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Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:00 pm
by Ameena
Eh, age has nothing to do with interest in games - I'm in my thirties and have no interest in stopping >:). Games are not "bad for you". In fact, depending on the game, they can be quite the opposite - teamwork, hand-eye co-ordination, problem solving, maths, spelling/grammar, creativity, communitation, and probably plenty of other areas can be improved by playing games. I'm pretty sure I heard a while back about Minecratf being used in schools to teach kids about circuits and stuff (using redstone in the game, which is basically electric wiring). Now that's cool! :D

Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:35 pm
by ParuNexus
Chaos-Shaman wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:02 pm
Ameena wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:42 am Umm, what does that mean?
It means you are still playing the games.

My son came by the house yesterday and told me he is not going to buy a new computer or play games anymore, I found the timing ironic, he has better things to do like get involved with his 4 daughters. He sees the light. I told him to go back to making music, read books to his children. Unfortunately he is suffering with the loss of his brother who he did play games with, I am worried about him. His sister is also changing too, once they hit the thirties life really changes. She's house hunting now and ready to have more children so she won't have the time because I won't be there to do her dishes, cook her food and clean up after her, she will have to change to fit the situation. I never played many computer games with my children, and for good reason.
all good valid points, and its nice it worked out that way, were as I know people in Real life who have been depressed(NOT suicidal) and gaming become not a drug or new addict but a way to self improve, now they are happy taking care of themselves. I've also heard people turn there lives around just by a chance game system and even got back on the horse and doing pod casts before they close to committing suicide. Like all things the balance is always different. I always try to find a board game or something for people to enjoy, I dont force it but i ask how about trying this game for just a few minutes see if you like it.

Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:47 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Yes, I lost my son to suicide, I didn't see it coming, he hid it well.

With the games, believe it or not but they used the shooter games to try and recruit my other son to join the military,, but I am against violence so I told him, NO! at the time he was 18. They tried to take my son away from me using games. Thank you for your comments, it helps to release some of the emotions that are in me. I don't weep everyday now, but I always think about him, we had so many good times together which is why I am still stunned and shocked that it happened and left me unhooking him from his noose. It will always be in my mind. I am mad about it and I loved him so much. Could happen to anyone and I'd like to say, don't leave a person who is depressed alone for too long, any sign there is trouble get on it! He slipped through my fingers and being a shaman it has been tough to grasp that he was able to do that without me knowing right below my feet :(

Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:00 pm
by Ameena
Wow...this got pretty dark all of a sudden. Ouch.

Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:25 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Sorry if it is dark, it's the facts. I didn't mention it to begin with but I can relate to it first hand.

Ameena, you may alter that thinking when things change, maybe having a child, moving out to a new home, different spouse, things change and it usually happens fast. As I was saying about my son, he also had to slow down on gaming because he doesn't have the time for it and it is also necessary to pay attention to his wife that does not play games, if you know what I mean. DM caused me some trouble way back then, I even quit the dart league because I'd rather play DM, those were wild and crazy days, we survived it. It really did stress our relationship but I am glad I did it, going out to bars and playing darts was not a smart thing to do for a relationship, DM was the better :arrow:

Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:39 pm
by Ameena
Well, I identify as both aromantic and asexual so the "having a spouse/child" thing is highly unlikely to happen :P.
Anyway, if the person you're with isn't into the same things as you then sure, you should allow time for the two of you to do stuff together as well as engaging in your own hobbies separately. But if you're both into gaming (or whatever), then all the more fun as it means you can do it together :D.

Re: High There! ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:48 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
No problems here ;) whatever beats your drum. My relationship started off as being Mr. Spock, my wife pressured me to dance and took me home to her place and I never looked back, it was the logical thing to do :P