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Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:04 pm
by Ameena
I presume the reason I haven't already taken Track is 'cause I missed that part and only saw the bit that says Tracking is performed via a Survival roll. Otherwise it would have been a mor eor less automatic "I'm having that one" pick when I was choosing my first Feat. Bit silly to have a hunter with no means of locating prey ;).


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:03 am
by raixel
In game terms, it took about 45 mins to get where you were when you found Thessan and it was probably nearly 3/4th a mile away. Thing is, you all really just took off when Kass "kicked you out". If there had been people stopping, seeing if where you were entering the swamp from the road is the same area, what direction you were heading (ie NW vs NE, or straight N. Or SW, SE, S), *tracking* ect. But as everyone just kinda took off, for all you know right now, you're on the wrong side of the road going the wrong direction. But I wouldn't be that mean, now would I?

So yes. If youve ever been in the deep deep untouched wilderness, it can be next to impossible if you leave an area to find your way back to a spot without any sort of wilderness skill. Even if its literally 50 feet away and you were there 20 mins ago. IRL I spend a lot of time in the old-growth rainforests around here, and thats what I'm basing this swamp off of, only almost tropical instead of temperate.

Growlgra blinks at Sssil. He understand what the tracker wants, but seems reluctant to leave his friend to face the huge beast alone. He reels in his spear, but doesnt throw it. Instead he tenses, waiting to take off running as soon as the meat is thrown. He mimes tossing the mea, then nods towards the cave opening. Throw first. Not leaving you.

Beo, can I have a ranged touch? It may work if you get it close enough. Maybe. Do you have notations of how many pounds it is? Cuz I lost em. Growlgra is readying a move to start heading toawds the mouth of the cave.

Urrffrah peers around the area and finds the small canine hunter's scent on some nearby branches. Farther down ghe finds her own scent. The path stops here, and she has no idea which direction to turn as she can see no other marks of passage that she recognizes. As she sits there, trying to figure out which way to go, she hears a low buzzing in the distance. As it is not a normal sound nor is it the sounds of the small things moving in the plants around her nor the call of a hunter in the distance she listens closer, slowly walking in that direction. The sound is constant, a low thrumming. Finally through a break in the trees she can see the small clear spot that Thessan was found on. The buzzing sound is coming from farther ahead, near where she estimates Thessan was laying.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:14 am
by beowuuf
Ranged attack roll 13. And it was 25lb of smoked meat all told.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:02 pm
by Ameena
Just to check something, does the buzzing noise sound like flies? I would imagine Urrffrah will have come across carrion before so will know about flies swarming around the stuff. I just want to make sure the buzzing sounds like that and not something weird and unfamiliar...


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:11 am
by raixel
Derp, sorry I accidentally deleted the paragraph where I said it was flies when I was editing the post. I rewrote something similar here.

Urrffrah recognizes the sound as a million small black death-likers. She knows the tiny creatures flock to areas where death has visited. There were some around the carrion pile that the run fast creatures guarded, making the same noise. But the creatures movements kept the flyers away. This sounds like many many death-likers, judging from the low hum she hears.



Sssil 6 1/2
Growlgra(readied) 6 1/4
Worm 6
Nihss 4

Beo, this sentence is confusing me"He tried to throw it such that it can start to land beside then behind Ssssil.". So, Sssil tries to throw it so it lands beside himself, and then behind himself? As in you are trying to draw the worm towards Ssssil? Or did you mean Growlgra, so that the worm will head off in that direction as Growlgra moves toawrds the tunnel? I'm going to assume you are trying to draw the worm away from you both, by arranging it so that Sssil sends the worm kind of towards himself, so the worm will head away from the tunnel, but not directly at himself. If I'm wrong, let me know and i'll rewrite. And even though this is round by round, I used some narrative effects to make it seem more realtime (such as the worm twisting when Growlgra started running. These have no mechanical bearing)

Sssil throws a couple pound chunk of deer meat at the worm's maw. Although he misses the large orifice, the meat hits the side of the worm's head with a dull smack and drops to the ground. He then starts to throw other chunks of meat in a trail leading away from both him and the bika, hoping the worm will take off that way.

As soon as he throws the first chunk, Growlgra takes off with the speed born of his people's millenia of traveling the prairie and hunting on foot. The worm twists its upper body backwards as if it is going to leap on the bika, but instead is distracted by the chunk of dried flesh thwapping it in the side of the head. It roars and slams its maw horizontally downward, engulfing the meat.

It raises its head a second later, and Sssil can see the multiple rows of circular teeth working as it shreds the meat into tiny pieces and shoves it into the worm's gullet. Threads of clear saliva hang down from in between the large outer row of teeth, occasionally breaking free and dripping on the ground. The worm waves its head back and forth, and Sssil throws a second chunk, a little bit farther away. The craeture tracks the movement in the air and leaps forward with blinding speed when the meat hits the ground about 15 feet to Sssil's right.

K, so I made the map. Was this kind of what you had in mind? [url][/url ]You can throw 2 a round. Crap, after uploading the map I just realized Iforgot to remove Growlgra's spear. Ignore it, its not really there.

Growlgra hangs back at the entrance, panting from his dash. Sssil' can also see Nihss' snout poking out of the foliage. THe two appear to be gesturing at each other about something. Nihss looks as if he wants to charge out and aid Sssil, but Growlgra keeps shaking his head and holding him back. The bika looks concernedly at Sssil, and the tracker gets the feeling that both of them are going to vharge out and aid him if the worm doesn't go after the meat.

