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Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:41 pm
by Gambit37
I knew you'd used some, didn't realise how many! It's cool, I'm glad they got some use, they would have ended up rotting away on my hard-drive.... :D

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:17 pm
by Zyx
He, aren't you curious to see your creations in life? Err, I mean in the dunge.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:24 pm
by Gambit37
Would love to.... too busy creating at the moment, no time for playing... ;-)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:07 pm
by zoom
well, it happened again.
I am stumped as to how to rename a pagename.

I have found an error in "WillowWisp", should be "Will o Wisp" .

this is the line: at monster list, when I edit.

| [Will o Wisp | ConfluxWillowWisp]

If I change the second part, the link destination (ConfluxWillowWisp) the link will obviously break, I cannot change the target page`s description.
Paul, could you point out please in detail, where /what I should
change for the link to work? You told rename would be the easiest, but how and where do I accomplish this?
It is frustating. uuugh :o

ps: I seem to be awkwardly moving on the wiki. Is there a button to
change one level above in the tree of pages? like cd.. in dos mode.
I always click the php logo in the upper right corner to get to the main
page , then click on conflux III on the button and so forth to reach one
page I could reach by going back 2 times.. Backspace does not always work , if I need a parallel page. Well, you know what I mean. hopefully!

I think it would not hurt to have a little link on the confluxIII page,
which tells something about the fact that it is like the Atari Version.
(For people who come from the amiga game version)

Items are blue on the dungeon view, you cannot drink out of fountains without proper items and you can run into your spells and thrown objects. Also, but I am not sure, you are not able to press buttons of doors while the handcursor is not vacant.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:41 am
by Paul Stevens
Renaming only works if you ar the owner of the page.
Sorry....I had not noticed that. Let me see if
that can be easily changed.

I have changed the page 'ConfluxWillowWisp'
to 'ConfluxWilloWisp'. The automatic changes to
links did not work.....perhaps because the link
is in a table????? I don't know. But I fixed it.

There is no 'Tree of Pages'. This is a network.
like the URLs in internet links. Everything points
to everything else. There is a 'BackLinks' capability
but it appears not to work when the links occur
in tables. :cry: I use the 'Back' button on my
browser a lot for this purpose.

If you want to add a link on the ConfluxIII page,
you are free to do so. That is what it is all about.
We trust each other not to add porn. I think the
only page you cannot edit is the 'Home' page.
Let me know if it seems otherwise.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:12 am
by beowuuf
Zoom, if you use any new browser it will have tabs, just open up multiple tabs for each page you are owrking on - or even multiple pages!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:41 pm
by zoom
ok, Paul and a good idea Beo!

I got this message attempting to get to the wiki:

Internal Server Error

Process limit exceeded for uid 10756 [24 >= 24].

edit> now it worked..

we could add>
if you are interested in making custom dungeons on your own, visit
[link to dianne paul net]
you will find documentation on the editor called csbuild next to other
things concerning the engine used [csbwin]

other custom dungeons can be found at ...dungeon master forum


where do we put DSAs?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:19 am
by Paul Stevens
I had not thought the wiki would be
a source of documentation for the
editor or engine. It was, at least
originally, a walkthrough/hint source.

Let us keep it that way until it is well-
established. Unless there is a loud cry
from the peanut gallery.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:03 pm
by zoom
I am fine with that! :)

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:06 pm
by Paul Stevens
You can practice map editing: ... id=Level00

Only Level00 and 01 are present. You can save your work
but it is being stored in a temproary area and will
eventually be lost. The 'popup' information will
not be shown on the editing page. There is no
protection from graffiti artists...any bozo can come
along and ruin things. But it is a demonstration of
my plans.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:56 am
by Paul Stevens ... id=Level01

You can view levels 0 and 1 without
a password but you need a password
to edit: ... id=Level01

I am using the website's password protection
capability. I will have to enter and user/passwords

Next, I want to provide the popup information
on the 'Viewer' site but not on the 'Editor' site.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:11 am
by ian_scho
(Off topic, but...)
Gambit37 wrote:my "stolen from lots of other games" monster library! :-)
I thought of doing something like this once.... Where is it?! I've searched and can't find it, thx.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:40 am
by Paul Stevens
Go to: ... fluxLevels

Level 3 has a 'View Map' and a 'Notes'.
The map has red pixels in any square with

Feel free to edit the notes for level 3
or for any other level.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:09 am
by Antman
I can't seem to login into the Wiki. Is my user name Antman? I'm using the password you gave me but it doesn't seem to work.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:11 pm
by Parallax
The user name is case sensitive, not just the password. I know it stumped me for a while. Otherwise, no clue.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:55 am
by Antman
Sorry, my problem was I was trying to edit the maps, logging on to anything else works fine. Do you need a different password to edit the maps?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:45 am
by Paul Stevens
The maps are not part of the wiki.
They are ordinary HTML pages.
They are protected by a different
mechanism. I can add you with the
same user/password or different.
Let me know what you want.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:06 am
by Antman
The same user/password would be excellent thanks.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:47 pm
by Paul Stevens
Antman: It is done.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:47 pm
by Parallax
Could I also get added, please? Same username and password

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:11 pm
by Paul Stevens
Parallax: It is done.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:39 am
by Antman
I updated the maps with all of what I know.

