Free-for-all story plot considerations

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Free-for-all story plot considerations

Post by Zyx »


'Adventurers' (8): - Samuel claims to be one and Ameena says 'aren't we all'... so far the story refers to them thus
1. Samuel Black, (easily embarassed). Possibly intuitive.
2. Somena, A figure cloaked and hooded in black, Green eyes
3. Petite auburn haired woman, deep green robe, flowers in her hair. Intuitive/feelings about places, ability to decern and communicate thoughts?
4. Fully hooded, young, deathly white face (not an adventurer?). Apparent frail health yet dangerously dexterous
5. A bearded man, voice deep and melodious.
6. Furred behemoth, gaze with obvious humour. Gruff roaring voice.
7. Colin, scimitar (same style as a tribesman bodyguard). Apparently quite ready to defend tribesman or attack no. 4
8. Still unknown
(2 of them secretely know each other)

Bodyguards (2 or +)
1. tribal guide, silent, with longbow. A long way from home, the desert.
2. Bodyguard with scimitar similar to Colin's

One of the above is called Duresim, and could be a werewolf who hates his own kind.

Yexx, tall, broad, strong. Quixotic sense of humour. Of an affluent desert people.

Grey bearded mage in a blue crumpled robe, lives far away in secluded tower, watching/looking for woman with green eyes (somena?). Apparnetly quite powerful, as can scry across the world and also detect a man 5 miles from his tower and teleport him far across the world to near the glade

Iaido, speaks a dialect language, was in the watching mage's part of the world but is now beside the adventurers

Scene 1:
Currently in a glade around a dying fire, by night. (expect a wood around)
they made a long journey to come here ("a whole journey")
their employer, Yexx has just arrived. The hooded white faced man has tried to leave, but was stopped by the tribal guard.

Scene 2 - interlude:
An old mage in a rickety tower in a land far away (where the sun has not yet set, unlike the land of scene 1). He has been searching for a woman with green eyes, and has apparnetly now found her (Ameena?)

Scene 3 - :
Back in the glade same time as before the interlude. Adventurer 4, bodyguards 1 and 2 and Colin (adventurer 7) were involved in a confromtation, and Yexx is explaining the things he needs the characters to do (see plot). The person associated with the guide may yeild the answer.

Scene 4 - :
Later in the glade. Whatever revelations have happened without the reader's knowledge, and now the group show hands to decide who wishes to stay, go with Yexx, or just go. The narrative follows Yexx who leads those who followed him away from the glade where he casts a summoning spell for transport...

Scene 5 - :
Back at the glade again, a character called Duresim is contemplating his potential curse while the others consider the situation

Scene 6 - :
5 miles from the watching mage's tower the character Iaido rushes to attack the mage. He is instantly transported across thr world to glade by the mage. Iaido bashes his head and awakes later, seeing the figures around the fire

Scene 7 - :
Oasis in the desert where Yexx's teleport spell has taken his group. Colin is one of them, realising the nature of Yexx's ties and wealth.

Scene 6 continued - :
The auburn hired woman demonstrated powers to understand and communicate with Iaido until he uses the common speech. Iaido pledged himself to her, and says his mission is to seek the green eyed woman.

Current placement of charatcers as of scene 6:
Glade - Furred man, and two others around the fire. Possible guards/adventurers out of the firelight. Iaido close to the glade.
Travelling to city - two adventurers. Possibly guards walking with them temporarily.
Travelling to errands - Yexx, Colin and the remaining adventurers.
Across the world - mage in his tower

The eight adventurers are split between the first three locations. The guide is unassigned. It could be assumed that the bodyguards would be split between Yexx and the glade if the guide stayed in the glade.

Yexx has stated if they wait 3 days in the glade, which holds special significance, they will to get paid 200 gold (those who survive). If they instead come with him to possibly the other side of the world and back, they can get 1000 gold each. But these errands must be complete in the three days too. Some members have voted to go with Yexx, some stay in the glade (three visible, furred man amoung them), and some have gone southwards back towards the nearest city (Colin and one other referenced). Meanhile, a mage has been observing them who is looking for a woman with green eyes, scrying from across the world. Iaido has tried to attack, and was teleported to close to the glade.
Yexx and his group have now teleported to the middle of the desert somewhere
Last edited by Zyx on Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Zyx »

Yexx appeared quite suddenly. But no reaction from the guards?