K. You threw 6 lbs total, two chunks of 3 each. You can throw two a round with a ranged touch attack for each (I rolled the second for you - a 15 - cuz I realized that getting the meat out of your bag could be counted as a swift action cuz in my notes it says you didnt put it in anything but just had it in your pack, which I generally dont use but I'm trying to cut you some slack cuz this encounter was really designed for the entire party. Dont expect it too much though!) See OOC for more about actions.


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:52 am
by beowuuf
Oops, sorry. I meant that Ssssil was rtying to underthrow the meat, so that it would land in front of the worm to draw attention away from the hole, and also land on Ssssil's side of infront of the worm. Basically, just making sure that if the worm went for the meat, it was focsed away from both Growlgra and the hole. But yes, you have it right, he'd still want to be able to move away himself, so yes, it was still supposed to land to one side of Ssssil so Ssssil could siddle. So I guess sort of the L3 - L4 region, depending upon where we all are now.

Edit: Oops, there's a map, yep, that's perfect!

Ssssil shuffles his backpack awkwardly back on his back and stabs his sword in to his belt. He gestures for the two to stay where they are with empatic movements towards them, then emphatic movements downwards. You! Stay there!

Ssssil throws another piece of meat, then cringes as it short falls. He quickly throws another piece of meat much harder, not bothering to look back. He realises he needs to run at the movement of it or else he will draw more attention.

One poor throw, one good throw - 7 and 17 respectively. Is it stretching thigns for Ssssil to grab his hand axe on the way back, or is it just lost?

So Ssssil I beleive can get to J9? If it will speed thigns up, obviously Ssssil will now gesture for everyone to move quickly through the tunnel. He'll throw more pieces of meat and then leg it himself.

Edit: wow, an un-nattural 20 and an 8. I think Ssssil might actually run on the 20 if the throw is that good!


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:22 am
by Ameena
Urrffrah is certain, now, that she's found what she was after - the starting point for her actual, proper search. She moves toward the sound of the black-buzzers-that-sit-on-dead-things in order to make sure that nothing has changed about the bits of lizar that were all over the place. Still, she supposes that since the small run-fast-hunt-good creatures have started to drag away some of the bits, it will have changed at least slightly.
She does little more than poke her head through the green stuff so that she can see the remains of the dead lizar, whatever's left. Her real aim here doesn't concern those remains, but rather the thing that caused them to be scattered messily all over the place. She isn't sure she wants to eat stuff that's been spilled out and left for so long like that - if they were all still nicely contained within the creature's body, she'd have most likely cleared up the mess by now, rather than leave it for others to consume. Still, what's dead is dead, and the lizar is of no concern to her. She intends only to find what caused all this to happen and so moves to the edge of the area and starts carefully sniffing around to find any trace of other lizar, or the smell she found on the slime-lump, or anything else.
She has no idea what Sssil and the others are up to. Maybe she ran too fast for them. But they're supposed to be in a hurry! Oh well, they should have no trouble finding her. If they haven't arrived by the time she finds something of interest, she'll call them over herself and see if they hurry up...

So Urrffrah will basically have a brief look to confirm that, yes, the flies are buzzing around whatever's left of that dead merchant guy. Then she'll move to the edge of the area and start sniffing, moving in a circle around the whole of the dead-merchant/impaled-Thessan area to try and pick up any tracks that lead away (other than those of the people she knows, obviously, since there'll be a couple of trails made by herself, Growlgra, etc, where they first arrived at the scene and then headed off to follow Nihss). Urrffrah is making a proper search, now, not skimming over things but being careful to make sure she doesn't miss anything. I'm sure she's got time, what with Sssil and the others still trying to get past that worm ;). Hopefully they won't piss off the swamp jackals as well :D. So's 3rd Edition that lets you Take 20 for stuff, right? Can I do that for trying to find a trail?


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:09 am
by raixel
Ameena, I'm just letting you know you might be able to find traces of something, but as you dont have Track and this would be way less of "I passed this way and am trying to find my way back(which was the only reason I let you do that, that and otherwise it would just be you bumbling around making a ton of rolls to find your way, which it was actually-you just got damn lucky! ;))" than "I'm looking for someone or something and I have no idea who or what, you will not be able to tell where they are going, only the general age/race/condition of everyone in the area. (eg young/male/grahhsk/scared or middle aged/female/lizar/wounded old/female/prey rodent/in estrus of course it would be nrrative. ) But until you get track, you cannot track by scent. Or using normal sspot checks for anything higher than base DC(which this is not. That only works if you are literally right behind someone like 10 mins and you generally know where they are going and they arent covering their trail0. So I'm gonna give you the chance to change your action if you want. Ad no, you cant take 20 to find a trail, even if you had track.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:26 pm
by Ameena
Oh, I thought it was 3rd Edition that let you Take 10 and 20 on stuff...what am I thinking of then? It's certainly not 4th Edition. Anyway, retcon coming up...

Urrffrah stands around for a while, wondering what to do next. She wishes she was a bit better at sniffing stuff out, but usually the trails are a bit fresher than this, or she can easily tell where her prey has been by the large trails made by their many sharp feet trampling the ground. But here it's all squishy. Here, everything seems to smell weird. She supposes that Sssil and Growlgra, and presumably Nihss, will be much better at finding what it is they're all looking for, since they seem to all live in this region*. Yet they seem to still be some way behind, doing whatever it is they're doing. Getting distracted, maybe? But she'd thought they were good hunters. Or at least, Sssil and Growlgra seem to be, from what she's seen of them. And this is an important hunt - the safety of their pack is concerned with this!
Impatiently, she sits back and gives a signalling howl to call them to where she is, hoping they'll move faster than whatever slow pace they're bumbling along at.