Still unmapped, Guild endings, underwater level, giggler maze, altars of nightmare, rose, love, ancient doors and assault, the trial and hell areas, parts of the clockwork maze, the wasp/teleport puzzle in Xanathar's realm, everything I've forgotten and the biggest: everything I've missed or haven't found. Hopefully someone can full these areas in, I would go searching with the window spell but the fizzing spell bug is crippling my game : (.

Edit: The emerald forest.

in a hurry

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:53 am
by T0Mi
For adding the FAQ collected from the discussion thread, which purpose is to help the casual player with tendency to peek, giving hints but hiding detailed infos, I'll need a login too.
No need for the rank before I've added something (or after).

These are things I've started, and these things I would like to finish (in one way or another).
The FAQ, the geek code, leftover features and a good ending for the smootening. ;-)


Re: in a hurry

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:50 pm
by Paul Stevens
T0Mi wrote:I'll need a login too.
User/password sent via Private Message.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:03 pm
by Parallax
I may get to take a look at the maps on Sunday. By the sound of it, there is much I could add to it, although some stuff is out of my reach as well. Altar absolute locations, in particular.

For people trying to locate places absolutely, here's a list of my tricks.

1) If you can connect it back to a known place without going through any teleporter (stairs are OK, but watch your compass), do it.
2) If you can't, try using the seethroughwall spell
to locate an already mapped place.
3) If you think you can see an already mapped area, but are not sure, go to the square you think you see and drop a few plasma or other items on the square you think you see, on the subtiles that are away from the wall. If the next square over is empty, drop a few items there too. Return to the previous place and check.
4) If you look at a door sideways through a wall, the frame will not be displayed. Keep it in mind. Same goes for stairs that have the wrong orientation.
5) If you cannot even figure out what level you are on, try removing all light sources. If you can still see, you are on the Guild level.
6) Cast FUL. If you are on the Mines level, you will know.
7) Cast the treasure hunting spell. Depending on the level, and whether you already found some treasures, you will know either your exact level, or whether you are on levels (Guild to Apprentice) or (Aquantana and below).
8) Cast the improved hearing spell. You may pick up clues as to what other areas are nearby.
9) If all else fails, look at what monsters and decorations are around, and what the "cycling" color is. This is hard to do as there is no item that uses that special color as far as I know, so you have to rely on monsters, and running an inventory of monsters/decorations allowed and disallowed on each level is too much of a pain for me to bother with it. With some work put into it, it might be a powerful method, though.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:15 pm
by beowuuf
Parallax wrote:9) If all else fails, look at what monsters and decorations are around, and what the "cycling" color is. This is hard to do as there is no item that uses that special color as far as I know
Unless I am mistaken, the cerberus can detect monster types this very way, as a scroll used to hint at. Look at its eyes! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:44 pm
by Parallax
Cool, thanks Beo!

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:28 am
by Paul Stevens
I added Parallax' hints to the wiki
page 'ConfluxLevels'. Hopefully that
is OK??

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:29 am
by Antman
I added the water level, which was painful, and the cursed armoury which was easy.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:12 pm
by Parallax
Paul Stevens wrote:I added Parallax' hints to the wiki
page 'ConfluxLevels'. Hopefully that
is OK??
Sure, but I'll go and modifyb it to take into account Beo's revelation about the Cerberus eyes. I tested it last night and it's pretty cool, although it can be hard to tell what the color is. It's still way better than nothing.

I've also started modifying some of the maps to add what info I have. Antman, what version of Conflux is your mapping based on? I asked because I saw some little differences in places with my map, based on CIII-Competition.

Ideally, we should be using CIII-Bugfix3 for mapping, but, you know, way of the warrior and all that... Although maybe that's a good opportunity to start a fighter game. I know of one Stamm bit, but nothing of Sonia's, and I never completed Halk... The hardest part would be getting the Fighter guild item quickly so I can do most of the exploring with 4 chars.* I'm not sure what's better?
Collecting furs would be a bore, but a starting char is no match for hordes of trollins. As for spellunking down to the Moria so early in the game, it might be the most entertaining option, although a few pits cannot be avoided, and neither can some tough fights...
* EDIT: On that topic, there are, as far as I know, 17 special items. Only 4 can be taken at any given time and one of these items
the bone doll
requires filling all four spots just to get it. This means finding all the character-specific actuators requires no less than five walk-throughs. That's a bit much for one person. Maybe we should split the task?
Also going at it by guild makes it way easier to score all four characters quickly. It also makes for radically different playthroughs, so that should break the monotony a bit. :)