Forum for the finished DM D&D game 'Time's Champions' run by beowuuf

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Post by beowuuf »

I have no problem with Haynuus assuming if Westian came back with them, they must be good intentioned and Westian actually succeeded in something that was really supposed to be just a distraction. Instead of assuming Westian is being held prisoner and forced to show the Trolins anything :)

Haynuus heard the babble of words from Ameena, and they sort of made sense. He recalled, with the circlet prodding him and prompting him, of the bits and pieces. Of the orc in the blue armour, pretending to be Gholst, and yet not. Dargat, Soorec had accidentally called him. Gholst's real second in life, an orc that perhaps Haynuus might have mis-guidedly aspired to be in a different life if things had gone differently.

His body a sham... the spirit girl previously encountered had said to them in her rhymes. That was what she had meant.

And the parts of the soul stone. Haynuus recalled a dias with a stone, half smashed off. And a final piece...hidden in plain sight, a surprise to akll. A glowing white piece... they had reunited all the pieces, and yet somehow the Grey Lord could not stop Theron, there was a struggle, and...

The memory was wiped away in the brilliant white of the soulstone's cglow in Haynuus's mind, and then the cavern started vibrating terribly. A chunk of rock fell from the roof, splashing in to the lake!

- stop! Whatever you are doing, stop! - came a gaggle of voices, air elemental whisperings. They were new, and came from above. Ameena saw it first, there was a flash of green, and the butterfly flapped its wings and bounced around, floating as if towards Ameena and Haynuus. And then the butterfly moved off towards the back of the cavern where the waterfall was.

- trapped in stone. Twice trapped in stone, curse the creature that did it! But we found her! - said the air elementals, their tones all over the place from happy to angry. - she followed the task of the dead that walked, but was captured. And now she is free of its stench, she can smell your friends again. They are close. They are the ones who have appeared on the other side of this place. And you all smell of the crack, she says. She says you know what it is, without knowing. She says you keep it open, somehow. -

The butterfly moved towards whre the waterfall was, drawign the attetnion of all to the movement of the Trolins Petal railed against, and also the occasional view of thinner, taller, and less blue figures. They were all moving towards the cavern, where the waterfall had been.

- Come, she wants you to come! - whispered the air elementals. The three companions could feel the elementals gentlty beside them, as if only asking awaiting permission to be moved. Petal had a whirl of movement around her, air elementals obviously looking to see where she would go.

However, Deephold shrugged the attentions of the elementals away, to focus on what Petal had said. This time, Petal knew it was the real Deephold speaking, and not some vision. He looked at her with disappointed eyes at what she'd been further pushed to exress by her previous vision.

"There is one who serves Balance truly. I do not agree with his ethos, not one bit, and yet I respect his choices. The Grey Lord is the one that allows Trolins to dwell in his mountain. Why? Because he values the chaotic and the selfish as much as the lawful and the selfless. If there is no good and evil, there are still emotions and the restriction of them. He believes all life is equal, and until you opened your mouth now I assumed the same. You do not serve balance by wiping out one side or the other. I am a servant of Law, of Larethian, and of good. Yet IO will not raise my hand to those who are opposed to my ways unless I must. You cannot prove a negative. You cannot prove yourself that you are not affiliated to Chaos yourself, let alone prove without a doubt another is. You do not serve balance. You go to the Chaos of Lord Chaos, doing whatever is your whim and in your power without caring how the pendulum swings with your action. You are not balancing your emotions, you are turning from any pity you have and embracing a desire for revenge. I thought better of you. And I will not allow you to do what I do not beleive is within your ethos. At least, I hope it is not."

Meanwhile, even as Deephold lectured Petal's own knowledge was bringing her answers to the internal thoughts she had been confronting. She realised what the voice in her head meant. She had not escaped the mirror. This was real, she was here, but she was not free. The binding around her leg, that she could see if she focused her leg, was a representation of how she freed herself. Chaos had put his power around her body, knowing she would run from it, never be able to recombine with her body. However, she had found pity and compassion for even Chaos, or an aspect of Chaos, and in that act had managed to reuinte with herself.

However, she was not free. She had embraced Chaos's power, accepted the taint of it and let her own powers balance it and weaken her. and in the process its hold over her, in order to escape. She had done what Chaos would never concieve she would ever do, and yet it was still a shackle. She needed to do the thing she had promised she would not. She had to snap her link to that place, now she was aware of its insidious trailing. Otherwise, she would never be able to leave this mountain again.

Ok, leave it there. Ameena, Haynuus, the air elementals will move you across to where Westian and co are. Feel free to add that happening and say 'hello' Or you can stay and speak to Petal.

Raixel, Deephold will not leave unless you decide to go with the others, so you can continue the discussion. Or of course if you have said your piece, you can go contront the Trolins before Deephold (or maybe even the rest) manage to react.
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Post by beowuuf »

Westian's strong words were met with a strong reaction. In the case of Pullack and Karda, of course they were caught trying not to look weak, while also trying ot look supportive. They both grunted as self-deprocatingly as Trolin language allowed, and then looked suspiciously to the other, and of course still the cavern. Despite Westian's words, both the leaders knew how dangerous this place was.

Meanwhile, Uumack almost cheered at Westian's words, caught short by realising his leader wasn't about to do the same. Of course, the leaders' men did this, because the King was laughing, and cheering himself.

It was, therefore, bad timing that when Westian walked forwards with supreme confidence, the air sudden'y shifted and spun.

- WAIT! - came a loud howl of an air elemental. The air took on a solid nature, like a soft wall.

And then, in the aftershock, a small green butterfly - the same Westian had seen before - slowly but surely drifted down on the air and alighted on Westian's twisted staff.

Sorry for the slow update OB. If you aren't around today, you might find some players following on from the air elementals :) And no money and LB? :(
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena glances around nervously as the cavern shakes and a rock falls into the lake. Then, however, she brightens as the petal-dancer flutters into view, and stands fully upright, twitching her whiskers in welcome.
When the Air starts to try moving her, Ameena quickly puts the incomplete Soulstone back into a pouch and grips the ground for a few moments, holding on so that she won't be blown away just yet.
"Please can you bring Helm with us as well?" she asks. "There's a way we can make him live again, and for that we'll need to bring him with us."
This said (OOC - And assuming the Air Elementals do decide to move Helm as well), Ameena then lets go and allows the Air to lift her up once again, her whiskers going all over the place in the breeze. She enjoys the brief flight, wondering how many more times she'll be able to experience it. A flying murafu! What fun!
Then she sees what it is she's being brought towards - Westian! (OOC - And anyone else who's there...I've not been reading any posts from this group's PoV because my character didn't know they were there) And lots of blue troll-creatures. Interesting...
As she is set down on the ground nearby, she calls out happily.
"Westian! Ooh, and Falkor! It's been so long! Where did you go? What happened? And Aurek...it's good to see you again! And you, Serfarrel and Ardur - I thought you'd left completely. But my memory's been a bit strange lately. I'm so glad we've found each other again! But Westian, can you help us with Helm? But I think we ned to go back to..."
Then, somewhat belatedly, she remembers the presence of the big blue troll-creatures.
"Um. Hello..." she says, slightly nervously. But surely the Air and the petal-dancer wouldn't have just brought her up here like this if the creatures were going to try and kill her?