*Can't remember if Growlgra said he didn't come from here, but if he didn't, Urrffrah is just presuming he at least knows swamps pretty well ;).


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:59 pm
by beowuuf
3 / 3.5 lets you take 10 and 20 on checks that don't have a failure condition. Perception usually has no failure, just you miss stuff, so you can spend just do it casually if not rushed (take 10) or do it many times (20 times the length of time taken) and take 20 if you are sure there must be something. If you fail a tracking roll, you go the wrong direction usually, and thus can't redo it - your character believes they are right.

so in general yes, you can take 20, but not on things like disable trap. You could take 10 sometimes if time wasn't the issue...if you thought a casual amoung of effort would be enough...

Is it worth retconning your character and taking track? The idea of scent is only that your sense of smell is as good as your eyesight. Just because a character can see doerns't mean they can track, just like just because a dog can smell means a poodle will instantly be a drug sniffer dog :P Narrartively, it makes a lot of sense for Urrffrah to not immediate be able to track - she's trapped in a new plane where everything smells. Very hard to pull a single smell out of the mess (like spotting the piccallo in a loud concert :D )


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:22 pm
by Ameena
She's been in this plane for several years - you'd need to ask her IC for details since despite all what Raixel's been giving away OOC, I've no intention of handing out any character backstory info unless she herself is asked by someone and feels like divulging ;). Anyway...I have no idea why I didn't even consider taking Track to begin with - I can only presume it was 'cause it says you need to roll Survival and there's no mention that you can do it any other way, so I probably just thought "Oh, I don't have Survival - that means I can't take Track, that's a bit of an arse :P". I suppose Urrffrah hasn't had any reason to try sniffing out a lizar before, so isn't quite familiar enough with their smell amid the many smells of the swamp, despite the time she's spent with Sssil 'cause I suppose he smells different anyway, since he's from the city which won't smell quite like the swamp, I suppose. Or something.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:49 pm
by raixel
Beo. YOu explained it way better than me cuz I was rushed. Thanks. Yes, you can take 20 and 10 in this edition. But as Beo said, it isnt like you just get it right. It means you are literally standing(or for those who have the "take 10 on climb/swim " NOTE: Not everyone can do this checks- moving) around searching or swimming whatever *until you find/do it*. Or in the case of take 10, you are giving yourself a base roll of 10 plus your skill mod. Everyone is taking 10 on AC all the time, thats why you have a base of 10. In that it basically means "out of the combat round, you are spending some time defending yourself"

So, yeah, 20 times as long. If someone wants to take 20 I usually ask the rest of the party what they are doing in the interim and then naratively, its like "an hour and a half later" (Or whatever the amount of time it would be if the action was performed 20 times). And if you are taking 20 in a kind of area where things are gonna come wandering by, like a swamp or a huge dungeon with things living there, be prepared to be interrupted unless you like bar the door of the room or set up guards far enough away that you wont be bothered.

Its generally not something used all that often, but it definitely has its uses. Like for example, your party fights its way through the evil mage's sanctum and finally kill him. They are in his lab and they know he magic Crystal of Genesis and his notes on it are in here *somewhere* in this mess of arcane junk. All of the underlings are dead (at least that the party knows of) and no one is chasing them. This would be a very appropriate time to take 10/20 (depending on how long the party wanted to search.) Take 10s are used more often than take 20s, because as I said before you are just basically giving yourself a 10 on the roll and doesnt take TWENTY TIMES AS LONG(!) :D.

But as Beo said they are not allowed on anything that a) can't be re-rolled b) has a different effect if you fail the roll. So, a good way to think of it is "do I get one chance at this?" and "would some kind of thing happen to my char if I didn't pass the roll by the min DC" If the answer to both is "no", then you *can* take 10/20. Be prepared to waste a LOT of time doing so, though.

And I think Ameena meant action recon, not char retcon. At least I hope so.

Cuz I dont generally allow mechanical char retcons, except for in extremely special cases(like someone playing an experimental character and neither one of us know if its going to be even playable). Even then its only to make a completely broken char baseline-playable, not to give chars a feat or skill they wish they had taken on an otherwise playable character. After all, variety is the spice of life, neh?

Nuff OOC, gametime!


Sssil 61/2
Growlgra 6 1/4
Worm 6
Nihss 4 (hope no one continues to ready, or its gonna be like 6 1/8 6 1/16 ect :D) You can grab your axe, if you take the time to go get it. Its in L8. That still allows you to get to K9 instead of J9.

Sssil throws two more pieces of meat, while keeping his body still. Unfortunately, one lands not all that far away. The worm doesnt even finish eating the current piece, but immediately pounces on the next one. The huge creature is quite close to Sssil, and again he can smell the stench of all the decayed plant matter caught in the things spines. However the large creature ignores him, and engulfs the iece in its remora-like mouth. The tracker can hear the grinding sounds as the muscular contractions of the many teeth tear the meat into tiny chunks. He aims the next hunk over the worm's back and far away. The ploy works perfectly and the meat sailing a foot over the creature's sensitive hairs send it charging after the flying deer chunk.

He gestures for everyone to run, Growlgra doesn't look happy, and Nihss looks as if he is going to rebel, but Growlgra grabs the much larger lizar and drags him down the tunnel.


Sssil 61/2
Growlgra 6 1/4
Worm 6
Nihss 4
(Im' assuming this is what you wanted me to do)

The two other hunters have disappeared down the tunnel, and Sssil throws one more chunk. This one is perfectly thrown, just at the limit of what Sssil can reach. As soon as it leaves his hands, he takes off towards his hand axe, and then the tunnel.

