getting east and west mixed up. Also, The Hive alone is the size of nine 32x32 levels, so it would be helpful for me if you could be more descriptive as I'm having a hard time figuring out which areas you're stuck in.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:07 pm
by Clodius_one

Yes, It is my fault :roll: . Because the East wing is on the left side of center and West wing on the right, I assume without thinking :oops:

In your answer #1- You are just refering my problem #6:
I solved the top room with red armours but the yellow haze give me trouble.
In the 6 rooms with teleporters, I followed your suggestions but it seems that the silent teleporter in N/W room does not activate. I sent you a e-mail with a partial map
#3, I am processing it.

#4, done.

#5, It is my fault. The location is South East of the center part.

#7, It is the South east at the bottom full right.
There is a long path way with teleport that prevent me to reach the floor pad.