OOC - Edited to extend greetings to various other group members ;).
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Post by ian_scho »

At first Haynuus thought that it was the gigantic crack in the wall that was having an effect on the cavernous ceiling sending chunks of rock splashing into the water. Then it was the air elementals that pointed out that it may well have been the joining of the stone that had brought about the tremor. Ameena possessed a greater danger than trolins or elementals in Haynuus's mind and then she just nonchalantly popped it back into her rucksack!

The air elementals started to move them once more, Haynuus had total faith that they were in their domain and were not likely to sneeze and return the 'earth dwellers' back to their own lands with a squelch. "Oh I can take Helm." states the half orc, picking up the corpse by the head in one arm and giving it an orcish wink (Humans close one eye with a wink, orcs would never let anyone near them with even just one eye closed as it was too dangerous! Instead they imitate the same action with the head, bringing the back of the hand up to the opposite side of the face.).

He travels through the air once more, this time with a "Wheeeee!" and a less looser sphincter.

"Wheeee!...Westian!" A big rib crushing hug is ensued (probably one of the deceased Helm's that he's carrying over his shoulder and not one of the cleric's), completely ignoring the imminent danger of the trolins. "Falkor! You're a slippery customer! All is well I see." Then it's a jolly hand shake to Lord Farel/Ardur and a salute to Aurek. Finally his brain catches up with his eye nerves and processes images of lots of trolins "... Now what the fuck?!"
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Post by beowuuf »

Westian, Falkor and Aurek are all there, plus Sir Farel and his squire Ardur. On, and like 25 Trolins all told, including the Trolin king.

Oh, and Haynuus will recognise UUmack, who was the Trolin that killed his own dishonourable leader and let Haynuus go, and the female crossbow wielder (called Guree) that spoke up for Haynuus too.
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Post by ian_scho »

Speaking in orcish now. "Okay, so perhaps it is soon time for the trolins to find their place of peace within this world. Somewhere they can call their own and not have to fight over it. To not be used as pawns by greater powers, or cast as theives and outcasts..." Maybe he was lying it on a bit thick as Westian had probably already promised them a herd of goats or something for fighting the humans.
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Oooh, Farel and Ardur are back! Ooh yay :D. Add in excited greetings aimed at the other party members, then, to Ameena's post...Actually no, wait, I'll do it myself and edit that in now...
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by raixel »

Petal shakes her head. What was happening? She wants to respond to the dwarf, but how can she be sure that he was actually talking, now? Was the evil priest doing this? Was Chaos? She feels like a fool for not realizing what was going on sooner, giving in to her natural dislike of those who believe their convictions are the only 'true' way, and causing an argument with Deephold. She had no desire to continue the discussion, especially since she couldnt trust her own perceptions anymore.

"Sure you are, that affecting us that priest is not?" she asks. "For, said something you said to me. I heard, you did not actually speak. Worried I am. On our guard, we must be. Not now is the tme fr us to argue. Later, continue this we can." Then, as if it dawns on her what the dwarf's last sentence meant, she rounds on him, eyes blazing. "And Chaos, am not I. Never should say you such a thing!" she hisses, although there is far more pain and sadness than anger in her voice.

She ignores the dwarf then and turns back to the air elementals. Singing the Song of OH, she asks them to guide her where they wish her to go, while ruminating on her discovery of her situation. She doesnt feel like sharing it with her friends just then. She would have to tell them...about him...

And she knows they wouldn't understand.

As she flies along under the direction of the air elementals, getting ever closer to the Trolins, she sees a familiar figure. Forgetting her hate of the blue beings, she smiles, the pain falling away from her features.

"Westian! Ila-ne partui! Larethian-tilir, ne Alorthin-ta, illen partuain? Oh, ne halovi-nah!" she calls out in her own language, which although not exactly close to the Elven language, is close enough that the gist could be understood.
Westian! You are alive! You and Master Alorthin made it safely to Larethian's temple! I am so happy!
She flutters in the air around Westian, apparently overcome with emotion as she keeps on reaching out and touching him, as if to convince herself he is really there.

Then, she realizes a squad of trolins is standing nearby, although not attacking or acting in a threatenig manner.

"Westian, the trolins? With them, you are? Dangerous, they are? Mind-controlled them you did?" she whispers to the half-elf, while looking suspiciously around.
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Post by oh_brother »

This was when things started to get strange for Westian. His friends casually glided onto the ledge beside him, apparently having developed the gift of flight in the last few hours. Not only Haynuus and Ameena, but also the pixie he had not seen for a long time.

Maybe he was dead. People were calmly disobeying the laws of gravity, and old friends started to appear in front of his eyes. Maybe a Trolin had knifed him in the back, and now his life was flashing before his eyes.

Haynuus's violent hug brought him back to reality, and the burning sensation in his lungs as he struggled for breath reminded him that this was real. "Haynuus, good to see you!" he laughed. Confusion gave way to relief and happiness as he focused on the fact that his friends were safe and forgot about the strange manner of the their arrival. Haynuus switched to a strange language - orcish, by the sound - and spoke to the Trolins. Initial fear at what the half-orc would say subsided when he remembered the high regard these Trolins held him in.

Ameena seemed as excited as ever she greeted her friends. But a melancholy tone was obvious when she spoke about Helm. Looking at what he had thought was a sack draped of Haynuu's shoulder he realised that it actually was the remains of the thief. "Ameena, it is good to see you again. Helm is....oh, I am sorry..." he trailed off as he looked at the corpse. It looked like he was long past the point where Westian could help him, but he examined him anyway. His face was in deep concentration, but actually rather than trying to figure out a way to bring him back he was trying to figure out how to break the news to the poor murafu that her friend was gone. "I am not sure I can do anything at the moment". Seeing the downcast face of Ameena he quickly added "But we can find another altar of VI, I am sure of it. If his time on this plane is not over then we can ask the High Lords to return his spirit to his body."

It was at that point that Petal landed beside him. "
Petal! What are you doing here
?" he responded in elvish, in equal parts happy and confused to see his old friend. "
Yes, Master Alorthin made it safely to the monastery, he went into the lands of the humans to tell them what he had seen
". Continuing to speak in elvish, though in a casual ,chatty tone, he continued. "
Yes, they are with us. We are attacking the lair of those who wear dark armour (avoiding saying "blackskulls" in case the Trolins overhear and recognise the word). It is a means to an end.
" he laughed in a friendly manner, smiling broadly even though the smile was not reflected in his eyes.