The worm raises its head and begins to wave back and forth at the lizar's footsteps, but it chooses to pounce on the nearby meat. After doing that it raises its head again and waves back and forth, but Sssil is far enough away that it doesnt seem like its going to immediately pounce.

Growlgra and Nihss cannot be seen. Presumably they are in the tunnel. You are now at K9.


Urrffrah sits on her haunches, looking around the area. The small black death-sitters are carpeting the blood and gore where Thessan was laying. She imagines it will probably be the same where the dead lizar and his grahhssk lay, unless of course scavengers have carried parts off. The buzzing is loud, and as she watches, it seems like both a cloud f blackness, and a moving carpet. White squirming things are in the mass as well. Something about this scene reminds her of a distant memory, but it fades. Her old home must not have been a nice place.

Suddenly as she is sitting there, a large ugly creature with no fur and grey-green skin drops from the tree in front of her. It has an odd face, not a muzzle, like she is used to. If anything, its face looks strangely like a human, although by the lack of intelligence in its eyes, it isnt a thinking being but just a beast. Bright patches of sky blue and yellow run across underneath its eyes, and a long thin hairless tail whips around behind it. It raises a paw in her direction and flexes its toes as it lets out a scream that sounds like a human in pain. Long sharp claws pop out as it swats the air in front of her, bulbous nose twitching as it takes in her unfamiliar scent.


Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:36 pm
by Ameena
Ooh, weird monkey creature! So did Urrffrah not manage to get that howl off before this thing showed up, then?

Urrffrah looks up sharply at the creature. Whatever it is, she isn't too keen on the loud screaming noise it just made. She glares at it and bares her teeth slightly, giving a brief growl.


Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:29 pm
by beowuuf
I'm right in thinking Ssssil has one more steak left, right?

Ssssil was grateful to see Growlgra and Nilss moving through the tunnel, wonmdering why the swamp lizar was going to do something as foolish as charge back out. at least the furry hunter had more sense. Ssssil quickly stopped for his hand axe - he didn't want to leave it behind, it has some small sentimental value, having been with him as long as Hissssa. Spekaing of his small friend, Ssssil made sure his armour pouch was secure, and Hissssa was safe.

With that, Sssssil got his head down and hustled towards the cut tunnel, not looking back. He stabbed the last stake on to a worm-high chopped branch, and twanged the branch so it would vibrate for a few moments. And then, Ssssil moved as quietly as possibly while running away terrified. He just hoped Nilss had actually made it to the other side.

Does that sound like a plan? do I need a move silently?


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:15 am
by raixel
You howled, and then it dropped out of the tree.

Urrfrah bares her teeth and growls at the creature, and it opens its mouth, showing incredibly long fangs. It screams again and hunches its head into its shoulders. In our terms it has a baboons face but with yellow cat like eyes, a cats body and a rat-like tail. But it has no fur anywhere, and triangular stand up ears. It crouches down, as if it is considering pouncing on the barghest, and again opens its mouth to show off its fangs. It doesnt appear to be intimidated in the slightest by the barghest. Instead it alternates showing its fangs and snapping at Urrfrah, still crouched down.

Hisssa is curled up in his pouch, and seems slightly scared of the worm. A mental image of Sssil sliding down the huge beast's gullet with Hisssa sticking his head out of the pouch pops in Sssil's mind. Sssil starts moving towards the tunnel, hoping to Makanasshht the worm wont notice him until the steak is set up and the tree hunters can flee through the tunnel quickly.

He can hear the chomping and slicing noises behind him as the worm is engrossed in gulping down the dried meat chunks. Hopefully he can move lightly and quietly. The tunnel looms ahead, a nice carved path in the brambles just large enough for a lizar walking single file. Plant debris covers the ground, and Sssil will have to be careful not to crack any branches or rustle any stick sunderfoot once he enters. The path snakes through the wall, and appears much dimmer than the surrounding swamp. He can't see Nihss and Growlgra. Perhaps they have already made their way through the winding tunnel and come out the other side.
Yeah, I need a move silent and a listen. Everything is still happening round by round timewise but as you are far away and the worm is busy eating, it would have been pointless to actually run combat.


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:13 am
by beowuuf
Lol, for a second my tired brain thought the howl and it dropped applied to me! :D

Anyway, nat 20 on the move silently, for 19 overall, and 9 for the listen.


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:46 pm
by Ameena
Ah okay - there was no mention of Sssil hearing a distant howl in the posts containing him, so I wondered if it had happened. Maybe the worm noises are too loud ;).

Urrffrah adopts a wary crouching stance, not intending to appear aggressive but more readying herself to dodge aside if the creature should try to attack her. She sniffs in its direction, wondering whether this creature was here all along and, if it was, why it's suddenly decided to start behaving aggressively toward her. She feels as though she hasn't eaten for a while - maybe if this thing decides to attack her...

How big is it, btw? About the size of a baboon? Big enough to give a nasty bite, I'm sure. Oh, and Wis check as a kind of Sense Motive/have I seen something like this before? = oh yay we're back to botching again :P.


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:05 pm
by beowuuf
I think Ssssil blew some listen rolls and thought it was his stomach :D


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:52 pm
by Ameena
Ahh, that would be it then ;). Hopefully Growlgra's multidirectional canine ears are a bit better than your hole-in-the-head ones ;).


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:21 am
by raixel
Its *big*. Like leopard or mountain lion, about 150-200lbs. It has a feline like body, so its not as bulky as a canine. Its about 3 feet hight at the shoulder and 5 1/2 feet long. it would be a very tough fight if Urrffrah fought it alone.