EDIT: point taken from Trantor. I deleted the questions that have no meaning anymore, or got answered.
Last edited by Zyx on Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Trantor »

As I see it, all people were summoned there by Yexx. He probably told everybody to meet him there at a certain time, and told each adventurer seperately, so they didn't know of each other. At least that's how it comes across to me.
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Post by beowuuf »

My idea would be that many if not all are interconnected, though most don't know it. The two who know each other could be part of this, or could be somehting Yexx doesn't know.

It would be interesting if the glade or an event happening in it would mean somehting, but also interesting if there is a contingency that means the adventurers don't have to wait for three days, and could instead do soemthign else. Only revealed later that, while dangerous, they may have prefered to stay and earn their money that way, and in fact them refusing is exactly what Yexx wants!

Maybe... who can say in this crazy story...
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Post by Trantor »

My current idea is that the glade is a special place, maybe an ancient magical place, and the protagonists have to wait for three days because that is a special date. Maybe some magical portal opens up every five years in that glade, and in three days, those five years are over. Well, maybe. ;)
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Post by beowuuf »

crazy, crazy story : )
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Post by Gambit37 »

As soon as I heard the 'wait three days' line, I saw it as a test -- they would work themselves into a frenzy with wonder, anger, confusion, impatience and one by one would slaughter each other until only one was left to claim to loot.
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Post by beowuuf »

The original idea by MonFUl did sound like that. Personally I imagined it could be something like the portal..which could release something evil they might have to fight. Except who would wait three days...would Yexx really want them to do that? Perhaps he needs them to do soemthing else in the meantime that is necessary for this event in three days that he doesn't want stopped.

Whooooooooo knows ; )
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Post by beowuuf »

I think this thread should be for plot summary only though, and I don't think we should think anything ahead ... for now : )
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Post by Sophia »

No, don't think ahead... that might result in some coherence to the story, and we can't have that!

Seriously, though, it's hard for me to stop being cynical when you're all proving my point... look at the whole debate over "character ownership." Gotta love design by committee! :wink:

Can I just post "eggplants" as my paragraph? :lol:
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Post by beowuuf »


As long as you make it sound cynical

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Post by beowuuf »

There are certain logistics of 'who is where' that need to be dealt with just now that MonFul just jumped over. I think a) we need to consider there were a few tribal guards/bodyguards, that b) they split between staying in the glade (because the guide is staying?) and going with Yexx (because someone is with him that is important?) I put Colin and only one other person going back to the city (I didn't imagine anyone goign back, leaving a decent split of charatcers facing whatebver psychological/physical trials originally)

But really, that still leaves only three or four of the 'adventurer' charatcers with Yexx and two or three in the glade, the furred man being one of them. I can edit my one reference if someone would like more people going back to the city, or at least the route to the city, for whatever reason (werewolve attack, some counter plot about the glade, etc).
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Post by cowsmanaut »

I find it interesting what's happened so far. Colin has been readily adopted. I essentially posted simply to establish annother of the characters and tie up what seemed to be the loose ends ZYX was concerned about. I'd never have expected to him to take on any major position and be shrouded in such mystery..

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Post by beowuuf »

If I post about him again I might make the mystery a bit more mundane...which is why others should post first : )
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Post by Mon Ful Ir »

beowuuf wrote:There are certain logistics of 'who is where' that need to be dealt with just now that MonFul just jumped over.
Yeah, I did.

I didn't want to annoy anyone who might have a particular interest in a particular character, so I just tried to give the thread a bit of strategic direction.
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Post by beowuuf »

The story needed a push, just not off a cliff ; ) Too fast! And eh, people need to be flexible... plus the charatcers aren't defined enough yet for them to be out of charatcer by going somewhere. It, infact, informs the charatcers!

Anyway, keep posting! You can do this and the RPG
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Post by cowsmanaut »

I wasn't suggesting he be more mundane.. I thought it was interesting. That was the point of my post above.. I enjoyed that he was adopted and taken to somewhere I didn't expect.

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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, glad you liked it, I just meant I have a less mysterious idea for who could be...but if someone else gets there first, then who knows where he could go. That's what I want to see, little beats and stuff about people or the plot where they all advance logically yet in fun and surprising ways.
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Post by beowuuf »

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Post by cowsmanaut »

lol... need something to take off the edge of the addiction eh?

No, story.. must .... write... silliness...
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Post by beowuuf »

Lmao, somehting like that.

Eh, I meant to put it back up for a while (same with re-posting to the RPG).
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Post by cowsmanaut »

given a day or so I may add to it.. I need to reread the whole thing
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Post by beowuuf »

Please do, I could think fo nothing inspiring so just went for forwardign the Iaido bit a little and clrifyign the earlier post
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