Turning to the group as a whole he continued. "I am glad that you have come, we are about to launch an attack on the blackskulls and their leaders. This is the core of the Trolin army, ready to attack the quarters of the dark priest directly. This is the King of the Trolins" he stated grandly, "and his lieutenants Pullack and Karda."
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena looks up at Westian as the half-elf examines Helm's body.
"The Water says that maybe we can bring him back using something in the umm...you know, the area where...that elf person lives. Um. By the way, Soorec is...well, that person I just referred to, he got inside his head and also inside the grak-graks and they sort of...well, they killed him, basically. But...before that, Soorec made one of them kill Helm. And I think one of them killed me too, though I'm not sure I died that time."
She winces slightly, shifting a little from side to side as she remembers what it felt like to have her back broken by those horrible clawed hands.
"I don't know if there's something you have to do." she goes on. "If we can find one of those...Water-Altar things, I mean. I hope Helm can come back. If it doesn't work, then...well, then I just hope that the Blackskull people haven't already caught his soul and put it inside their armour."
When Westian introduces the troll-creatures she ventures a little closer to them, sniffing the air in their direction but not getting too close in case they decide they don't like something-that-looks-like-a-large-rat coming up to them.
"Hello, um...blue troll-creatures." she says, then addresses those Westian has intoduced by name. "Hello King. Hello, Pullack and Karda."
Then she addresses Westian once again.
"So...you mean you're gong to go and fight?" she asks, a little nervously. "Hurt people? Even...kill them?"
Her whiskers droop slightly as she contemplates this, but another thought suddenly butts in so she changes track as only a murafu can.
"Oh! By the way...I had to tell you..."
She also now addresses Falkor and Aurek.
She pulls out the piece of Soulstone.
"We found two pieces and they joined together when we put them next to each other! Now I think there's only two more pieces to go. I was trying to remember just before the Air brought us over here. One piece is...it's a lot bigger, I think, and I think the one who has it is some kind of...orc? Because he looked a bit like Haynuus only...more sort of...um...not human. And he was pretending to be...in charge, I think. And some of the Blackskull people followed him, and some followed someone else...I think it was...that person, you know. The one who works with that...Garax person. And then the last piece of the Soulstone is...I think it's with someone...something to do with them being two people. Two people at the same time, but they didn't like each other at all, and one of them didn't know about the Soulstone, and then...and then something went wrong, and when the Soulstone got fixed and the Grey One came back, the two-people person got really angry and...someone died...I think...and...and...the Grey One became the Dark One and destroyed the world, because I saw it when I went there before and he threw me through a crack in the wall only it became a crack in the ceiling after I landed at the bottom of it, and it looked just like that."
Aside from a brief pause to flinch her right foreleg on mentioning the "Dark One", Ameena's rate of speech increases somewhat as her explanation goes on, and she finishes up pointing one forepaw at the glowing crack in the opposite wall.
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Post by money »

so much had happened, the journey had been long but seeing Ameena and Haynus again created a sense of belief. For them all to have survived this long was a miracle... Perhaps a lord's/diety's wish for them to journey together one last time. "Haynuus, Ameena - it has been a long time. Many strange encounters and twists and turns in our fate along the way but alas, we are all together again." It was at this point, seeing the body of Helm, that Falkor gained a sense of reality - an understand that not all was right. Falkor knew that there were places where the soul and body could be once more re-united... if death had not passed too long. "Your friend, Helm, we can help him. If we get past these next few days, then all is not lost. He recalled his promise to the elf and the group of spirits who had pledged to aid him when the time came. He glanced at Haynuus and Ameena. "On your travels did either of you come across a staff, made from wood that has form like the water? or a pendant that bears the same markings? I promised a friend that I would return them to his Kin, a passing wish that I aim to honor."

He had their attention... "Give me a moment to reflect on Helms passing - wait for me."

Falkor knew this was risky, he had used the cloak many times without care or thought, but this place concerned him. Many had lost their lives here and he was not sure what he would find in the other plane. He hoped to meet with Helm, and his army of ghosts, but he knew that they could already be in battle - or worse.
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Post by ian_scho »

"I have seen no such staff, I think." says Haynuus in reply to Falkor. (What did Ameena pick up when we were with the two grak-grak's in the room before the cavern?) "I possess Westian's holy-magic-shiney symbol though!" and with that pulls it out, probably upside down and inside out if it were possible. "Here you go chap." and dutifully hands it over.

Listening to Petal talking to Deephold though, it perked up Haynuus's raw nerves. The dwarf had been a solid member of the party and to hear Petal question his very allegiance... It was unsettling.

Finally Ameena was the enlightening one. There was still so much he didn't understand, but maybe if they smash a few Blackskull bones things would work out okay in the end.
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Post by Ameena »

In response to Falkor, Ameena gives a negative whisker-twitch.
"I've not seen anything like that, no." she says. "There were a lot of things in Soorec's room, but I didn't have time to search. There were angry grak-graks and...and things. The only thing I found that has anything to do with water is this strange ball thing with a fish inside it. But all it seems to do is make Soulstone pieces glow, so I suppose that's no use till we're near to one of the others."
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by beowuuf »

Although tinged with the sadness over the death of Helm, and the hope of his restoration, mainly there seemed to be joy in the five heroes all finally being reunited. There was also the strange co-incidence of Petal knowing Westian to factor in, where clearly they had known each other in times passed, before the events that had altered both their lives. It made for six champions, linked by time and fate, finally coming together in one place. It felt oddly ominous. The fact that Helm, Deephold Sir Farel and Ardur had been swept up in the current of these heroes passage simply confirmed that feeling.

The dwarf Deephold had been worried over Petal's comments regarding seeing things, and also her obvious distaste in the comparison to Chaos. He nodded to her words at discussing thigns later, and was pleased that she - for now - was going ot move with the others towards the other side of the cvavern. Of course, all previous concerns ended for the moment when Deephold reluctantly allowed the air elemental to carry him onwards, and saw the group awaiting him.

"Westian! I did not believe it, no matter how many times they said it! You are here. You did for me!" Deephold shook his head, obviously amazed the cleric had of course followed so swiftly in Deephold's footsteps to this place. To Westian, the dwarf looked so different. A little more careworn for one. However, far more commanding outweighing that. And also, the Deephold Westian knew in the corridors of Larethian's Order was a studious and serious dwarf. Instead, here was an armoured and armed cleric, gripping a mace with the holy symbol of the order on it, banded armour gleaming in places. A hidden warrior where once there had been a scholar. Indeed, seeing Deephold together with Haynuus it because obvious that Haynuus now was wearign the armour of the order aswell, though why and where he got such a thing was obviously a story in and of itself.

Deephold then further surprised Westian by comign forwards, and at the appropriate interval between the rest, gripping Westian's arm tightly and giving him a warm smile. "Well, well," he said, then looked a little concerned around, even as Petal voiced such opinions on his company. "I knew you could talk Westian Dollomain, but really..." despite himself, despite the company, Deephold actually chuckled. It was clear that seeing Westian, and knowing Westian's drive had led to Deephold's freedom, touched the dwarf. It was unaccustomed emotion that made the dungeon seem all the stranger, and all the more remote from the temple.

"Aurek too?" Deephold even noticed, nodding his head with respect to the holy warrior. Then Deephold noticed Sir Farel and Ardur, as Ameena addressed them. "A Knight of Banville? Here?" asked Deephold, amazed.