And nice nat 20, beo. You might come out of thi in one piece after all. :D Sorry for the giant delay. Had a crazy deadline yest and was up all night working on it. Literally. Then got it sent off and I tried to finish your post this morn and ended up passing out in the middle of it cuz I had been up all night the night before! :D

Urrffrah looks closely at the beast, trying to emember if she has ever seen or heard of anything like this creature but can't remember seeing or hearing of anything like it. As she looks at it, she manages to catch the thing's gaze. It screams again, apparently taking her eye contact for a challenge. It snaps out of the crouched position and begins to stalk toward the barghest, legs stiff, claws flexed and fangs bared.

It was about 10 feet from Urrffrah. Now its stalking towards her. You have one action before it reaches melee range.

Sssil glances back over his shoulder at the worm. The thing is engrossed in dragging its questing maw along the ground, apparantly looking for more food and completely ignoring the tracker. Sssil quickly walks toward the carved tunnel. Even though he is moving quickly, the tracker makes absolutely no noise as he dashes towards the welcoming darkness of the tunnel mouth. He is almost there when behind him, the gurgling roar of the worm cuts through his brain. How did tthe creature sense him from this distance?

The tracker risks a glance over his shoulder and sees the worm loomig up in that loose 's' shape, head waving back and forth as it tracks whatever disturbed it. Sssil senses hesitation, and gets the feeling Hissa is holding his breath and trying to keep absolutely still. Without warning, the worm suddenly leaps *away* from Ssssil, as if it is following the line of brambles. It moves off into the swamp quickly and eventually is swallowed from sight by the heavy foliage.

K. So your nat 20 caused it to become interested in something else. I'm gonna assume you dont want to put the food up now.

Sssil ducks into the tunnel. It is barely big enough for him, and he feels brances clawing at his scales and armor as he moves through the tight passage. He emerges into the light, and sees Growlgra and Nihss crouched there, weapons at the ready and with worried expressions. When they se him, they both stand up. Growlgra runs over and touches himon the arm, looking relieved. He mimes roaring, and then looks worried. Heard roar. Afraid it attacked.

Nihss looks as if he doesn't want to speak, as he doesn't know where the worm is. He points to the surrounding woods, as if to say "Lets get out of here!"

Sssil looks around his surroundings. It looks like anywhere else in the higher-lands of the swamps. Higher landsis a relative term of course, as it is still very wet. and the ground quite damp. It just isn't boggy in this area, the ground is actually firm, and there isnt as many patches of quick-sand and catchslime. Behind is that wall of brambles, a feature that is quite common in areas that flood at certain times in the Cycle during the rains. But ahead there is no more obstructions. Trees covered in moss and vines are spread out, their branches thick enough that they give the late afternoon light a green quality.

There is a path winding to the northwest, probably an animal trail, and a thinner one following the bramble wall to the E. There are many tracks, and without active looking, it would be imposisble to tell where the barghest has gotten off to.


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:19 am
by Ameena
Ahh, you never said a size before - had I realised it was that big, Urrffrah probably wouldn't have been quite so dismissive at first ;).

Urrffrah realises that she was staring at the creature a bit too long - well, that was clever of her. She wonders whether she can cause it to stop behaving aggressively, since she isn't sure she fancies fighting something like this. Presumably whatever this thing is, it and any others like it have spent the entire time she's been in this sticky-place up high where she can't see them, since she doesn't recall ever seeing one before. And now it seems like, just as she's actually taking part in a hunt which is of importance beyond that of her desire to eat, every hungry predator and scavenger in the whole of the land is converging on this one spot. How wonderful.
With still no sign of the others, Urrffrah backs away from the creature somewhat, not turning her back but for the moment not making eye contact either. Where are they, and what's taking them so long? Urrffrah is getting frustrated and wonders if they'd help bring down this annoying creature so she can have something sizeable to eat at last.
She glances around, though keeps half an eye on the creature, to see whether there are any small spaces she might fit into in her goblin form and which this creature wouldn't be able to get through. Maybe then she can hide and wait for the others to finally drag their paws over here.

So I'm guessing a Spot check for "Hmm, is there something close by that I can hide in if I change my form and make myself a bit smaller...", so Spot = 15 (8+7). Also, maybe a Wis check (I'm guessing) to see if Urrffrah remembers noticing any such places on her way to this spot just now...I mean, close by that she could just nip back to. Wis check = pfft, 6 (4+2). Urrffrah's not stupid enough to pick a fight with something that might kick her arse, but she's got no objection to waiting until the strength is on her side before she tries to kick some arse (and then eat it) herself :twisted:.


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:14 pm
by raixel
Well, you gotta remember that since you're traveling in animal form, natural creatures that would normally hide or shy away from sentient/humanoid beings think that you are just another animal here to try and take their territory or food!


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:16 pm
by beowuuf
Ssssil feels an unaccustomed sense of claustrophobea come over him, perhaps spurred on by the worm at his back - even though he intellectually knows there will be only one, and that it is off in another direction now. Still, he fears coming in to contact with the jaws of another, walking up a perfect feeding tube. Or finding the new tunnel gets smaller and smaller, trapping him with his back turned to the danger that will surely come back...

It is with a not inconsiderable amount of relief that Ssssil comes to the end and sees his companions again. To Growlgra he makes the floopy worm at attention motion, with it scanning, and then has it darting the other way. Seen something else. He then turns his floppy worm in to a dismissive gesture. Not a problem. Top Nilss he says. "Worm left. We're safe." Ssssil then paused. "Yes?" he asks, a little more uncertain as he realises he has no idea what Nilss may have found in this direction, assuming he has even looked.

