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Re: New Dungeons

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:46 pm
by beowuuf

Whichever sound good from the description

Personally my first dungeon was The Grave of King Milius - it was good, its an oldy but goodie so newer ones with more hex tricks/altered monsters would probably be best left til after

Re: New Dungeons

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
by sucinum
it mainly depends on your expertise which dungeons you prefer. mine include hard fights with rather easy riddles, others are more riddle- or maze-orientated. i also added a difficulty-rating for mine and would suggest to play them in order of release.
i personally did not play all of the dungeons available here and can only talk of mine, but there are nice descriptions ;-)

Re: New Dungeons

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:16 pm
by Jesse Lee
Hey there guys,

The name's Jesse. First timer around, but an old timer when it comes to DM, CSB and DM II. Just simply love the series. Paul H's post really touched a heartstring in me about the love for the game and not acknowledging it. In fact, I was hoping to directly sponsor any efforts for creating "classy" dungeons complete with the manuals and cutscenes (starting and ending), either as pet projects or as official mod releases. Why? Simply because I love the game of course!

No, don't get me wrong. Not that I have a lot of money to throw around mind you. I just suppose that I may or may not be speaking the collective voice of most of the people involved in this forum. I just suppose I want to help out in a more visible fashion since I cannot offer the time to build something up myself.

Write me about your ideas and plans if any of you guys have hopes to keeping yourself busy designing something but am fast becoming fast discouraged despite having the talent and skill.

Jesse Lee

Re: New Dungeons

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:12 pm
by PaulH
This is a very generous offer and will maybe will spur on programmers to develop new dungeons/software. I myself cannot programme very well but others can and will hopefully contact you.



Re: New Dungeons

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:09 am
by TyGuy6
I just decided to try some of these dungeons and I thought you'd like to know. I'm doing PaulH's "The Black Flame." So far it's really cool. I'll critique it when I finish...IF I finish.

Re: New Dungeons

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:00 pm
by PaulH
Nice one!

Please make sure you have downloaded the latest version, v2.0 for csbwin