"Varrette," said Sir Farel with a faint smile at the recognition, while bowing to Ameena, Petal and Haynuus then Deephold, the knight apparently realising that those he did not recognise were friends of those he had come to trust. Sir Farel noticed that Ameena was distraught over the thoguht of the battle to come, and walked over to her. "I share your feelings," he said quietly. "Yet Westian has said you have seen the future, and that it would be terrible if this venture failed." Sir Farel actually looked slightly suspiciously to Westian, then back to Ameena. "If you tell me that there is a way other than this violence, then I shall help you achieve it, no matter the cost to myself. And if you say there is no other way, then we must together find a way to mitigate it."

Deephold gave a raised eyebrow to Westian over their heads.

Of course, the Trolins were regarding the meeting, and the growing throng of people, with wide eyed suspicion. Pullack had Uumack on hand and Guree to quietly speak to him, pointing to Haynuus and speaking quickly. Pullack still regarded Haynuus suspiciously, but at least nodded his head in respect.

Behind Pullack, everyone could see that the Trolins he led were not exactly like the Trolins previously encountered by the group. To Petal, they looked differnt, less uniform and more individual than the Trolins she had seen attack her village. To Ameena and Haynuus, the Trolins seemed to have better equipment and armour than the basic trolins with clubs they had encountered in the top of the dungeon. Though Haynuus recognised the trappings as similar to the Trolins hehad faced in the cavern. Clearly, Pullack's men all equipped themselves well for trouble.

Meanwhile, the King with his four bodyguards simply stood his ground, subtly shifted so he was not behind anyone else, but was not stepping forwards to be in the line of fire either. The Trolin King wore a very human-like crown, and seemed to have an imperious tilt to his head, as if looking down his nose at everyone. Even though he was a touch shorter than Haynuus.

It was Karda, the other leader, who regarded the group with unfriendly eyes. He was a small and thin Trolin himself, but he had perceptive eyes. The Trolins he led were dressed in sleek weapons of reach, of with longbows, and had covered themselves with dirt that seemed to let them blend in with the surroundigns better than their austentacious companions.

Karda stopped giving unfriendly looks to Haynuus and the rest, and the King stopped being so detached, when Haynuus actually spoke up. "Yes!" said the Trolin King, laughing and nodding. "Now I see it! Now I see!" he looked to Westian with an odd smile. "Now I see why you come to Trolins for help! You know benefit of working with strong race! You know races like ours, what we want!" He turned to his men. "You see!"

Of course, the two other Trolins - even if they wanted to dispute anything - clearly couldn't anymore. Their King was impressed. Luckily, that distraction had allowed Petal and Westian to say their pieces without being noticed. Or if they had, no one had dared bring it up in the face of the King's enthusiasm.

The King was obviously trying to work out what was being said, however all the names - and certainly the swift speech of Ameena and the sylvan speech of Petal and Westian made it difficult. It was only when Ameena - who the King and others had called the talking pain rat, and looked at with amusement when she had tried to introduce herself - had mentioned the returnd of the Dark Lord, that the trolin King suddenly lost composure.

"WHAT!" he bellowed, standing to his actually impressive height, and puffing his chest out. All the Trolins actually took a step back. Even Westian realised, as short an acquaintence as he had possessed with the King - that such direct anger without any guile was unlike him.

"THE DARK LORD? THE BLACKSKULLS DARE RAISE HIM?" The Trolin King was shaking with rage. "I thoguht we need to fight Blackskulls before they kill us, they take land we given by Grey Lord. I thoguht they come here from scraps, running back here when Grey Lord not around. Last place they not beaten." The King draws his blade. "BLACK LORD CAPTURE ME! MAKE COPIES, CRUDE COPIES, ORDER THEM TO FIGHT LIKE...LIKE PAWNS OF PAWNS!" He waggled a sword to Haynuus, as if tknowing the half-orc knew what he meant. "I KILL BLACK LORD MYSELF IF HE SHOW FACE! I KILL ANY WHO RAISE HIM!"

While thwe Trolin King was clearly not able to harm Lord Chaos, it seemed clear to Westian at least that this wasn't some Trolin boast, nor trick. Clearly, the Trolin King was so angered at Lord Chaos that he would die fighting the High Lord without thought, for the sake of taking revenge. And for once, it was clear how The Trolin King had managed to keep and obtain power. For a moment, it seemed as if only a High Lord would stop the Trolin's anger in its tracks. Anything else in his path would be swept aside.

The King then settled himself down, his anger turning cold. "No Blackskull left alive!" he said quietly. Sir Farel's eyes fell, and he gave worried looks to the rest.

Of course, while the shaking of the cavern might have worried some, Haynuus's circlet finally postulated - once Ameena ahd re-iterated her travels to and from the future - that perhaps the soulstone itself was not the issue. After all, what was the effect of talking and thinking about things that had not hapopened and might now never happen, while standing close to a crack in time and space? The circlet also tried to tie up the instances in Haynuus's memory when the ground had shaken before. It did, indeed, seem to have a correlation to Ameena, or one of the others, invoking the future memories. The circlet further noted that it was getting harder to recall specific instances of the future. That trying ot recall them, they seemed to be flooded and erased in a white light.

Still, the circlet didn't have to be right. Perhaps the stone was a danger after all. Certainly, hadn't they combined it the first time and things had gone really wrong? Even Ameena said it.

Westian and Falkor found the odd dizziness trying to follow Ameena's comments, though both now had seen in to the future and knew there had been two paths. The two who were one had been Gholst, hidden inside Theron. for some reason Theron had allowed Gholst to possess him willingly, and that mistake had meant that when the Gry Lord was summoned, Gholst had enough power to attack Theron from within...

And as Ameena spoke of it, all who had witnessed that event, even though it had not happened, recalled the Grey Lord in pain. Recalled the Grey Lord flying out his hands at the group for some reason, even as his eyes were starting to redden. The Grey Lord had thrown them back here, pulling their past selves and their future potentials together in a desperate bit to stop what was happening from happening.

Of course, it appeared that there was far greater danger than simply the group making the same mistakes again, two weeks earlier than before. It appeared that Ameena had been pulled back (pushed forwards?) to that alternative future somehow. That comign back, she had opened a crack.

In Petal's mind, hearing what Ameena said, she realised that perhaps - just perhaps - the energy of this crack, this rip as two futures tried to co-exist - would be destroyed and seal if the alternative future lost its power. If what had occurred in the future Ameena had seen - in the future that, apparently, the others had experienced - was rendered impossible. Still, until then, Petal could see the three other lines of the future, the white cords in her minds eye - connected to Westian, Haynuus and Aurek. Until one future or the other was decided upon, it seemed as if the natural order was being tortured to breaking point.

Meanwhile ss Ameena produced the half of the soulstone, and spoke of the rest, it was noticeable that the Trolin King was very focused on it. There seemed to be something in his eyes. Something calculating.

However, Falkor's questions to his friends distracted from the matter for the moment. Deephold smiled as he recalled Haynuus had Westian's charm. "Take it, Westian. I understand you found it in the gnome's lair, where I hoped it would help a poor soul. I have something better, if you have lost yours." Deephold again hefted the mace, patting it proudly in a move Westian had once more never seen. At least some of the odd ways Deephold had been spoken of in the order, and the occasional tale Westian had heard, made sense.