Ssssil listens with half an ear. He tries to think about the way Urrffrah probably went, relative to where they first encountered the worm, and then starts looking in that direction for fresh tracks. He knows there is a danger in that - really, you should be looking for the signs that are there, no matter what you expect to see. If you go looking for tracks, the brain is very able to find them all too easily for you. Patterns are everywhere, if you have a fanicful nature. Ssssil is proud to have had his imagination called in to question on more than one occasion by fanciful dandies in Makan and elsewhere.

Well, I accidentally told the roller to roll 11d20+11 not 1d20+11 for a tracking roll, but since the first was a 1, then that's not really important. Also rolled two knowledge rolls, reasons listen in the rolling description!


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:40 am
by raixel
Alright, so we've got a 1, a 19 and a 16

Thr party is standing in a kind of gully meandering through the swamp. The base of the gully is the semi-marshy area made up by the thick overgrowth wall that appears to generally follow the gully. Even though this is one of the drier areas of the swamp, it is obvious that any precipitation pools in the gully, giving nutrients to the heavy plantlife and causing the ground to be slightly more damp here than on the gentle slope in front of him.

Sssil knows that in the more dry higher elevations, the main predators are usually lasstiir. The feline like creatures usually leave passing Zaangaardians alone, as they are rather shy. Unless you are actively lookng for one, their grey green hide camouflages them quite well in the branches of the trees they spend most of their time in. However, if a lasstiir feels threatened, or is starving, it may drop down on unsuspecting passerby. Lasstiir hunt by dropping out of trees onto the backs of passing prey. Their call is very distinct and sounds like a loud scream. Swamp jackal packs also roam around here, although they generally prefer carrion for their food caches and mostly only eat the remains of other predator's meals.

These areas fortunately are too dry for swamp slimes, although there have been rumors of the plant like creatures being spotted in dryer areas lately, although Sssil himself hasnt seen proof of such. Other than the typical swamp fauna such as snakes, lizards, insects and small mammals, he knows that couatls and their lesser cousins the sailsnakes like to lair in the dryer places where the more sparse undergrowth allows them to fly below the tree-canopy where they usually spend their time and hunt for prey.

There are also more broad-leaf watertrees in the dry areas than other places, as they can store water unlike other swamp plants. Sssil knows that if the bole of the tree is peirced with a a hollw sharpened reed or tube, the tree can provide up to 3 gallons of fresh water. This can be useful, as most swamp water is too muddy or soiled to drink. Although most screamers prefer wetter areas, they can be found throughout Zaangaard, including the higher areas. While they are mostly content to wander around looking for carrion to sink their mobile roots into, one must be careful to not get too close lest the plant shriek and spray you with its spores.

He sees a tongue plant growing nearby. The thin red flower of the plant tapers and then forks into two points towards the end, giving the plant its name. Sssil knows if the hollow flower is picked right where it joins the stem and that end blown through, it produces a loud distinct whistle that can be changed it pitch by covering one of the holes at the ends of the points. The whistle travels well through the swamp and is used as a signaling device by swamp lizar. An odd feature of the whistle is that the plant can produce this sound by itself, by forcing air contained in sacks in its stem through the flowers. It does this to warn off potential predators and also spread its pollen to neighboring plants.

Theres some random swamp knowledge for your nature roll!

Sssil peers around. The animal trail to the northwest moves up the gentle slope in front of him, the one heading East follows along the bramble wall and i smuch more damp. From what he can see of the RA orb and from where they entered the road, the place where they found Thessan is to the Northwest. But, he has no way of knowing if the barghest knows that, or if she can find her way around the swamp easily. He examines the area and finds what looks like her paw-prints heading due north, through the trees in front of them and not on any of the trails.

Nihss looks up suddenly. "I be hearin a lasstiir's scream, a few times. It be comin from that way. Also a swamp-jackal call." he says, pointing along the animal trail to the northwest. Growlgra twitches his ears and shakes his head. Not hear anything. Indeed, Sssil can see some deep imprints at the base of a nearby tree, as if one of the odd-faced creatures dropped down to walk along the northwest trail. There are many lasstiir here, and hearing one's territorial scream wouldn't be unusual, especially if swamp jackals were trying to steal its kill.

Urrffrah looks frantically around as the beast stalks slowly closer. Nearby is a huge downed tree laying off the path about 25 feet away, with small plants and thick moss growing on it, making it look like a giant green hill. It appears to have been down for osme time and is slowly being absorbed back into the swamp. She can see that the end facing her is hollow and big enough that even her bargest form could stand in it, although it would be quite a tight fit. From in there hse could keep the creature at bay, as it doesnt have a long muzzle to snap with nor would it be able to pounce on her. Although it could swipe at her, if she changed to her barghest form she could swipe back with her long claws, possibly driving it away. There wasn't anything else she remembers seeing as she ran up here, just trees and vines and rocks. Then again, she wasnt really looking for hiding places...

K, making a sopt is a swift action, so you still have a round to act. Keep in mind that if you change form, it is a standard, meaning that you only have a move or move equivelant left


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:03 pm
by Ameena
That's okay, I checked my Speed rating and I can move way more than 25 feet in wolf form :D. Btw, Urrffrah isn't "frantic" yet. She's being more wary than fearful - she doesn't really know what fear is so far, except for what...erm...someone (Growlgra or Westy I think) explained it to her as "what your prey smells like when it's seen you and it's trying to run away" or words to that effect.

Urrffrah gives a growl at the creature, then darts toward the fallen hollow thing and gets inside it so that she's facing outward. This done, she reverts to her natural form. Let that thing come at her now!

So, Move action to get inside the tree, then Standard to change to her Barghest form. Can she howl again as a Free action? If so, she'll do so. Otherwise she'll stay on her guard and get ready to repel the Mutant Killer Baboon Monster . Well, she'll do that anyway, but after howling. I'm guessing a barghest-in-barghest-form howl sounds a bit different to a barghest-in-wolf-form howl? I would imagine that Urrffrah probably hasn't ever had a proper fight so far - she'll have hunted and eaten anything that was prey-like and probably stayed away from any predators. It's only 'cause she has reason to be in this particlar part of the swamp that she's sticking around at all.


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:26 pm
by beowuuf
Ssssil distractedly pickes one of the tongue plants at where he hopes is the correct point to allow it to keep its property, giving it a half-harded try, spitting at the taste of sap.

Ssssil himself didn't hear anything when Nilss point out the scream, though he does point to the tracks to confirm Nilss's comment. He thinks Urrffrah, being a natural swamp creature (heehee) should know the direction, but decides that the stirring of creatures has already proved to show Urrffrah's route. Perhapsd the wolf-creature is already on the trail away from the initial position of the body.

The lizar makes a motion to accept Nilss's words, and indicates they should follow the game trail.

Should I roll a listen for potentially catching Urrffrah's howl?


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:34 am
by raixel
It was a figure of speech in my narration. I could have used any number of words to describe the specific action of your character looking around quickly while a large beast stalks towards you. I am not saying Urrfrah is scared or frantic, just used that specific word to make the story flow more smoothly, as in "you have one action to respond and just used a swift". Youre not gonna be looking around casually or slowly. ;)

Perhaps you should look at what both OB and Ian do. After a roll, they give me a general reaction or state of mind based on how good or bad the roll was. For instance, Ian decided Thiy poked a hole in her monk robe when she rolled a 3 while trying to punch someone with her sai hilt. OB rolled a 19 so Artaxes smacked someone with his blade flat. In a middling roll, they at least give me what they want to do using words like "attempt" or a general mental state. This gives me something to write off of based on how they see their character's actions or mental state

And, beo, you already rolled your listen and got a 9 if I remember correctly. Lucky at least one of you got it, cuz Growlgra flubbed it just as hard! ;) But, yeah, give me another listen for somethig else.

Urrffrah quickly darts over to the tree-with-the-hole and wiggles her way inside hind-end first. The hollow part goes back about 6 feet, where it gets more and more narrow until eventually it stops in a wall or rotten tree-parts. She can smell the dampness and rot of the wood, as well as many little crawlers as they move about the inside. She sees a few small but fat white tube-things squirming around in the damp wood. They smell kind of pleasant and meaty and seem to be edible, although she wonders what they would taste like squiming around n her mouth.

A memory comes back to her, briefly. Something from her old home. Something to be wary of there. It was like the fat white thing, but huge. It was a mindless creature, squirming across the sulfurous plains in constant search of food, relentless, gobbling up anything in its path. Another image. The cities, if they could be called that, of her first home were rigidly set in perfect geometric patterns. There was no room for error , self expression, or weakness. As a barghest whelp, although fully sentient and unlike the mewling young things of this Plane, she stayed away from those places. She preferred to wander the rigid and unforgiving landscapes searching for flesh, the hunt. For her ancestral memories taught her that was the only way to grow. To hunt, to kill, to eat.

Another flash, and she is watching one of the mindless huge white things tear into a city. The city beings are trying to fight it, but it is as large to them as she is to the tiny white thing in front of her. She remembers watching some kind of being with a hard shell body, four arms with huge paws, six wings, huge eyes and a long pointy weapon gripped in its paws drive the weapon into an odd indent on the white thing's body. The white thing rears up, thrashing and appears to be greviously wounded. The vision ends, and she is again standing in a tree-part hollow watching the squirming white things under her feet. Why that memory came to her, she doesnt know. Perhaps it would be useful, somewhere.

So Urrffrah sees a wood grub and gets a memory! It was just supposed to be flavor text and not that long, but on your list o' rolls it was a nat 20. So, one roll only, when fighting anything of the vermin type, you may choose to take a +3 on your damage roll due to the memory. You can choose to add it after the results of the roll.

She concentrates for a brief second and feels her innate magic reshaping her body, stretching her muscles and bones back into the form the lizar called "barghest", but she just considers "herself". The hollow suddenly seems much smaller, her long ears brushing the damp and rotten dangling tree bits above her head. The beast is still outside, pacing back and forth in front of the hollow and occasionally making a strange high-pitched squeal. Its bulbous nose twitches, and it jams a clawed paw into the hollow, attempting to slice Urrffrah. The barghest easily avoids the lashing paw, and the creature again squeals.

So, being inside the log is giving you cover *and* partial concealment, which is a +4 bonus to AC and an automatic 20% miss chance when trying to hit you(so on sucessful attack, you can roll d100. If its 20 or less, they miss). The creature is standing right outside the entrance. It has partial concealment as well, but not cover. Can you roll a listen please

Sssil blows into the tongue plant and a pleasant , but loud, high pitched whistle is sounded. Growlgra's ears perk up, and he grins at the sound, and then points to the flower the tracker his holding, then his own large ears.Maybe use for signal? He walks over to where Sssil picked the tongue flower, and picks another flower off of a neighboring plant. He tries to mimic Sssil's blowing into the end, but only succeeds in making a tiny "whhheeezz-ppbbbht" come out of his flower. Nihss flares his nostrils in amusement at the crestfallen look on the bika's face, and Sssil's spitting out the pungent watery sap. "No, here. I be showing you." he says as he walks over to Grwolgra and holds his hand out. although the bika can't understand his words, the meaning is clear and Nihss takes the offered flower.