As Ameena directed attention to the crack, and Falkor directed attention to the staff, the butterfly chose that moment to lift up from the staff's tip, and drift gentle back towards Ameena, settling on her shoulder. There was no disappearance this time.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Long update, kinda rambling, no real end. Because you guys will probably want to keep reacting to each other for a beat or two longer, and also some of the above if you can get through it.

Just a quick reminder about something Falkor just said. Ameena actually had the holy symbol he has spoken about, she pocketed it in the closed off room with the elf druid skeleton. And the curvy staff is, of course, the one Westian took and is holding. I think last time Falkor was not specific about the possessions. Or Westian wasn't aroudn to hear.

And gah, ever time I check in there's another update to accomodate, so I'm goign to post this right now unchecked, then go back and check it :p
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Post by beowuuf »

And if that wasn't enough, here is a separate update for Falkor's actions, once the group leave him alone :)

Once Falkor donned the cloak, shifting from view away from the rest, he immediately found himself in a strange landscape. The dull muted colours of the material world as seen through the ethereal plane were being lit up from several sources. The first was the crack on the cavern wall. Despite the huge distance that would usually be impossibly to see to, the crack was there in the distance, illuminating the landscape without illuminating it.

The water of the cavern was much easier to see, the water elementals all defined with a ghostly blue and green light, figures shifting in the water. Water that was otherwise like a pitch black tear in the world. The crack even highlighted the air elementals skipping around. They, too, were well definied, yellow light trailing aorund.

Closer to Falkor, the ethereal plane was back to its normal definition, however there was a source of white light close to him. It was the young woman again, standing and regarding something over his shoulder strangely. Lookign around, Falkor could see the form of Helm walking along, dragging his feet as if a desolate prisoner.

"He cannot leave. Trapped here, he is, by another's determination. I know that feelign well." The spirit woman was again speaking clearer than she had before. Why? Was it her association with the group that made her more aware of her surroundings, or was there something that happened the deeper in to theis place she appeared?

The girl then turned to Falkor. "It was not his time though. As short as my life was, it was mine. My death was my fault, accident though it was. His death was no natural, he was not to blame." She pointed Falkor's attention to Helm. "He is afraid. He wants to leave, and feels trapped. But it is not his time. He is afraid to come back, but, perhaps....he still wants to."

Money, Falkor can ask a quetsion or two before the next part happens.

Suddeny, the girl stands up quickly, moves back swiftly. "The other. The other is coming. I can see him, smell him. You should leave. You must leave. I will find you again when he goes, so I can take your words to the others you spoke with. So I can keep a watch on your friend.."

The ghost girl moved away, while Falkor realised there was a dark shadow coming for mthe direction his friends had left. It was like a begger, shuffling across the ground. Darkness clung to it like rags. It dragged itself along as if it could not stand.

And we'll leave that little sectionthere. Though obviously it happens after everyone leaves the cavern, or at least moves forweards towards the area under where the waterfall used to be, and leaves Falkor alone for a minute! :)
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To see Helm spirit looking so desolate and broken brought a deep sadness to Falkor. He was eager to talk to Helm, perhaps bring him some hope, some consolation, but it was not the right time. He turned his attention back to the girl... "Who are you? Why are you helping us? Do you know how I can bring Helm back - is there some magic that can restore his life?"

Time was short - the girl looked nervous and he knew it wouldn't be long before events took over.

OOC: Assume this is before I'm warned to leave?
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Post by raixel »

Petal looks around at the humans, and the....small human. She doesnt introduce herself, however, feeling uncomfortable around such big and heavily armored beings, not to mention a squad of trolins. Instead she hovers close to Westian, apparently happy to find a familiar face in this place. She listens to his and Deephold's conversation.

"Wait, wait" she interjects before turning to the dwarf. "Knew Westian, you do? Say so, why did you not?! Of my village, Westian is a hlorith
ally, as in saying 'elf-friend or dwarf-'friend'. Means you are very respected.
. Him, it was, who was the person by the Temple of Larethian in He'lioth sent. My master Alorthin, he was to meet with, and take to the Temple, about Chaos' rise to discuss the resistance. Thought I had that killed by the army of..." she strops and glances at the trolins. "...they were." She smiles at he dwarf, and seems friendlier to him, as if by knowing Westian the dwarf's abrasive manner and different views does not bother her as much.

She looks around again, trying not to glare at the trolins. But if Westian trusted them, at least for now, so would she. However, when the large trolin with the crown starts yelling, she shoots into the air in fear, ready to attack st a moments notice. However, the large creature was just apparently making a point, as it doesnt begin to strike out at anyone and calms down. She returns to Westian's side, shaking in reaction.

Her alerted state makes her notice the three white cords coming from some of her companions and leading back to the crack. She ruminates on Ameena's words. Two futoures...three cords... "Ameena, see those objects, I can?" she asks the murafu. "Perhaps, the use of them, Mana will tell us."

If Ameena agrees, Petal will use her magic senses to examine the soul stones and the ball thing Ameena found, before handing them back to her. Knowledge arc (1d20+8=25)
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Err, elf druid skeleton? /blank look...My inventory list contains the following - belt with pouches, water-flask, string, 2x healing potion (3d6), the weird fish-ball thingy, and the semi-complete Soulstone. I don't remember encountering any kind of skeleton, elven or otherwise (though how you'd know it was elven since surely underneath all the flesh and stuff they must look much the same as humans I have no idea ;)). Maybe you're getting confused with someone else? The only elf I recall meetin gis Dolo, and while he's not exactly a bulky chap, he's not what I'd call a "skeleton" and obviously he's no Druid either. And I had thought of Westy's staff but I thought it more tree-related than Water, and I thought Westy and Falkor had been together a while so would have had a chance to notice/mention it, /shrug.

BIC - Ameena flinches backward as the troll-creature called "King" suddenly starts yelling and shouting about his...what's the word...hatred...of the Dark One. Though he seems to calm down momentarily, his comment about leaving no Blackskulls alive makes Ameena wonder whether she should try to persuade him otherwise.
"I think the Dark One would be as bad to the other people as he was to yours." she tries, after edging forward a little and standing upright in order to address him. "I mean...I think he doesn't like life, really. He just likes to...mess it up. If we don't manage to do what we're trying to do, then...um...even though you've got all those...weapons, to smash things, he'll smash everything up a lot worse. He'll smash up the whole world, and it'll be all red and...and fiery and...and he'll stand there watching it and I suppose that'll mean he's all alone. But inside, he's someone else, I think. The Dark One likes to destroy everything, but he's two people, like...like that other person, the one with part of the Soulstone. He's the Dark One and the Grey One at the same time...because...because I think he changed from one to the other when something happened to the other two-people person. I don't think the Blackskulls did that. They just did what the two-people person told them to do. Or at least, one of the people inside the two-people person. The Blackskulls just get ordered around and told what to do, and I don't even know whether all of them chose to become Blackskulls. People might have made them. And...and...if you go around hurting people or killing them, then they won't be able to tell you things. Like where to find the rest fo the Soulstone to bring the Grey One back so he can make everything right. Because I think that's what he'd do, but it went wrong last time because...I don't know. I think one of the two-people died and it made him angry. So...so if you don't kill anyone, then you can ask them where to find...the people...in charge...and...and meanwhile maybe you can just lock up the people you've beaten and then laugh at them and then they'll know they've been beaten but they won't be able to do anything about it, rather than being dead and being able to just disappear...well, actually, if you killed people you might even make the Blackskulls stronger, because they put souls in their armour which must come from dead people, and that's why their armour has faces on it, because it has the spirits of people who they killed. I think."
She falls silent, wondering whether she said anything the troll-creature might understand. She isn't used to talking of things like leaders and of taunting the enemy - those are concepts that just aren't part of the Murafu existence. So, by partial guesswork, she hopes she's managed to say something which will appeal to King and his troll-people in some way, and hopefully persuade them not to just kill everyone they come across.
Meanwhile, Petal asks Ameena if she can look at some "objects". She wonders which ones, then realises what the pixie means and first pulls out the Soulstone.
"I think the...fish-ball...might make this glow a lot." she cautions. "At least, it did last time I touched it - that was how I knew where to find the piece in Soorec's room..."