"You be pinching the sap out first!" he says, as he demonstrates squeezing the stem end and clearing the drop of sap that appears with a flick of his wrist. "Then, be blowing like this." The young swamp lizar demonstrates putting the flower to his mouth and blowing a haunting 3 note tune that reminds Sssil of wind whistling through marsh-reeds at night. Nihss flares his nostrils again and gives the flower back to Growlgra, who does his best to mimic Nihss but only succeeds in mkaing one clear note.

"They be able to be dried too, although drying be changing the pitch." he says as the three walk off in Nihss' chosen direction.

Sssil must admit, the young swamp lizar is very swamp-savvy, quietly walking along and making as little noise as Sssil himself. Growlgra as well seems comfortable, although the bika's mouth is open and his pink tongue showing as he breathes heavily through his mouth. Sssil also notices that there appears to be water dripping off of the puffy skin on the bika's palms, and his bare feet leave a wet print that evaporates within seconds.

Hisssa has climbed out of his pouch to ride coiled around Sssil's shoulder. The viper appears to be enjoying the walk and the late-afternoon sun on his scales. He sends Sssil a mental image of the two of them in the swamp, as they used to be. Only now in the image there is a large lump of reddish brown hair and large traingles on the top of it and a dull scaled lizar who could only be Nihss. The brown furry thing throws what appears to be a stiff snake with a brown body a green head at a giant worm and the snake bites the worm and kills it with poison. Then Westian walks by and trips over the deead worm. The snake appears to be enjoying himself, as he is looking around alertly, tongue flicking as he takes in the scents of the swamp.

As the three walk, Growlgra suddenly twitches his nose and stops with a disgusted look on his face. He points to his nose, then gestures around him and makes a disgusted face. Smell something bad.


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:30 am
by Ameena
I make rolls after I've narrated the action - I'll describe my character trying to do something, then in the OOC bit at the bottom of the post, I'll make any rolls that have come up during the course of the preceding IC part. I don't always know when/if I'm gonna have to make a roll - I just write the fluff and then think "Hmm, that should probably need a roll...". Btw, what constitutes a "vermin" creature? Do you just mean anything resembling an insect/maggot/general creepy-crawly-type thing? Because some people call things like rats and foxes "vermin"...
Anyway, requested Listen roll = 14 (7+7).
Oh and btw, lol to the last part of Hissssa's "vision" :D.

Urrffrah snarls loudly at the creature, daring it to try and get her now. She wonders what she should call this thing. She can't see it too clearly from in here, of course, but she remembers it well enough. Those bright markings on its face were certainly notable. What was that name given to the up-above, where the Eyes roam? Ah yes, the sky. So she will call this thing a sky-face.
Satisfied with that, at least, she readies herself to punish the creature if it should attempt to swipe at her again. And what is taking Sssil and the others so long to get here? Are they really that slow? She doesn't like this stupid sticky-place with its stupid sticky ground, which makes tracks and scents disappear so quickly. Better to be somewhere with firmer ground, where she can find prey and other things with much less difficulty.

Yay for fluff reason for my not taking Track ;). Hopefully I can level up before we leave the swamp (assuming we do at some point) so I can take Track and Urrffrah can find stuff more easily :D. Anyway...if that baboon monster thingy sticks its paw into the log again, Urrffrah will try and bite it. Off, if possible :twisted:. I mean, she won't keep hold if the other paw looks to be coming for her face (assuming she can get a hold of the first one), but she'll certainly bite down as hard as she can on this stupid screechy thing that's messing up her day :D. Attack roll = 14 (9+5), and in case that hits (though I'm not too hopeful), Bite damage = 4 (1+3). Woooo :P.


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:21 pm
by raixel
I mean any creature of the type "vermin" in the MM. All creatures have types and subtypes in 3.5.

For instance a barghest(not Urrffrah!) is Medium outsider (evil, extraplaner, shapechanger, lawful). So its type is Outsider (meaning it has outsider traits) and its subtypes are evil, extrapanar, shapechanger, and lawful. Barghests have a lot of subtypes, most things only have one. But everything only has *one* type.

Urrfrah is native outsider (shapechanger). So, the way it works is that say you have something that gives a +1 bonus against shapechangers. So anything that has the shapechanger subtype, you get the +1 bonus against, whether a werewolf or Urrffrah.

Or if you cast "magic circle against evil", anything with the evil subtype is affected.

A weapon/ability that gives a bonus to "humanoid" or "animal" is much more powerful than one that gives a bonus to "elves", as the first two are types and the second is a subtype. So a thing that gives a bonus vs humanoids can affect both elves and humans, but one that gives a bonus vs elves affects just elves.

Humans are humanoid (human). But no human has an alignment subtype, even if they are lawful or evil or good or what. But things thhat are outsiders generally do, as the evil/goodness is a fundemental part of their being, like an angel or devil.

oxes and stuff are type "animal", cuz they have an INT of less than 3 but still have an INT. Vermin genrally are insects, spiders, maggots, crustaceans and stuff like that. They are mindless (dont have an INT score).

Heres a list of all the types and subtypes in 3.5 D&D if you want to understand how the different types and subtypes affect things. At bare minimum you should read Urrffrah's type and subtype so that you understand the strengths and weaknesses associated with them. Vermin are down at the bottom under V.


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:20 pm
by Ameena
Ahhh you were talking in terms of a Keyword thingy. Duhh, should have guessed that one, lol. Would I need to make a Knowledge/Int roll in combat to find out if something is "Vermin" in order to get my bonus? Or would you tell me at the time? Looking it up would feel like cheating ;). Plus, the thing I might be fighting might be something you made up (which I'm guessing this baboon thingy is), in which case it wouldn't be in any MM anyway ;).