OOC - Ameena lets Petal look at the Soulstone and the fish-ball, though if the latter causes the former to glow brightly like it did before, she'll wait till Petal's done with the Soulstone so she can put it away and then give her the fish-ball to look at afterwards. And then she'll put that away too, when Petal is done with it :).
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Just after the Soorec room, and while waiting for the grak-graks to break through the wall and take you eventually to the cavern. Ameena went in to a small room with a broken door, and pulled out the wavy staff and the symbol (the staff being tough because Ameena had to drag it). I think the symbol went almost immediately to her pouch, and perhaps you forgot to mark it as fast as Ameena forgot it!

I perhaps didn't give you the elf description on the skeketon then, I'd have to check. After all, it was a skeleton! The druid thing was maybe hinted by realising it was a nature staff, though of course he oculd have just found it like you guys.
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“We will find an altar to bring him back, as soon as possible,” he stated reassuringly. In the meantime he whispered a brief prayer over the body, part of the last rites. In the absence of anointing oil he dabbed some water from his drinking flask onto the cold forehead of the thief before standing up again.

He gratefully took the holy symbol from Haynuus. Eyeing the armour the half-orc was wearing curiously he arched an eyebrow and commented “Another convert to Lord Larethian’s cause? Will wonders never cease” he smirked.

With that the sight of the dwarf grabbed his full attention. “Brother Deephold!” Westian was about to rush forward to embrace him, but then remembering his position he stopped short, somewhat awkwardly, in front of him. Despite what he had done over the past while, the presence of an old mentor made him feel like a young novice again, and the praise from the old dwarf gave him a surge of pride. When Deephold offered his hand he gratefully accepted it with both hands and shook vigorously. “I am so glad to see you again! I was sent to see what had become of you, but I see my friends found you first.” Petals comments almost made Westian blush with pride, especially coming as they did in front of a superior. “Yes, I visited Petal’s village as part of the delegation to see what was upsetting the forest dwellers so much. It seems they were right to be worried” he added more seriously “but I never guessed just how right.” Petal’s mention of an army made him pause for a second as he wondered what she meant. Had armies attacked the surface already? That was a question he would have to bring up delicately when he got the chance.

But it was the King’s sudden outburst that caught everyone’s attention and quelled all further discussion, at least for now. Westian nodded sagely as the King spoke. “Wise words, and brave ones.” Looking to the rest of the group he elaborated “Dark times indeed are coming if we do not stop the rise of Lord Chaos. It seems Ameena has foreseen the future, and it is a future of Chaos,” he said sadly, implying that this was news to him too. “But it does not have to be this way, the future is not written in stone. We chosen few alone in this world have the chance to strike at Chaos. We cannot let anything divert us from this path. This is why we must fight, and put aside any differences. The assault is already underway – a Trolin army as we speak are attacking the front lines of the blackskulls. We must attack their flank, and fight our way to their leaders to prevent their grotesque plan to bring about the Dark One’s return.”
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - Oh...I vaguely remember that room now. Um...maybe I did forget the symbol then. Ugh, I suppose I'll have to backtrack through that whole pile of posts and see if I can find the bit with that room, then, in case I gave the symbol to someone else. Ameena might have just shoved it into a pouch to look at later and for some reason I may have forgotten to add it to the inventory list...if that's true then I'll need to retcon what she's just told Falkor about not knowing about it, since she wouldn't have lied (murafu don't do that) and if I'd remembered she had it, then so would she and would have produced said item in order to show him and ask whether that was it. Assuming it was close enough to Falkor's description, that is.

BIC - While Petal examines the Soulstone and the strange fish-ball, Ameena listens to Westian with growing concern.
"Why must we fight?" she asks, with uncharacteristic (for a murafu) weariness in her voice. "All this fighting, all the time. Sometimes you can get what you want without fighting. There are murafu living in many big places...cities, you call them. And plenty of other places besides. We live there and eat and survive, and don't hurt anyone. But we do it in secret, mostly, because people usually try to kill us if they see us. So we hide from them, and don't tell them we're there, and so they live their lives, and we live ours, happily enough. We get what we want - to explore the places these people live and find out what it's like. And they get what they want - to live their lives without seeing creatures that make them scared or angry for some reason. You don't have to hurt people to get what you want. You can sneak around them, or distract them and run past, or even make friends with them, though many people never seem to consider that the Murafu might be friendly. I've sneaked past Blackskull people before. I can be quiet. I can take things without people noticing. I know what we need, and I have a way to find it. I can show you. We can come up with some kind of...plan. Together, surely, we can think of more than just hurting people to do what we need to do. It doesn't take any thinking to hurt someone - you can just do it. It can take thinking to find a way not to hurt someone. There's plenty of us, and we can all think of things. So let's think of another way. Please?"
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Post by beowuuf »

Falkor's question bring the young woman's attention back to him for a moment. "I am my brother's sister," she says, sadly. "He has accomplished so much in his life, and yet under such a cloud. His pain draws me here and keeps me here, and my presence here keeps him bound. IF only he could let go, we would both be free." The girl actually looked ot Falkor. "I can see in your heart, and the heart of your companions. I can see by your actions the good in you. You have made me whole by your understanding and empathy, that is why I can and will help you. I know, when the time comes, you will help both of us."

The girl looks back to Helm sadly. "You go to the place where you can reunite your friend's soul with his body. Though someone must speak to him, draw him back to his full self as you have done to the spirits around. He, too, must learn to let go of fear and live again."

Obviously, the shadowy figure appears here and she speaks.

The group had moved onwards towards the waterfall area as it had been, and what was now an impressive cavern behind. They were moving away from where Falkor had dallied, with the air elementals dancing around at the edges, apparently speaking even faster and higher than Ameena regarding what she was saying. There were dsturbances in the air where the elementals went ot speak to their fellows closer to the crack. And also the lake was occasionally brushed as some also spoke to their cousins in the water. The area of the lake close to the gorup was dead calm, very different from how it had once been. Clearly, for the moment, the events that had occurred here with Haynuus, Deephold, Ameena and Petal had still left a mark not quickly forgotten nor recovered from.

Petal was able to take the items from Ameena, applying her knowledge and intuition to the items. Of course, the first clue as to what the fishbowl was, was in the fact that - to Petal - it was not a fishbowl.

To her, the bowl was instead a spinning ball, even though she could feel in her hands the item was not moving. Deep inside was a small, furry creature. Tantalisingly, it was like a bika, and yet not quite. It seemed to walk forwards endlessly, as if on a journey, the destination of which the mind could become facinated in discovering. Occasionally it would caper, doing forward and backlips or cartwheels, its brown fur showing up golen streaks of gilded fur, its blue eyes shining like sapphires.

Petal knew the globe was showing her, in a way, what she wanted to see. Something oddly facinating, to draw her attention in. It probably liked to show a person something the opposite of what it was, and yet something harmless. Draw their attention and wonder. And while a persona's attention was so fixed, that part of their mind engaged, the sphere could then draw their attention to somethign external, to something they were fixated upon.

Why Soorec had it, what it is actually meant for, who knows :) Anyway, what does Petal subconsciously want right now - what object or location or person? I know I know, very Pirates of the Carribean, but I liked it as an idea anyway :)

Meanwhile, now the soulstone is stronger, and very liekly closer to the other parts of it, she can feel its purpose well. It contains a connection to the essence of the Grey Lord himself. That was very powerful, although one could go mad trying to draw any power from him in this way. Instead, its use seems more for him to be able to allow his essence to still exude and connect to the dungeon around. Shattered, his hold on the creatures and evil has slipped. However, were it to be restored, many thigns would be bound once more. And more importantly, the Grey Lord would once more feel the connection of his dungeon, and know what occurred.

However, Petal could not feel the connection at the moment, and realised the stone would need to be whole for it to have its effect. Still the fact the parts glowed most definitely indicated the Grey Lord was alive somewhere. The stone felt pure, she was sure it would not feel like this is he were harmed or corrupted.

Meanwhile, the petal dancer stayed with Ameena, occasionally flapping its wings but not taking off. OCcasionally, two elementa;s would mentiong the 'little one' and briefly brush Ameena's fur while apparently seeking to brush up on the wings of the petal dancer. Whatever was being communicated, it was too subtle for Ameena to understand.

Deephold looks confused that Petal seems to claim greater knowledge of Westian than Deephold, and that for some reason the connection had not been obvious. "Perhaps we were too good at hiding Westian's name and thoughts of him from the priest," says Deephold. "Westian is an able cleric of my order." Westian almost spotted the usual backhanded complimenting about to start, but the pretence broke. "I have taught him as I myself have learned, however I do believe he will surpass me." There seemed to be some sadness regarding that. Still, it was quickly gone in the joy of seeing Westian, and then of course gone to the serious mask of duty as the dwarven cleric nodded to Westian's words.

"Petal here fears the dark priest is already starting to attack out minds. Fear, doubt, anger. These are all emotions the priest can and has used against us. He cannot commbat emotions he does not feel. Pity, comradeship, honur, duty. Ameena herself was threatened with the darkest magics of the priest, and yet she stands before us all unscathed."

Deephold gave a worried look to Petal, but it was once again friendlier as he realised her connection to Westian. "I believe our noble pixie has been beset by the priest too, and has every reason to succumb to hger emotions even without his pressure. And yet she has come here to join the assault."

The Trolin King actually listened to Ameena's previous comments. Not her quick speech on the Grey Lord and Lord Chaos, somethign that Deephold was quick to try and disguise, giving her a meaningful look. After all, there were not many who were supposed to know thet the Grey Lord and Lord Chaos were one. The Grey Lord could be in danger from those wishing revenge, or wishing their old master returned, should such knowledge become widely known. And plus Deeephold had perhaps spotted that the Trolin King was not entirely enthusiastic regardign the idea of combining the Soulstone, and seemed even less enthused regarding talk of the Grey Lord coming back.

However, on the subject of defeating enemies to gloat, he actually laughed at the idea,seemingly tickled by it. Ameena's further comments on not fighting though,were met with disgust. However, the king still seemed unsure of the sublect of the the Blackskulls apparently becoming stronger through the dead - any dead. The king drew his teeth back ,and looked to his leaders for confirmation.

All the rest seemed lost, and he looked to Westian. "What say you, priest? Can blackskulls use dead against us? Make themselve strong? IS it dangerous to kill, is it less satisfying? Or is it more dangerous to leave live enemy get angry and plot while you gloat? You alreayd decided once, after all?"

The King was perhaps trying to take the reins of the situation a little, give Westian's growing base of support that now seemed to equal any of the leaders on this assault, reminding Westian of what the cleric had done under the King's direct taunting and command. There were a few sneers from some of the Trolins, though Uumack glared at any that came from his own group.

Sir Farel's expression, which had been contemplative at Ameena's words, become dark, and Ardur blanched visibly. Deephold expression was questioning, especially noting the reactions around Westian.
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena gives a welcoming whisker-twitch to the petal-dancer (OOC - Because I forgot to post a reaction before) as the little creature settles back in its welcome place on her shoulder.
When King speaks to Westian and seems to imply that the half-elf has perhaps done some kind of killing before, Ameena looks up at him worriedly, especially noting the reactions of the surrounding troll-creatures, and of Serfarrel and Ardur. She is tempted to ask what has happened, but supposes that perhaps Westian will decide to explain it anyway.
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Post by raixel »

OB and I secretly decided that Westian and Petal knew each other previously, as Westian visited her village before it was destroyed, as an underground resistance was being built due to rumors of an army of Chaos maurading about. We wanted to surprise everyone. So basically, Westian and Growlgra arrived (Westian as as an envoy from the Temple of Larethian, and Growlgra as an emmisary from the bika) to discuss with Master Alorthin the rumors that *something* was happening and Chaos might be coming back. Then Westian and Alorthin left to go back to the Temple, and hopefully warn the races of man (who really didnt seem to give a shit). This explains why Alorthin wasnt there during the attack (the real reason being I hadnt created him yet) and Growlgra was. Most of the pixies were unaware taht this was going on, although the village elders and council knew. Petal kinda knew, but she was still the equivelant of a teenager at that time and was still just an apprentice so she wasnt really privy to a lot of the info. It also kinda hints what Growlgra and Westian are doing wandering around Zangermarsh waning a trip back to the elf and human lands, eh? ;). And Petal subconciously wants to knw that she isnt responsible for Wuuf's death, and that Growlgra is alive.

Petal hands Ameena the objects back and says quietly. "Think I, the key is those stones. To make them whole, we must. A connection to the Grey LOrd they have. Broken, sense he cannot these passages. But if whole it was, know what happened here he would. At least I can feel, alive he is, and uncorrupted. But I fear that unless fix the stones we do, alive and sane he might not stay."

"The other globe, know I not. But a fish you say it was? See that I did not. Instead saw I did a creature walking and dancing. Growlgra, my bika friend it did remind me of. Somehing this globe about, senses it odes what you want to see, and draws within you it does. Dangerous or not it is I dont know, however warn you I would to be cautious with it.

She turns to the two clerics and nods at Deephold's mention of the evil priest. "Yes. Dangerous that one is. Aware of his mental attacks it is hard to be, and affected I or anyone could be. If any of us should think we feel his touch, at once we should tell others. If allow him we do to affect us, already won he has, as we would fight amongst ourselves and easy prey we would be for his darkness." She smiles ruefully at Deephold. "And as much as disagree we do on the Nature of Being, friend dwarf, one thing agree on we do, that stopped that one must be, lest his darkness he spread."

She listens to the trolin king, but says nothing, instead watching the area around the group carefully.

perception (1d20+5=13)
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Post by oh_brother »

“Yes, I am guilty” Westian stated plainly. “Guilty of fighting to stop this evil from destroying our world. From taking our homes, our friends, our families. Who here would do differently? Who here would refuse to fight when called to? And if you did refuse, would you then accept responsibility for the countless dead innocents that would follow?”

“There is no easy way. We are here at the centre of a plot to destroy our world. We did not ask to be here, but that does not mean we can turn away from our responsibilities.”

“I am no monster” he said quietly, his eyes sad and his face downcast. “None of us here are monsters” he continued gently, trying not to look at the giant blue monsters around him. “If there is a way that reduces the toll of these dark hours then we should take it. But there is no reasoning with the dark priest. No reasoning with the warlords who may soon swarm the surface, if they have not already.” He eyed Petal as he spoke; remembering her recent comment about fearing her Master had been killed by some army.

“I do not know if killing makes the soul armour stronger. But you are right Ameena, that is something we should think about.” He did not want to tell the Trolins that fighting was wrong, but this gave him some excuse to advocate at least fighting with care. “Perhaps it would be best to avoid killing them where possible, to be safe. It would be better if we could get them to renounce their dark leaders – one of them, Passin, seemed willing to do this already. But we should remember what the Cult of Death is. The souls in their armour must be freed. The Cult must be broken up, one way or another. They cannot be allowed to remain in this mountain. And their leaders must be stopped.”

In order to distract the Trolin King from any seemingly pacifist sentiments he had made he finished “And Lord Chaos must be fought with every ounce of strength we posses, even if we must sacrifice our very lives to keep him from the world. Otherwise all is lost.”
Last edited by oh_brother on Thu May 05, 2011 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by money »

Falkor turned to Helms spirit... "Helm, stay with us, we will return you to your former self soon enough." turning back to the girl "I will leave now, but will be back when you give me the signal. Thankyou for helping, if you can guide Helm - our friend - for now that would be great."

Falkor returned to the material plane once more...
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Bugger, lost my post with a "no post mode specified" error. What a *$%]}^[!
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Post by beowuuf »


Raixel and Ameena experienced somethign similar, no idea the solution other than backspace and try again. I get an invaild submission if I leave the post too long, hiowever usually I cna press submit again and it works.
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Really?! Will try that. The backspace attempt didn't work

Haynuus listened to Ameena's please for peace with sympathy. He was in no doubt however that violence was imminent and that he'd bet his sanity on it. He felt a little uneasy at first that they had differing futures that could happen, or was it unsettling the fact that it was possible to see their own future? This didn't change the fact that in his own mind he was someone that would make his own future, for good or for worse. He supposed that seeing so many futures was kind of like looking back into your own past - you could learn from it.

Apart from that Haynuus kept mostly quiet. He assumed that bringing back the Grey Dude would be a good thing and that the soulstone should be cat gutted[+]... Well magically joined together. The only other way was to find Theron.

[+] Orcs used catgut extensively only without actually possessing any cats... Goblins intestines. Lots of these lying around instead (and sometimes running away attached to their owner too).
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Post by Ameena »

OOC - With the "No post mode specified" thing, I get it not just in the DM forum - I get it in my other forums, and I also get the equivalent in pretty much any website that has any kind of enter-info-and-press-submit thing (so, Obsidian Portal, when logging into stuff like Hotmail or whatever...though it's never done it on a Google search...but basically what happens is I submit whatever it is I've entered and get taken to some kind of error screen (varies depending on the website, so for a PHB forum or whatever it is the DM forum uses, it's the "No post mode specified" thing), then just press Back and resubmit and it works...I don't get this error all the time, but fairly often. It's weird and kind of annoying but I have no idea what causes it so I don't know if there's anything I can do about it. Maybe there's some kind of error with Firefox? It's like the page "reads" my tex box (or whatever it is) as empty even though I've typed stuff in it, so when I submit it it goes "Oh, you didn't enter any info..."...that's certainly what I basically get told on OP anyway. But I'll always highlight a post and hit Ctrl+C whenever I'm gonna try sending anything like a forum post or whatever, in case it isn't retained when I go back (or there's some other error) so I don't lose it.

BIC - Ameena lowers her gaze, looking downward unhappily.
"I don't want to fight." she says. "I...can't. Murafu don't do that. We'll fight if we're cornered, if we really need to defend ourselves, but...we're not true predators. We don't go hunting for creatures in order to hurt them. We don't understand this way others have, the way they can just harm others. I know things will go badly if we don't stop these people from...from doing whatever it is they do, but...there's always another way. There's always some way of doing things without ending a life. Death happens to everyone, but it isn't right to force it upon someone. And if you kill someone because they kill others, then it makes you the same as them, killing because you think you should. The Murafu have a saying - A friend is for life, life is for friends. It means that if you have a friend, then you're friends until one of you dies. And that you live for your friends, to be with them and spend time with them, enjoying life but also willing to give your life for them, if they need your help or if they're in trouble."
She looks up and around at those gathered (well, except the blue ones).
"You're all my friends." she says. "And I'd want to be with you in order to help you. But...I can't help you if you're going to fight people. If you're deliberately going to hurt others. That's just...it isn't what murafu do. So...I don't know what I should do. Being alone is probably the worst thing for a murafu, but...if you're all going to go and start trying to hurt people, then...then I don't know what I can do."
She lowers her gaze again, trying to think of what she can do. They want to go and attack the Blackskulls, it seems. Well, perhaps except for Serfarrel, going by what he told her. She can't go with them if that's their plan. It's not her way. It's not the way of the Murafu, and she is one and will always be. She can't change her nature, nor would she ever want to. She probably can't do anything to stop the fighting, either. She wonders vaguely whether she could just sneak in by herself and maybe get the Soulstone fragments that way.
But then she'd be alone.
She also dimly wonders what Petal meant when she said that the fish-ball thing didn't show her a fish. It showed her a...beeka? What's one of those? Normally she'd already have asked about it by now, but she's somewhat distracted. Then why did she see a fish? Fish don't have any particular significance to murafu. They just live in water and sort of...swim about. Their scales sort of gleam prettily when the light catches them. And somewhere there are really big fish, with big teeth and things. The predators of the watery world.
Half-disappearing into her own thoughts, she settles back onto her haunches and tries to think up some kind of escape route from this horrible convoluted path of violence the rest of the group seems to want to travel down.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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